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According to a survey of people's perception of celebrity news coverage, the majority of

people believe that there is too much news coverage of celebrities. The table shows that 85%
of people believe that there is too much coverage of celebrities, while only 6% believe that
there is not enough coverage. Additionally, 56% of people believe that news organizations
are responsible for the amount of coverage that celebrities receive, while 34% believe that the
public is responsible. Finally, 60% of people believe that internet news websites give
celebrities the most coverage, followed by television news (15%), newspapers (12%), and
radio news (4%). This suggests that there is a growing public concern about the amount of
news coverage that celebrities receive. Some people feel that such coverage is superficial and
has no real benefit to society. Others worry that it creates unrealistic expectations for young
people and fosters a culture of celebrity worship. Some people feel that media attention to
celebrities distracts from more important news.

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