BTBS101 EngineeringMathematics-I

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DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, LONERE End Semester Examination — Winter 2022 Course: B. Tech. (Common to all Branches) Semester : 1 Subject Code & Name: Engineering Mathematics — I (BTBS 101) Max Marks: 60 Date: Duration: 3 Hrs. Instructions to the Students: 1. All the questions are compulsory. 2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on which the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question. 3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed. 4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly. (eveliCO) | Marks Q.1| Solve Any Three of the following. R Reduce to the Normal form and find the rank of the given matrix. Understand” { ao ij cou A) 2 a. 4 A _ i 1 | Test the consistency and solve: Understand! B) con 4 3x4 y+2z=3,2x-3y-z=-3,x+2y+z=4 Find the eigen value & eigen vector for least positive eigen value of the Understand! 10 -1 col c 4 : matrix: A=/1 2 1 223 102] Understand” D) | Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem for the matrix A=|0 21 co. 4 20 3] Q.2 | Solve Any Three of the following: 12 7 Understand? A) | If w= log? + y*) + tan "(2 en find the value of a ey 4 If v = log(x + y” +2”), prove that Understand’ B) ey oF coz 4 : 2 ay res eS ES Oty ea GES = : Understand! ©) | w= sin" (x? + y")* then find the value of x? < coz 4 du oe 5 Understand! D)| Find “when w=.xy? +°y, x= a0", dt coz Q.3| Solve Any Three of the following: 12 ; Understand 2y’, x=rcos@, y=rsin@ then show co3 peerrcer or] thar 2) «6 sin20 a(r,) Understand! B) | Show that JJ"= lif x=nd-w), ae 4 03 Understand” €) | Discuss the maxima and minima of the function x’ + y? +6x-+12 Soe 4 Expand f(x, y)=." y+3y—2 in the powers of (x-1) and (y+2)using | Understand/ D) co3 - Taylor's theorem ‘Q4 | Solve Any Three of the following: 2 + Understand” A) | Prove that [” ae dt cal 4 = Understand! B) | Trace the Curve cae 4 ayers eae a == Understand? €) | Trace the Curvex = a(t—sint), y=a(1-cosr) pa 4 ver =acos 20 Understand” D) | Trace the Curve r =acos an 4 Q.5 | Solve the following: R Tp Understand” A) | Evaluate [fay dxdy ‘a 4 foto cos 4 Understand! B) | Change the order of integration i f(xy) dydx COs 4 Find the volume bounded by paraboloid x’ + y* = az, the cylinder Understand/ oO; C05 7 x? +y" = 2ay and the plane z=0 7 End The grid and the borders of the table will be hidden before final printing. peerrcer or]

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