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Paragraph writing 03/05/2024.

What were the causes of economic failure of Weimar republic?

After the war Germany signed Treaty of Versailles, because of its Germany was
forced to pay reparations, reduce it military power, take responsibility for the
war and give its own territories to countries neighbors. Because of that occurred
hyperinflation. The hyper inflating was so big that a day ago 1 us dollar was
equal to 50 marks but day later the same us dollar was 10000 marks. For some
people it was good that there was hyperinflation because some of them was in
debt but due to hyperinflation they managed to pay their debt because money
wasn’t costing that much. For some it was bad because people couldn’t pay rent.
For example, people that were renting couldn’t pay for the rent and the owner of
the house was in a bad situation because their primary income from giving rent
wasn’t working anymore because no one was able to afford rent. Also, there was
a shortage of food and increased crime rate. During that period many people
died, and people started trading by barter. National debt increased from 5000
marks to 140000 marks. Because of all this the Weimar republic economically

Munich putsch
1-1919 failde
2-Hitler rushed into holded at gunpoint till the politics agreed to be part of Hitlers putsch
3-they marshed on munich with armed police
4-the police arrested on of them
5- 2 days later Hitler was captured and putted in jail
6- army was called to reestablish bavaria

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