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Social Studies Grade V

5e. Natural Disasters and Safety

Work to be done on Notebook

➢ Glossary (10)
➢ Fill in the blanks. (05)
➢ True/ False. (05)
➢ Mcq’s. (05)
➢ Questions and Answers. (05)
➢ Activity (01)
➢ Reinforcement.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

Learning objectives:
At the end of lesson, students will be able to:
✓ Identify the major natural disasters and their effect on human life.
✓ Suggest safely measures that can be adopted in case of Floods and Earthquakes.
Teaching Aids:
✓ Book.
✓ White board.
✓ Board Markers.
✓ Interactive Map.
✓ Charts and diagram.
✓ Story books.
✓ Audio video Aids.
Motivation Technique:
✓ Relate the topic to real-life experiences. Discuss recent or historical natural disasters
that the students might be familiar with.
✓ Highlight the relevance of learning about natural disasters and safety measures in
their own lives.
✓ Incorporate visual aids such as pictures, videos, and diagrams to make the content
more engaging and understandable.
✓ Show before-and-after images of areas affected by natural disasters to emphasize
the impact.
✓ Begin with a general discussion about what natural disasters are and why it's
essential to learn about them.
✓ Introduce the idea that while natural disasters can be scary, understanding them
help us stay safe.
✓ Cover various types of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornadoes, floods, wildfires, and tsunamis.
✓ Use visual aids like pictures, diagrams, and videos to make the concepts more
✓ Share real-life stories and case studies of communities that have experienced natural
✓ Discuss how people in those areas prepared and coped with the disasters.

Audio/ Video:

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

1. Depleted: run out of
2. Drought: lack of rain or water
3. Infrastructure: to set up a foundational structure
4. Minimal: least; smallest
5. Horizontal: flat; level
6. Terraces: level of land cut on a downward slope
7. Vertical: straight up
8. Evacuated: remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safer place.
9. Disinfect: to clean (something) especially by using a chemical substance
that kills all germs and bacteria
10. Contaminated: defile, pollute, and taint.

Complete the following sentences:
1. Human life can be severely affected by natural disasters.
2. The best way to protect yourself is to prepare ahead of time.
3. After the flood has subsided, more safety precautions have to be taken once
you return home.
4. Earthquakes can be sudden and can catch people unprepared.
5. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
True / False
State weather the following statements are True Or False:
1. Weather forecasts cannot predict a flood before it happens. (False)
2. To stay safe from flood is to find higher ground for yourself to stay on.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

3. We should always plug the electrical appliances and turn on our main switch
and gas value. (False)
4. The first step is to take cover under solid objects so that falling debris does
not injure you. (True)
5. Be prepared for aftershocks of an earthquake.(True)

Circle the correct answer:
On book Pg. # 110

Question / Answers
Q#1. What are Natural Disasters?
Ans. Natural disasters are catastrophic events that are caused by natural
phenomena like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, landslide and wildfire.
Q#2. List the measure to be taken in case of an earthquake.
Ans. Here are some safely measures that can be practiced in an earthquake drill at
school or home.
a) The first step is to take cover under solid objects so that falling debris does
not injure you.
b) Stay away from furniture, windows and lamps.
c) Stay away from buildings, walls and power polls.
d) If you are in a car, pull over to a spot that is away from trees, power lines,
and buildings. Wait in the car until the shaking stops.
e) Learn to turn off the water, gas and electricity in your home.

Q#3. Write some safety measures to take during and after a flood.
Ans. During Flood:
a) The first step is to find higher ground for yourself to stay on.
b) Never drive through flooded areas. Flood water can drown your car.
c) Wait for rescue teams to reach you if you are stranded on safe ground.

After a Flood:
a) Return only when authorities say it is safe.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

b) Clean and disinfect everything that was submerged in flooded waters.

c) Avoid power lines that have fallen and report them to the right

Q#4. What to do after an Earthquake is over?

Ans. a) It is best to leave your house or building when shaking has stopped.
b) Apply first aid if you or people near you injured.
c) Call ambulance for series injuries.
d) Beware of leaking gas and broken electricity wires.
e) If you are trapped inside a building or structure, try and catch the attention
of rescue teams by any means of communication.
Q#5. How are the lives of people affected in disaster- hit areas?
Ans. Lives of people affected by Natural Disaster: Human life can be severely
affected by natural disasters. People can be injured, or disease can spread due to
polluted water. Food shortages occur and people’s daily routine and earnings are
affected. Many times, people lose their homes and have to live in makeshift homes
such as tents or move in with relatives.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

Search the Natural Disasters with the help of the given pictures:

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

Home Task
1. Learn all the glossaries and blanks.
2. Learn all the question/ answers of the chapter.
3. Do the given activity.

Q#1.Complete the following sentences:
1. After the ________ has subsided, more safety __________ have to be taken
once you return home.
2. _____________ can be sudden and can catch people unprepared.
3. Do not touch ____________________ if you are wet or standing in water.

Q#2. State weather the following statements are True Or False:

1. Weather forecasts cannot predict a flood before it happens. ( )
2. To stay safe from flood is to find higher ground for yourself to stay on. ( )
3. Be prepared for aftershocks of an earthquake. ( )

Q#3.Answer the following Questions:

1. What to do after an Earthquake is over?
2. What are Natural Disasters?
3. Write some safety measures to take during and after a flood.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

Chapter # 6

6a: Goods and Services
6b: Consumers and Producers

Work to be done on Notebook

➢ Glossary (10)
➢ Fill in the blanks. (05)
➢ True/False. (05
➢ Questions and Answers. (03)
➢ Short Note (02)
➢ Activity (1)
➢ Reinforcement.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

Learning objectives:
At the end of lessons, students will be able to:
✓ Define the terms goods and services.
✓ Differentiate between public and private goods and services.
✓ Identify the function of consumers and producers.
Teaching Aids:
✓ Book.
✓ White board.
✓ Board Markers.
✓ Interactive Map.
✓ Charts and diagram.
✓ Story books.
✓ Audio video Aids.
Motivation Technique:
✓ Use relatable examples from daily life to illustrate the concepts of goods and services. For
instance, discuss the bakery as a service provider and bread as a good.
✓ Incorporate hands-on activities to engage students actively. For goods, you can have a
simple "market" where students can exchange items, and for services, create role-playing
scenarios where they act as consumers and producers.
✓ Utilize visual aids like charts, diagrams, and images to help students visualize the concepts.
Create a poster with examples of goods and services, or show pictures that represent each
✓ Use educational games that teach the concepts of consumers and producers in a fun and
interactive way. For example, a simple simulation game where students take on the roles of
consumers and producers can make the learning process enjoyable.
✓ Relate the concepts to their daily lives. Discuss real-life examples of consumers (people who
buy goods and services) and producers (those who make or provide goods and services).
Show them how these roles play out in their own communities.
✓ Begin with a discussion on basic needs and wants. Ask students about items they use daily
and classify them into goods (products) and services. Discuss the roles of consumers and
producers in the process.
✓ Bring in examples from their everyday lives. Discuss how families are both consumers and
producers. For instance, parents work (producers) to earn money and buy goods and
services (consumers).

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

✓ Utilize visual aids such as charts, diagrams, or pictures to represent consumers and
producers. Use simple illustrations to explain the concept of the production and
consumption cycle.
✓ Introduce the concept using everyday examples that are familiar to students. Show tangible
goods like books, toys, and electronic devices, and discuss intangible services such as
haircuts, education, and healthcare.
✓ Organize role-playing activities where students take on roles of buyers and sellers. This
hands-on approach helps them understand the exchange of goods and services in a practical
✓ Encourage class discussions to promote critical thinking. Ask open-ended questions about
the difference between goods and services and encourage students to share their thoughts
and experiences.

Audio/ Video:

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

1. Desire: want; wish
2. Lack: deficiency or absence of something
3. Affordable: the fact of being cheap enough that people can afford to buy it
or pay it
4. Offered: provide; supply; give
5. Generate: create; evolve; originate; engender; institute
6. Maximum: full
7. Merchandise: goods
8. Logistics: operation of providing or supplying materials
9. Modes: types
10. Passionate: eager; intense


Fill the blanks with suitable answers:

1. In an economy, money is spent on goods and services.
2. The provision of goods and services is done by both the public and private
3. A society’s wealth is based on buying and selling of goods and services.
4. If you dine out at a restaurant, you are consuming the food offered there in
exchange for money.
5. The public or government sector offers goods and services on a large scale
to its citizens.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

True / False
State weather the following statements are True Or False:
1. Goods are objects that satisfy people’s desires. (True)
2. Clothes, cosmetics and electronics are the example of public goods. (False)
3. Dentist, barber lawyer are private service. (True)
4. Private goods and services are cheaper than public services. (False)
5. Producer generate goods for the wants and needs of people. (True)

Question / Answers
Q#1. Define the following terms:
a. Goods: Goods are products made or manufactured from natural and
industrial resources.
These include clothing, furniture, cars, food items and minerals,
b. Services: services are those actions that someone does for someone else to
fulfil a need or want in exchange for money.
Services include transport, medical care and education.
c. Consumers: Consumers are a people who buy or consume goods and
d. Producers: Producers are people or companies who make the goods and
provide the services.

Q#2. Give an example of a producer and explain how his product reaches
the market for the consumer to buy?
Ans. Example: Apple Farmer

The apple farmer harvests ripe apples from the orchard. The apples are then sorted,
cleaned, and packaged at the farm. The farmer sells the apples to a distributor or
wholesaler, who transports them to grocery stores. The grocery stores purchase the
apples, display them in the produce section, and sell them to consumers.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

Consumers buy the apples directly from the store, completing the journey from the
farm to the market.

Q#3. Differentiate between Public and Private Goods and services:

Public Goods and Services Private Goods and Services
1. The public or government 1. The private sector provides
sector offers goods and goods and services for specific
services on a large scale. needs of buyers to earn money.
2. Public goods and services are 2. Their goods and services are
made affordable for the general more expensive than public
public. goods and services.
3. The government or the public 3. Private sectors are a mean of
sector does not make a profit making maximum profit.
on the goods and services.

Q#4. Write a short note on consumer and producers:

Ans. Consumers and producers are key players in the economic system, each
playing a distinct role.

Producers: Producers are individuals or entities that create goods and services for
the market. They are the driving force behind economic activity, utilizing resources
to manufacture products or provide services. Producers aim to meet the demands of
consumers and generate revenue. This category includes farmers, manufacturers,
service providers, and other entities involved in the production of goods and

Consumers: Consumers, on the other hand, are the end users of goods and
services. They are individuals or entities that purchase and consume the products
created by producers. Consumers play a crucial role in shaping the market through
their preferences and buying behavior. Their demand for specific goods and
services influences producers' decisions on what to produce and how much.

The relationship between consumers and producers is a fundamental aspect of the

market economy. Producers strive to create products that meet consumer needs and
preferences, while consumers, through their purchasing power, determine the
success of products and influence the direction of production. This dynamic
interaction forms the basis of supply and demand, driving economic activity and
shaping the market landscape.

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

Q#5. Write a short note on Goods and Services:

Ans. Goods and services are fundamental economic entities that form the basis of
all economic activities.

Goods: Goods are tangible, physical items that people can touch, feel, and own.
They include products such as clothing, electronics, cars, and food. Goods are
produced, manufactured, and distributed through various supply chains before
reaching consumers. They are often categorized as durable goods, like appliances
that last a long time, or nondurable goods, like perishable items such as food.

Services: Services, on the other hand, are intangible offerings that fulfill a
particular need or desire. They are activities performed by one party for another,
usually involving time, skills, or expertise. Examples of services include education,
healthcare, transportation, and consulting. Unlike goods, services are consumed at
the time they are produced and are often characterized by a direct interaction
between the service provider and the consumer.

Both goods and services contribute to the overall economic well-being of a society,
and together they make up the backbone of any economy. The production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services play a crucial role in
economic growth, job creation, and the overall standard of living.

Activity #1
Allocate the Goods and Services in the right column:
Clothes, road, dentist, telephone, barber, cosmetics, dams, electricity, lawyer,
electronics, gas, water, bridge, mechanics.
Public Goods Public Services Private Goods Private Services
road water Clothes dentist
dams telephone cosmetics barber
bridge electricity electronics lawyer
gas mechanics
Activity #2

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

Social Studies Grade V

In groups of three, make a list of Goods and services on a chart paper and
compare their prices and key features.
Home Task
1. Learn all the glossaries and blanks.
2. Learn all the question/ answers of the chapter.
3. Learn short notes.
4. Do the given activity.

Q#1.Complete the following sentences:
1. A ______________is based on buying and selling of goods and services.
2. If you dine out at a restaurant, you are ___________the food offered there in
exchange for money.
3 .The public or government sector offers ______________on a large scale to
its citizens.
Q#2 Define the following terms:
a. Goods b. Consumers

Q#3. Differentiate between Public and Private Goods and services:

Q#4. Write a short note on any one of the following topics:
a. Goods and services
b. Consumers and Producers

Under the auspices of Shamsi Educational Foundation

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