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INDG 1220 Study Guide

The following study guide is meant to help students review the content of the course
and should be completed to prepare for the final exam worth 25% of your final grade.
Questions on the exam are not limited to this guide, and learners should ensure they
have read all of the assigned course materials and completed all of the exploration
activities within the ten-course units.

Unit 1 Introduction: What is Indigenous Studies?

Define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens.
 Method  Axiology
 Methodology  Indigenous
 Qualatative Research  First Nations
 Quantative Research  Metis
 insurgent research methodology  Inuit
 tribal epistemology  Aboriginal
 Ontology  Native American

Outline the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following
1. Role of Education TRC Murrary Sinclair
2. Treaties in Manitoba
3. Manitoba Metis Federation Regions
4. Inuit in Manitoba
5. Province of Manitoba Aboriginal Population Census 2016

Explain the following concepts

 Indigenous Studies R’s of research
 The role of Indigenous Studies in destruction, dismantling, exposure & creation

Unit 2: Pre-contact Period: Origins, World Views & Culture

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Kelp forest  Angakoks, or shaman

 Beringia  Coppers
 Kaianeraserakowa
 travois
 Pit houses

Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Coastal Migration Theory

2. Bering Strait Theory
3. Clovis First hypothesis
4. Six Nations Confederacy
5. Arctic Cultures
6. Subarctic Cultures
7. Northwest Coast Cultures
8. Eastern Woodlands Cultures
9. Plains Culture
10. Plateau Culture

Explain the following concepts.

 Archaeology of North and South America as a battleground

 Impact of fire impression
 Goals of Indigenous burning

Unit 3: Perspectives on First Contact with Europeans Throughout Turtle Island

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Potlatch  Sacred Pipe

 Great Law of Peace  Plank Houses
 Many Lodges Gathering  Tunit
 Thule period  The Columbian Exchange
 People of the dawn  Quinine
 Longhouses  Christopher Columbus

Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Mi'kmaq contact
2. Haudenosaunee contact
3. Niitsitapi contact
4. Kwakwa ka'wakw contact
5. Inuit Contact
6. Tobacco
7. Forced and voluntary migrations to the Americas
Explain the following concepts.

 The three parts of the spark of life in living things?

 Significance of oolican oil
 Food introduced to other continents after contact
 Diseases introduced to Turtle Island (North America) during contact

Unit 4: The Changing Relationships During the Fur Trade

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 North West Company

 Hudson's Bay Company
 Mackenzie Inuit
 wattap

Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Geoge Bonga
2. Inuit Fur Trade
3. The Bombardier Channel Site
4. Disappearance of the Stadacona

Explain the following concepts.

 Effects of the Fur trade

 Differing approaches to intermarrying NWC & HBC
 Contributions of Indigenous women from fur trade to rural laborer
 Hierarchies of meat and fish

Unit 5: Indigenous-Colonial Wars

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Beaver War thesis

The ‘Beaver War thesis’ is a historiographical interpretation that suggests the

conflicts between the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) and colonial powers in the
seventeenth century over the fur trade, particularly for beaver pelts.

 Pemoussa

Pemoussa is described as the war chief of the Fox people.He appears to be a

prominent leader who is involved in diplomatic efforts during a conflict with the
French and their allies in 1712.
Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Fox Wars

Who: The Fox people, other Native American groups, and French colonial

What: Series of conflicts and skirmishes over territory, resources, and alliances.

Where: Upper Country/Great Lakes region, including Fox villages and French
settlements like Detroit.
When: 17th and 18th centuries.
Why: Competition for territory, resources, and alliances; historical grievances;
economic interests; French colonial policies.

2. Iroquois War

Who: Iroquois Confederacy and other Native American groups.

What: Series of conflicts over territory, resources, and alliances.
Where: Great Lakes region.
When: Latter part of the 17th century and early 18th century.
Why: Driven by competition for territory, resources, and strategic interests among
Native American groups.

3. Mi'kmaq War

4. Denonville expedition
5. French-Indian alliance system

Who: French colonial authorities and various Native American groups.

What: Network of alliances for mutual benefit.
Where: Territories controlled by New France.
When: 17th and 18th centuries.
Why: For protection, trade, and military cooperation.

Explain the following concepts.

 Issues with the publication The Jesuit Relations

 French Slavery
 Champlain's Military Alliances
Unit 6: Government Policy Period: French/British to Canadian Indian Policy

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Bill C-31
 enfranchisement
 John Brandt
 Wabasha
 Niagra Operation

Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Tecumseh
2. The Royal Proclamation
3. Gradual Enfranchisment Act
4. Manitoba Act
5. Inuit inclusion and repeal in the Indian Act

Explain the following concepts.

 Implications of the Indian Act divisions

 Indian Act Amendments 1876-1950
 Crown avoiding Metis recognition
 Inuit relocations
 Impact of The Royal Proclamation on Manitoba Métis Federation Supreme Court
 Creation of Reserves

Unit 7: The Métis Period: Métis Identity, Repression & Resistance

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Section 31 of the Manitoba Act  Powley test

 Section 32 of the Manitoba Act  Capote
 “logic of elimination”  Metis flag
 Metis

Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Annie Bannatyne
2. Dorothy Chartrand
3. Victoria Calihoo
4. Louis Riel
5. Victory of Frog Plain (AKA Battle of Seven Oaks)

Explain the following concepts.

 Decline of the buffalo hunt

 Forcefield of settler colonialism
 Historians neglecting stories of women
 Roles of women at Fur Trade Forts
 Why is saying Metis are mixed inaccurate

Unit 8: Land Dispossession: Treaties & Scrip

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Treaty Right  Gdoo-naaganina

 Treaty Adhesion  British North American Act
 Two-row wampum  Davin Report
 Kiciwamanawak  Treaty 1
 Bimaadiziwin

Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Pre-Confederation Treaties
2. The Early British Land Treaties
3. The Post-Confederation Land Treaties
4. War of 1812
5. Métis scrip

Explain the following concepts.

 Numbered Treaties Crown Obligations

 Numbered Treaties Status Indian Obligations
 Corruption in Métis scrip
 Treaty benefit for new comer

Unit 9: Residential School Period, History & Reflections of First Nations, Metis & Inuit

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Pass System  Duncan Campbell Scott

 Chief Shingwauk  "A National Crime"
 Recollets  Sixties Scoop
 Thomas Moore
Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. Residential Schools
2. Residential School funding
3. Harper Apology

Explain the following concepts.

 Debate on Parental visits and access to their children

 Connections between the Gradual Civilization Act, Indian Act, and Residential
 Dinjii Zhuh concept of strength
 Metis and Inuit attendance at Residential School
 Assimilative intent (Residential Schools & Sixties Scoop)

Unit 10: Repression & Resistance Period: Resistance Grows & Organizes

Can you define the following terms through an Indigenous Studies lens?

 Tommy Prince  Bill C-51

 Indigenous Veterans Day  Forgotten People
 Charlotte Edith Monture  Natural Resources Transfer
 Mary Greyeyes Agreement
 Forgotten Soldiers  Lt. Frederick O. Loft

Outline the five w’s (who, what, where, when, why) for the following

1. WW1 Indigenous involvement

2. WW2 Indigenous involvement
3. Little Ice Age
4. Northwest Resistance

Explain the following concepts.

 Indian Agents and enlistment

 Issues with Solider Settlement Act
 Impact of the amendment to section 9 of the Citizenship Act

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