Lesson Plan

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Teacher’s Name
Academic Year 2024 – 2025
Competency Skill Culinary
Grade X
Phase E
Lesson English
Competency achievement elements 1. Listening and Speaking
2. Reading and Viewing
3. Writing and Presenting
Learning Outcomes By the end of Phase E, students read and
respond to a variety of texts, such as narratives,
descriptions, procedures, expositions, recount
and report. They read to learn or to find
information. They locate and evaluate specific
details and main ideas of a variety of texts.
These texts may be in the form print or digital
texts, including visual, multimodal, or
interactive texts. They are developing
understanding of main ideas, issues or plot
development in a variety of texts. They
identify the author’s purposes and are
developing simple inferential skills to help
them understand implied information from the
Time Allocation 12 jp (3 meetings @ 45 minutes)

1. Social function of descriptive text
2. Generic structure of the text
3. Language features of the text


o Collaboratively searching for more information about the given material.
o Independently conducting brainstorming sessions during the basic learning activity.
o Creatively creating simple descriptive texts using own sentences.
o Thinking critically to develop and link the material to everyday life.
Student worksheets, smartphones, and LCD projectors are the learning media. Learning
resources include student worksheet, e-books, reading books, real material.
1. Regular students
2. Inclusive students
3. Gifted and talented students
o Explain the definition, purpose, text structure, and linguistic features of a descriptive text in a group.
o Analyze the social function, text structure, and linguistic features of a descriptive text in a group.
o Independently find detailed information related to descriptive texts.
o Summarize the contents of descriptive texts in simple sentences and in one's own words independently.
o Create simple descriptive texts using one's own sentences independently.
o Present the results of the work in the form of a simple descriptive text that has been created
Descriptive text is a text that explains about whether a person or an object is like, whether its
form, its properties, its amount and others. The purpose of the descriptive text is clear, that is
to describe, represent or reveal a person or an object, either abstract or concrete.

Link Material : http://www.talentaschool.sch.id:8250/talentapedia/storage/blog_file/


o What is a word in your mind when you hear the word “Hotel”?
o Mention Hotel names located in Palangka Raya?
o Who is the person in the duty that you know?

Meeting 1
1. The teacher greets and invites students to pray before the lesson begins.
2. The teacher checks the attendance of the students.
Building Knowledge of the Field (BKoF)
3. The teacher shows the picture from the Power point presentation
4. The students answer the question given about the Hotel Attendants, by doing drop and
While Activity
Student are given the stimuli by giving the question….. xxxxxxxxxx

Modelling of Text (MoT)

1. Teacher gives a text about Hotel Attendants.
2. Students answer the question given based on the text.

Join Construction of the Text (JCoT)

3. Students divided in 6 group
4. Each group will choose one picture of Hotel Attendant random.
5. Students work in group to create a text which is describing the occupation of the Hotel
6. Teachers guide the students to create the text.

Independent Construction of Text (ICoT)

7. Students are given a worksheet with the picture of Hotel Attendant.
8. Students write a simple or short paragraph which explain the Physical appearance or job
description related to the picture.
9. The students then do the guessing game.
10. A student read the description about the Physical appearance or job description, and the
other students guess the name of the occupation as Hotel Attendant.

Post Activities
1. The teacher facilitates the students to write a reflection in “Weather” mode.
2. The teacher informs the activities that will be carried out in the next meeting.
3. The teacher and students pray together.
Non – Cognitive (Asesmen Awal)
o How is your feeling today?
o Are you feeling comfort in this class today?
o Who are your best friends?
Cognitive Assessment
o Students watch a short video about the description of the job desk from a Hotel Room
o https://youtu.be/o-7gPAk_GNU?si=e45QwRYppa29Luh7
o Mention the job desk of the Hotel Room Attendant from the video.

Formative Assessment
o Describe the job-desk of the Hotel Attendants with your own word.
Summative Assessment
End of Term Evaluation
Enrichment and Remedial
o Enrichment is given to students who have mastered this material very well, namely by providing a
variety of higher-level questions.
o Remedial is given to students who have not mastered the material well, namely by providing a
repetition of basic material and specific material that is not mastered by the students.

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