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Assessment and Research Center

of the Philippines, Inc.

NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

Assessment & Research Center

of the Philippines, Inc.

General Procedure







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Assessment and Research Center
of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0


Copy No. Copy Holder

No. 1 President
No. 2 QMR
No. 3 Employee

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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0


Date Rev. SGD Remarks

Title/Description Reviewed No. QMR

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Assessment and Research Center
of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0


General Procedure Cover ……………………………………………………………………..i

Distribution List ...………………………………………………………………………....ii
Revision Status Log ………………………………………………………………………….iii
Table of Content ………………………………………………………………………………iv
Section 1.0 GP - COD Control of Document .………………….………......................1-1/5
Section 2.0 GP - CQR Control Quality Record …………..……….…..........................2-1/2
Section 3.0 GP - MRM Management Review Meeting …………………......................3-1/2
Section 4.0 GP - IQA Internal Quality Audit ……………………….… …….…..…….4-1/3
Section 5.0 GP - NCS Non-Conforming Control Service …………………...………….5-1/2
Section 6.0 GP - CA Corrective Action ………………………………………..........6-1/2
Section 7.0 GP - PA Preventive Action ……………………………………….…….7-1/2
Section 8.0 GP - LBT Lending of Books and Tapes ………………………….........8-1/2
Section 9.0 GP - MOE / Maintenance of Equipment ……………………………..….....9-1/2
Section 10.0 GP - WI MOS Work Instruction on Monitoring Services ……….…….. ….10-1/4
Section 11.0 GP - MQOP Measurement of Quality Objective and Performance
Section 12.0 GP - POPS Purchase of Product and Service .…………………..……... 12-1/3
Section 13.0 GP - POC- Procedure on Certification …………………………………….13-1/2
Section 14.0 GP - POM – Procedure on Marketing ………………………………..…….14-1/2
Section 15.0 GP - POACP – Procedure on Anti-corruption Policy ……………………...15-1/2
Section 16.0 GP - POBAC – Procedure on Billing and Collection ……………………....16-1/3

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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

Section 1.0 GP – COD


1. Scope

These operating Procedures outline the activity in the procedures of document

control, review, approval and distribution of new and revised document.

1.1 Responsibility:

1.1.1 President - Approves the document.

1.1.2 QMR - Review the document and its data prior to submission for

1.1.3 Admin. Officer/

DDC - Reproduce correct number of copies distributes and files to
relevant functions personnel the approved and controlled

1.1.4 Other Staff - Initiate corrective action on revision of noted nonconforming


1.2 Procedure:

1.2.1 Originating unit of new/revised document shall inform the Admin Officer/DDC
regarding the proposed and revised document for revision. The
originating unit shall photocopy the relevant document and make the
necessary proposed changes.

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NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

1.2.2. Identification

All QMS documents created & revised shall have identification (or document
code/ form number) and shall be listed in the Masterlist of Control of
1. Number of issue,
2. Date of issue,
3. Revision Number,
4. Date revised
5. Page Number
6. Form number

1.2.3 For new proposed document, originating unit shall request from
Admin. Officer/DDC REV/00- FORM to write the proposal.

1.2.4 Admin Officer/DDC shall prepare new proposal in N/F – REV/01 – FORM
and submit QMR for review.

1.2.5 QMR shall review N/F – REV/00- FORM and submit to the president for

1.2.6 Upon approval, QMR shall submit to Admin. Officer/DDC for reproduction to
relevant number of copies for distribution to relevant function and personnel.

1.2.7 If not approved, QMR shall review and evaluate and shall propose necessary
correction for re-submission to president for approval.

1.2.8 Revised document shall be identified through Revision No. and Revision

1.2.9 Revised statement in the revised document shall be underlined for

identification purposes.

1.2.10 Revised documents are maintained by the DDC/ Admin Officer and shall
be filed as such.

1.2.11 Changes in the document shall be noted as follows.

Manner of Identification

Addition – Additional scope of activities shall be underlined

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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

Deletion – Deletion of an activity shall base on revise file

Whole – Complete change of documents/ procedure shall base on revise file

Changes in the documentation shall be noted down in the “remarks” portion of the
Revision Status Log.

1.2.12 QMR in coordination with DDC/ Admin. Officer shall be responsible in the
updating of the revision Status Log in every manual, whenever there are
changes in the document/procedure.

1.2.13 Obsolete document shall be stamp “OBSOLETE” for suitable identification.

1.2.14 A document shall have a maximum of five (5) minor revisions, the sixth
minor revision or a major revision of the document shall be completely
change and the document shall be assigned a new issue number, which
shall be reflected in the issue No. of the document.

1.2.15 All pages of the Quality Manual shall be marked “CONTROLLED COPY.”

1.2.16 Documents of external origin such as publications and references shall be

considered as part of ARC Phils controlled documents and labeled with
control numbers.

1.2.17 Use of such documents shall be controlled in reference to

ARC Phils - Section 8.0 GP – LBT.

1.2.18 Electronic documents such as tapes and CDs shall be considered as

ARC Phils documents and labeled with control numbers.

1.2.19 External Documents

Quality- related documents of external origin shall be controlled to the extent


Upon receipt of quality-related document from the Principal, the QMR shall
include it in the list of controlled documents. These documents shall be
maintained by the QMR.

Reproduction & Distribution is limited to authorize personnel approved by the

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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

QMR. A list of customer-supplied documents shall be maintained and

updated by the QMR.

Documents from other sources, such as those obtained from suppliers and
other interested parties shall be controlled / maintained by the QMR. Access
is upon approval of QMR.

1.2.20 National and International Guidelines

National and International guidelines obtained from national / international

regulatory bodies shall be controlled. The QMR will determine the
documents to be retained. The QMR is the custodian of such documents.

A list of national and international guidelines shall be maintained and

becomes part of List of Document / Records / Forms.

1.2.21 Controlling Electronic Data

The responsibility of ensuring that electronic data are controlled is with the
QMR. Electronic data intended for use by Arc Phils shall be stored in the
database of the local area network (LAN). Access to stored electronic data
and shared resources shall be limited to the access capabilities assigned to
a specific user.

The QMR shall maintain a record of documents stored in the LAN

DATABASE, including access properties of all users.

Section 2.0 GP – CQR


2.0 Scope

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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

This operating procedure outlines the activity in the control of quality records.

2.1 Responsibility:

2.1.1 QMR - Oversees the overall quality records.

2.1.2 Admin. Officer/

DDC - Monitors and update the quality records.

2.1.3 All Personnel - Responsible for the storage and filing of quality records
in their respective area or function.

2.2 Procedure:

2.2.1 Duration of storage of all quality records shall be stated in the Master List of
Quality record.

2.2.2 Duration of storage of all quality records retained for legal and knowledge
preservation purpose shall be stored in the designated area and shall be
properly identified as such.

2.2.3 All personnel shall be responsible for filing and segregating their respective
quality records in their area of function.

2.2.4 Updating of quality records shall be the responsibility of the Admin.

Officer/DDC and shall be done every end of the calendar of the year.

2.2.5 Quality records are defined as those records that demonstrate conformance
to a requirement in the process; i.e. verification activities, IQA result.

2.2.6 Quality records of its respective department and/or respective personnel

shall be defined in the Quality Record Reference Manual.

2.2.7 Disposition of quality records shall be the responsibility of the DDC/ Admin.
Officer and the QMR.

2.2.8 Disposition of quality records after retention period shall be by shredding.

Records of Disposal shall be filed with the orders and memorandum file.

2.2.9 Please refer to the Master List of Quality Records for reference.

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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

2.3 Records
- Master List of Quality Records
- Record of Disposed Quality Record.

Section 3.0 GP – MRM


3.0 Scope
This Operating Procedure outlines the conduct of Management Review.

3.1 Responsibility

3.1.1 President/QMR - Presides in the Management Review Meeting

3.1.2 Admin Officer /

DDC - Records the minutes of the meeting.

3.2 Procedure:

3.2.1 Management Review Meeting (MRM) is conducted semi-annually or every

second week of March and September of the year and during such time

3.2.2 Attending the MRM are the President/ QMR, General Manager, Training
Director, Administrative Officer.

3.2.3 President/QMR presides.

3.2.4 Point out noted advantageous and disadvantageous items.

3.2.5 Ask each department head to report on the situation of respective


3.2.6 Discuss problems pointed out and recommend corrective and preventive
action to pointed fault and non-conformity.
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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

3.2.7 DDC/Admin. Officer records all minutes taken in the MRM.

3.2.8 Finalize action recommended to correct non-conformity and preventive

action necessary for approval of President.

3.2.9 Records of the approved minutes in the MRM are kept in the file.

3.3 Records
- Minutes of Meeting
- Management Review Meeting
- Non-conformance Report (NCR)

Section 4.0 GP – IQA


4.0 Scope

This operating Procedure outlines the activity in the conduct of Internal Quality
Audit. This procedure covers planning, execution of audit proper, reporting and
follow up of actions taken and is applicable to all functional units.

4.1 Responsibility:

4.1.1 President - Responsible for the overall Internal Quality Audit and
approves the corrective Action.

4.1.2 QMR - Review the NCR corrective and preventive action given
and submitted to the President for approval.

4.1.3 All Personnel - Conduct audit to fellow staff based on the audit plan.

4.2 Procedure:

4.2.1 President shall appoint personnel to conduct (IQA) with an office order. The
office order states the assigned auditor and the scheduled date of the audit.
Arc Phils shall conformity to requirements and planned arrangements, and
its effectiveness and efficiency.

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NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

The audit plan is prepared, taking into consideration:

● The status and importance of the processes,

● The areas to be audited,

● The results of previous audits,

● The audit criteria, scope, frequency, and methods,

● The responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits,

● For reporting results, and maintaining records are defined.

4.2.2 Auditor who shall conduct the IQA shall be independent on the area of
function being audited.

4.2.3 Internal Quality Audit shall be based upon the requirement of ISO 9001:2008

4.2.4 Conduct opening meeting and discuss the audit plan. Head auditor shall
explain the time frame, definition of major and/or minor non-conformity,
closing meetings, etc.

4.2.5 After the opening meeting, conduct the audit using IQA Checklist,
but the question in audit is not limited on the checklist.

4.2.6 Auditors who conducted the IQA shall fill up the NC/CA Report Form AD-34
to record the non- conformity or any findings during the audit.

4.2.7 IQA shall be based on the importance of the area or function being audited
and the extent of NCR previously issued to the area or function.

4.2.8 Conduct the closing meeting and auditor shall present the findings.

4.2.9 The QMR shall explain to the auditee, to propose a corrective actions
within the period of 30 days from audit date.

4.2.10 QMR shall inform the auditee, the follow up date on the proposed corrective
and preventive action, on which the implementation and its effectiveness
shall be verified.

4.2.11 QMR shall report the result of the IQA to the president.

Classification of Audit findings

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of the Philippines, Inc.
NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

Observation an incidence of non- conformance detected which could

reasonably be expected to have direct effect on
product quality, minor lapses in the implementation of

the Quality Management System.

Non Conformance an incidence of non-conformance was detected,

known to have affected product quality. NCR shall be
issued for this finding.

Improvement potential: A hint for improvement which may or may not be

implemented by the auditee.

Positive feedback: A good practice observed during the audit.

4.3 Records

- IQA Guide/ checklist

- Order of scheduled IQA
- List of Auditor
- Non- Conformance Report – (AD 34)

Section 5.0 GP – NCS


5.0 Scope

This operating procedures outlines the control of documents found to be involve,

date, fake and inadequate and shall be addressed as non-conforming documents.

5.1 Responsibility:

5.1.1 President - Overall disposition of the non- conforming


5.1.2 QMR - Responsible for verification activities.

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DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

5.1.3 Other Departments - Responsible for other verification activities.

5.2 Procedures:

5.2.1 All personnel performing activities that may result to non conforming
services shall audited to and the activities shall be non
conforming services.

5.2.2 All personnel shall inform their immediate superior of any activity/ies
that may result to non-conforming services.

5.2.3 Department Heads shall look into report of their respective staff to prevent
the non- conforming services.

5.2.4 The President shall be inform of the disposition of the non-conforming


5.2.5 Preventive action shall be applied to proven non-conforming services.

5.2.6 Applied corrective action to non-conforming services and prevents them to

re- occur in the future.

5.2.7 Monitor the result of the preventive action/corrective action applied and
report the result to the President.

5.2.8 Any non-conforming services shall be addressed primarily by determining

root cause through root cause analysis.

5.3 Record

- Non- Conformance Report – (AD 34)

ARC Phils - Section 6.0 GP-CA


6.0 Scope

This operating procedure outlines the activity in the conduct of corrective action.

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NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

6.1 Responsibility:

6.1.1 President - Approve the Corrective Action given to the non-


6.1.2 QMR - Review the NCR and corrective action given and
submit to the President for approval.

6.1.3 All Personnel - Propose Corrective Action to non-conformity.

6.2 Procedures:

6.2.1 ARC Phils. shall take appropriate action to eliminate the root cause/s of
nonconformities and customer complaints in order to prevent recurrence.
The nonconformities and customer complaints are reviewed to determine
the root-causes and the need for corrective action. Effectiveness of
corrective actions taken shall be verified and records shall be maintained.

Corrective Action shall be based upon the results of the audits (internal and
external): customers and others that result to failure of activity in the quality

6.2.2 All concerned personnel and staff shall act as early as possible to the
corrective action resulting from the non-conformity.

6.2.3 Result of IQA, Corrective Action shall be communicated within the 30- day
period. Corrective Action shall be implemented immediately and shall be
monitored and followed through to a satisfactory conclusion by the QMR.
Records shall be maintained.

6.2.4 Proposed Corrective Action shall be submitted to the President for

disposition and approval.

6.2.5 Corrective Action on the result of audit (internal and external) shall be
monitored by the QMR to check the implementation and effectiveness.
updates are reported to the President

6.3 Record

- Non- Conformance Report – (AD 34)

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NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

Section 7.0 GP-PA


7.0 Scope

This operating procedure outlines the activity in the conduct of preventive action.

7.1 Responsibility:

7.1.1 President - Approve the preventive action given to the potent non-

7.1.2 QMR - Review the preventive action given to the potential non-
conformity and submit to President for approval.

7.1.3 All Personnel - Propose preventive action to the potential non- conformity.

7.2 Procedure:

7.2.1 Preventive Action is given to all non-conformity found during the

audit (internal and external)

7.2.2 All personnel should inform their respective Department Heads if they found
a potential non-conformity while performing their activity.

7.2.3 Department Heads/Supervisors should inform the QMR regarding the

potential non- conformity.

7.2.4 The QMR together with the Department Heads and personnel concern will
perform root cause analysis. Determine the cause of the potential non-

7.2.5 QMR report “ Result of Preventive Actions” to management for review, with
an analysis of how the quality system has changed.

7.2.6 The QMR together with the Department Heads and personnel concerned
shall determine the preventive action to be given to the potential non-

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NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

7.2.7 The QMR shall submit the propose Preventive Action to the President for

7.2.8 Upon approval by the President, the personnel and the Department shall
see to it that it is implemented.

7.2.9 The QMR shall review and make necessary proposed preventive action if
the President disapproves the first preventive action

7.2.10 The QMR shall monitor the preventive action given to ensure the
effectiveness. Management shall ensure that preventive actions are
implemented, reviewed and recorded

7.3 Record

- Non- Conformance Report – (AD 34)

Section 8.0 GP – LBT


8.0 Scope

This operating procedure outlines the activity in the conduct of books,

videotapes and document flow for lending and borrowing.

8.1 Responsibility:

8.1.1 QMR - Responsible for implementing this procedure.

8.1.2 Librarian - In charge of keeping records on borrowed and returned

library items.

8.1.3 Borrowers - Responsible for maintaining the good condition of

Borrowed library items. Responsible for paying or
replacing the borrowed item in case of lost or damage.

8.2 Procedure:

8.2.1 The Librarian keeps and maintains a list of all ARC Phils Library Inventory
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NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

of books, videotapes, magazines, manuals and records that the borrower

could use.

8.2.2 Librarian will maintain/ keep a record of all the borrowed materials and
conduct inventory semi-annually.

8.2.3 Any employees and trainees who want to avail of the services of the library
must present their employees ID and/or registration form to the Librarian to
serve as their card prior access to the library materials.

Borrowers must fill up the Library borrowers’ card before taking any library items.

8.2.4 Duration of borrowed library items must be as follows:



Text books
Max 1 day

Equipment Manuals
Max 1 day
Magazines Max 1 day

ISM / SMS Manuals Max 1 day (no overnight)

International Conventions and Max 1 day (no overnight)

International Publications

Video CDs / Tapes Max 1 day (no overnight)

Any excess in duration of borrowed item of the above limit will be

considered overdue, unless the item is renewed on or before due date.

8.2.5 The Library borrowers’ card must be accomplished by the borrower and
Librarian from the date it was borrowed until the date it was returned.

8.2.6 In case of any lost, damaged, or destroyed library items, the borrower
should immediately submit a letter of explanation to the Librarian and the
Librarian will make a report to the QMR.
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8.3 Records
- List of Books in ECDIS Library
- ECDIS list of inventories
- Logbook for borrowed Items
- Library Borrower’s Card

Section 9.0 GP - MOE



9.0 Scope

This operating procedure outline the activity in the conduct of all electrical and
electronic devices or equipment used in the ARC Phils.

9.1 Responsibility

9.1.1 General Manager/ Training Director - Responsible for the maintenance

management of all equipment in the ARC Phils.

9.1.2 QMR - Take note and follow up correct maintenance of all


9.1.3 Assessor/ IT - Ensure equipment concerned are maintained in proper

and normal operating condition.

9.1.4 Manufacturer - Under contract to conduct repairs of the equipment.

9.2 Procedure:

The Maintenance Group is composed of the Assessor and I.T under the Training
Director, who shall be responsible for the maintenance of training equipment.

9.2.1 All equipment used in the training shall be at all times in normal operating

9.2.2 Normal test and common maintenance procedures shall be administered

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by the officer In-charge of the equipment concerned, in accordance with

the manufacturer’s standard.

9.2.3 Minor repairs or corrective measures on any equipment shall be done by

the Assessor and I.T.

9.2.4 Faults or repairs beyond the capacity of the Assessor/ I. T. shall be reported
to be rechecked and analysis for further reporting to the manufacturer of the

9.2.5 Defective equipment beyond the capacity of company technician is subject

for manufacturer repair.

9.2.6 Repaired equipment are returned to ARC Phils and installed.

9.2.7 Records of maintenance and repairs of equipment are maintained by each

Assessor/ Supervisor concerned of the equipment.

9.3 Records
- Preventive Maintenance Report
- Technical service Report from Supplier
- GMDSS Equipment/ Assessment Integrity Check
- ECDIS List of Inventories
- Assessment List of Inventories
- Maintenance Logbook

Section 10.0 GP - WI – MOS


10.0 Scope

This Work Instructions outline the activity of monitoring the process in the
operation of Assessment and Training course.

10.1 Responsibility

10.1.1 GM / Training Director - approves the document.

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10.1.2 QMR - review the document and its data prior to

submission for approval.

10.1.3 Registrar - register and keep the record of examinees and

enrolled trainees.

10.1.4 Instructor/
Admin. Officer - control and file all record of examinee and trainee.

10.2 Procedure

10.2.1 The trainee enrolls on the course and examinees of assessment as stated
in the registration procedure in Section 13 GP-ROT and see GP for
Assessment , page 3.

10.2.2 The examinee and trainee submits required requirements.

10.2.3 The Registrar receives the documents and furnishes a copy to be kept on
the file.

10.2.4 The Registrar collects the payment of examinees/trainees and issues

Official receipts. (see GP for Assessment on Page 3).

10.2.5 Registered trainees attending the 1st day of the class shall be included in
the list of enrollment report form to be submitted to Regulating Government

10.2.6 The Instructor receives copy of the registered trainees from the Registration
office and conduct the training course according to schedule.

10.2.7 The Registrar requires the trainees to accomplish the Attendance form
and Attendance Sheet respectively.

10.2.8 After the course of instructions, the assessor shall assess the trainees
accordingly and the record of assessment is kept in the possession of the
instructor on file.

10.2.9 The list of examinees/assessed Trainees who got a grade of 70% or more
is submitted to the Admin. Officer to be submitted to the Regulating
Government Agency.

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REV. NO. : 0

10.2.10 The government office concerned sent on acknowledgement receipt for the
submitted report.

10.2.11 Examinees/Trainee who passed the assessment are issued certificates.

10.2.12 The certificates issued are in accordance with the form required by the
government agency.

10.3 Records

Trainee Data (EC-06)

Enrollment List (EC-02)
Attendance List (EC-01)
ECDIS practical Assessment (EC-07)
Certificate of Completion (EC-09
Masterlist of Examinees Result (AD-01)
Monthly Report on Masterlist of Examinees Result (AD-06)
Assessment Fee Refund (AD-08)
Daily Summary Collection of Assessment Fee (AD-09)
Month-End Statistical Report (AD-12)
Masterlist of Examinees Data (AD-18)
Certification (Passed) (AD-21)
Certification (Failed) (AD-22)
Enrollment & Assessment Declaration Checklist (ED-01A)
Service Feedback Form (ED-02A)
Assessment Requirements and Process Flow (ED-03)
Assessment Result (ED-04)
Examinee – GMDSS Information Sheet (ED-05)
Packetized Examination Form A – J (ED-06)
Attendance Sheet for Examinees (ED-07)
Daily Report on Attendance Sheet (ED-10)
Training Remedial Form (EC-03)
Course Completion Report (EC-04)

ECDIS Practical Assessment (EC-07)

ECDIS Type Specific Attendance Sheet (EC-TS-001)
Evaluation of ECDIS Hands on Training NAVI Sailor 4000 (EC-TS-002)
Evaluation Form (EC-TS-003)
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Certificate of Completion (EC-TS-004)

ECDIS Overview Attendance Sheet (EC-TS-005)
Certificate of Attendance (ECDIS Overview) (EC-TS-006)
Certificate of Completion Familiarization Training
TRANSAS NAVI Sailor 4000 (EC-TS-008)
Certificate of Completion Enhance ECDIS Course (EC-TS-009)

Section 11.0 GP-MQO



11.0 Scope
This operating procedure outlines the activity for the measurement of quality
objective and performance within the ARC Phils.

11.1 Responsibility

11.1.1 President - responsible on the overall measurement of quality

objective and performance.

11.1.2 QMR - consolidated reports of all concern of the

measurement of quality objective.

11.1.3 General Manager

/TrainingDirector - conduct evaluation of training courses and
performance of his staff.

11.1.4 Department Heads - conduct evaluation of each staff in his department.

11.1.5 All Staff - performs respective functions and give

recommendation for improvement of performance.

11.2 Procedure

It is the responsibility of each staff in ARC Phils to exhaust all effort to perform
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NO. ISSUE : 01
DATE ISSUED : 01/01/24
REV. NO. : 0

and accomplish his function to the best of his ability to attain the highest level of

quality objective.

11.2.1 Each staff performs his function with initiative and if possible over the
details in the job description of the following:

Quality Management Representative

a. Promote quality achievement and performance improvement throughout the
b. Develop, implement, communicate and maintain a quality plan to bring the
Company’s Quality System and Policies into compliance with the quality
system requirements.
c. Working with purchasing to establish quality requirements from external
d. Ensure test and procedures are properly understood, carried out and
e. Formulate and manage the development and implementation of goals,
objectives, policies, procedures and systems.
f. Follow-up and monitor the preventive and corrective actions implemented in
response to non-conformances found during IQA Audits.
g. Report the performance of the quality system to management for review.
h. Reporting to the President
i. Performs other QMS related activities when needed.

General Manager
a. Attainment of the company over-all objectives and targets.
b. Effectiveness and efficiency of overall Company plans, policies, control
systems, procedures and programs.
c. Monitoring and continues improvement of the Company’s over-all
d. Maintenance of Company’s corporate image.

Administrative Officer
a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.
b. Read and understand established procedures of the company and ensure
its implementation.
c. Prepares certificate of examinee’s who passed or failed the examination.
d. Stamped dry seal on the certificate.
e. Called the examinee one by one in the de-briefing room and inform him/her
the result of the examination and let him/her signed the Print
Result/Packetized Exam. Form. and the Assessment Declaration Checklist.

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g. Responsible in giving the Service Feedback Form to be filled-up by the

h. Prepares daily report and segregate documents to be forwarded to MARINA.
i. Input daily the Scenarios Trends of the Examination.
j. I nput daily the examinee’s profile that passed the examination
k. Releasing of Practical Assessment Permit.
l. Prepares monthly report to MARINA.
m. Prepares minutes of meeting.
n. Monitoring of Furniture, Fixture and Equipments Inventory and also the
o. Responsible of preparing and releasing payroll to the employees.
p. Safekeeping of documents.
q. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by the President or General

Marketing officer
a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.
b. Read and understand established procedures of the company and ensure
its implementation.
c. Assigns to distribute flyers and brochures to seafarers in Training
Centers and Manning Agencies.
d. Provide information about our competitor and the current market

e. Send proposal through e-mail and report to the President our prospective
clients and give feedback.
g. Submit reports to MARINA.
h. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by the President, General
Manager or Administrative Officer.

GMDSS Assessment Department

GMDSS Assessor
a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.
b. Read and understand established procedures of the company and ensure
its implementation.
c. Checking that examinees has properly filled out forms prior to the conduct
of briefing and inside the briefing room, ensure that all personal belongings
are properly sealed.
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d. Conducting assessment orientation and familiarization thru video

presentation, supervising examinees in their hands on of the simulator

e. Monitoring familiarization and examination by CCTV and LAN from
assessor section and thru ocular inspection
f. May expel examinee found to be cheating, creating trouble or making
unwanted noise and disturbance inside the office premises.
g. Reporting to National Telecommunications Commission any examinee
found to be violating the rules and regulations pertaining to the conduct of
h. Ensuring proper operation of briefing, simulator and assessors equipments
and report to I.T. Engineer any malfunctions thereof.
i. Providing examination results by print and duly signed by the examinee.
j. Report to General Manager the observations on various aspects in the
performance of assessment proceedings.
j. Perform other activities when needed.

a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.
b. Read and understand established procedures of the company and ensure
its implementation.
c. Entertain the inquiry regarding the schedule of examination then accept
and record the schedule of examinee when they take their practical
d. Ensure that all documents presented by the examinee is original such as
Practical Assessment Permit, ID, Passport, SIRB or other
legal identification.
e. Assist the examinee in accomplishing their GMDSS information sheet and
file it in their respective folders.
f. Require the examinee to register in the attendance Sheet.
g. Accept payments for the Assessment Fee and issue Official Receipts.
h. Deposit the total collections for the day and prepares the Daily Summary
i. Prepares the Report on the Attendance of examinees and submit to
j. Petty cash custodian
k. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by the President, General

Training Department
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Training Director

a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.

b. Read and understand established quality procedures of the company and
ensure compliance and its implementation.
c. Report to the President.
d. Represent the company in maritime manning agencies, training center,
academy association/s and similar institutions.
e. Responsible for the advertising and marketing of ARC Phils. training
f. Responsible for the development and enhancement of courses.
g. Conduct training needs analysis for the clients.
h. Quality assures all courses conducted by ARC Phils.
i. Conduct trainings when needed.
j. Ensure proper number of instructors and assessors for the intended
k. In charge of the disciplines of all employees involve in training.
l. Observe and evaluate methodology and techniques on demo teaching of
training personnel applicants.

a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.
b. Read and understand established quality procedures of the company and
ensure its implementation.
c. Report to the Training Director.
d. Develops teaching outline and determines instructional methods.
e. Conduct trainings and courses in a manner specified in the QMS and
approved by the management.
f. Utilizing knowledge of specified training needs and effectiveness of such
methods as individual training, group instruction, lectures and
g. Selects or develops teaching aids, such as training handbooks,
demonstration models, multimedia visual aids and reference works.
h. Tests trainee to measure progress and to evaluate effectiveness of
i. Perform other activities when needed.

a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.
b. Read and understand established quality procedures of the company and
ensure compliance and its implementation.
c. Report to the Training Director.
d. Prepare scenario exercises of ECDIS and validates same.
e. Conduct trainings and courses in a manner specified in the QMS and
approved by the management.
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f. Monitor and record trainees performance in the practical exercises.

g. Check the written examination of the trainees.

h. Prepare and validate the assessment tools and maintain its confidentiality,
control and reproduction.
i. Perform other activities when needed.

a. Implement QMS in his/her assigned area of responsibility.
b. Read and understand established quality procedures of the company and
ensure compliance and its implementation.
c. Prepare reports related to library and information services.
d. Maintain the List of Books and educational materials in the Library.
e. Maintain/keep a record of all the borrowed materials and the returned
library items.
f. Conduct inventory semi-annually.
g. Perform other activities when needed.

11.2.2 The Training Director conducts periodic evaluation of the Training Course.

11.2.3 In each course, the Instructor requests the trainee to accomplish an

evaluation of the course completed, while the Assessor request the
examinee to complete the assessment survey form.

11.2.4 The Training Director shall make periodic observation of the

courses offered and evaluate the conduct of the course by accomplishing a
quality evaluation report.

11.2.5 Performance of each Instructor and staff in ARC Phils shall be given a
Performance Evaluation Report annually or at the end of each calendar
year for quality and efficiency

11.2.6 Evaluation reports of each course, shall be filled by the Instructors

and classified confidential.

11.2.7 Arc Phils Performance Evaluation report shall be on the 201 file.

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11.3 Records

- Employee Evaluation (AD-29)

- Service Feedback Form (ED-02A)
- Evaluation Form (EC-TS-003)
- Evaluation of ECDIS Hands on Training NAVI Sailor 4000(EC-TS-002)

Section 12.0 GP – POPS


12.0 Scope
This Operating Procedure outlines the activities in the process of purchasing of
product and services for the ARC Phils.

12.1 Responsibility

President - approves the purchase of product and service.

Admin Officer - responsible for purchasing all products for used of
the company.
General Manager/
Training Director - request and recommend training materials
to purchase for use in training class.

QMR - responsible for the review, determination and verification

of product to purchase.
DDC - responsible for the care and up keep of the document
relating to purchases

12.2 Procedure

12.2.1 ARC Phils staff determines and request product to purchase and submit
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requirement to the Admin Officer.

12.2.2 The Admin Officer make request for the product and materials to purchase
for approval of the President.

12.2.3 Upon approval of purchasing the item, the Admin Officer accomplishes
purchase order.

12.2.4 The supplier history is taken and evaluated using the supplier evaluation.

12.2.5 After the supplier provided the correct specification of the product at
acceptable price, the product agreed shall be purchased.

12.2.6 Upon delivery of the item, the Admin Officer together with the requesting
department head shall check the product to verify specification if correct in
appearance and quality. Product conforming to the quality and
specification are received and paid. Non conforming products are returned
to be replaced with correct specification.

12.2.7 Products received in ARC Phils are installed in specified place in ARC Phils
and used.

12.2.8 Products received are included in Inventory.

12.3 Records

- Supply Inventories (AD-02)

- Purchase Requisition (AD-23)
- Purchase Order (AD-24)
- Requisition Form (AD-30)

Section 13.0 GP – POC

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13.0 SCOPE
Certification is one of the major processes in the Administrative Department. It
involves preparation, printing and issuance of certificates to trainees and
examinees who have completed the requirements of the Training Department and
Practical examination at the Assessment department respectively. It also involves
the documentation of trainees’ assessment.

13.1 Responsibilities
13.1.1 Admin Officer - is in charge of ordering blank certificates from the
Supplier. She is also in charge of controlling the issuance
of blank certificates and issuing of certificates to the

13.1.2 Assessor/ General Manager - sign the certificates.

13.2 Procedure

13.2.1 Ensure that the assigned batch and control number to each graduate is

13.2.2 Monitor the security number of the certificate assigned to each graduate.

13.2.3 Print certificate of completion to each trainee who passed the training

13.2.4 The Admin Department keeps and monitor blank certificates purchased
from the Supplier. She is also in charge in the requisition of blank
certificates and prepares the purchase order.

13.2.5 The Registrar prepares the enrollment report in compliance with

the requirements of Maritime Industry Authority and National
Telecommunication Commission and to be submitted on or before the
first day of the training schedule.

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13.2.6 The trainee and examinee advised to sign in the releasing form before the
issuance of the certificate of completion and finally check the data
attached in the certificates against the data in the registration form.

13.3 Reference and Procedure Forms

- Masterlist of examinees Result (AD-01)

- Attendance List (EC-01)
- Certificate (Passed) (AD-21)
- Certificate (Failed) (AD-22)
- Certificate of Completion (EC-09)
- Certificate of Completion (EC TS-004))

Section 14.0 GP – POM


14.0 SCOPE
This procedures covers the marketing of ARC Phils products and services
involving the determination of customer requirements.

14. 1 Responsibilities
14.1.1 President - shall lead the marketing officers in the delivery of their
functions and approved Marketing Plan.
14.1.2 General manager - shall lead the monitoring of schedules of Marketing

14.1.3 Marketing Officer – are responsible in gathering examinees and trainees.

They are also responsible dissemination of
customer advisories and complaints.

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14.2 Procedure

14.2.1 The Marketing Officer will be given daily designation/ schedules on where
to market by the General Manager.

14.2.2 Assigned to distribute flyers and brochures to seafarers in training centers

and manning agencies

14.2.3 Provide information about the current market conditions.

14.2.4 Send proposal through email and report to the president our prospective
Clients and give feedback.

14.2.5 Give service feedback form to examinees.

14.3 Reference and Procedure Forms

- Flyers (AD-15)
- Brochures (AD-33)
- Service Feedback Form. (ED-02)

Section 15.0 GP – POACP


15.0 SCOPE

“Corruption” means bribery, extortion, fraud, deception, collusion, cartels, abuse of

power, embezzlement, trading in influence, money-laundering and other similar activities.

15. 1 Responsibilities

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15.1.1 The President is responsible for the effective design, implementation and
operation of the anti corruption policy. He shall ensure that management is
aware of and accepts the policy and that it is embedded in the company.

15.1.2 The Company shall take steps to ensure that its financial controls minimize
the risk of the Company committing a corrupt act against a business
partner, individual or organization, or of any corrupt act being committed
against the Company by a business partner, individual or organization.

15.1.3 The Company's audit committee shall carry out an annual internal review
of the anti-corruption policy, regularly monitor its effectiveness and shall
make appropriate recommendations to the board concerning revisions to
the policy and other necessary action as appropriate in the light of this

15.1.4 The risk of bribery and corruption shall be reviewed by the Group Risk
Committee on a regular basis. The Group Risk Committee shall assess
the risk of corruption in the Company's business and review whether its
procedures and controls are adequate to minimize those risks.

The Group Risk Committee shall report to the Audit Committee.

15.2 Procedure

The Company's employment practices shall ensure that:

15.2.1 Employees, particularly those in management positions or other posts

where bribery and corruption may be an issue, shall be vetted before
they are employed to ascertain as far as is reasonable that they are
the type of person who is likely to comply with the Company’s anti-
corruption policies.

15.2.2 New employees shall be informed of the Company’s Code of Conduct to

ensure that they understand it and the importance of complying with
specific reference to anti-corruption.

15.2.3 All existing employees shall undergo anti corruption policy orientation.

15.2.4 All posters relating to illegal fixer or any illegal activities shall be posted in
the training center to warn students, trainees and/or employees.

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15.2.5 The Company has also CCTV in all critical areas most especially in
Assessment area to continuously monitor the internal/external operations.

Section 16.0 GP – POBC


16.0 SCOPE

This procedure covers all documented internal documents within the scope of the
company’s established quality management system. The scope covers the process
for the control and approval of new documents.

16. 1 Responsibilities

16.1.1 The Registrar is responsible for:

a.) Collecting and Encoding of registration forms

b.) Preparing of invoice verification including

follow-up on payments of clients.

16.1.2 Marketing Officers are responsible for:

a.) The distribution of certificate and the invoice
b.) Marketing officer will inform the registrar of the manning
agency and the name of the person in charge to receive
the invoice.

16.2 Procedure

16.2.1 Collection of Registrations Forms

The Registrar will encode all charged account

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16.2.2 Preparation of the Invoice

The Registrar prepares the invoice.

16.2.3 Verification and Approval

The prepared invoice is verified as to the correctness of entries

related to the information of the trainee, such as training schedules,
training costs and other pertaining data. After the verification, the General
Manager shall approve the invoice.

16.2.4 Distribution of Certificates and Invoice

The Administrative Officer shall prepare a transmittal on the
certificates and the Registrar prepare the invoice for the Marketing
Officer to be distributed the clients.

16.2.5 Follow- up with Clients

Registrar shall follow- up clients about the payments

16.2.6 Collection of Payment

Marketing Officer shall collect the payment from the clients
and forward such to Registrar for recording and deposit.

16.2.7 Reports
Registrar shall prepare monthly summary of paid and unpaid
collection report to be submitted to the General Manager.

16.3 Reference and Procedure Forms

- Certificate of Completion
- Invoice Form

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