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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Brief Report

CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing for Sickle Cell

Disease and β-Thalassemia
H. Frangoul, D. Altshuler, M.D. Cappellini, Y.-S. Chen, J. Domm, B.K. Eustace,
J. Foell, J. de la Fuente, S. Grupp, R. Handgretinger, T.W. Ho, A. Kattamis,
A. Kernytsky, J. Lekstrom‑Himes, A.M. Li, F. Locatelli, M.Y. Mapara,
M. de Montalembert, D. Rondelli, A. Sharma, S. Sheth, S. Soni,
M.H. Steinberg, D. Wall, A. Yen, and S. Corbacioglu​​

The authors’ full names, academic de- Sum m a r y

grees, and affiliations are listed in the
Appendix. Address reprint requests to Transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (TDT) and sickle cell disease (SCD) are se-
Dr. Frangoul at the Sarah Cannon Center vere monogenic diseases with severe and potentially life-threatening manifesta-
for Blood Cancer at the Children’s Hospi-
tal at TriStar Centennial, 330 23rd Ave. tions. BCL11A is a transcription factor that represses γ-globin expression and fetal
N., Suite 450, Nashville, TN 37203, or at hemoglobin in erythroid cells. We performed electroporation of CD34+ hemato-
­haydar​.­frangoul@​­hcahealthcare​.­com; or poietic stem and progenitor cells obtained from healthy donors, with CRISPR-Cas9
to Dr. Corbacioglu at Children’s Hospital
Regensburg, University of Regensburg, targeting the BCL11A erythroid-specific enhancer. Approximately 80% of the alleles
Franz-Josef Strauss Allee 11, 93053 Regens- at this locus were modified, with no evidence of off-target editing. After undergo-
burg, Germany, or at ­selim​.­corbacioglu@​ ing myeloablation, two patients — one with TDT and the other with SCD — re-
ceived autologous CD34+ cells edited with CRISPR-Cas9 targeting the same BCL11A
This article was published on December 5, enhancer. More than a year later, both patients had high levels of allelic editing in
2020, and updated on December 7, 2020,
at bone marrow and blood, increases in fetal hemoglobin that were distributed pan-
cellularly, transfusion independence, and (in the patient with SCD) elimination of
N Engl J Med 2021;384:252-60.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2031054 vaso-occlusive episodes. (Funded by CRISPR Therapeutics and Vertex Pharma-
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. ceuticals; numbers, NCT03655678 for CLIMB THAL-111 and
NCT03745287 for CLIMB SCD-121.)

ransfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (TDT) and sickle cell dis-
ease (SCD) are the most common monogenic diseases worldwide, with an
annual diagnosis in approximately 60,000 patients with TDT and 300,000
patients with SCD.1-3 Both diseases are caused by mutations in the hemoglobin β
subunit gene (HBB). Mutations in HBB that cause TDT4 result in reduced (β+) or
A Quick Take is
available at absent (β0) β-globin synthesis and an imbalance between the α-like and β-like globin (e.g., β, γ, and δ) chains of hemoglobin, which causes ineffective erythro-
poiesis.5,6 Sickle hemoglobin is the result of a point mutation in HBB that replaces
glutamic acid with valine at amino acid position 6. Polymerization of deoxygen-
ated sickle hemoglobin causes erythrocyte deformation, hemolysis, anemia, pain-
ful vaso-occlusive episodes, irreversible end-organ damage, and a reduced life ex-
Treatment options primarily consist of transfusion and iron chelation in pa-
tients with TDT7 and pain management, transfusion, and hydroxyurea in those
with SCD.8 Recently approved therapies, including luspatercept9 and crizanlizu­
mab,10 have reduced transfusion requirements in patients with TDT and the inci-
dence of vaso-occlusive episodes in those with SCD, respectively, but neither treat-
ment addresses the underlying cause of the disease nor fully ameliorates disease
manifestations. Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation can cure both TDT and

252 n engl j med 384;3 January 21, 2021

Brief Report

SCD, but less than 20% of eligible patients have tary persistence of fetal hemoglobin, we used
a related human leukocyte antigen–matched CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing techniques in hema-
donor.11-13 Betibeglogene autotemcel, a lentiviral topoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) at
vector–based gene-addition product, is approved the erythroid-specific enhancer region of BCL11A
in the European Union for the treatment of pa- to reduce BCL11A expression in erythroid-lineage
tients with TDT who have non-β0 mutations and cells, restore γ-globin synthesis, and reactivate
who do not have a matched sibling donor14 and production of fetal hemoglobin30,31 (Fig. 1B).
is being studied in patients with β0/β0 TDT geno- Here, we describe the first two patients, one
types and in those with SCD.15,16 In addition, an with TDT and the other with SCD, who were
erythroid-specific knockdown of BCL11A deliv- infused with CTX001 (autologous CRISPR-Cas9–
ered by a lentiviral-encoded, microRNA-adapted edited CD34+ HSPCs that were genetically edited
short hairpin RNA molecule has been shown to to reactivate the production of fetal hemoglobin)
reactivate the γ-globin gene and is in early and enrolled in CLIMB THAL-111 (for the patient
clinical development.17-19 with TDT) and CLIMB SCD-121 (for the patient
Elevated levels of fetal hemoglobin (consist- with SCD).
ing of two alpha and two gamma chains) are
associated with improved morbidity and mortal- Me thods
ity in patients with TDT and SCD.20-22 The pro-
duction of fetal hemoglobin is developmentally Study Oversight
regulated so that the level of γ-globin that is The study sponsors (CRISPR Therapeutics and
produced in utero decreases postnatally as the Vertex Pharmaceuticals) designed the study pro-
production of β-globin and adult hemoglobin tocols, with oversight provided by the study steer-
(consisting of two alpha and two beta chains) ing committees and an independent data moni-
increases. Neonates and infants with TDT or SCD toring committee. A representative of each of the
are typically asymptomatic while their fetal hemo­ sponsors wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
globin levels remain high and become symptom- All the authors had access to the data and ap-
atic during the first year of life when the synthe- proved the decision to submit the manuscript for
sis of fetal hemoglobin declines23,24 (Fig. 1A). publication. All the authors vouch for the accu-
Patients with TDT or SCD who co-inherit heredi- racy and completeness of the data generated at
tary persistence of fetal hemoglobin, in which their respective sites, and the representatives of
fetal expression continues into adulthood, have Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR Therapeu-
little or no disease.25 tics vouch for the fidelity of the trial to the
Genomewide association studies have identi- protocol, which is available with the full text of
fied single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as- this article at
sociated with increased expression of fetal hemo-
globin in adults.26 Some of these SNPs are located Trial Design and Eligibility
in the BCL11A locus on chromosome 2 and are In the CLIMB THAL-111 and CLIMB SCD-121
associated with a lower severity of both TDT and trials, patients with TDT and SCD, respectively,
SCD.27 BCL11A is a zinc finger–containing tran- received a single intravenous infusion of CTX001.
scription factor that represses γ-globin expres- In the two trials, eligibility was limited to pa-
sion and fetal hemoglobin in erythroid cells; the tients who were between the ages of 18 and 35
SNPs that are associated with fetal hemoglobin years. In the CLIMB THAL-111 trial, patients
are in an erythroid-specific enhancer, down- could participate if they had received a diagnosis
regulate BCL11A expression, and increase the of β-thalassemia (including the hemoglobin E
expression of fetal hemoglobin.1,23 genotype) with either homozygous or compound
The clustered regularly interspaced short pal- heterozygous mutations and had received trans-
indromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 nuclease system, fusions of packed red cells consisting of at least
a bacterial immune system that can cleave bac- 100 ml per kilogram of body weight (or 10 units)
teriophage or plasmid DNA, enables program- per year during the previous 2 years. In the
mable targeting of insertions or deletions (in- CLIMB SCD-121 trial, patients could participate
dels) at a specific genomic DNA site.28,29 In an if they had a documented βS/βS or βS/β0 geno-
attempt to recapitulate the phenotype of heredi- type and had a history of two or more severe

n engl j med 384;3 January 21, 2021 253

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A Transition from Fetal to Adult Hemoglobin B Targeting of Editing Site

Guide RNA
BCL11A is a transcription factor
responsible for the repression Cas9
of HbF expression
Fetal (HbF) Adult (HbA)
α α α α
γ γ BCL11A
β β

100 BCL11A
Globin Synthesis (%)

75 β
enhancer region

50 Onset of symptoms BCL11A

in TDT and SCD


sgRNA target sequence PAM

Months before Birth Months after Birth
GATA1 binding site

C Fetal Hemoglobin after Editing D Identification of Potential Sites of Off-Target Editing

45 Sequence similarity Laboratory-based

Computational identification of all Empirical detection with GUIDE-seq
Fetal Hemoglobin (% of total hemoglobin)

40 genomic sites with ≤3 mismatches; of sites with potential for DNA

or ≤2 mismatches and 1 DNA/RNA bulge double-stranded breaks

Candidate regions identified Candidate regions identified
25 N = 1 on-target site (positive control) N = 1 on-target site (positive control)
N = 171 candidate off-target sites N = 52 candidate off-target sites

Hybrid-capture high-coverage sequencing of candidate regions
10 Number of CD34+ HSPC donor samples: N=4
Number of sites (on-target and candidate off-target): N = 224 regions
Sequencing depth (median): 15,188-fold
0 Editing detection threshold: ≥0.2%
Control Edited On-target region (editing detection): 1 of 1
Candidate off-target region (editing detection): 0 of 223

vaso-occlusive episodes per year (as determined plerixafor alone (in the patient with SCD) after a
by an independent end-point adjudication com- minimum of 8 weeks of transfusions of packed
mittee) during the previous 2 years. Additional red cells targeting a level of sickle hemoglobin
details regarding the inclusion and exclusion of less than 30% (in the patient with SCD).
criteria are provided in the Supplementary Ap- CTX001 was manufactured from these CD34+
pendix, available at cells by editing with CRISPR-Cas9 with the use
of a single-guide RNA molecule (Fig. 1B).30 We
CTX001 Production and Infusion used DNA sequencing to evaluate the percentage
CD34+ HSPCs were collected from patients by of allelic editing at the on-target site. Patients
apheresis after mobilization with either filgras- received single-agent, pharmacokinetically adjust-
tim and plerixafor (in the patient with TDT) or ed busulfan myeloablation before the infusion of

254 n engl j med 384;3 January 21, 2021

Brief Report

Figure 1 (facing page). CTX001 Molecular Approach the fraction of total DNA that was edited at the
and Preclinical Studies. on-target site in CD34+ bone marrow cells and
Panel A shows the transition from fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in nucleated peripheral-blood cells. (Details
to adult hemoglobin (HbA) shortly after birth, along with regarding these measures are provided in the
the role of the transcription factor BCL11A in mediating Supplementary Appendix.)
the repression of γ-globin, a component of fetal hemo-
globin. In patients who lack the ability to produce func-
tional or sufficient β-globin, the onset of symptoms oc- R e sult s
curs coincident with the decrease in fetal hemoglobin
levels approximately 3 months after birth. SCD denotes Preclinical Studies of BCL11A Editing
sickle cell disease, and TDT transfusion-dependent
We assessed the frequency of gene editing as-
β-thalassemia. Panel B shows the target editing site
sociated with CTX001 in CD34+ HSPCs obtained
of the single guide RNA (SgRNA) that directs CRISPR-
from 10 healthy donors. High frequencies of al-
Cas9 to the erythroid-specific enhancer region of
lelic editing (mean [±SD], 80±6%) were observed
BCL11A. (The sgRNA sequence is provided in the Sup-
and maintained across all subpopulations of
plementary Appendix.) The five BCL11A exons are de-
picted as gold boxes. GATA1 denotes the binding site
CD34+ cells, including long-term hematopoietic
of the GATA1 transcription factor, and PAM the proto-
stem cells. In edited CD34+ HSPCs that were
spacer adjacent motif (NGG, a specific DNA sequence
isolated and edited at clinical scale and differen-
required to immediately follow the Cas9 target DNA se-
tiated toward the erythroid lineage, fetal hemo-
quence). Panel C shows preclinical data regarding fetal
globin levels increased to a mean of 29.0±10.8%,
hemoglobin as a percentage of total hemoglobin after
editing and the differentiation of erythroid cells. Data are
as compared with 10.5±5.2% in unedited control
from samples obtained from 10 healthy donors. Error
cells (Fig. 1C). In immunocompromised mice,
bars indicate the standard deviation. Panel D shows
there was equivalent engraftment for control and
the results from off-target evaluation. GUIDE-seq de-
single-guide RNA-edited cells, and the persis-
notes genomewide unbiased identification of double-
tence and pattern of edits were stable at 16 weeks,
strand breaks enabled by sequencing, and HSPC hema-
topoietic stem and progenitor cell. To nominate sites,
with maintenance of the diversity of edits (Ta-
GUIDE-seq was performed once independently on each
bles S2 and S3 and Fig. S1 in the Supplementary
of 3 CD34+ HSPC healthy donor samples. To confirm
sites, hybrid capture was then performed on each of 4
We identified potential sites of off-target edit-
CD34+ HSPC healthy donor samples. On-target allelic
ing using sequence similarity (computational) and
editing was confirmed in each experiment with a mean
of 57%, and no detectable off-target editing was ob-
laboratory-based methods by means of genome-
served at any of the sites nominated by GUIDE-seq and
wide unbiased identification of double-stranded
by sequence homology. Panel A was adapted with per-
mission from Canver and Orkin.24 breaks enabled by sequencing (GUIDE-seq).
These sites were evaluated with the use of high-
coverage, hybrid-capture experiments by means
of deep next-generation sequencing of edited
CTX001. Additional information regarding the CD34+ cells obtained from 4 healthy donors.
production and infusion of CTX001 is provided There was no evidence of off-target editing
in the Supplementary Appendix. (Fig. 1D).

Assessments of Clinical Outcomes Patient Demographics and Outcomes

Patients were monitored for engraftment, adverse Patient 1
events, total hemoglobin, hemoglobin fractions on Patient 1 was a 19-year-old female with the β0/β+
high-performance liquid chromatography, F-cell (IVS-I-110) genotype of TDT. Before enrollment,
expression (defined as the percentage of circu- she had received 34 units of packed red cells per
lating erythrocytes with detectable levels of fetal year, annualized over a 2-year period. She had
hemoglobin), laboratory indexes of hemolysis, received such transfusions since birth, and iron
requirements for transfusion of packed red cells, chelation was initiated when she was 2 years old.
and (in the patient with SCD) the occurrence of Her medical history included iron overload, inac-
vaso-occlusive episodes. Bone marrow aspirates tive hepatitis C, splenomegaly, and osteonecrosis
were obtained at 6 and 12 months after infu- of the skull. After treatment with CTX001, the
sion, and DNA sequencing was used to measure patient had been followed for 21.5 months, in-

n engl j med 384;3 January 21, 2021 255

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Frequency of Allelic Editing in CTX001 Cells, Nucleated Peripheral Figure 2 (facing page). Hemoglobin Fractionation, F-Cell
Blood, and Bone Marrow in the Study Patients.* Levels, and Transfusion Events in the Study Patients.
The levels of hemoglobin fractionation over time are
shown in Patient 1, who was treated with CRISPR-Cas9
CTX001 Peripheral-Blood Bone
Allelic Editing Cells Cells Marrow for transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (Panel A),
and in Patient 2, who was treated for sickle cell disease
percentage of alleles (Panel D), including representation of hemoglobin ad-
ducts and other variants. The changes in the percent-
Patient 1 with TDT ages of F-cells over time are shown in Patient 1 (Panel B)
Mobilization cycle 1† 68.9 and in Patient 2 (Panel E). The baseline levels of hemo-
globin and F-cells were assessed at the premobilization
Mo 1 48.1
visit. Also shown is the occurrence of transfusion events
Mo 2 69.7 over time in Patient 1 (Panel C) and vaso-occlusive cri-
Mo 3 66.4 ses (VOCs) (or episodes) and transfusion events in Pa-
tient 2 (Panel F). Exchange transfusions that were per-
Mo 4 62.3 formed according to the study protocol and that occurred
Mo 5 63.2 during the on-study period before the infusion of CTX001
are not shown. B denotes baseline, and HbS sickle hemo-
Mo 6 60.0 78.1
Mo 9 62.8
Mo 12 64.3 76.1
Levels of fetal hemoglobin increased rapidly
Mo 18 62.9
from 0.3 g per deciliter at baseline to 8.4 g per
Patient 2 with SCD deciliter at month 3, 12.4 g per deciliter at
Mobilization cycle 1 82.6 month 12, and 13.1 g per deciliter at month 18
Mobilization cycle 2 78.7 (Fig. 2A). F-cell expression increased from 10.1%
Mo 1 48.8 at baseline to 99.7% at month 6 and was main-
Mo 2 72.0 tained through month 18 (Fig. 2B).
During the 21.5 months after receiving
Mo 3 68.8
CTX001, Patient 1 had 32 adverse events, most of
Mo 4 72.6
which were considered to be grade 1 or 2 in se-
Mo 5 52.6 verity (Table S6). Study investigators classified
Mo 6 69.4 81.4 2 adverse events as serious: pneumonia in the
Mo 9 64.3 presence of neutropenia and veno-occlusive liver
Mo 12 61.9 80.4 disease with sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
(VOD–SOS), both of which began on study day
* SCD denotes sickle cell disease, and TDT transfusion-dependent 13. Pneumonia in the presence of neutropenia
† Each mobilization cycle is used to produce a manufacturing lot. In Patient 2,
had resolved by study day 28. The VOD–SOS
the infusion consisted of two manufacturing lots. reached a severity of grade 3, despite defibrotide
prophylaxis. Defibrotide was continued with
therapeutic intent along with supportive care,
cluding the 18-month study visit, at the time of and the VOD–SOS resolved on study day 39. At
this report. the time of screening, Patient 1 had a low car-
Patient 1 underwent myeloablative condition- diac and liver iron content (32.9 msec on cardiac
ing and was infused with CTX001 (16.6×106 magnetic resonance imaging with T2-weighted
CD34+ cells per kilogram) on day 1; neutrophil sequences and a liver iron level of 2 mg per gram
engraftment was reported on day 33 and platelet of dry weight) and a history of hepatitis C (then
engraftment on day 37. (Additional details about inactive). Viral hepatitis is associated with a risk
the course of treatment are provided in the Sup- of VOD–SOS in patients with β-thalassemia un-
plementary Appendix.) The CTX001 drug prod- dergoing hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation
uct had an allelic editing frequency of 68.9%. and busulfan conditioning.32
After the administration of CTX001, high levels The patient received her last transfusion of
of edited alleles in bone marrow CD34+ cells packed red cells 30 days after the CTX001 infu-
and nucleated peripheral-blood cells were main- sion (Fig. 2C). Her hemoglobin level normalized
tained (Table 1). to 12.1 g per deciliter at month 4 and remained

256 n engl j med 384;3 January 21, 2021

Brief Report

Patient 1 Patient 2

A Hemoglobin Fractionation D Hemoglobin Fractionation

HbF HbA HbA2 Hb, other HbF HbS HbA HbA2 Hb, other
CTX001 infusion CTX001 infusion
14.2 14.1
14 14
12.0 11.6 12.1 12.0 12.3 11.9 11.9 11.8 12.0
12 12 11.3 11.3

Hb (g/dl and % of total Hb)

9.0 8.3 10.3
10 0.3 10 0.8% 8.9
48.6% 46.1% 43.2%
6.6 0%
6.5 37.2% 46.6% 47.3%
Hb (g/dl)

8 8 7.2 25.9% 42.4%

0.1 8.4 13.5 13.1
10.1 10.2 10.4 10.1 9.1%
6 12.4 6 21.3%
4 4 74.1% 41.2%
47.3% 49.7% 50.6% 53.1% 52.3%
2 2

0 0
B 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15 18 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15
Months after CTX001 Infusion Months after CTX001 Infusion

B F-Cells E F-Cells
CTX001 infusion CTX001 infusion
99.7 99.8 99.9 100 100 99.9 99.6 99.7 99.2 98.1
100 95.4 97.4 100 94.7
circulating red cells expressing HbF)

circulating red cells expressing HbF)

% Peripheral F-Cells (percentage of

% Peripheral F-Cells (percentage of

90 83.4 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50 43.8
40 40 33.9
30 30
20 20
10 3.9 10 4.3
0 0
B 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15 18 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15
Months after CTX001 Infusion Months after CTX001 Infusion

C Transfusion Events F Transfusion and VOC Events

Transfusions related to TDT VOCs Transfusions related to SCD
Transfusions unrelated to TDT; post-transplant support Transfusions unrelated to SCD; post-transplant support
Last transfusion to date Last transfusion to date

CTX001 CTX001
infusion infusion
Screening Screening

Before screening
On-study/ Follow-up period after
2.4 yr
pre-CTX001 CTX001 infusion
4.9 mo 21.5 mo
Before screening
On-study/ Follow-up period after
2.5 yr
pre-CTX001 CTX001 infusion
30 days 7.2 mo 16.6 mo

2.0 mo after 19 days

CTX001 infusion

2.0 mo after
CTX001 infusion

n engl j med 384;3 January 21, 2021 257

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

normal through month 18, her most recent study Patient 2 had no vaso-occlusive episodes dur-
visit (Fig. 2A). ing the 16.6 months after the infusion of CTX001,
and the last transfusion of packed red cells was
Patient 2 19 days after infusion (Fig. 2F). Indexes of he-
Patient 2 was a 33-year-old female with SCD (βS/ molysis, including levels of haptoglobin, lactate
βS and a single α-globin deletion). In the 2 years dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and
before enrollment, she had averaged seven severe total bilirubin, normalized during the follow-up
vaso-occlusive episodes per year. She also had 3.5 period after infusion (Tables S12 and S14).
SCD-related hospitalizations and five RBC trans-
fusions per year, annualized over a 2-year period. Discussion
Her medical history included chronic pain,
cholelithiasis, increased lactic dehydrogenase We report the investigational use of CRISPR-
levels, and decreased haptoglobin levels. At the Cas9–based gene editing to treat two cases of
time of this report, she had been followed for inherited diseases: one in a patient with TDT
16.6 months after the CTX001 infusion, which and the other in a patient with SCD. After the
included a 15-month study visit. administration of CTX001, both patients had
After myeloablative conditioning, Patient 2 was early, substantial, and sustained increases in
infused with CTX001 (3.1×106 CD34+ cells per fetal hemoglobin levels with more than 99%
kilogram) and had evidence of neutrophil and pancellularity during a 12-month period. These
platelet engraftment on day 30. (Details regard- findings, which indicate that CRISPR-Cas9–edited
ing the course of treatment are provided in the HSPCs underwent engraftment that was durably
Supplementary Appendix.) The CTX001 infusion, maintained, are consistent with an expected
which consisted of two manufacturing lots, had survival advantage of erythrocytes with a high
allelic editing frequencies of 82.6% and 78.7%, level of fetal hemoglobin. The clinical course
respectively. After the administration of CTX001 of both patients supports our conclusion that
and over time, high levels of edited alleles in CTX001 mimics the phenotype of hereditary
bone marrow CD34+ cells and nucleated periph- persistence of fetal hemoglobin levels.
eral-blood cells were maintained (Table 1). Adverse events were reported in both patients
Her baseline hemoglobin level was 7.2 g per after the CTX001 infusion. The serious adverse
deciliter, which increased to 10.1 g per deciliter events that were observed were pneumonia in
at month 3 and 12 g per deciliter at month 15 the presence of neutropenia, VOD–SOS, sepsis
without transfusion. At baseline, the fetal hemo- in the presence of neutropenia, cholelithiasis,
globin level was 9.1% and the sickle hemoglobin and abdominal pain. We also observed the non-
level was 74.1%. At month 3, the fetal hemoglo- serious adverse event of lymphopenia. As a prod-
bin level rose to 37.2% and the sickle hemoglobin uct that is enriched with CD34+ cells, CTX001
level was 32.6%. At month 15, the fetal hemo- may have contributed to the delay in lymphocyte
globin level rose to 43.2% and the sickle hemo- recovery, similar to what has been observed after
globin increased to 52.3% (Fig. 2D). F-cell ex- T-cell–depleted transplantation.33,34
pression was 99.9% at month 5 and was Here we report the first two patients who
maintained at nearly 100% through month 15, have been treated with CTX001 and followed for
her most recent study visit (Fig. 2E). at least 1 year. Since the submission of this re-
Patient 2 had 114 adverse events during the port, we have administered CTX001 to an addi-
16.6 months after receipt of the CTX001 infusion tional eight patients (six with TDT and two with
(Table S11). Study investigators classified 3 ad- SCD) and obtained follow-up data for more than
verse events as serious: sepsis in the presence of 3 months. Initial efficacy data from these addi-
neutropenia (on day 16), cholelithiasis (on day 49), tional patients are broadly consistent with the
and abdominal pain (on day 56). All 3 adverse findings in the two patients described here.35,36 Of
events resolved with treatment. Study investiga- the six patients with TDT who were treated with
tors observed intermittent, nonserious lympho- CTX001 and followed for more than 3 months,
penia, which they considered to be probably due one patient had adverse events of hemophago-
to a delay in T-cell recovery after the infusion of cytic lymphohistiocytosis, acute respiratory dis-
CTX001 and which had resolved by study day 351. tress syndrome, headache, and idiopathic pneu-

258 n engl j med 384;3 January 21, 2021

Brief Report

monia syndrome, all of which resolved with vaso-occlusive episodes or need for transfusion.
treatment. Four other enrolled patients with SCD The generalizability of these early results with
withdrew from the study before being treated respect to other patients with TDT and SCD re-
with CTX001 (Table S16). mains to be determined. That being said, the
An additional limitation of our study is that preliminary results reported here support fur-
although we performed comprehensive preclini- ther experimental testing of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-
cal on-target and off-target analyses and assays editing approaches to treat genetic diseases.
of erythrocyte differentiation, we have not per- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
formed similar analyses on clinical samples nor the full text of this article at
A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available
characterized their clonal diversity. A fuller with the full text of this article at
analysis of the use of CTX001 therapy in addi- We thank the patients and their families for their participa-
tional patients with longer follow-up will be tion in these studies; the staff at our study sites for their con-
tributions to the care of the patients; John Wu of BC Children’s
needed to more extensively characterize the pro- Hospital and Jane Hankins of St. Jude Children’s Research Hos-
file of this treatment. pital; Christine Fernandez, Delphine Ranslant, Jennie Webb,
Initial results from the follow-up of the first Yimeng Lu, Jamie Doyle, Niraj Shanbhag, Sarah Mulcahey, Sorana
Ailinca-Luchian, Lisa Moritz, Yael Bobruff, Suzan Imren, Jason
two patients who were treated with CTX001 have Barber, Michael Weinstein, Gary Rea, John Chapin, Ewalina
shown the intended CRISPR-Cas9 editing of Morawa, Duyen Ngo, Sara Spencer, Parin Sripakdeevong, and
BCL11A in long-term hematopoietic stem cells, Charis Campbell for their contributions to the conduct of these
studies; Leah Eardley and Nathan Blow for their editorial sup-
with durable engraftment, high levels of fetal port in the preparation of the manuscript; and Complete Health-
hemoglobin expression, and the elimination of Vizion in Chicago for providing editorial assistance.

The authors’ full names and academic degrees are as follows: Haydar Frangoul, M.D., David Altshuler, M.D., Ph.D., M. Domenica Cap-
pellini, M.D., Yi‑Shan Chen, Ph.D., Jennifer Domm, M.D., Brenda K. Eustace, Ph.D., Juergen Foell, M.D., Josu de la Fuente, M.D.,
Ph.D., Stephan Grupp, M.D., Ph.D., Rupert Handgretinger, M.D., Tony W. Ho, M.D., Antonis Kattamis, M.D., Andrew Kernytsky,
Ph.D., Julie Lekstrom‑Himes, M.D., Amanda M. Li, M.D., Franco Locatelli, M.D., Markus Y. Mapara, M.D., Ph.D., Mariane de Mon-
talembert, M.D., Damiano Rondelli, M.D., Akshay Sharma, M.B., B.S., Sujit Sheth, M.D., Sandeep Soni, M.D., Martin H. Steinberg,
M.D., Donna Wall, M.D., Angela Yen, Ph.D., and Selim Corbacioglu, M.D.
The authors’ affiliations are as follows: the Sarah Cannon Center for Blood Cancer at the Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial,
Nashville (H.F., J.D.), and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis (A.S.) — both in Tennessee; Vertex Pharmaceuticals (D.A.,
B.K.E., J.L.-H., A.Y.) and Boston University School of Medicine (M.H.S.), Boston, and CRISPR Therapeutics, Cambridge (Y.-S.C.,
T.W.H., A. Kernytsky, S. Soni) — both in Massachusetts; the University of Milan, Milan (M.D.C.), and Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino
Gesù Rome, Sapienza, University of Rome, Rome (F.L.); the University of Regensburg, Regensburg (J. Foell, S.C.), and Children’s
University Hospital, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (R.H.) — both in Germany; Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, St. Mary’s
Hospital, London (J. de la Fuente); Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia (S.G.); the University of Athens, Athens (A. Kattamis); BC Children’s Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
(A.M.L.), and the Hospital for Sick Children–University of Toronto, Toronto (D.W.) — both in Canada; Columbia University (M.Y.M.)
and the Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University (S. Sheth), New York; Necker–Enfants Malades Hospital, As-
sistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, University of Paris, Paris (M.M.); and the University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago (D.R.).

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