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What To Include in Stories Covered:

$5F [Michelle, Des, Jason] – $5 family photo moving on/turning point, startle reflex & let-down reflex
Des/Jason/motherhood, Leather jacket throwing relationship Des no longer needed, Michelle accepts the situation
Flexion [Frank Slovak/Husband, Mrs Slovak/Unnamed Wife] – The 'flexing' of the muscles/flexion hope at end,
shadow/darkness, burdens of couple/growth, symbol of no control, animalistic nature/strongbox men inability intimacy,
loses his work and power/Mrs Slovak comes to accept Frank and herself
Whirlpool [Anna, Louise, Chris, Mother, Father/Robert] – The photo symbolises façade of family, the swimming
game bullies others in pool Anna feels free but also being stuck in current situation, escape reality forced into as has
control when bullying, training bra refusal to accept how daughters change, blue/colour coolness
Sleepers [Ray, Ex/Sharon] – The sleepers/red gum timber-logs potential for greater but just left there + Ray only one
failing to steal the sleepers, garden chance for Ray to become better, slow-stop sign lack of Ray’s motivation and agency
with Sharon/Ex, glove toss back of his truck misses shows how pathetic Ray is, Wallows in his grief and doesn’t accept
his situation
Ashes [Christ, Scott, Mother, Dad/Alan] – The photo of fishing trip or mother, the urn ashes of past and memories,
picture frame annoyed at the beginning but then softens as he learns to be a good son, lake too late shortcomings with dad
long gone but accept but hopeful, brushes off the ash from mother moving on, Chris finally realises that he is also to
blame and support his mum
Cross-Country [Rebecca, Ex] – Title Links in browser links/links to other people like Rebecca’s ex, Web or the
internet/safety net to stop her falling further into delusion, Portal and how we login to a website and as a way back to her
old life, programming language something about the language of love + understanding and how communication in
relationships make everything work, Point and click are the mouse actions of Rebecca trying to connect, Loss of agency
and purpose with grief at the beginning the epiphany on need to move on
Static [Anthony, Marie, Tom/Nephew, Margret/Sister, Ian/Brother-In-Law, Mother, Father] – The exercise bike
outlines the miscommunication or rekindle once close relation, the garden doesn’t require any care (full plants that can’t
die) that they are doomed to break up/not flourish, Peruvian Punchbowl hollowness and superficiality of their family,
white noise/static lack of communication/selfishness of relationship, pricking his finger numb to the coldness of his
relationship but hope in tumultuous relation, evil rays, the walkie-talkie
72D [Tyler, Ellie, Shane, Mother, Ms Carlyle, Aunty Jacinta] – The pencils shows her escapism/hope + named so
significant + cool colours through water mean stability, Scissors represents power/control Mother-Tyler, stones
uncomfortable knows not good albeit innocent, mother bird/aviary/birds In general foreshadow maternal instinct and
Tyler-Ellie free even though net look bad good for growth, diary underlying show learning as a 12 year old is childish,
cartoons represents her innocence, Plushies/doll symbol mother growing/trying to change white dot at end progressing,
apron mother agency Shane something pride kids, Christmas joyous occasion, Mother finds out that she need to change
LPS [Roley, Samson/Dolphin, Liz, Declan/Boss] – The dolphin (samson) symbolises what is hopeful and positive in
Roley’s life, so the rest of the animals echo the emptiness in his relationship with Liz, who has physically recovered but is
a listless, puzzled shell of her former self, Samson is dead, Roley is unemployed, and Liz shows no sign of ever
recovering her emotional and personal life, Dead dolphin is Roley’s and Liz’s old life, Liz same treatment for samson,
shipwreck as Roley is stranded and doesn’t know where to go, Melons breaking is Liz’s brain and how life is so fragile
and need to make most of it [cough cough Ray], doctors very cold and distant alongside agonising waiting, snow globe
higher power or Liz’s new life etc
LAHOF [Claire/Wife, Unnamed Husband] – The title itself metaphor of breaking of the relationship, stepping on back
hope okay, anti-inflammatories symbolise the husband mask pain, Christmas joyous occasion, Loss of purpose and
masculinity/relationship and how he works through it with Claire, L3 now defines him as a person loss of meaning *Maybe
can use personally would avoid*

Tender [Christine/Wife, Al/Husband, Jamie, Hannah] – Mousetraps letting go, child/Jamie’s project shows her
maternal love for her children escapism from reality vs fantasy, Gotham city relate to her live in nature but going into the
unknown danger such as doctor diagnosis but letting go, lump putting her on edge forces her to accept situation benign
and fear of unknown, rescue remedy irony of her being ready to be rescue idk, some idea of women/mothers more ready
move on over men, cancer and can’t accept that her family will be okay… however changes when she realises Al can
*Maybe can use personally would avoid*

L&M [The Scholar/Unnamed Narrator ,Mr Moreton, Dot, Marie] – Hospital bad vibes + too fast/speed +
distant/cold/detached etc, cleaning the abandoned room, lack of agency/purpose when cleaning spotless windows, army
terminology + It’s a Long Way to Tipperary and the battle they will face Scholar lose her job and Moreton losing battle
(him missing home/family), giving cigarette + buying Dot’s jewellery show kindness, garden is dark before gesture but
outside see flowers after ciggy something about sense of worth to flower bloom, title Laminex and Mirrors her identity no
depth & surface level, Despite Moreton dying, still lives last days happily *Don’t need it as much as others*
Waiting [Unnamed Wife, Pete/Husband– Miscarriage is evident of Kennedy’s past can contrast with tender and
sleepers in embracing change, waiting, hospital coldness relate to authorial message and how routine and professional,
Miscarriage which comes to terms with it and supports her husband through love *Don’t need it as much as others*
Cake [Liz/Mother, Daniel/Son] – The symbol of cake represents her pre-baby life a time concerned about excel and
accountant, the celebrated ‘cake’ tradition in the workplace, one that is at the centre of several conversations, is no longer
to significance to Liz, Liz’s narrative interspersed with new mum’s pamphlet at odds with what society tells her she
should be feeling. *Don’t need it as much as others*
White Spirit – Mural created by white people to represent the community of POC (cultural appropriation think knows
what want), white spirit as a solvent used to strips things symbolises white society taking away tradition and culture of
minority, pro-guard used to protect the mural, symbolic of white society lack of traditional wear idealised version of
ethnicities *Don’t need it as much as others*

Flexion -- Five Dollar Family -- LPS --

Ashes -- Cross-Country -- LAHOF ~~
Static -- Sleepers -- 72D --
Tender ~~ Whirlpool --

Setting: location urban vs rural/farm, socio-economic status, environmental vs urbanised and hospital bad
First Person: intimacy and experience personal trauma/hardships such as in Waiting/72D/CC 2 nd
Second Person: we become the character and made to go through what the characters are going through such as in
Whirlpool/CC 1st
Third Person: omniscient explores two sides, works well with topics on letting go and acceptance/hardships and allows
greater connection to plight of the characters

Kindness/Compassion/Empathy Perspective
Struggle/Order vs Disorder Identity/Family/Gender/Parenthood
Keeping Up with Appearances Vs Reality Communication
Agency/Purpose/Longing Relations/Physical Contact

Empathy & compassion: LAHOF, Ashes, L&M and Professional Struggles: L&M, -CC
Youth: Whirlpool, 72D
Move on to something better: Flexion, LAHOF, LPS,
5DF Alternatives: Whirlpool, Tender

Motherhood: Cake, FDF keeping up with appearances vs reality: Flexion,

LAHOF, Whirlpool, Static, Sleepers, Cross-Country

Accentuates Demonstrates Exemplifies

Challenges Depicts Exhibits
Contrast Emphasis Explores
Confront Elucidates Highlights
Convey Endorse Illustrates
Indicates Postulates Suggest
Parallels Proposes
Portrays Questions
Topic Sentence, Evidence, Effect, Views & Values, Structure, Link (TEEVSL) + conclusion

Structure for LAHOF Essay Introduction

1. Introduction of the book
2. Context of the book to Prompt
3. Contention/V&V You import into Kennedy’s Mouth
4. Three Broad BP Ideas: Kennedy postulates… She also… Yet….
Signpost if you cannot introduce BP ideas i.e., Firstly, Secondly and Finally etc

Body Paragraph Format (1 Page + Two Stories + Ten Quotes)

1. Topic sentence theme from topic
2. Elaboration + Issues raised/consequences/big ideas
3. Author's Views/Values/Messages that are clear/not hard decipher
4. Link between the stories/analysis of stories [Symbolism/Metaphor/Motifs/Quotes]
5. Final link to topic Sentence and overall prompt
Intro, story 1 with link in sim/diff, then story 2 with link in sim/diff both motifs/theme then conclusion
Intro then 2 sim/diff both story share linked together with motif/theme repeat 3 times then conclusion
Analysis of ideas should be on characters/themes/big ideas/authorial intent (DO NOT RETELL)
Linking sentence DO NOT END ON THE LAST STORY, must be broad and capture the entire paragraph/overall idea of
the BP

1. If you are really stuck, consider rewriting your introduction in different words
2. Work backwards: In summary/Ultimately, Kennedy explores… BP ideas, then you restate your contention.

1. self-actualisation, purpose, agency, meaning, fulfillment, resolve, drive, perseverance, tenacity, reason, appreciation,
understanding, awareness, character, ego, self-esteem, self-importance, self-worth, amour propre, turning points,
decisive moments, reprieve, longing, afloat, development, charisma, appeal, capacity, field, encompass, opportunity,
possibility, wriggle room, control

2. outlook, mindset, stance, notion, idea, worldview, perspective, viewpoint, human condition, human psyche,
cautionary, deterrent, paramountcy, indicative, portend, message, aftermath, sentiment, inherently, importance,
esoteric, philosophy, attitude, way of life, inner workings, necessity, crucial, imperative, vital, utmost, essence,
essential, critical, forgiving, harsh, unforgiving, rather, condemn/condemnation, champions, elevates, cements,
reinforces, scope, extent, range, specifically, namely, conviction, principle, precedent, allures, volatility, machination,
intrigue, niceties, minutiae, nuance, forefront, plethora…, intrisnic, extrinsic

3. peril, plight, hardship, predicament, brinksmanship, difficulty, adversity, misfortune, destitution, jeopardy, problem,
insecurity, distress, anxiety, uneasiness, conflict, tumultuous, disorder, turbulence, uproar, ruckus, wallow, pity, grief,
flawed, imperfect, powerless, loss, chaos, refusal, bothersome, fatigue, burdened, struggles, brokenness, hopelessness,
bleakness, futility, anguish, dejectedness, gloominess, melancholy, misery, sorrow, forlorn, ordeal, tribulation,
despond/despondence/despondency, self-loathe, desperate/desperation, despair, scorn, issues, oppress, obscure,
animosity, coldness, detached, coldness, remote, emptiness, bitter, detriment, failure, disaster,
disappoint/disappointment, narcissism, drawback, setback, challenge, unbearable, bereavement, deprivation/deprive,
discourage, regret, conundrum, toxicity, emaciated

4. freedom, liberty, carte blanche, connection, relationship, intimacy, bonding, kindness, compassion, consideration,
concern, sympathy empathy, rekindle, relight, revive, renew/renewal, catharsis, restoration, rejuvenation,
revitalisation, rebirth, reconnect, transparent, change, progress, hope, betterment, acceptance, persevere, innocence,
naivety, come to terms, move on, move-forward, ability to change, potential to change for the better, positive,
benevolence, cordial, revelation, epiphany, transformation, mediate, accountability, disenchant, realisation, rebuild,
restart, reform, reorganise, embrace, rediscover, discover, overcome, prevail, resurge, resurface, triumph, redeem,
optimism, rendezvous, solace

5. identity, familial, paternal, maternal, household, relationship, parenthood, childhood, motherhood, fatherhood,
childbirth, liaison, connection, close ones, loved ones, beloved, significant others, companion, community,
power/family dynamics, breadwinner, interaction, youth, adolescence, marital, marriage, livelihood, socio-economic,
status, relatives, childlike, institution, conformity

6. appearances, reality, façade, faceted, aspect, masquerade, poser, phony, pretence, veneer, charade, fraudulent, pseudo,
misconstrue, lamentation, revisionism, idyllic/idealism, escapism, inability, confront, unwilling, inconsiderate,
limitation, termination, apathy, barren, superficial, meaningless, triviality, artificial, stagnant, isolation, disconnect,
naivety, countenance, de facto, actuality, jejune, peripheral, horizon

7. metalanguage, textual, lexical, grammatical, idiomatic, vernacular, imposition, narrative, features, linguistic,
dialogue, description, thematic, authorial, recurring…, perspective, allegory, parable, metaphor, symbolic,
emblematic, analogy, parallel, tonality/tone, titular

Mind Map of Theme and Ideas

Example Intros
Cate Kennedy’s collection of short stories Like a House on Fire, catalogues moments from the dramatic to the mundane.
In each story, though, there is an expansion of the characters beyond the roles that they have fallen into, an understanding
of their own humanity which allows them to view the humanity in others.
The collection inspires compassion and considers the impact of time and expectation on our relationships.
The ordinary characters depicted in Cate Kennedy’s anthology ‘Like a House on Fire’ help deconstruct the intricacies of
life. Through Kennedy’s exploration of inevitable hardships and difficulties that inhibit the Australian way of life via her
characters’ experiences and responses are central to the… livelihoods
Cate Kennedy's anthology Like a House on Fire set against the backdrop of a modern Australian society, the collection
explores the notion that when individuals are at crossroads, perseverance often dominates and as a result people are able
to work together or develop a new perspective.

Example Links

Example Conclusion

Appropriate Quote for Symbolism/Themes/Motifs/V&V

Static [Anthony, Marie, Tom/Nephew, Margret/Sister, Ian/Brother-In-Law, Mother, Father]
o Symbol Garden: doesn’t need any care full of plants that can’t die and that they are doomed to break up/not flourish
superficiality is only for show “Does she love him” + “Absolutely zero care” + “…don’t seem to have grown an inch”
links to appearance/expectation/reality/hope
o Symbol Peruvian Punchbowl: hollowness and façade of their family with their perfect food fine chinaware hiding
imperfection/superficiality “Peruvian glass punchbowl” + “blanketing snowfall of sweetness” + “The ghost of an old
smile, one he misses” links to appearance/expectation/reality/ /communication
o Symbol White Noise & Static: lack of communication and selfishness of their relationship and no more intimacy
“White noise” + “The static clears and tries again” + “Rays, he thinks vaguely, are holding them together” links to
o Symbol Evil Rays: detachment from each other and lack of communication “Ant & Anthony” + “Snowstorm of Evil
Rays” links to relationship/family/identity
o Symbol Bike: exercise bike outlines the miscommunication or rekindle once close relation “…each night on the
stationary bike” + “…channel her fury into the exercise bike” links to communication/loss/relationship
o Symbol Cactus: pricking his finger numb to the coldness of his relationship but hope in tumultuous relation “…he
needs proof that such things are real” + “His throat has closed up” links to communication/reality/hope
o Symbol ECG: Tests used to evaluate heart rate slowing falling like their relationship “ a failing ECG” + “Years
ago.” links to reality/expectation/hope
o Symbol of Walkie-Talkie/Nephew: parents outdated and out-of-touch like Marie and Anthony “A walkie-talkie set”
links to reality/relation/communication

Sleepers [Ray, Ex/Sharon]

o Symbol of Slow-Stop Sign: critical characteristics lacks the motivation or agency to change his situation and
metaphorical symbol of Ray not being able to take charge of his life and re-evaluate his attitude to life “SLOW.
SLOW. STOP” + “STOP/SLOW” + “Deep dragging inertia” + “DELAYS EXPECTED. DETOUR AHEAD” + “He
idled, watching the traffic” links to reality/hope/identity/longing/agency
o Symbol of Sleepers: the red gums represent Ray, have a lot of potential, went to waste and how Ray is the only one
failing to steal the sleepers “Lethargic kind of trance” + “rooted up now and useless” links to
o Symbol of Garden: A chance for Ray to become better and Ray’s motivation and agency without Sharon/Ex “not
exactly unemployed” + “like a whipped dog” links to agency/purpose/reality/longing
o Symbol of Glove: The toss back of his truck misses shows how pathetic Ray is, Wallows in his grief and doesn’t
accept his situation “...onto the ute tray and missed.” + “…it’s just Ray.” + “escape goat” links to
o Symbol of Plate: Comparison to the moon and his state upon awaking from his dream indicates how monotonous and
unchanging his life is like the moon, always the same and never going to move on “still sitting on his chest” +
“exactly the same position” + “same position he was when he’d fallen asleep... innocuous as a moon” links to

$5F [Michelle, Des, Jason]

o Symbol of Family Photo: moving on/turning point “$5 Family Portrait” + “someone’s flicked a light switch on” links
to identity/agency/communication/longing
o Symbol of Startle Reflex + Let-Down Reflex: relating to Des lack father and Jason Michelle inner motherhood hope
without “The Let-Down reflex” + “Startle reflex” + “He can be a bit of a naughty boy.” + “Michelle cuts him off” +
“Deliberately not looking at Des, already wanting him to go” links to
o Symbol of Leather Jacket: Throwing relationship with Des as he is no longer needed with Michelle accepting the
situation “He’ll be a little bikie.” + “like the men in the cards” + “dopey, thick-headed version” + “voice is like
someone you’re hanging up on.” + “she finally stopped thinking about Des” + “couldn’t believe she’d ever needed
him for anything” + “One without the jacket.” links to

Flexion [Frank Slovak/Husband, Mrs Slovak/Unnamed Wife]

o Symbol of Flexion + Physical Contact: How 'flexing' of the muscles/flexion hope at end “places his hand wordlessly,
determinedly, over his heart” + “memory of limber movement alive” + “gently flexes both their elbows together”
links to identity/agency/hope/family/communication/longing/comfort
o Symbol of Shadow + Darkness: something about lack of hope “His mouth is a black hole of terror” + “...crying
soundlessly” + “She’s never seen this, and it’s mortifying” links to
o Symbol of No Control: indicate unbalance marital relationships “almost twenty years of near-invisibility” + “‘we’re
putting this behind us’” + “to give him less ammunition.” + “liked his privacy to the point of glowering, hostile
secrecy” links to agency/hope/communication/family/identity
o Animalistic Nature: something about men inability to be intimate authorial message “a glutton for work and always
has been, who’s got a temper like a rabid dog” + “growling like an animal and swearing” + “the locked strongbox
inside has burst open” + “They became its beasts of burden” + “scowling with a kind of ferocious, vindictive resolve”
links to agency/hope/communication/family/identity/masculinity
o Symbol of Loss of power: Mrs Slovak comes to accept Frank and herself both rekindle relation “working calluses
vanished into soft smoothness” + “The quiet one.” + “daydreaming is halted” + “longest conversation they’ve had for
months” links to agency/reality/masculinity/hope/communication/family/identity

Ashes [Christ, Scott, Mother, Dad/Alan]

o Symbol of The Photo: fishing trip with father and afterwards held mum revisionism “this revisionism; it infuriates
him” + “He’s desperate for a quick solution” links to reality/expectation/family/communication
o Symbol of Urn Ashes: indicate the past and memories reliance on others be happy “two strangers observing someone
else’s ritual” + “...the small mean pleasure of feeling his father turn away, defeated?” + “...violent shirking
resistance.” links to identity/agency/hope/family/communication/comfort/loss
o Symbol of Silver Picture Frame: something about annoyed at the beginning but then softens as he learns to be a good
son and sense of hope “Lovely silver frame” + “When it’s all too late.” links to identity
o Symbol of the Lake: it is too late shortcomings with dad long gone but accept but is hopeful “the fake whipped
cream” + “digital camera all charged up” + “They’d been twice.” + “The esky empty and leaking melted ice… he’d
failed some test” + “It’s funny, he’d forgotten that moment until now. His father’s hopeful smile” links to
o Symbol of Brushing off The Ash: ending off by indicating they are moving on as Chris finally realises that he is also
to blame and support his mum “All that is gone now” + “violent shirking resistance” + “...small smear of ash on… he
brushes it off” links to hope/family/communication/longing/comfort
o Symbol of Scott: indicate of what happens when doesn’t move on “longed so much to be with Scott” + “It was Scott
who’d moved on, though” + “But he’d gone anyway” links to identity/agency/communication/longing

Whirlpool [Anna, Louise, Chris, Mother, Father/Robert]

o Symbol of Photoshoot symbolises façade of family and superficiality of everything “every one’s a disaster” + “your
mother centred” + “gripping her two girls” + “like it was homework” + “frosted glass of iced coffee” + ‘so sugary it
hurts your teeth” + “an animated smile” + “You haven’t changed a bit” + “encased in nylon” [fake fabric] + “face
compliant and empty. The camera snaps like teeth” + “dead, robot smile turn” + “tremor of terror, not scorn” links to
o Symbol of Swimming Game: the two sisters bullies others in pool as Anna feels free but also being stuck in current
situation, escape reality forced into as has control when bullying “her shadow throws a long shape across the surface
of the pool” + “You feel a surge of sly, teeth-gritted pleasure” + “your power is cool and blue and chemical” +
“letting yourself be loose and helpless” + “Her forced breeziness” + “…brimming full now, cool and shadowed” links
to purpose/childhood/hope/identity/communication/comfort/acceptance
o Symbol of Training Bra: mother’s refusal to accept how daughters change and unsupportive to her even if mean
losing power “normal for young girls to feel self-conscious about their weight, sweetie” + “because you’re so fat”
links to childhood/communication/family
o Symbol of Father: in the background father saving grace “elongated silhouette of your father” + “just a peripheral
shadowy shape” + “He’s never going to answer” + “uncomfortable, in the frame for once” + “‘Course you can,’ your
father says before your mother can speak” links to hope/communication/family/fatherhood

Cross-Country [Rebecca, Ex]

o Symbol of Links In browser: how they link to other people like Rebecca’s ex “No matter how vigilantly you try to
cover your tracks, they'll be there” + “Links are like what you're after; linked hands, connections, answers” links to
o Symbol of The Web: the internet/safety net to stop her falling further into delusion “there'll be a trail you leave
behind you, even if it's a trail of crumbs… Cookies” + “Under the cloak of the spare-room quilt” links to
o Symbol of Portal: how we login to a website and as a way back to her old life, programming language something
about the language of love and understanding and how communication in relationships make everything work “The
way it tells you you’re through a portal, just when a portal, a doorway” + "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Living well is the best revenge… There's a queue of their text messages on my phone." links to
o Symbol of Point and Clicking: the mouse actions are Rebecca trying to connect and cope with loss of agency and
purpose with grief at the beginning the epiphany on need to move on “point and click. After all, you’ve got all the
time in the world now.” + “as I self-medicate with net-surfing” + “Click on the icon, close the screen” links to
o Symbol of Marathon: delusions and reality vs expectation face on hardship over imagining/daydreaming “Running
from something - that's it. Can’t he see the symbolism” + “Any day now… I'll go out and buy those shoes” +
“actually expecting that phone call, the high lonesome sound” + "Under-fourteens. I sit staring at them, dully open-
mouthed" links to relationship/longing/agency/purpose/identity/reality/expectation/comfort
o Symbol of Title: symbolism because it represents both an important event in the story, but also Rebecca's emotional
journey as she goes through a breakup and works through her depression, finally finding some motivation in the end
to get out of bed “Cross-country” + “depleted pile of unwanted, rejected CDs” + “Your partner leaves you… you
need avoiding” + “Click on the icon, close the screen” + “ready or not, it's time to roll the credits” links to

72D [Tyler, Ellie, Shane, Mother, Ms Carlyle, Aunty Jacinta]

o Symbol of The Pencils: which shows her escapism/hope and since named are significant and cool colours through
water mean stability “Kingfisher blue” + “pale mint” + “I knew it wasn’t the tin” + “...names soft as feathers.” links
to hope/purpose/reality/identity/agency/childhood
o Symbol of Scissors: it represents power/control Mother-Tyler “…better not be the good scissors” + “scissors are
buried in his stomach” + “Don’t touch my kids” links to identity/agency/motherhood/hope/family
o Symbol of Apron: agency needs someone to validate her identity “…you’re right it’s stupid.” + “reaching into her
apron pocket… the good scissors” links to /agency/motherhood/hope/family/communication
o Symbol of Stones: How she is uncomfortable even though she is innocent and doesn’t understand “I felt stones in my
stomach.” + “...if you get the stones feeling” + “Now I just say yes.” links to
o Symbol of Birds/Aviary: In general foreshadow maternal instinct and Tyler-Ellie free even though net look bad good
for growth “…big space with a net around it” + “...the mother bird pulls some feathers out.” + “there were no trees” +
“You have to wait until they’re old enough to leave the nest” links to
o Symbol of Ellie: Ellie mother figure or some sorts and how their sisterhood is another sanctuary for the hardship of
her life “It was lovely and warm in Ellie’s bed” + “the best example I can, which is how to get the fuck out of her”
links to agency/hope/childhood/family
o Symbol of the Diary: Underly the learning of a 12-year-old narrator, how her innocence is corrupted by the
misgivings of her mother and mother’s boyfriend sense of calm is needed in times of struggle “That’s all I want to
write for today” + “Now I don’t want to write anymore” + “That’s my promise” links to
o Symbol of Cartoons: which represents her innocence “Also, things happen that aren’t true.” + “It’s not true what
happens in cartoons” + “things happen that aren’t true” links to childhood/reality/expectations
o Symbol of Plushies/Doll: symbol mother growing/trying to change white dot at end progressing, apron mother agency
Shane something pride kids Mother finds out that she need to change “stay here and help me finish the Plushies” +
“put the white dots into her eyes” links to identity/agency/hope/childhood/family/motherhood

LPS [Roley, Samson/Dolphin, Liz, Declan/Boss]

o Symbol of The Dolphin/Samson: symbolises what is hopeful and positive in Roley’s life, rest of the animals echo the
emptiness in his relationship with Liz, Roley’s and Liz’s old life how Liz gets same treatment for samson “his calm,
loving eye on Roley alone” + “…able to create a facial expression” + “gasp[ing] for oxygen” links to
o Symbol of Liz: who has physically recovered but is a listless, puzzled shell of her former self, Liz shows no sign of
ever recovering her emotional and personal life “permanently quizzical expression” + “emptied, passive face” +
“back in a time when she still cared enough” + “Liz’s hand land uncertainly on him” links to hope/
o Symbol of Shipwreck: as Roley is stranded and doesn’t know where to go “every time it’s… a little plastic
shipwreck!’” links to hope/agency/relationship/loss/purpose
o Symbol of Melons: like the breaking of Liz’s brain and how life is so fragile and need to make most of it “someone
dropping a melon on concrete” + “[Samson’s] big forehead called a melon” links to agency/loss/purpose/identity
o Symbol of Snow Globe: idea of higher power or Liz’s new life future simple but hopeful and how brain is also being
compared to the mass-produced and easy breakable items “They hadn’t taken any of her out” + “‘there’s nothing I
want,’” + “a little brain… while some big hand somewhere just [keeps] on shaking” links to

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