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Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

Corner Rizal and Amat St.,

8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges



This chapter includes the introduction, framework of the study, statement of the

problem, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and definition of terms.


The acquisition and development of vocabulary play a crucial role in language

learning, particularly for second language learners. According to Kiliç (2019), having an

extensive vocabulary is essential for understanding spoken and written discourse,

expressing oneself accurately and fluently, and developing reading comprehension skills.

However, acquiring a large vocabulary can be challenging, especially for junior high

school students who are still building their language skills. Moreover, different learners

have varying preferences and learning styles that may affect their ability to acquire new

vocabulary (Yazidi, 2023). Some students may prefer visual aids, while others may benefit

more from hands-on activities or auditory exercises (Cavite & Gonzaga, 2023). Therefore,

it is essential for educators to employ instructional strategies that can cater to these diverse

learning preferences and maximize the acquisition of new vocabulary.

According to Stratton (2023), vocabulary learning involves both explicit and

implicit processes. Explicit instruction refers to the deliberate teaching of words, while

implicit instruction involves indirectly learning new words through exposure to

meaningful input. In line with this, various vocabulary instruction strategies have been
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
developed and implemented in second language classrooms, such as vocabulary games,

word lists, semantic mapping, and storytelling. For instance, Rahman et al. (2024)
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges 2
discovered that using pictures in the teaching-learning process significantly

improved vocabulary mastery and increased positive responses and motivation among

third-grade students. In line with this, Legault et al. (2019) found that immersive virtual

reality (iVR) was more effective for learning Mandarin Chinese, especially for less

successful learners, compared to traditional word-word paired association. Meanwhile,

Ramezanali & Faez, F. (2019) revealed that dual glossing modes (L2 definition and video

animation) were generally more effective for vocabulary learning and delayed word

recollection than single glossing modes.

Despite these findings, research on the impact of vocabulary instruction strategies

for second language learners, especially in junior high school settings, is limited. While

studies have examined the effectiveness of various strategies, there is a lack of research

that directly addresses their impact on vocabulary acquisition in the same context.

Moreover, much of the existing research has focused on young and elementary learners,

thus there is a need for study targeting older students who may have different language

learning needs and challenges.

Therefore, this study aims to address these gaps by conducting this research to

investigate the profile of junior high school students and the vocabulary instruction

strategies currently implemented in the classroom setting. The study will assess the impact

of these strategies on the students’ second language acquisition in terms of reading,

writing, listening; and speaking skills. The findings of this research can provide valuable

insights for language teachers and curriculum developers in designing vocabulary

instruction strategies that cater to the needs of junior high school students.
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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges 3
Framework of the Study

This study is anchored in the Input Hypothesis, proposed by linguist Stephen

Krashen, which suggests that language acquisition occurs through comprehensible input or

exposure to understandable language (Krashen, 2020). It emphasizes the importance of

providing students with opportunities to practice and use new vocabulary in meaningful

ways for acquisition. This theory is relevant to the study as it provides a framework for

understanding the impact of vocabulary instruction strategies, which serve as a form of

input, on the second language acquisition of high school students.

The framework of the study presents the key variables and components of the

research. The first box presents the students’ profile in terms of age, sex, and grade level.

Age is considered a profile variable because older students may have a different

perspective than younger students; Sex is also a variable in the sense that different

learning styles may exist between male and female students; Grade Level is included

because different grade levels may have varying experiences with vocabulary instruction


The second box shows the factors in discerning the impact of various vocabulary

instruction strategies on second language acquisition: Reading which is the process of

understanding and interpreting written texts; Writing which is using new vocabulary

words in written communications; Listening which involves comprehending spoken

language and auditory input; and Speaking which is the use of language in conversation

and presentation.

The third box illustrates the output of the study, the proposed recommendations

based on the findings.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges 4

Impact of the
Profile of
strategies on the
 Age second language
acquisition of the
 Sex students
 Grade • Reading skills Recommendation
Level • Writing skills

• Listening skills

• Speaking skills

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges 5
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the impact of vocabulary instruction strategies on

the second language acquisition of junior high school students.

Specifically, it sought to address the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of;

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex; and

1.3 Grade Level?

2. What vocabulary instruction strategies are currently implemented in the classroom


3. What are the impacts of the implemented vocabulary instruction strategies on the

second language acquisition of the students in terms of:

3.1 Reading skills;

3.2 Writing skills;

3.3 Listening skills; and

3.4 Speaking skills?

4. Is there a significant difference between the strategies used by the teachers and the

impact on 2nd language acquisition?

5. Based on the findings of the study, what recommendations can be offered?


There is no significant difference between the strategies used by the teachers and

the impact on 2nd language acquisition.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges 6
Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the result of this study will serve as the basis for future

and provide valuable information beneficial to the following:

Junior High School Students. This study will help the students to understand the

impact of vocabulary instruction strategies which will let them gain insights into how they

can effectively improve their reading, writing, listening; and speaking skills, leading to an

increased ability to understand and communicate effectively.

Teachers. The findings of this study can be used by teachers as a reference for

vocabulary instruction strategies that can improve students’ understanding and usage of

words. It will also contribute to their professional development by providing evidence-

based practices for teaching vocabulary.

School Administrators. The findings of this study can assist school administrators

in making informed decisions regarding the implementation of effective vocabulary

instruction strategies in the curriculum. It can also guide them in allocating resources

effectively to support vocabulary instruction and second language acquisition.

Future Researchers. This study can inspire future researchers to delve deeper into

the topic of vocabulary instruction and contribute to ongoing research on effective

teaching strategies for improving students’ vocabulary skills. It can also serve as a basis

for further studies on the impact of different instructional techniques on vocabulary

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges 7
Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is confined to the following specific coverage:

Focus. This research concentrates on the impact of vocabulary instruction

strategies on the second language acquisition of junior high school students.

Respondents. The respondents of the study are both teachers and junior high

school students at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges, with a total of 150 participants.

Time and Place. This study will be conducted at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

on A.Y. 2023-2024.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate better understanding of the study, the following terms are

defined conceptually and/or operationally:

Adapting Vocabulary Words. This refers to the process of students incorporating

new vocabulary words into their language use. It involves not only learning the meanings

of new words but also understanding how to use them correctly in sentences and in

various contexts.

Multi-Modal Learning. This is a teaching strategy that involves using more than

one sensory channel (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) for learning. It recognizes that

individuals have different learning styles and preferences, and caters to those differences

to enhance learning.

Second Language Acquisition. This is the process through which individuals

learn a language other than their native language. In this study, it refers to the students’

acquisition of English vocabulary and their progress in reading, writing, listening, and

speaking skills.
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
Junior High School at Northeastern Mindanao Colleges 8
Teaching Techniques. These are the specific methods, strategies, and practices

employed by educators to facilitate learning in the classroom setting. Teaching techniques

are designed to engage students, enhance their understanding of the subject matter, and

promote active learning. They can vary widely depending on the subject, the learning

objectives, the students’ learning styles and needs, and the educational context.

Vocabulary Acquisition. This refers to a complex process that involves learning

new words and incorporating them into one’s vocabulary. It includes several stages such

as initial exposure to the word, understanding its meaning in context, learning its spelling

and pronunciation, and eventually being able to use the word appropriately in various

contexts. Vocabulary acquisition is a key component of language learning and literacy


Vocabulary Comprehension: This refers to the ability to understand and utilize

new vocabulary words in various contexts, including written, spoken, or visual.

Vocabulary comprehension is crucial for effective communication and academic success

as it enables individuals to understand and interpret texts, express their thoughts and ideas,

and engage in meaningful conversations.

Vocabulary Instruction Strategies. These are varied methods employed to

facilitate the learning of new words and terms in a second language setting. These may

include context-based learning, word associations, visual aids and more.

Writing Skills. This refers to the ability to express oneself in written form. It

involves using correct grammar and punctuation, organizing ideas logically, and using

new vocabulary words accurately and appropriately.

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City
The Impact of Vocabulary Instructions Strategies on Second Language Acquisition of
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