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3/17/22, 5:58 PM Solutions for The Trail The Constitution and the Preamble

 The Trail

 The Constitution and the Preamble

Printed from on 17 Mar 2022 08:03:28 am

Please whatsapp to 9830783589 for any out of book questions on this chapter at no extra cost.

Q1. Define the term 'Constitution'.

l a t
The word constitution means a body of fundamental rules and regulations
w w w.
according to which a country is organised and governed. These rules and
regulations define and clearly mention the organisation, powers and functions
of the government and the rights and duties of the people.

Q2. When did the Constitution of India come into force?

The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950. . bigs

Q3. What is a preamble?

The Preamble is an introduction to the constitution. It helps us to s l a te.c
w w w It tells us
the vision and the aspirations of the framers of our constitution.
about the source of constitution, the nature of the state and its main

Q4. How do we know that the Constitution of India was not imposed on us by
the British?
s l a te.c
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w w.
We know that the Constitution of India was not imposed on w us by the British
as the British government after India's independence transferred political
power to Indians whose primary task was to frame a constitution for a free
India. So, a constituent Assembly was framed which took 2 years, 11 months
and 18 days to complete its task and the Constitution of India came into force
on 26 January 1950.

Q5. Who gives the government of India the authority to govern the country?
l a t
According to the preamble of our constitution, the people of India s
b i gives
g the
w w w.
government, the authority to govern the country. 1/5
3/17/22, 5:58 PM Solutions for The Trail The Constitution and the Preamble

Q6. Explain the meaning of the following terms:

a) Sovereign
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b) Democratic
c) Republic

(a) Sovereign: This implies that India is an independent country, completely

free from foreign control. No outside power can control or interfere in the
internal as well as external affairs of our country.

(b) Democratic: The people of India have the power to elect a government of
their choice and govern the country through their elected representatives. The
governmnet is of the people, by the people and for the people.

(c) Republic: A republic is a state where the head of the government is an

elected official not a monarch or a dictator. India has an elected head of the
state in the form of President. He has a fixed term of 5 years and his post is
not hereditary.

Q7. State the basic features of

a) a socialist state . bigs
b) a secular state

The basic features of:

a) A socialist state

A socialist state is one which ensures fair distribution of the country's

wealth among all sections of the people.

It provides equal opportunities to all.

One of its major aim is to bridge the gab between the rich and the

b) A secular state

Asecular state does not have an official or a state religion.

It does ot discriminate against anybody on the grounds of religion.

It does not favour or promote any particular religion. 2/5
3/17/22, 5:58 PM Solutions for The Trail The Constitution and the Preamble

It guarantees the freedom of every individual to profess, practice and

propogate his/her own religion.

Q8. State the objectives of the Constitution with reference to

sla te.c
a) justice .big
b) liberty
c) equality

The objective of Constitution with reference to:

(a) Justice: The objective is to ensure that justice is not denied to anybody
on the basis of place of birth, race, caste, creed, sex, status or religion.

(b) Liberty: With, this the Constitution seeks to ensure that all citizens enjoy
certain fundamental rights such as the freedom to think, express, and follow
one's own religion etc.

(c) Equality: All citizens are equal before law and shall be protected equally
by the laws of the land. A state shall not discriminate between people on the
basis of place of birth, sex, caste, creed, race, religion or wealth.

Q9. Why did the framers of the Constitution decide to promote fraternity
among the people of India?
s l a te.c
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The framers of the Constitution decided to promote fraternity the
people of India because one the feeling of brotherhood is promoted and firmly
established, social evils such as untouchability and communalism can be
removed. In this way, harmony will prevail and the country can progress
towards its goal of securing justice, liberty and equality for all its citizens.

Q10. Name two other prominent members of the Constituent Assembly.

e .com
Other important members of the Constituent Assembly were Dr. .B.
b i slat
Ambedkar and Sarojini Naidu. www

Q11. When was the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly held?
The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on 9 December
i g s l a t e1946.

Q12. When did the Constitution come into force?
om 3/5
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ate .com
The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950, which
. b i g s l is
marked as the Republic Day. www

Q13. What is the introduction to the Constitution called? What does it tell us
about the source of the Constitution?
s l a te.c
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The introduction of the Constitution is called Preamble. It tells
source of the Constitution is the people of India. The authority of the
government of India is derived from its people.

Q14. Mention the objectives stated in the introduction.

s l a te.c
The objectives stated in the introduction i.e. the Preamble of our. bConstitution
i g
are Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. www 4/5
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