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Republic of the Philippines


Pandacan, Pinamungajan Cebu



Grade Level: 1ST YEAR COLLEGE Week No.:7

Most Essential Learning Teaching the different types of modalities

Competency (MELC): Code: ED 123/ED-PCK 1
K. Identify different types of modalities.
S. Classify the different types of modalities.
A. Display interest in knowing the different types of modalities
V. Explain the different types of modalities.
Content: Different learner-centered modalities, methodologies and strategies,
based on learner’s diverse needs, learning styles and backgrounds.
Learning Resources: Curriculum Guide: N/A
Learner’s Material: N/A
Other Resources: pictures, strips of cartolina
A. Preparation 1. Prayer
(Activating Prior 2. Checking
Knowledge) 3. Review:

Can you cite different modalities in learning?

Why different modalities are important?

Is it important to select appropriate modalities?

4.Checking of Assignment:
 Online Learning
 Distance Learning
 Modular Learning
 Blended Learning
 Face to Face

The teacher presents a set of pictures. Let the learners give their

B. Presentation Direction: Fill in the blank. Write your answer in the space provided
before the number. (10 minutes)
_________1. The entire study process is conducted in one location in
real time, in a group learning session or an individualized lesson
between the facilitator and the learners.
_________2. This refers to a learning modality that allows for a
combination of face to face and online distance learning.
_________3. Learning in which teachers use technology to teach in
which learners will learn with an aid of technology.
_________4. It is the newest and popular form of distance education
_________5. Learning is in the form of individualized instruction that
allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLM).
C. Lesson Proper Present PPT and video clips. Discussion in the mini lesson

LEARNING MODALITIES - are the different ways in which people use

their senses to process information and learn.

1. FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING - is an instructional method where

course content and learning material are taught in person to a group
of students.

2. BLENDED LEARNING - also known as hybrid learning, is an

approach to education that combines online educational materials and
opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based
classroom methods.

3. ONLINE LEARNING - refers to the method of delivering educational

content and facilitating learning through digital platforms and

4. DISTANCE LEARNING - refers to any education provided without

the teacher and students being physically present together.

5. MODULAR LEARNING - (MDL) is a way of learning in the

Philippines' basic education that allows students to access printed self-
learning modules (SLM) and modules that can be accessed digitally or
via electronic devices such as laptops, computers, tablets, and

D. Practice What’s More

(Integration, Application to Let the students choose 1 (one) of the modalities in learning and let
Real Life, Differentiated) them draw it on a long bond paper with a ½ margin individually.
Provide a brief explanation answering the question below.


Why did you choose that type of modality in learning?

E. Generalization Read each statement carefully. Decide whether the statement is true or
false based on your understanding of the definitions provided. Write
down either "TRUE" or "FALSE" for each statement.

_____ 1. FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING is an instructional method where

course content and learning material are taught in person to a group
of students.
_____ 2. BLENDED LEARNING, also known as hybrid learning, is an
approach to education that combines online educational materials and
opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based
classroom methods.
_____ 3. ONLINE LEARNING refers to the method of delivering
educational content and facilitating learning through digital platforms
and resources.
_____ 4. DISTANCE LEARNING refers to any education provided with
the teacher and students being physically present together.
_____ 5. MODULAR LEARNING (MDL) is a way of learning in the
Philippines' basic education that allows students to access printed self-
learning modules (SLM) and modules that can be accessed digitally or
via electronic devices such as laptops, computers, tablets, and
F. Evaluation Multiple Choices: Read carefully and encircle the correct answer.

1. What is Face-to-Face Learning?

a) Learning through digital platforms
b) Learning without physical presence
c) Learning in person to a group of students
d) Learning through self-learning modules

2. Which learning approach combines online materials with traditional

classroom methods?
a) Online Learning
b) Distance Learning
c) Modular Learning
d) Blended Learning

3. What does Online Learning primarily use for delivering educational

a) Printed self-learning modules
b) Electronic devices
c) Traditional classroom methods
d) In-person lectures

4. What defines Distance Learning?

a) Learning through digital platforms
b) Learning with physical presence
c) Learning without teacher and students being together
d) Learning in person to a group of students

5. What is Modular Learning in the Philippines' basic education

a) Learning through digital platforms
b) Learning without physical presence
c) Learning through self-learning modules
d) Learning in traditional classrooms

G. Closing


Reflection: If Lesson Completed;

% and no. of learners who attained mastery level ( at least 80%): _____
% and no. of learners who got approximately mastery level (50-79%)
% and no of learners who got low mastery level ( Below 50%): _________

If Learners Not Completed

Indicate the phases/activities completed

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