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Heriyati1, Heartish1Ayu Astuti1

1Faculty of Health Sciences, University of West Sulawesi
e-mail : heriyati@unsulbar.ac.id

Relationship Of Knowledge With Prevention And Control Of Nosocomial Infections In


Abstract :Infectious diseases related to health care are the latest health-related problems in various countries of
the world, including Indonesia. The incidence of nosocomial infections or commonly referred to as Healthcare
Associated Infections (HAIs) in 2018 by Majene Regional Hospital received Decubitus was 10%, IDO 10.6%,
Phlebitis 47.8%. While the target that must be achieved by Majene Hospital is Decubitus is 10%, IDO ≤ 2%,
Phlebitis ≤ 1%. Research on assistance for nurses and midwives for infections at Majene District General Hospital.
This type of research is quantitative research with cross-sectional research. The data were processed univariate
and bivariate using the chi square test. Results obtained There was a dispute between respondents who answered
against and controlling HAI with a significance level of p = 0.00 (p <0.05). means there is a relationship between
the level of knowledge of infection protection and control in Majene Regency Regional General Hospital. It is
expected that the Regional Hospital can monitor and evaluate regularly related to nosocomial infections,
including nurses and midwives in training so that there is new knowledge and skills in controlling nosocomial
Keywords : Knowledge, Prevention, Control, Nosocomial Infection

Abstract:Infectious diseases related to health services are a current issue of health problems in various countries
of the world, including Indonesia. The incidence of nosocomial infections or commonly called Healthcare
Associated Infections (HAIs) in 2018 by the Majene General Hospital Hospital for Decubitus was 10%, SSI 10.6%,
Phlebitis 47.8%. While the targets that must be achieved by the Majene Hospital are Decubitus ≤ 10%, SSI ≤ 2%,
Phlebitis ≤ 1%. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the knowledge of nurses and
midwives on the prevention of nosocomial infections at the Regional General Hospital of Majene Regency. This
type of research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach. Data were processed univariately and
bivariately using the chi square test. The results obtained There is a correlation between the respondents'
knowledge of the prevention and control of HAIs with a significance level of p = 0.00 (p <0.05). means that there is
a relationship between the level of knowledge on the prevention and control of nosocomial infections at the
Regional General Hospital of Majene Regency.It is hoped that the RSUD can carry out regular monitoring and
evaluation related to the prevention of nosocomial infections, include nurses and midwives in training so that
there is new knowledge and skills in controlling nosocomial infections.

Keywords: Knowledge, Prevention, Control, Nosocomial Infection


INTRODUCTION 10%, SSI (operative area infection) 10.6%,

Phlebitis47.8 %. Meanwhile, the target that
Health care institutions, namely
must be achieved by Majene Regional
hospitals, have an infection that can attack
General Hospital isdecubitus is ≤ 10 %, IDO
patients with care for approximately 72
≤ 2 %,Phlebitis≤ 1%. Preliminary survey
hours, where the infectious disease has not
conducted by researchers through in-depth
been found when the patient enters, the
interviews with 10 nurses at Majene
infection is called a nosocomial infection or
Hospital, they revealed that knowledge
in other words it is called healthcare
about how to prevent surgical wound
associated infections(Hi s). Places that are
infections was still lacking, this was also
full of risks for sources of infection with
caused by behavior that was less active
high numbers of microorganisms are
towards Nosocomial Infection Prevention at
hospitals (Caroline, 2016).
Majene Hospital.
Infectious diseases related to health
In terms of infection prevention,
services orHealthcare Associated
nurses play a very important role, as it is
infections(HAIs) is a health problem in
known that nurses are exposed to
various countries of the world, including
patients on average around 7-8 hours per
Indonesia. The World Health Organization
day, then around 4 hours of nurses
in 2016 stated that 15% of total
effectively have direct contact with
hospitalized patients were part of the
patients, thus this is the main source of
incidence of HAIs with an incidence rate
exposure to nosocomial infections
of up to 75% in Southeast Asia and
(Situmorang , 2020).
Subshara Africa, where 4-56% were found
High prevalence ratehealthcare
to be the cause of neonatal death. HAIs
associated infections(HAIs) is a very big
cases in 2014 were around 722,000 cases
threat to hospital services because it can
with 75,000 patients in the hospital dying
be interpreted as poor service quality, so
with HAIs (CDC, 2016). The number of HAI
prevention is needed in order to reduce
cases reaches 4.8-15.5% with the
the incidence ratehealthcare associated
incidence in Indonesia at 15.74%,
infections (Hi s). Prevention of infection
surpassing developed countries (Sapardi,
must be carried out universally from
health services so that it can protect
Based on data from the Majene Regional
patients from nosocomial infections, both
General Hospital (RSUD Majene), related to HAIs,
the number of incidents was founddecubitusis

88 pISSN 2301-4024 eISSN 2442-7993

health services, and hospital users internal room, operating room and ob-gyn
(Ministry of Health, 2017). in Majene Hospital. The sample of this study
Based on this description, with the were 28 nurses in the internal room, 19
existence of standard discrepancies and the surgeons and 19 midwives at ob-gyn. The
incidence of nosocomial infections, and based independent variables are knowledge and
on the answers of respondents in the behavior while the dependent is prevention
preliminary study who answered they did not of nosocomial infection control. Data
know how to prevent these infections, then an analysis used the chi square test and then
in-depth analysis of the correlation of arranged in the form of tables and
knowledge on the prevention and control of narratives.
nosocomial infections in Majene Hospital will
be analyzed.
RESEARCH METHODS This study tested the correlation of
The research method used is a type knowledge on the prevention and control of
of quantitative research using an analytical nosocomial infections, the following results
survey, in the form ofcross sectional study. were found:
The research location was at the Regional
General Hospital of Majene Regency in
2019. The population for this study were all
nurses and midwives in
Table 1 Description of Respondent Characteristics at Majene Hospital

Characteristics n %
Man 13 19.7%
Woman 53 80.3%
Age group
<25 Years 6 9.1%
26-35 Years 55 83.3%
36-45 Years 5 7.6%
Length of work
1-5 Years 40 60.6%
6-10 Years 26 39.4%
Last education
D3 Nursing 28 42.4%
D3 Midwifery 19 28.8%
S1 Nursing 18 27.3%
S1 Kep+Ners 1 1.5%
Total 66 100.0
Source: Primary Data for 2019

pISSN 2301-4024 eISSN 2442-7993 89


Based on table 1 according to at least 36-45 years with the number of

gender, it shows that the sex respondents 5 (7.6%). According to length
characteristics of the respondents are of work, the most was 1-5 years with a
mostly women with a total of 53 total of 40 respondents (60.6%). At least
respondents (80.3%) and the least are men 6-10 years (39.4). According to education
with a total of 13 respondents (19.7%). By level. the most D3 Nursing with a total of
age the most were 26-35 years with a total 28 (42.4)% and the least S1 Kep,Ners with
of 55 respondents (83.3%) and a total of 1 (1.5%).

Table 2 Distribution of Respondents' Answers Based on Knowledge, Prevention and Variables

Nosocomial Infection Control at Majene Hospital
Variable n %
Not good 15 22.7%
Good 51 77.3%
Prevention and Control
Not good 28 42.4%
Good 38 57.6%
Source: Primary Data for 2019

Table 2 shows the analysis of the univariate (22.7%). According to the prevention and
test of the research variables obtained from the control variables, it was found that the
results of the knowledge of the respondents, it can unfavorable category was 28 people (42.4%)
be seen from 66 respondents that most of them are while the good category was 38 respondents
good as much as 51 (77.3%) and not good 15 (57.6%).

Table 3 Relationship between Knowledge and Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infections in
Majene Hospital
Prevention and Control
Variable Not good Good Total
n % N % n %
Not good 15 22% 0 0% 15 22%
Good 13 20% 38 58% 51 78%
Total 28 42% 38 58% 66 100.0%
Source: Primary Data for 2019
Respondents have a good level of
Based on Table 3, there are 58% of
knowledge but the prevention and control of
respondents who have good knowledge
HAIs is not good at 20%. Based on statistical
and good prevention and control of HAIs.
test resultsChi Squarep value shown :

90 pISSN 2301-4024 eISSN 2442-7993

0.000 (p <0.05), so it is known that there is a

correlation between knowledge and prevention

and control of HAIs at Majene Hospital.

having good knowledge in order to prevent

Based on the research results known the incidence of nosocomial infections,
Respondents' knowledge of the prevention with good knowledge it will affect the
and control of nosocomial infections was actions that should be taken for the safety
also in the high category as it was found of the nurse herself and the patient.
that most of the nurses knew about
prevention of nosocomial infections, The results of this study, Ningsih
causes and prevention of nosocomial (2013) found that there was a relationship
infections. Meanwhile, knowledge of between the motivation and knowledge of
prevention of nosocomial infections nurses and the behavior of preventing
received a low score, based on the results nosocomial infections in Sukoharjo
of the questionnaire analysis shown in Hospital, the higher the knowledge, the
table 3, this occurred because health more aware a nurse is to prevent and
workers, especially nurses, had not control nosocomial infections. Knowledge
implementeduniversal precautions(simple of nosocomial infections can influence
infection control measures), such as wrong individual practice to prevent nosocomial
waste disposal, sterility of tools that need infections (Yunita, 2015).
to be improved.
Based on the statistical test results, the Research Bi Sulistyowati (2016),
significance value shows that there is a found that there is a relationship between knowledge

correlation between knowledge and prevention and behavior to prevent nosocomial infections in the

and control of nosocomial infections at Majene operating room of RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta.

Hospital, where more than 50% of respondents Atmadja's research (2012) found a correlation

with a good level of knowledge are followed by between the knowledge and behavior of nurses

good prevention and control. This is in line with related to the prevention of nosocomial infections in

Suharto's research (2016) which found that inpatient rooms at RSUD X. Zulkarnain's research

there was a correlation between knowledge and (2018) stated that there was a relationship between

actions to prevent infection in the ICU Room of the knowledge, attitudes and skills of nurses towards

Tk II Putri Hijau Hospital, therefore health preventive actionsphlebitisin the internal treatment

workers must room of Bima Hospital.

pISSN 2301-4024 eISSN 2442-7993 91


CLOSING with inos prevention behavior in the

There is a correlation between knowledge operating room at dr. Moewardi
and prevention and control of nosocomial
Ningsih, EW. 2013. Level relationship between
infections in Majene District Hospital. It is Knowledge and motivation of nurses
hoped that the RSUD can carry out regular with Nosocomial Infection Prevention
behavior at the Sukoharjo Regional
monitoring and evaluation regarding the
Public Hospital, Faculty of Health
prevention of nosocomial infections, Sciences : University
include nurses and midwives in training so Surakarta Muhammadiyah
Sapardi, et al. 2018. analysis implementation
that there is new knowledge and skills in
management prevention and
nosocomial infection control, when nurses control healthcare associated
and midwives have attended training, infectionsat rsi ibnusina. Journal of
Endurance 3(2) June 2018 (358-366)
nurses and midwives share information
Situmorang, Easter Rina. 2020. Relationships
with others so that nurses and other knowledge of midwives about
midwives know and apply HAIs prevention nosocomial infections and their
and control. preventive measures in cesarean
section surgery patients.Jurnal of
Nursing Priority 3(1):83-90
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