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Topic : Interpersonal relationships

Venue : Lecture room

Group : B.Sc. ( N)


General Objectives: - At the end the student will be able to apply knowledge in clinical area

Specific Objective:- At the end the student will be able to:

Specific Objective Time Content Teaching - Evaluation


At the end student will be 2 min. Discussion

 Interpersonal relationships refer to reciprocal social and emotional

interactions between two more individuals in an environment. 
 Interpersonal relationship is defined as a close association between
individuals who share common interests and goals. 
 Interpersonal relationship means interaction or relations between two or
more individuals. 
 Interpersonal relationship is an interpersonal process that involves two or
more people, which is the end result of a series of planned and purposeful
interaction between them.

Enlist Purposes 8 min PURPOSES OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP The major Lecture Cum
purposes of interpersonal relationship are discussed in the following section. Discussion


An interpersonal relationship aids in personal growth and development, is a
source of enjoyment, provides a sense of security, boosts self-esteem, builds a
context of understanding, meets interpersonal needs and helps establish an
identity for an individual. 

Personal growth and development: A good interpersonal relationship

actively and continually facilitates personal growth and development of people
by sharing vivid experiences of life.

Source of enjoyment: For some individuals, an interpersonal relationship can
be a source of enjoyment as it helps them unwind, relax and maximize the fun.

Sense of security: An interpersonal relationship helps in boosting an
individual's self-esteem and sense of security during relationship with others.

Context of understanding: An interpersonal relationship helps us better

understand what someone says in a given context. The words we use can mean
different things depending on how or in what context they are said. A good
interpersonal relationship, however, helps in building a context of
understanding. 

Interpersonal needs: An interpersonal relationship helps individuals in

expressing and meeting interpersonal needs.

Establishing personal identity: The main reason for developing interpersonal

relationships is to establish an identity. The roles we play in our relationships
help us in establishing an identity. So do the face and public self-image we
present to others. Both roles and images are constructed based on how we
interact with others.


Nursing personnel are the largest team members in a health care organization.
They interact with a variety of personnel such as doctors, pharmacists,
physiotherapists, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists, social health
workers and other paramedical staff. In such a complex environment,
interpersonal relationships help nurses function efficiently on a routine basis.

Some of the important functions of interpersonal relationships for nurses.

Building a positive functional multidisciplinary team: A hospital is a

complex system where many people work together for a common purpose, i.e.
offer quality care. Interpersonal relationships help nurses in building a positive
functional multidisciplinary team both personally and professionally. 

Improving intra- and/or inter-team communication, coordination and

cooperation: Interpersonal relationships help nurses establish intra- and/or
inter-team communication, coordination and cooperation, which is very
important for functioning efficiently. 

Building mutual understanding and cooperation: Interpersonal

relationships help nurses build mutual understanding and cooperation that
helps them accomplish their personal and professional tasks more efficiently.

Understanding self: Interpersonal relations not only help understand others

but also help in understanding oneself more effectively and efficiently.
Interpersonal relations help individuals introspect as well as receive positive
criticism from others. The use of effective interpersonal relationship is a
continuous process that improves self-awareness and insight. Interpersonal
relationships enable us become interpersonally effective. 
Improved decision making and problem solving: Interpersonal relationships
help nurses in taking right decisions and solve problems effectively. It also acts
as a tool in achieving common goals in administration and management


Patients are a core aspect in health care practices and each activity evolves and
revolves around them. Interpersonal relationship, therefore, certainly benefits
patients as well as their families. 

Developing a sense of security and comfort: Good interpersonal relations

help patients and their families develop a sense of nonthreatening feelings in
hospitals and also develop a sense of security and comfort during their stay in
hospital. 

Fostering trust and cooperation: Trust is a key factor in personal, social and
professional functionings. Interpersonal relationship is an essential strategy to
foster feelings of trust between patients and the health care team. This plays an
important role in seeking the cooperation of patients and their families in
health care practices. 

Facilitating communication: Interpersonal relationships are essential to foster

communication between patients, family and the health care team. Good
interpersonal relations also help patients express their distress and
disappointment, which ultimately helps in their recovery from the present state
of morbidity. 

Improving socialization: Man is a social animal and each one of us requires

good socialization for effective personal and social functioning. Interpersonal
relationships act as a tool for improving socialization between the patients
admittęd in hospitals or health care facilities. 

Developing and maintaining positive feelings: Interpersonal relations are

necessary to develop and maintain positive feelings. Furthermore, positive
feelings between patients have multidimensional benefits.

Explain types 3 min. TYPES OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP  Lecture Cum

Friendship: It is a relationship between two persons without any expectations.

Family and kinship relationship: Individual related by blood or by marriage

are said to form a family.

Romantic relationship: It is an intimate relationship of getting deeply
attached to each other.

Professional relationship: Individuals working for the same organization are
said to share a professional relationship.

Marriage: It is a formalized intimate relationship or a long-term relationship.

Platonic relationship: A relationship between two individual without feelings

of sexual desire for each other.

Acquaintances: It is a relationship where someone is simply known to
someone by introduction or by a few interactions.


RELATIONSHIP) : Discussion

The vital characteristics of the nurse-patient relationship is the sharing of

behaviors, thought and feelings that is based on clear role expectations.

Four phases of nurse- patient relationship has been identified-

pre-interaction phase; introductory or orientation phase; working phase

and termination phase.

Pre-interaction Phase : This phase begins before the nurses' first contact with
the patient. In this phase, the nurse reviews and understands the patient's
condition in detail by reviewing available data including medical and surgical
history. In this phase, the nurse also plans her first interaction with the patient

Introductory or Orientation Phase: The nurse's first meet with the patient
happens in this introductory phase. The primary concern for the nurse in this
phase is to find out what kind of help the patient needs. This forms the nursing
assessment that helps the nurse in focusing on the patient's problem. It offers a
window to portray nurses' competence and commitment to the patient. The
nurse clarifies her role, patient's role and hospital policies orientation to his
surroundings. Providing information about duration and termination of
interpersonal relationship between nurse and the patient helps to prevent
counter-transference, which is a barrier in the interpersonal relationship.

Working Phase:Most of the interpersonal relationship builds in this phase of

relationship. This phase begins when the nurse and client work together to
solve the problems and accomplish goals. In this phase, the nurse help the
client with selfexploration, encourage the client to set goals and plan the
actions to meet the goals set with the client.

Termination Phase: This phase happens during the ending of the

interpersonal relationship established between the nurse and the patient. This
phase starts when the nurse reminds the client that the termination is going to
happen. The nurse and the patient together evaluates the goal achievement. The
nurse encourages the client to express the feelings and thoughts about
termination. One could expect the client to experience high level of anxiety
during this phase. The nurses' goal should be directed towards helping the
patient pass through the termination process with ease and satisfaction.

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