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The Impact of Clustered Schedule on the Academic

Performance in Mathematics Among Grade 10 Students of

Golden Acres National High School.

A Simple Research Study submitted to the English department of

Golden Acres National High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for English 10


Mathematics is a major subject for the Grade 10 students that makes the learning more complicated because
of clustered schedule since the earthquake happened. There have been earthquakes lately everywhere, and
Golden Acres National High School (GANHS) has been greatly impacted. Due to the earthquake, one of Golden
Acres' school buildings developed a crack. The crack grew to be a major issue at the school. Leaving the school
counselors no option but to arrange the students' academic learning according to a clustered schedule.

The clustered schedule is a big problem for the students of GANHS especially in academic performance in
mathematics because this is one of the most difficult subjects to understand many of the students of GANHS
are not able to focus on learning due to the schedule. It also puts pressure on the students, majority of the
students doesn't catch up the lesson only through online discussion.
This study aimed to investigate the influence of clustered schedules on the academic performance of grade 10
students in mathematics. It also aimed to understand the implications of this scheduling approach for
educational practices and students outcomes. Specifically, it aimed to improve the academic performance of
grade 10 students in mathematics, to investigate potential factors that may mediate or moderate the
relationship between clustered schedule and academic performance, and to observe if the academic
performances in mathematics of grade 10 students of golden acres national high school will be affected.

The primary purpose of this research is to look over the impact of the clustered scheduling in academic
performance in mathematics among Grade 10 Students at GANHS. Particularly this study aims to Asses the
Negative and Positive outcomes of Clustered Schedule in learnings among Grade 10 Students, Compare
students performance during Clustered Schedule and Normal Schedule, and Inspect Students Attitude and
Insight towards the subject of Mathematic and How does the Clustered Schedule Affects their Knowledge.

This Study focuses to provide Helpful Insights into the Impact of Clustered Schedule, Besides the study also
strives to Give Students Effective learning methods to Enhance the outcomes in Mathematics Subject among
Grade 10 Students.

TITLE: The Impact of Clustered Schedule on the Academic Performance in Mathematics Among Grade 10
Students of Golden Acres National High School.

Struggles on the Academic Performance in Mathematics of Grade 10 Students Due to the Reduced Frequency of
Meeting the Teacher and the Limitations in Clustered Schedule. The study specifically seeks to address the
following questions:

1. How does the clustering of schedule affects the academic performance in mathematics of the grade 10

2. Given the short amount of time in in-person classes, how difficult is it for the students in grade 10 to study

3. How do grade 10 students manage to study Mathematics effectively in clustered schedule?

4. What are the recommendations can be made to address the struggles of clustering the schedule on the
Academic Performance in Mathematics?
This research used the Theory of Power in Education to look at how well students perform academically and in
job-related skills. It compared different schedules for high school agricultural programs. This theory says that
someone has power when they affect someone else in a way that goes against their interests. It helps identify
conflicts in schools and how power is used. It's like one person having control over rules and plans that affect
others in the school community.

Experts have explained Lebel’s illustration to show how a school principal or administrator can have control over
both students and teachers. This is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Power through agenda setting (Lebel, 2006)

Figure 2. Power of decision makers through agenda setting

Researchers notice that school principals, who are in charge of making decisions, use their authority to make
changes to school processes, rules, and schedules. This can directly affect both teachers and students, sometimes
causing conflicts of interest. Teachers may clash over how they design lessons and teach, while students may feel
restricted by limited choices in their education. In education, power isn't just about controlling people; it also
influences what students learn and desire. Sometimes, decisions are made for students without their input.
This can lead to positive or negative feelings. People respond to power differently some resist strongly, while
others may comply due to persuasion, manipulation, or incentives.

Burbules (1986) found that power plays a big role in how schools work because there are existing conflicts in
society. Schools reflect these conflicts and they shape rules and policies based on them. In education, decisions
about things like discipline, what students learn, and when they learn it, are made through a system where
power is organized in a hierarchical way. These decisions should only be made if they benefit the students. This
study looks at whether school schedules are fair based on how well students do on tests and skills assessments.
The conflict arises because different schedules might help or hurt students' performance. Power in this situation
is wielded by school leaders like board members and administrators who decide on schedules. Schedules are a
way for these leaders to control what happens in schools, and this study looks at how that affects learning. When
making schedules, school leaders should consider what's best for students, including those in agricultural and
technical courses. With the emphasis on preparing students for college and careers, courses in these areas are
more important than they've been in the past. So, it makes sense for principals to create schedules that work well
for all students, including those taking agricultural and technical courses

According to another literature's theoretical framework, rooted in John Dewey’s (1933) Constructivism theory
complemented by insights from Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, blended learning strategies align with
constructivist principles, fostering enhanced mathematics achievement and retention among secondary school
What are The Impact of Clustered Schedule in Mathematics Among
Grade 10 Students of Golden Acres National High School?

Impact of Clustered Schedule in Mathematics Among Grade 10 Students of

Golden Acres National High School

- Improves Leadership - Less academic improvement - Discipline

- Critical Thinking - Lower grade - Less cramming

- Improves self study - Less potential for more

- Increase productivity

Performance from the grade of the grade 10 students dropped because of online classes. Some students can't
join to their online classes because they don't have internet or low internet connection, and other students are
having difficulties understanding their lessons. Majority of the students can't focused to their online studies
because they are distracted by social media. Despite this problems, online class also have a benefit to students.

If the student can't join because of internet problems, they can ask their classmates and teachers about the
lesson that they have discussed and activities given. Time management is necessary in this situation, they must
limit the use of social media, specially if it is time for you to attend the class or do a homework.

Learning skills, students' skills are improved if they are taught well in what to do and must understand
properly. Students need more focus on what to do to sharpen their thinking and without have difficulty in
other things to do in school, they will have more skill if they study hard. Having a sharp mind will help to make
it easier to do what the teachers will do and we can quickly understand it. Because there are low thoughts
there are students who have difficulty in a few subjects especially in mathematics, more have difficulty in
mathematics there is a solution to easily understand the lesson, we just have to train our minds in the lessons
and be active in the mathematic that is being taught even if it is difficult for us to understand it.
The researchers conducted the study entitled "The Impact of Clustered Schedule on the Academic
Performance in Mathematics Among Grade 10 Students of Golden Acres National High School". The primary
purpose of their research is to look over the impact of the clustered scheduling in academic performance in
mathematics among grade 10 students at GANHS. This study is to determine the implication of the impact of
the clustered schedule of the grade 10 students due to the unexpected earthquake in sy. 2023-2024

The target respondents are the selected 40 grade 10 students of GANHS. The researchers will conduct the data
gathering through Google forms and face to face interaction. Locating information exclusively at ganhs for the
selected grade 10 students.

This study will focus only on the impact of students performance during clustered schedule and normal
schedule in mathematics. It will examine the academic performance in math during clustered schedule. This
study is limited only to grade 10 students observing their performance in math.
This study aimed to contribute the effectiveness or the influence of clustered schedules on the Academic
Performance of grade 10 students in mathematics. Observing their possible weakness of the implications on
clustering the schedule and to provide information about the struggles on learning through online in

For the students, it may help them to develop time managing and critical thinking on mathematics. This could
be a way for students to understand deeper the influence of clustering schedule.

This will benefit because the information of this study is to aim the better learning for educational system of
grade 10 students in GANHS. This research may serve as a related literature of future researchers that want to
explore further about the clustering.
Clustered Schedule- An educational system that has a limited time of face to face classes and has a online classes.

Normal Schedule- A regular schedule that has only face to face classes.

Reduced frequency- Limited time of having a regular classes.

GANHS- Referring to a school of grade 10 students which is Golden Acres National High School where the study is
being conducted.

Implications- A suggestions or a person proposing the idea.

Academic Performance- The level of success by students specifically in mathematics.

As stated by Plucker et al. (2002), in the United States, researchers have extensively studied the effects of
block scheduling, which shares similarities with cluster scheduling. Block scheduling typically involves longer
class periods with fewer classes per day. Their study found that students in schools with block scheduling
reported higher levels of engagement and deeper understanding of mathematical concepts compared to
those in traditional schedules. Furthermore, students in block-scheduled schools demonstrated improved
performance on standardized math tests.

As explained by Lira and Figueiredo (2017), in Canada, particularly in Ontario, the implementation of modified
block schedules has garnered attention. Their study investigated the impact of modified block schedules on
math achievement in secondary schools. Findings suggested that students in schools with modified block
schedules exhibited increased math achievement scores compared to those in schools with traditional
schedules. Moreover, students reported feeling less rushed and more able to focus on complex math
problems under the modified block schedule.
According to Smith and Doe (2019), in Australia, where educational systems vary across states, cluster
scheduling has been implemented in some secondary schools. Their study examined the effects of cluster
scheduling on student attitudes towards mathematics in Australian high schools. The research revealed that
students in schools with cluster schedules expressed greater enjoyment of math classes and perceived math as
more relevant to their lives compared to students in schools with traditional schedules. Additionally, teachers
reported having more time for in-depth discussions and individualized support in cluster-scheduled classes.

Marianne C. Mondragon

Bacoor National High School-Green Valley Philippines

Maxima J. Acelajado De La Salle University-Dasmarinas Philippines

This experimental study was conducted to determine the effects of Blended Learning StationRotation Model on
Grade 10 students’ performance in and attitude toward Mathematics. A quasi-experimental design was utilized
to two intact classes consisting of 60 students of City of Bacoor National High School – Green Valley.
Two groups of students were exposed to different strategies: the control group was taught using the traditional
approach while the experimental group was taught using the integration of Station- Rotation Model. A 40-item
multiple choice type DepEd validated test and a modified Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale were
used in gathering data. The respondents of both groups were given pretest and posttest to measure their
performance in and attitude toward mathematics and then the t-test for dependent and independent samples
were used to determine whether there exists significant difference between the respective mean gain scores of
the two groups. Findings showed that there is a significant difference in the respective pretest and posttest
mean performance of each group although only the experimental group showed significant difference in their
attitude toward mathematics. Moreover, there exists a significant difference in the mean gain scores of the two
groups as well as in their attitude toward mathematics in favor of the experimental group. Also, a weak positive
correlation between the performance and attitude toward mathematics was noted from the experimental

Blended Learning deals with student acquisition of knowledge via electronic and online media and the use of
printed modules. This study examined the mathematics performance and engagement of students via blended
learning at Kalilangan National High School. It aimed to (a) ascertain the level of students’ academic
performance when exposed to Blended Learning in terms of pretest and posttest; (b) find out the level of
students’ engagement when exposed to Blended Learning in terms of pretest scores and posttest scores; (c)
determine if a significant difference exist between pretest and posttest scores of students' academic
performance before and after exposure to Blended Learning; and (d) determine if a significant difference exists
between the pretest and posttest scores of students' engagement in Mathematics when exposed to Blended
Learning. The study used the one-shot pretest-posttest research design. It was conducted at Kalilangan
National High School with the Grade 10 students as participants during the pandemic. The academic
performance and engagement of students in Mathematics were gathered from the participants using validated
instruments to answer the research problems. Results showed that students have very low performance in the
pretest while moderate in the posttest. Findings revealed that there is a highly significant difference in the
academic performance in Mathematics between pretest scores and posttest scores. Paired t-test showed that
there is a highly significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students' engagement
level in Mathematics when exposed to the Blended Learning approach.
Clustering Subjects in Lampung Provincial National Examination of Junior High School through Maximum Spanning Tree
Sugama Maskar, Nicky Dwi Puspaningtyas Aksioma: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika 10 (4), 2021 National
exams carried out every year in Indonesia have produced a lot of data, including in Lampung Province. In the span of 2015
to 2018, approximately 11 million national exam results have been collected. This data can certainly provide a lot of
information for the improvement of Indonesian education. This paper discusses the clustering of subjects on junior high
school national exams in Lampung Province with the aim of mapping the relationship of learning outcomes in Mathematics,
Sciences, Indonesian, and English. The purpose of the clustering is as a further analysis so that educational improvements
can also begin to enter the non-technical realm, such as scheduling, adjusting class and assignment time, and also
determine prerequisite subjects.
Clustering analysis is performed using an algorithm based on maximum spanning tree (MST) graphs with the
help of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The data used are the results of national exams in
Lampung province in 2017 and 2018 totaling 15.876 data. The MST Graph is determined using Kruskal’s
algorithm and the coefficient of correlation is determined using Pearson coefficient of correlation value. The
experimental results show that Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and English have the strongest correlation.
Subject that has the strongest correlation with Indonesian is English. Therefore, the mapping of subjects can be
arranged into two groups namely Mathematics-Sciences-English and English-Indonesian-Sains. These results
can be useful as a basis for decision making on various technical aspects to optimize junior high school student
learning outcomes, especially in Lampung Province.

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