I Am Poem

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I am learning

The way I learned to articulate my thoughts

The way I learned to understand my family
The way I learned to accept I don’t know
The way I learned to embraced the unknown

I am intuitive
I see when they avoid eye contact
I see they are fidgeting with their hands
I see they are thinking of what to say
I see they are looking at me to provide the way

I am Supportive
I am here to listen
I am here to cry
I am here to reassure them
I am not here to pry

I am Sincere
Your story is not mine
My story is not yours
Together we are learning
Navigating this journey

I am Empathetic
I feel the sadness
I feel the joy
I feel the curiosity fill the void
I know you are confused
I am too
Please don’t worry, I will find out for you

I am true
I accept my flaws
I know I do not see
The world from your eyes
But I accept to be here
And find out how to try
I am learning
I am intuitive
I am supportive
I am sincere
I am empathetic
I am true

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