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Choose TRUE if the sentence shows being an obedient and respectful child; FALSE if it does


1. I only obey my parents.

a. True b. False

2. I will not ask permission from my teacher when I want to pee.

a. True b. False

3. I will complain to my parents when they ask me to do my study lessons.

a. True b. False

4. I will use polite words when responding to elderly people.

a. True b. False

5. I should remember that rules will help me become a better person.

a. True b. False

6. I show love and respect to my parents and elders.

a. True b. False

7. I will eat the food that my mom prepares for me.

a. True b. False

8. I only obey and show respect at school.

a. True b. False

9. I always say “no” to my parents teachers, and elders.

a. True b. False

10.I am willing to obey those in authority with respect.

a. True b. False
b. Responsibility to love and serve my country

5. I have right to make mistakes.

a. Responsibility to take care of myself

b. Responsibility to learn from my mistakes

Choose the letter of your answer about the rights and

responsibilities of a child.

1. I have the right to go to school.

a. Responsibility to study

b. Responsibility to play

2. I have the right to be given the right food to eat.

a. Responsibility to clean

b. Responsibility not to waste food

3. I have the right to good medical care when I am sick.

a. Responsibility to take care of myself

b. Responsibility to play

4. I have the right to have a safe and comfortable home.

a. Responsibility to help make it clean and orderly

Write S if sentence and NS if non-sentence.
__________1. the girl
__________2. The boy is dancing.
__________3. standing
__________4. She is absent today.
__________5. fruits and vegetables
__________6. my doll
__________7. I like the ball.
__________8. Today is raining.
__________9. planted tree
__________ 10. The old man is sick.

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