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Script 1: Main Objectives

Crinkle Cottage has two main goals to help it grow. The first goal is to get more people to know about us by
doing smart marketing and being active on social media. This way, we can reach more people and build a
community of crinkle fans who can connect with us and each other. It helps us gain more customers and
makes people feel like they can trust us.
The second goal is to keep making our crinkles better and to give great customer service. We want our crinkles
to be famous for being tasty and soft, so we make sure we use high-quality ingredients and good baking
methods. Good customer service makes customers happy and keeps them coming back, and they might even
tell their friends about us. By focusing on these two goals—getting our name out there and making great
crinkles—we hope to get new customers and keep the ones we already have.
Script 2: Specific Goal
The Crinkle Cottage wants to be different from other bakeries by making crinkles with unique flavors that only
we offer. Our goal is to make crinkles with tastes you can't find anywhere else, so people will want to come to
us for desserts. To do this, we try out different ingredients and flavor mixes to make crinkles that not only taste
great but also look good.

Besides having special flavors, we let our customers choose what they like, so they can make their orders just
how they want them. This way, they feel more connected to us because they get to be part of the process and
pick their favorite crinkles. By making unique crinkles and letting people customize their orders, we're working
to make The Crinkle Cottage stand out from other bakeries.
Script 3: Measurable Goal
The Crinkle Cottage has set a goal for this year to make sure we're moving in the right direction. We're
planning to create at least seven different crinkle flavors within the next 12 months, giving our customers more
choices. This shows we want to try new things and offer a variety of options to match different tastes.
We also want to get positive feedback from our customers. Our aim is to get an average rating of at least 4 out
of 5 stars from 80% of our customers. This will help us understand what our customers like and find out what
we can improve. By setting clear goals, we can see how we're doing and make changes to make sure our
crinkles are great and our customers are happy.
Script 4: Achievable Goal
Crinkle Cottage is confident that we can succeed because dessert sales in the Philippines are growing. As
people look for new and interesting sweets, there's a bigger demand for unique desserts like crinkles. This
gives our business a chance to do well, especially if we keep coming up with new ideas and flavors.
Our team has the talent and creativity to make this happen. We know how to create new crinkle recipes, play
around with packaging, and make marketing campaigns that get noticed. By combining our creativity with
smart planning, we're sure we can meet our goals. We also know that good marketing is key, so we're ready to
spend money on it to build our brand and reach more people.
Script 5: Relevant Goal
At Crinkle Cottage, we share the same vision and values as our company. We want to make top-quality
desserts that are creative and appeal to many people. By focusing on unique flavors and high-quality
ingredients, we aim to please customers who like variety and great-tasting desserts. This aligns with what our
company stands for and what the market wants.
Our goal is important because it shows we care about customer satisfaction and connecting with the
community. By offering unique crinkles and interacting with our customers in different ways, we hope to build
strong relationships and keep them coming back. This approach matches our company's vision and meets
customers' need for delicious desserts with a personal touch.
Script 6: Time-Bound Goal
Crinkle Cottage has set a goal to achieve within five years. During this time, we will work on creating new
flavors and improving our packaging. We'll also test different marketing ideas and see how customers respond
to our products.
Throughout these five years, our focus will be on offering more flavors, better packaging, and growing our
brand through smart marketing. By the end of this period, we aim to increase our sales and gain a larger
market share. Having a clear timeframe helps us stay on track and make steady progress towards our goals.

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