Construction Waste Management Plan

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Document Approval Sheet

Issue No Amendment Prepared by Reviewed and Date

Approved by

0.00 First Submission Dwarika Bhushan HSEQ Director, Mr.

Sharma M

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Table of Content

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Benefits of Construction Waste Management:.......................................................................4
2. Roles and Responsibilities...................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Logistics/Waste Management Coordinator.............................................................................5
2.2 Team Leaders........................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Waste Champion.................................................................................................................... 5
3. Waste Management Policy..................................................................................................... 6
4. Construction Waste Management Goals................................................................................7
5. Waste Management Strategies............................................................................................... 7
5.1 Planning and Execution..................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Waste Segregation................................................................................................................ 7
5.3 Waste Collection & Segregation Areas..................................................................................8
5.4 Waste Management Signage................................................................................................. 8
5.5 Waste Handling.................................................................................................................... 10
5.6 Hazardous Waste Handling.................................................................................................. 11
5.7 Communication & Education Plan........................................................................................ 12
6 Solid Waste Management..................................................................................................... 12
7 Hazardous Waste Management........................................................................................... 15
8 Expected Project Waste, Disposal and Handling..................................................................16
9 Inspection and Monitoring..................................................................................................... 17
10 Contact Details..................................................................................................................... 18
11 CWM ORGANIZATION CHART........................................................................................... 19
12 DM Waste Disposal Log Sheet............................................................................................. 20
13 Change History..................................................................................................................... 21

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 Clean: Untreated and unpainted; not contaminated with oils, solvents, caulk, or the like.

 Construction and Demolition Waste: Solid wastes typically including building materials, packaging, trash,
debris, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition operations.
 Hazardous: Exhibiting the characteristics of hazardous substances, i.e., ignitibility, corrosivity, toxicity or

 Non-hazardous: Exhibiting none of the characteristics of hazardous substances, i.e., ignitibility, corrosivity,
toxicity, or reactivity.

 Nontoxic: Neither immediately poisonous to humans nor poisonous after a long period of exposure.

 Recyclable: The ability of a product or material to be recovered at the end of its life cycle and
remanufactured into a new product for reuse by others.

 Recycle: To remove a waste material from the project site to another site for remanufacture into a new
product for reuse by others.

 Recycling: The process of sorting, cleansing, treating and reconstituting solid waste and other discarded
materials for the purpose of using the altered form. Recycling does not include burning, incinerating, or
thermally destroying waste.

 Return: To give back reusable items or unused products to vendors for credit.

 Reuse: To reuse a construction waste material in some manner on the project site.

 Salvage: To remove a waste material from the project site to another site for resale or reuse by others.

 Sediment: Soil and other debris that has been eroded and transported by storm or well production run-off

 Source Separation: The act of keeping different types of waste materials separate beginning from the first
time they become waste.

 Toxic: Poisonous to humans either immediately or after a long period of exposure.

 Trash: Any product or material unable to be reused, returned, recycled, or salvaged.

 Waste: Extra material or material that has reached the end of its useful life in its intended use.
Waste includes salvageable, returnable, recyclable, and reusable material.

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1. Introduction
Construction Waste Management (CWMP) is an important tool to improve environmental performance
in addition to meeting regulatory controls and reduce rising costs of disposing waste. This document
sets out a basic structure on how CWM can be best used to improve and manage operations during all
stages of construction activities at project site.
As required by the green building regulations a minimum of 50% of waste will be diverted from landfill to
the recycling facilities.
The CWMP have been developed considering the
following objectives:

 Minimize the amount of Construction Waste generated on site

 Obtain maximum recyclables out of the generated Construction Waste

 Be economically viable

 To meet the client and regulatory requirements.

This document was prepared to provide an overview of onsite implementation strategies for
Construction Waste Management. However, along with strategies mentioned in this document, “XYZ”
will meet any other applicable local regulations.

1.1 Benefits of Construction Waste Management:

“XYZ” would like to obtain the economic advantages of the generated Construction Waste, by adopting
effective Construction Waste Management Strategies which can bring many benefits that includes but
not limited to the following:
a. Cost Reduction
Recycling, reusing, and salvaging construction waste can save money. Utilizing reuse and salvage
methods on site reduces the need for new materials, reduces materials that end up in the landfill,
creates a cleaner and safer project site, and improves community relations. As a result “XYZ” would like
to adopt the waste Management strategies in order to obtain the advantage of reduced waste disposal
costs and revenues derived from recycle, reuse and salvage materials
b. Environmental Benefits
“XYZ” would like to adopt better waste Management techniques in the Project due to the Environmental
benefits t h a t result from recycling and waste prevention programs. In the long run, preventing waste
reduces dependence on natural resources such as trees, oil, and minerals and creates less
pollution by reducing manufacturing and transportation related emissions. Reduction of the energy
and water required to produce building supplies from virgin materials contributes to reduced
greenhouse gasses related to the manufacturing and transportation of those materials.
c. Help the Economy

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Recycling and reuse of construction waste can also help the economy through the creation of jobs
related to salvaging and recycling of construction waste. New products create jobs through the
manufacturing of recycled content materials.

2. Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Logistics/Waste Management Coordinator
 Coordinate with waste management team leaders and operatives & ensure timely delivery of
waste management services

 Consolidation of waste record forms & preparation of waste statistics reports on monthly basis.

 Manage and maintain records of all waste management related Information/ Project Waste
Management database maintenance

 General typing and filing duties as required. Ensure filing system is organized to aid speedy
retrieval of information

 Liaise with sub-contractors and waste companies

 Liaise with client and consultant as and when required.

 Handle waste management procurement plan and liaise with procurement officer

 Responds to clients inquiries by phone calls or mail relevant to Waste Management queries.

2.2 Team Leaders

 The team leaders will coordinate with the site activity in charges in order to collect the generated
waste from the villas

 He will Plan and coordinate with the Equipment as per the site requirement for the collection of
waste at regular intervals.

 Maintenance of the Satellite waste Collection Points.

 Coordinates with the Waste Contractor for the removal of skips at regular intervals as and when

2.3 Waste Champion

Responsible for waste segregation

Coordinates with the Team leaders about the skip related information.

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3. Waste Management Policy.

“paste policy”

4. Construction Waste Management Goals

 Limit the amount of construction waste generated on this project by limiting the
quantities of materials and packaging to only those necessary for the project.

 Divert construction waste generated on project site from landfills at no cost premium to
the project.

 Meet the regulatory requirements and to fulfil the requirement diverting a minimum of
50% waste from land fill or as required by the client or applicable rating system.

5. Waste Management Strategies

5.1 Planning and Execution

The Construction Waste Management Strategies should be implemented and executed as

 Designate a personnel with prior experience or training as a Waste Management


 There should be a designated area on the construction site reserved for a row of waste
skips/ containers each specifically labeled for respective materials to be received. Refer
Section 3.2 for details

 Before proceeding with any removal of construction materials from the construction
site, Waste Management Coordinator should inspect containers for compliance with the

 Reusable/Salvageable materials should be diverted from disposal and reused on site

wherever feasible

 Recyclable materials should be sent for recycling to recyclers

 Wood cutting should occur in centralized locations to maximize reuse and make collection

 Hazardous waste should be managed by a hazardous waste hauler approved from DM.

As of now the waste Management contractors were not assigned to the project specific contractors
will be assigned in order to dispose the waste as required by the Dubai Municipality. Accordingly
the Plan can be revised.

5.2 Waste Segregation

A specific area should be laid out and labeled to facilitate the separation of materials for potential
recycling, salvage and reuse. Recycling and waste bins should be kept clean and clearly marked

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in order to avoid contamination of materials. If the skips are clearly identified, the bulk of the
workforce should deposit the correct materials into the correct waste skip. Identified skips for
segregation of waste in the project are mentioned hereunder:

 General: Packaging, gypsum, tiles, cement boards, aerated blocks and insulation materials. An
alternative approach for these types of waste shall be to request the supplier to collect the
waste. This will be further confirmed.

 Inert Waste: Such as concrete wastes, masonry, blocks and stones.

 Wood: Wood Waste Only

 Metal: Steel and other Metal Wastes

 Paper/Cardboard: Paper/Cardboard Waste Only

 Plastic: Plastic Waste Only

 Hazardous: Electrical bulbs, batteries, computers, solvent sludge, paints/primers

5.3 Waste Collection & Segregation Areas

A central waste collection/segregation area is provided, removal of construction waste from site shall be
primarily from this area. Construction waste segregation area provided on site is sub-divided into dedicated
area with signage in different languages.

Construction waste will be hauled from site on a regular basis by the appointed waste haulers

Covered waste bins are allocated for storage of food waste adjacent to all workers rest area. Temporary
waste holding areas shall be barricaded with sufficient signage.

5.4 Waste Management Signage

1. Waste management signage will be placed in three languages

 Arabic
 English
 Most used languages by many workers.
2. Sizes of the signage will be as per DM – Waste Management Department Technical
Guideline No-1.

S/N Waste Type S


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1. Cardboard/Paper

2. Concrete Waste

3. Hazardous Waste

4. Metal Waste

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5. Plastic Waste

6. Wood Waste

7. General Waste

5.5 Waste Handling

The first attempt from the construction team should be to REDUCE the waste generation thereby
reducing the quantity of waste to be handled or managed on site. This not only provides better
control but also enables the contractors to reduce the material costs considerably. Waste materials,
generated at construction sites, fall into three categories for management as follows:

a. Re-used

If surplus or salvaged materials can be used in the permanent works they are classified as materials,
which have been re-used. If materials are surplus to requirements and need to be removed from site
and they can be removed and used in their present form, they can be removed from site for reuse.
If materials are salvaged, those should be segregated in dedicated waste skips on site as mentioned
in Section 3.2 of this document and can either be used at project site or any other construction site as

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well. In both cases, the type and quantity of waste reused/salvaged must be documented properly by
Waste Management Coordinator.

b. Recycling

If the surplus material cannot be re-used in its present form but could be used in a different form, it is
sent for recycling such as timbers to make chipboard. Recyclable construction waste should be
segregated in dedicated waste skips on site as mentioned in Section 3.2 of this document and sent to
The type and quantity of waste sent for recycling must be documented properly by Waste
Management Coordinator.

c. Landfill
If either of the above cannot be satisfied, then the only option left is to send the surplus materials to
landfill. At proposed project site, landfill should always be considered as the last alternative. The type
and quantity of waste disposed of from the site must be documented properly by Waste Management

5.6 Hazardous Waste Handling

When improperly handled, hazardous waste can cause substantial harm to human health and
safety or to the environment. Proper handling includes identification, accumulation, and disposal.
Common hazardous wastes form a construction site may include waste oils, asphalt products, paints,
pesticides and septic wastes.
Challenges of managing hazardous waste includes but not limited to:

 All site personnel must be trained to identify hazardous waste.

 Potentially hazardous materials/waste must be stored under watertight conditions

 Each type of Hazardous waste must be handled in a manner that is appropriate for that type.

 Must provide emergency spill team and equipment on site

 All Hazardous waste including concrete truck washout water will be disposed after obtaining the
necessary approval from Dubai Municipality.

Control Procedure for Concrete Truck Washout area

All the Concrete truck and Concrete Pump Operators will be inducted about site Procedures before
Mobilizing to the Project.

A stamping system shall be introduced in the project to control the unauthorized washout of the trucks.

Following concreting for the job, the extra/remnants of the concrete waste must not be disposed on
ground directly.

Note: If required to be disposed then polythene sheets must be provided underneath - Failure to follow
will result in Penalty being imposed on the concrete ready-mix supplier.

Washing of the concrete trucks must only be carried out at the designated washing bay i.e. in front of
concrete lab & after washing the 'Concrete Washing Coordinator' will stamp the delivery note indicating

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the truck has been washed at the designated area.

Without the stamping the concrete trucks will not be allowed to exit the gate by “XYZ”/ client security.
The below mentioned picture is for illustration Purpose only.



5.7 Communication & Education Plan

 The “XYZ” should conduct an on-site pre-construction meeting with subcontractors.

Attendance is must for the subcontractor’s key field personnel. The purpose of the
meeting is to reinforce to subcontractor’s key field employees about the commitments made
by their companies with regard to the project goals and requirements.

 Waste prevention and recycling activities should be discussed in each coordination meeting to
reinforce project goals and communicate progress to date.

 As each new subcontractor comes on site, the waste management coordinator should
present him/her with a copy of this CWMP and provide a tour of the waste segregation areas.

 The subcontractor should be expected to make sure all their crews comply with the Waste
Management Plan.

 All waste skips/ containers should be clearly labelled and should be located in close
proximity to the building(s) under construction in which recyclable/salvageable materials will
be placed.

 Lists of acceptable/unacceptable materials should be posted throughout the site.

 Waste Management Coordinator should inspect the containers on regular basis to ensure
that no contamination is occurring and take necessary precautions to discourage any

6. Solid Waste Management

“XYZ” will manage waste in such a manner that meets DM and Client’s requirements so as to
prevent danger to the health and safety of their employees, the public, and to minimize the impact
on the environment. “XYZ” will handle waste management through an approved Waste
Management contractor approved by the Dubai municipality.

Waste will be segregated into following categories:

Reusable/ Recyclable solid waste – Timber, Cardboard, Paper, Packaging Waste, Concrete, Steel,

Waste to be sent to landfills – General Waste

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Hazardous wastes


The waste will be collected on daily regular basis as it accumulates in the skips/container from all
site work and transport to designated central area

All wood waste will be de-nailed in the waste generation point itself.

Waste management contractor will use appropriate containers to collect the waste. This facilitates
its transport from the locations to central storage area and then for final disposal.

Construction debris and demolition waste shall not be allowed to accumulate such that it presents a
safety hazard for the workers, or detracts from the aesthetic values of the community. This material
shall be removed as the material is produced to the solid waste disposal site at the earliest

The waste collection receipts should be retained and kept for record purposed.


All skips shall be color coded and labeled clearly with multi-lingual writing and posters (pictorials).

Food Skips shall be provided with built-in metal cover (lid)

Waste Transportation:

The waste management provider shall provide continuous Chain loader trips between the site
locations to carry the skips and transport them to the main central area for waste

Waste will be collected and segregated in the central area, on daily basis the Waste management
contractor shall report and document the segregated waste by volume and by weight.

Waste management contractor will transport the segregated waste to approved locations outside
the site (using trucks, etc…) for recycle, reuse, or dispose.

Vehicles delivering waste to the disposal/treatment facility shall be covered and maintained so as

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to prevent dripping, leaking, or blowing of solid waste from the vehicle.

“XYZ” shall promptly clean up any spill and waste lost from the vehicle on route to the disposal site.

Prior to start of work, the HSE Manager shall arrange for drivers to attend the training and
orientation on the safe transport and disposal of their cargo. The drivers shall receive strict
instructions on the locations of disposal of waste and will not be allowed to dispose of their cargo in
any other different location.

Waste calculation and Truck Schedule:

Waste Calculation methodology will be done in both weight and Volume

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Truck Schedule:

Estimated Trips per

SN Description of waste Unit

Food waste 5CBM

1 Trips
Per trip

General waste 20
2 Trips
CBM Per trip

Paper waste 20 CBM

3 Trips
per trip

Plastic waste 20
4 Trips
CBM per trip

No regular trips
(truck will be called
5 Metal Waste MT once 70 % of
collection point is
full )

Wood waste 20CBM

6 Trips
per trip

No regular trips
(truck will be called
7 Hazardous waste Trips once 70 % of
collection point is
full )

Sewage (Grey and

8 Black water ) - 4500 M3

Concrete waste:

Concrete Waste resulting from concrete mixers/trucks is anticipated to be minimal and insignificant.
However for the concrete waste resulting from the onsite batching plant (If Applicable) will be
handled by the concrete supplier/subcontractor as follows:

Recycling of concrete waste, and using the extracted recycled water for nonindustrial uses (i.e.
dust control)

Recycled aggregates shall be reused in non-structural concrete and sub base aggregates.

Transfer to stockpile area and being crushed with rocks and used as a sub base material.

Plastic Waste

All the Plastic waste which is generated from the construction activities will be strictly collected at

Designated satellite collection Points

The Plastic which is generated from the Food leftover will be collected in the bins which are
provided in front of the each villa.

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Further these plastic waste will be collected by site facility team and will be transferred to Central
waste collection area

All the Plastic will be tied together to avoid flying of the same due to strong winds.

7. Hazardous Waste Management

Chemicals and Hazardous materials will be managed as per the control measures:

Hazardous materials such as chemicals, fuels shall be stored at appropriate areas.

Hazards shall be thoroughly read & understood by storing, handling, transporting & using staff.

The chemicals shall have MSDSs

Hazardous materials shall be labeled.

Incompatible materials shall not be stored in adjacent locations.

Empty containers of chemicals shall not be disposed-off with domestic wastes or into storm water
drains, sanitary sewers, or over ground, but shall returned to supplier if so contracted or be
collected in a hermetic receptacle and delivered to a service-provider approved by CWM for proper

All flammable liquids shall be stored under cover, away from ignition sources, and in well-
ventilated areas.

Any fuel, oil or chemical tanks shall be sited within a bund of impervious base and walls
accommodating at least 110% of the storage tank capacity.

Clinical waste will be collected from the site medical facilities and from the mobile first aid units on
daily basis.

Waste chemicals and lubricants will be collected in compliance with the suggestions and
recommendations of the specific Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

Storage & Disposal

Hazardous waste material shall be stored in a separate storage area specifically designated for
this purpose.

Special precautions shall be taken to treat surface run-off from this area, and also for the disposal
of fire water. Quantities stored shall be kept to an absolute minimum. The monthly average
contents shall never exceed 75% of design capacity.

Containers shall be marked with warning labels to accurately describe their contents and detail
appropriate safety precautions.

It will be disposed by taking the approval from Dubai municipality and it will be disposed through
DM Approved contractor

8. Expected Project Waste, Disposal and Handling

The below mentioned items include types of reusable and recyclable construction waste expected
to be generated on site.

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The expected types of wastes include but are not limited to:

a.) Ceiling Tiles h.) Dry Wall n.) Packaging Waste

b.) Asphalt Shingles i.) Glass o.) Porcelain
c.) Bricks j.) Insulation p.) Wood
d.) Cardboard k.) Land Clearing Debris q.) Other Site Office Waste
e.) Carpet and Pad l.) Metals (paper, cans, bottles)

f.) Concrete m.) Framing Channels used for r.) Steel rebar pieces
false ceilings and dry wall Screws and nails paint boxes

Construction Waste Handling Procedure:

Type of Waste Handling Procedure Waste Skip
a) Ceiling Tiles Reuse/Recycle Keep separated at a designated place Concrete/Stone
in the site for reuse (or) send to the
manufacturer for recycling

b) Asphalt Shingles Reuse/Recycle Keep separated at a designated place Concrete/Stone

in the site for reuse (or) send to the
manufacturer for recycling

c) Bricks Reus Keep separated at a designated place Concrete/Stone

e in the site for reuse (in same or any
other projects)

d) Cardboard/Paper Recycle Keep separated at a designated place in Cardboard/Paper

the site, and send to the recycling facility

e) Carpet and Pad Recycle Keep separated at a designated place in General

the site, and send to the recycling facility

f) Concrete Recycle Perform washout of concrete trucks in Concrete

designated places only. Send the waste
concrete to separate the coarse
aggregate for recycling

g) Cement Bags Reuse/Recycle Send back to the supplier for reuse Paper/Cardboard
(or) send to recycling facility along with
cardboard and paper

h) Dry Wall Reuse/Recycle Can be reused to fill the interior wall General
cavities (or) send to the recycling
facility; Dry Wall can be recycled to
produce new Dry Wall and can be used
as an ingredient in Portland cement

i) Glass/Bottles Recycle Keep separated at a designated place in General

the site, and send to the recycling facility

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j) Insulation Recycle Keep separated at a designated place in General

the site, and send back to the supplier
for recycling

k) Land Clearing Reus Can be used in Erosion and General

Debris e Sedimentation Control process

l) Metals (rebar, Recycle Keep separated at a designated place in METAL

aluminum the site, and send to the recycling facility
frames, steel

m) Paint Recycle Keep separated at a designated place in HAZARDOUS

the site, and send to the recycling facility

n) Packaging Recycle Keep separated at a designated place General

Waste in the site and send back to the
supplier for reuse (or) send to recycling
facility along with cardboard and paper

o) Porcelain/ Recycle Keep separated at a designated place Concrete/Stone

Ceramics in the site for reuse (or) send to the
manufacturer for recycling

p) Wood Reus Keep separated at a designated place WOOD

e in the site for reuse (or) send to

NOTE: This is not exhaustive list of types of wastes.

9. Inspection and Monitoring

“XYZ”’s Waste Management Coordinator should conduct regular inspections to ensure the
proper implementation of CWM Strategies on site.

Site Inspection checklists should be used to ensure efficient planning & precise implementation
of construction waste management practices. Waste management tracking sheet should be
maintained on site with the details of waste generated, reused/recycled/disposed from the site.
Refer Construction Waste Tracking Sheet for sample template.

The waste contractor is responsible in providing to “XYZ” a valid and complete waste manifest
that bears the sign and stamp of the following parties.

 Section 1: ATC and Subcontractors under ATC

 Section 2: Waste Transporter

 Section 3: Designated Facility for Storage/Treatment/Disposal.

10. Contact Details

Hereunder are the contact details of the personnel concerned with the implementation of this
Construction Waste Management Strategies on site:

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“XYZ” Construction LLC

SN Name Designation Email Contact No.
1 Project Manager
2 Construction Manager

3 HSE Manager
4 Waste Management Coordinator

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Project Manager

HSE Engineer

Construction Manager

Waste Management

Team Leader Team Leader

Waste Champion TBA

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12. DM Waste Disposal Log Sheet

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13. Change History

No. Rev. Month Clause Amendment

1. 0

2. 1




6. 2



















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