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Annexure 1(1) (To be stamped)

Irrevocable Undertaking / Authority/ instructions by Employee to Employer for check off.

(To be addressed to the Salary
Disbursing Authority/ Employer)

Dear Sir,

I, Mr Galgali Ravindra Govind have been working as Commission Agent in your Organization
since ________. I have applied for a Home loan under Baroda Home Loan scheme from Bank of
Baroda, Aurangabad Main Branch (herein after called as “Bank”). The said branch has agreed to
sanction/sanctioned a loan of Rs.750000/- to me under the captioned scheme. The loan is repayable in
48 Equated Monthly Installments of Rs.19257 each, commencing from _____

One of the conditions of Sanction is that the monthly installment / any other amount payable by me in
respect of the said loan, is to be deducted by the Employer from my Salary and remitted to the Bank.

In the above backdrop, I hereby declare, undertake, and irrevocably authorize / instruct you as under:

1. To deduct the monthly installment of Rs.19257 or any other amount as may be advised by the Bank
to you, from the monthly salary, allowances and other remunerations payable to me and in turn remit
the amount sum or sums to the said Bank towards the installment or other sum or sums that may be
due / payable by me to the said bank towards repayment of aforesaid Personal Loan availed by me.

2. In case of change of amount of monthly installment payable by me on account of change in Base

Rate of the Bank or for any other reason whatsoever, to deduct such revised installments, or any other
dues, as may be advised by the Bank to you from time to time, towards repayment aforesaid Personal
Loan availed by me.

3. During the continuance of the said personal loan availed by me, in the event of my / our ceasing to
be in your service, whether by retirement, resignation, death or operation of Law or for any other
reason whatsoever, not to settle my terminal dues without obtaining NOC from the Bank and to
deduct and set off from the balance standing to my credit in my P.F. account, gratuity, commutated
portion of pension or pension due to and available to me or to deduct from any other amount
whatsoever due and payable to me by your organization, and to pay the due amount to Bank of
Baroda Aurangabad Main Branch, towards the balance amount due on account of the said personal
loan or other sums that may be due payable by me to the Bank of Baroda Aurangabad Main Branch
as 1st charge holder Bank. Any such payment made by you out of my terminal benefits, shall give
valid discharge to you and shall be binding on me, my legal heirs and legal representatives as well as
my nominees of Provident Fund/Gratuity and none of my legal heirs / LRs / nominees shall have any
right to raise any objection in this regard.

I hereby agree, undertake and declare that a demand from an authorized representative of Bank of
Baroda, certifying the amount payable by me would be the conclusive proof of my liability and you
shall be entitled to act upon the same, without calling for any further information / statement of
accounts etc. and by making such payment you shall stand discharged from payment of the amount to
me and I shall not raise any objection in this regard.
I hereby further undertake and declare that this authorization/instructions shall hold good
notwithstanding my transfer to any place / office in your organization in India and / or abroad and in
this regard, I also undertake to give any further undertaking, declaration etc. as may be required by
you in this regard.

I hereby further undertake and declare that this authorization/ instructions shall be irrevocable and
shall not be revoked till the entire amount of aforesaid personal loan together with interest, costs etc.
stands liquidated.

Yours faithfully,

Designation: _______________
Employee Code No. ________
Address: __________________


1. Signature ………………
Full Name & Address …………………..

2. Signature ………………
Full Name & Address …………………..

Annexure 1(2) (NOT to be stamped)

Letter of confirmation of Check off arrangement from Employer to Bank

(preferably on the letter head of employer)
The Branch Manager,
Bank of Baroda,
Aurangabad Main Branch,

Dear Sir,

We confirm having received information from Mr./ Ms…………………………., working as

Commission Agent with our organization on permanent basis and presently drawing a Gross salary
of ………………, that he has been sanctioned a Home loan of Rs750000/-, under Baroda Home
Loan Scheme by your Bank, repayable in 48 EMIs of Rs.19257 each.

In this connection, we also confirm having received and noted an irrevocable Undertaking / letter of
Authority dated…..…….. executed by Mr./Ms.………..………….. , thereby authorizing/instructing
our organization to deduct the monthly installment of Rs.19257 or any other due towards the said
Home loan and inturn remit the same to your Bank (copy enclosed).

We hereby agree, undertake and confirm to recover the said monthly installment, or any other dues
payable towards the aforesaid personal loan, from the monthly salary of
Mr./Ms.-----------------------------, and to pay / remit such sum to your Bank towards the monthly
installment or any other dues of said loan that may be due /payable to your bank. We further agree
and undertake to honour any request from the Bank to change amount of installment to be recovered,
including arrears if any, on account of change in Base Rate of the Bank or for any other reasons

We hereby agree, undertake and declare that a demand from an authorized representative of Bank of
Baroda, certifying the amount due towards the said personal loan of Mr./Ms. ……………………..
would be sufficient and conclusive proof of his /her liability and we shall comply with the same
without raising any objection to the same.

We hereby further agree that this undertaking / consent shall hold good notwithstanding the transfer of
Mr. /Ms. ….……………….to any place / office in our organization in India and / or abroad. Further,
on account of transfer of Mr. / Ms. ……………………., if there is any change in the Salary
Disbursing Authority / Office in our organization, we undertake to immediately forward the said
irrevocable Undertaking / letter of Authority dated ……….. to the concerned Authority at his new
place of posting, under intimation to your Bank.

We hereby further undertake and declare that arrangement under this undertaking / confirmation shall
be irrevocable till the full liquidation of the said personal loan availed by Mr. / Ms.
……………………., together with interests, penal interest, costs, charges etc.

Yours faithfully,

Signature of Employer
Encl: as above

Annexure 1(3) (To be stamped)

Irrevocable Undertaking / Authority / instructions by Employee to Employer for salary

disbursement in salary account maintained with Bank of Baroda.
(To be addressed to the Salary Disbursing
Authority/ Employer)

Dear Sir,

I, Mr Galgali Ravindra Govind have been working as Commision Agent in your Organization
since _______. I have applied for a Home loan under Baroda Home Loan scheme of Bank of
Baroda, Aurangabad Main Branch (herein after called as “Bank”). The said branch has agreed to
sanction/sanctioned a loan of Rs.750000/- to me under the captioned scheme. The loan is repayable in
48 Equated Monthly Installments of Rs. 19257 each, commencing from_____________.

One of the conditions of loan sanctioned by the Bank is that my Employer would credit /continue to
credit my Salary in my savings / current account no……………………… , maintained with
Aurangabad Main Branch of the Bank, till the liquidation in full of the said Home loan availed by

In the above backdrop, I hereby declare, undertake, irrevocably authorizes / instructs you as under:

1. To credit / continue to credit my monthly salary, allowances and remuneration of any other kind
whatsoever that may be become payable, in my Savings / current account A/c no.
…………………………………maintained with Bank of Baroda, Aurangabad Main Branch.

2. To credit / continue to credit my balance standing in P.F. account, gratuity, commutated portion of
pension or pension due to and available to me or any other amount whatever due and payable to me
by you i.e. MNPA (Name of organization) in my salary account A/c no.
…………………………………maintained by Bank of Baroda, Aurangabad Main Branch.

3. During the continuance of the said personal loan, in the event of my ceasing to be in your service,
whether by retirement, resignation, death or operation of Law or for any other reason whatsoever, I
hereby irrevocably authorizes and instructs you to credit so much of the amount out of my terminal
dues (including balance standing to my credit in my P.F. account, gratuity, commutated portion of
pension or pension due to and available to me or any other amount whatsoever due and payable to
me) as would be sufficient to liquidate the entire outstanding amount (as informed by the Bank)
towards the liquidation of the said personal loan availed by me, into the said Savings / current account
A/c no.…………………………………maintained with Bank of Baroda, Aurangabad Main Branch
as 1 charge holder Bank. Any such payment made by you out of my terminal benefits, shall give valid

discharge to you and shall be binding on me, my legal heirs and legal representatives as well as my
nominees of Provident Fund/Gratuity and none of my legal heirs / LRs / nominees shall have any
right to raise any objection in this regard.

I hereby further undertake and declare that this authorization shall hold good notwithstanding my
transfer to any place / office in your organization in India and / or abroad and in this regard, I also
undertake to give any further undertaking, declaration etc. as may be required by you in this regard.

I hereby agree, undertake and declare that a demand from an authorized representative of Bank of
Baroda, certifying the amount payable by me would be the conclusive proof of my liability and you
shall be entitled to act upon the same, without calling for any further information / statement of
accounts etc. and by making such payment you shall stand discharged from payment of the amount to
me and I shall not raise any objection in this regard.
I hereby further undertake and declare that these authorizations/instructions shall be irrevocable and
shall not be revoked till the liquidation of the said personal loan availed by me, together with interests,
penal interest, costs, charges etc.

Yours faithfully,

Designation: _______________
Employee Code No. ________
Address: __________________

1. Signature ………………
Full Name & Address …………………..

2. Signature ………………
Full Name & Address …………………..

Annexure 1(4) (To be stamped)

Irrevocable Undertaking / Authority / Standing Instructions by Employee to Bank
regarding recovery from Salary account maintained with the Bank
The Branch Manager
Bank of Baroda
……….. Branch
Dear Sir,
Whereas Bank of Baroda, …………… branch (hereinafter called as “Bank”) has at our
requested sanctioned a Personal loan of Rs………………… , vide sanction letter No……….
dated ……………… ., repayable in ……… EMIs of Rs. ………….. each, commencing
Whereas one of the conditions of the grant of the said personal loan is that my monthly
Salary, allowances and other remunerations payable to me by………………….. (Name of
the Employer) shall be credited / continue to be credited in the Salary A/c ……………….
Maintained with the Bank and further, I am also required to execute a irrevocable
authority / Standing Instructions in favour of the Bank, for recovery of the monthly
installments from my said account.
Whereas, I have already executed a irrevocable Authority / Undertaking / instructions
dated …………. In favour of my Employer ___________ (Name of organization) to disburse
/ credit my salary in my saving/current account ……………………………….maintained
with the Bank (a duly acknowledged copy of the same is enclosed herewith).
In the above backdrop, I hereby declare, undertake, that the aforesaid irrevocable
Authority / Undertaking / instructions dated …………. shall not be revoked by me, till the
liquidation of the said personal loan availed by me, together with interests, penal interest,
costs, charges etc.
I hereby irrevocably authorize you / give irrevocable Standing Instructions to recover
monthly installment of Rs………… that may, becomes due / payable by me to the bank,
together with any other amount due as interest, costs, charges, penal interest etc., from
my Savings / Current A/c No. …………… maintained with your branch.
Further, in case of change of monthly Installment on account of revision in Base Rate of
the Bank or for any other reason, I, hereby authorize you / give irrevocable Standing
Instructions to recover such revised installment / amount, including arrears, if any, from
my Savings / Current A/c No. …………… maintained with your branch, without any
Notice / individual intimation from the Bank’s side in this regard.
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During the continuance of the said personal loan, in the event of my ceasing to be in
service of ……………………, whether by retirement, resignation, death or operation of
Law or for any other reason whatsoever, I undertake and agree to inform the same to the
Bank immediately. Further, in such scenario, I hereby irrevocably authorizes and instructs
you to recover the outstanding amount from the terminal benefits, including PF, Gratuity,
commuted portion of pension or pension due to and available to me or any other
amount, in my Savings / Current A/c No. …………… maintained with your branch, as
credited by my Employer, pursuant to said irrevocable Authority / Undertaking /
instructions dated …………. issued by me. In this regard, I hereby also authorize to raise
demand directly from my said Employer to credit the terminal dues in my Savings /
Current A/c No. …………… and none of my legal heirs / LRs / nominees shall have any
right to raise any objection in this regard.
I hereby agree and declare that Bank shall always remain the 1st charge / lien holder
over the amount lying deposited in my said Savings / Current A/c No. ……………, to the
extent of its outstanding dues, for the said personal loan availed by me, till its liquidation
in full.
I hereby further undertake and declare that this authorization/instructions shall be
irrevocable and shall not be revoked till the liquidation of the said personal loan availed
by me, together with interests, penal interest, costs, charges etc.
Yours faithfully
Designation: _______________
Employee Code No. ________
Address: __________________
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Annexure 1(5) (NOT to be stamped)
Letter of confirmation of Disbursement of Salary by the Employer to Designated account
with the Bank (preferably on the letter head of employer)
The Branch Manager
Bank of Baroda
……….. …… Branch
Dear Sir,
We confirm having received information from Mr./ Ms……………………, working as
…………………. with our organization on permanent basis and presently drawing a Gross
salary of ………………, that he has been sanctioned a Personal loan of Rs………….. ,
under ………………. Scheme by your Bank, repayable in ………….. EMIs of Rs. …………...
In this connection, we also confirm having received and noted an irrevocable
Undertaking / letter of Authority dated…….. executed by Mr./Ms.………..………….. ,
thereby authorizing/ instructing our organization to credit the monthly Salary, allowances
and remuneration of any other kind payable to him, into his Savings/Current A/c…………
maintained with your Bank (copy enclosed).
We hereby agree, undertake and confirm to credit / continue to credit monthly salary,
allowances and remuneration of any other kind whatsoever that may be become
payable to Mr. / Ms. ___________ , into his Savings / Current A/c …………..………
maintained with your Bank.
We hereby further agree that this undertaking / consent shall hold good notwithstanding
the transfer of Mr. /Ms. …………………….to any place / office in our organization in India
and / or abroad. Further, on account of transfer of Mr. / Ms. …………………., if there is any
change in the Salary Disbursing Authority / Office in our organization, we undertake to
immediately forward the irrevocable Undertaking / letter of Authority dated …….. to the
concerned Authority at his new place of posting, under intimation to your Bank.
I hereby further undertake and declare that this authorization/instructions shall be
irrevocable and shall not be revoked till the liquidation of the said personal loan, together
with interests, penal interest, costs, charges etc.
Yours faithfully
Signature of Employer
Encl: as above
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Annexure 1(6) (NOT to be stamped)
Consent / confirmation from Employer to obtain NOC of the Bank in case of severance
(On letter head of employer)
The Branch Manager
Bank of Baroda
……….. Branch
Dear Sir,
We confirm having received information from Mr./ Ms……………………, working as
…………………. with our organization on permanent basis and presently drawing a Gross
salary of ………………, that he has been sanctioned a Personal loan of Rs………….. ,
under ………………. Scheme by your Bank, repayable in ………….. EMIs of Rs. …………...
In this regard, in addition to the Disbursement of Salary in his / her Salary Account
No………… / Check Off facility provided by us,* as agreed vide our letter dated
…………………, we hereby further agree that during the continuance of the personal
loan availed by Mr./Ms. ………..…….., in the event of his / her ceasing to be in service of
our Organization, whether by retirement, resignation, death or operation of Law or for
any other reason whatsoever, we agree and undertake to inform the same to the Bank
promptly and not to settle his terminal dues, without obtaining NOC from the Bank.
In such scenario, we also agree and undertake to deduct and set off from the balance
standing to his/her credit in P.F. account, gratuity, commutated portion of pension or
pension due to and available to him/her or to deduct from any other amount
whatsoever due and payable to Mr. / Ms. ……………… and to remit the same to your
Bank, notwithstanding any objection by any of his / her legal heirs, legal representatives
or nominees of PF/Gratuity.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Authorized Officer
(Authorized to disburse salary and allowances)
* delete whichever is not applicable
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Annexure 1(7) (To be stamped)
Irrevocable Undertaking from the Borrower that there is no other deductions from salary
that is not reflected in the salary slip.
The Branch Manager,
Bank of Baroda,
……….. Branch,
Dear Sir,
I, ___________________, am an employee of ___________ (Name of Organisation)
I have applied for loan under scheme of __________ from Bank of Baroda, ________
Branch. The said branch has agreed to sanction a loan of ____________ to me under the
captioned scheme.
I have authorized my employer _______________________ (Name of Organisation) to
disburse my salary and pay in my saving/current account
……………………………….maintained with you i.e. Bank of Baroda, ________ Branch.
Persuant to above:
I hereby enclose my salary slip for the month of ………………………..201….
I hereby declare and confirm that:
Deductions mentioned in my salary slip for the month of ………………………..201….
are only deductions towards my liabilities whatsoever.
I shall not incur any other liabilities that increase deductions in my salary mentioned in
my salary slip for the month of ………………………..201….without prior written consent
of Bank of Baroda ……………Branch.
Above declarations and confirmations shall be irrevocable and shall not be revoked
till the settlement of my dues towards Bank of Baroda.
Whatever has been stated in salary slip is true, correct and nothing material has been
I understand that if any information/declaration given by me in this undertaking or any
other documents submitted in support of my eligibility for loan shall be found untrue or
incorrect or false, Bank of Baroda, _____________ Branch would have rights to
withdraw/recall the Loan and shall have right to prosecute me under the applicable
Yours faithfully,
Name: ____________________
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Annexure- 1( 8) (To be stamped)
Irrevocable Undertaking / Authority / by Employee to Bank for not shifting salary account
during continuance of loan.
The Branch Manager
Bank of Baroda
……….. Branch
Dear Sir,
Whereas Bank of Baroda, …………… branch (hereinafter called as “Bank”) has at our
requested sanctioned a Personal loan of Rs………………… , vide sanction letter No……….
dated ……………… ., repayable in ……… EMIs of Rs. ………….. each, commencing
Whereas one of the conditions of the grant of the said personal loan is that my monthly
Salary, allowances and other remunerations payable to me by………………….. (Name of
the Employer) shall be credited / continue to be credited in the Salary A/c ……………….
Maintained with ………………………. Bank and further, I am also required to execute ECS
mandate in favour of the Bank of Baroda ……Branch, for recovery of the monthly
installments from my said account.
Whereas, I have already executed an ECS mandate in favour of the Bank dated
…………. in my saving/current account ……………………………….maintained with
…………………………………………………… Bank (a duly acknowledged copy of the same
is enclosed herewith).
In the above backdrop, I hereby declare, undertake, that the aforesaid ECS mandate
dated …………. ….shall not be revoked by me, till the liquidation of the said personal loan
availed by me, together with interests, penal interest, costs, charges etc.
I hereby irrevocably authorize you to recover monthly installment of Rs………… that may,
becomes due / payable by me to the bank, together with any other amount due as
interest, costs, charges, penal interest etc., from my Savings / Current A/c No.
………………………………….maintained with………………Bank by this ECS mandate/
Authority letter.
Further, in case of change of monthly Installment on account of revision in Base Rate of
the Bank or for any other reason, I, hereby undertake give revised Instructions/ECS
mandate to recover such revised installment / amount, including arrears, if any, from my
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Savings / Current A/c No. …………… ……………………………….maintained with
…………………………………………………… Bank.
During the continuance of the said personal loan, in the event of my ceasing to be in
service of ……………………, whether by retirement, resignation, death or operation of
Law or for any other reason whatsoever, I undertake and agree to inform the same to the
Bank immediately.
I hereby also authorize to raise demand directly from my said Employer to credit the
terminal dues in my Savings / Current A/c No. …………… and declare that Bank shall
always remain the 1st charge / lien holder over the amount lying deposited in my said
Savings / Current A/c No. ……………, to the extent of its outstanding dues, for the said
personal loan availed by me, till its liquidation in full, and none of my legal heirs / LRs /
nominees shall have any right to raise any objection in this regard.
I hereby further undertake and declare that this ECS mandate /instructions shall be
irrevocable and shall not be revoked till the liquidation of the said personal loan availed
by me, together with interests, penal interest, costs, charges etc.
Yours faithfully,
Address: __________________

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