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The Impact of Occupational Stress on Job Performance

Among Security Guards

A Research Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Criminal Justice Education
Cauayan City, Isabela

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree







It is crucial to comprehend the effects of occupational stress on security guard

performance in the current demanding security environment. This thesis explores the

complex relationship between the psychological strains that come with working in

security and how such pressures affect security personnel's effectiveness. Through an

examination of the impact of occupational stress on job performance, job satisfaction,

and other job-related outcomes, this research aims to provide insightful information

on possible interventions and methods that could be used to address these problems.

This research attempts to shed light on strategies for maximizing security guard

productivity and well-being while boosting the effectiveness of security operations

through theoretical frameworks and empirical analysis.

Stress impacts both individuals and organizations in different ways. It can

manifest itself positively and lead to great improvements in service and morale or it

can be negative and really damage both the individuals and the organization. In

individual terms poor management of stress leads to poor decision making, fatigue,

poor organization and planning, resentment, increase in conflict incidents and even

physical illness. Thus, security organizations could suffer more lost productivity due

to attrition and job losses than other businesses because of the impact of the

occupational stressors on employees’ health and productivity. The duties of a security

guard require constant vigilance. Individuals need to stay focused on an ongoing

basis, sometimes over the course of long hours, incidents can occur that leave the

security guard feel frustrated and overwhelmed. More so, the security guard can find
themselves needing to deal with the everyday stress of enforcing rules and protecting

property. Whether you are a security company supervisor managing a force of

security guards or you are an individual security guard trying to protect the security

company that you work for and its clients. Adequate training, proper staffing, better

scheduling techniques, rotation of shifts, active grievance handling mechanism, timely

disbursement of salaries, conflict resolution mechanism and in house trauma handling

centers. (Puri, 2022).

Occupational stress is related to health impairments and temporary and

permanent work disability, and some professions, such as security guards, entail

higher stress than others. Security services involve a physical and emotional stress

due to exposure to verbal and physical aggression and violence, and sometimes the

use of physical force. Security guards are expected to behave responsibly, and

carrying or using firearms greatly adds to the stress. Frequent incidents can lead to the

development of burn-out and post-traumatic stress disorders. Some personality

characteristics (e.g., impulsivity, aggressiveness), which are sometimes noted among

security guard, can predispose for enhanced response to psychological stress,

escalation of conflict, and counterproductive problem-solving strategies. In addition,

these workers often work in unfavourable (too cold or too hot, noisy, dusty) working

environments and conditions, such as confined workspaces, fixed body position and

static effort, irregular and extended working hours, shift work, night work, and often.

In addition, their jobs are often underpaid and insecure in terms of long-term contracts

with all benefits. All these stressors place security guards in the category of jobs with

a high level of occupational stress. (Toksikol, 2020).

In conclusion, the research underscores the profound impact of occupational

stress on the performance and well-being of security guards in the demanding security

environment. The intricate relationship between psychological strains, job

performance, and job satisfaction necessitates a thorough understanding of

interventions and methods to address these challenges effectively. The findings

emphasize the dual nature of stress, which can either positively enhance service and

morale or detrimentally affect decision-making, organizational planning, and overall

health. Security work, inherently more stressful than many other occupations,

demands tailored strategies for maximizing productivity and minimizing occupational

stressors. Adequate training, proper staffing, and proactive measures such as

grievance handling and trauma support emerge as crucial components in fostering

resilience among security personnel. Moreover, the acknowledgement of the unique

stressors faced by security guards, including exposure to aggression and the

responsibility of carrying firearms, highlights the need for targeted interventions to

mitigate burnout and post-traumatic stress disorders. By shedding light on these

challenges and proposing practical solutions, this research contributes to the ongoing

efforts to enhance the effectiveness and well-being of security personnel in their vital

role within the security landscape.

Scope and Delimitation

This study mainly focused on the impact of occupational stress on job

performance among security guards.

This study would be limited to the security guard of Cauayan City, Isabela. This

study would be conducted at Cauayan City, Isabela during the month of March in the

year 2024. The assessment would be given to security guards in this area, who are

considered as respondents in order to identify the impact of occupational stress on

their job performance, the sources of occupational stress, and their coping mechanism


Conceptual Framework

Occupational stress is a universal phenomenon where occupation-related factors

disrupt or enhance an employee's psychological and physiological conditions, forcing

them to deviate from normal functioning. It is defined in terms of the relationship

between a person and their environment, and can be influenced by the perceived

demand that threatens to exceed their capabilities and resources. Security guards, one

of the fastest-growing occupations worldwide, are responsible for maintaining order

and detaining criminal violators. Their duties include monitoring, guiding,

maintaining, and preventing crimes. Security guards face high risks of incidents at

work, such as violence and crime, due to public interaction, shift working hours, and

solitary work. Other risk factors may also increase the probability of incidents.

Occupational stress is a challenge for employers, as high levels can lead to low

productivity and other employee problems. Therefore, managers must find ways to

address occupational stress to ensure the well-being and safety of their employees

(Yadav, 2016)
As to the conceptual framework of the study, the first box contains the Input

which are Profiling the respondents in terms of Name (optional), Age, Gender and

Years of experience (as a security guard), Salary, and Types of Security Sector

(Private, Government, Company). The same box also contained the impact of

occupational stress on job performance experienced by security guards, the sources of

occupational stress experienced by security guards, the coping mechanism strategies

used by guards to deal with their stress, and the significant difference on the sources

of occupational stress and coping mechanism strategies experienced/used by security

guards when group according to profile variable. For the Process, which found in the

second box is Data Gathering and Collection, Floating the researchers-made

questionnaire to the chosen area of respondents and Computing for the mean and

interpretation. For the Output, which is the last box will be the dissemination of

pamphlets containing the possible solution to addressed their stressor.


1. Profile of the

 Name (optional)
 Age
 Gender
 Years of experience
(as a security guard)
 Salary
 Types of Security
Sector (Private,

2. To identify the impact

of occupational stress  Data Gathering and
on job performance Collection.
experienced by  Floating the
 Distribution of
security guards. researchers-made
pamphlets containing
questionnaire to
the possible solution to
3. To identify the sources chosen area of
addressed their
of occupational stress respondents.
experienced by  Computing for the
security guards. mean and
4. To identify the coping
mechanism strategies
used by guards to deal
with their stress.

5. The significant
difference on the
sources of
occupational stress and
coping mechanism
experienced/used by
security guards when
group according to
profile variable.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to assess the impact of occupational stress on job performance

among security guards in Cauayan City and it’s implication to the security guards,

with the following statements of the problem:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Name (optional)

B. Age

C. Gender

D. Years of experience (as a security guard)

E. Salary

F. Types of Security Sectors (Private, Government, Company)

2. What are the impact of occupational stress on job performance experience by

security guards?

3. What are the sources of occupational stress experienced by security guards?

4. What are the coping mechanism strategies used by guards to deal with their stress?

5. Is there any significant difference on the sources of occupational stress and coping

mechanism strategies experienced/used by security guards when group according to

profile variable?

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge

regarding the chosen topic from the respondents and related sites needed for the

expected importance to the individuals, it is conducted to benefit the following:

Security Guard: The primary beneficiaries are the security guards themselves.

Understanding the effects of occupational stress on their performance can lead to the
development of support system, interventions and improved working conditions that

enhance their mental health and job satisfaction.

Companies and Agencies: Findings from your study can be instrumental for security

companies and agencies operating in Cauayan City. Insights gained can assist in

refining policies, training methods and resource allocation to better support their

security personnel.

Readers: This equips them to learn about the different causes of occupational stress,

and the coping mechanism strategies of security guards.

Future Researchers: This serve as a reference for the other researchers which is

paralleled to future study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally to facilitate of

understanding of the research:

Agency: It refers to a company, organization, or entity responsible for providing

security services or employing security guards.

Coping mechanism: It is techniques you can use to help you handle difficult

emotions like a positive thinking, relaxation techniques, exercise, journaling, and even

seeking social support.

Employee: It refers to a Company hires to perform a service to do a specific job.

Occupation: it is a Job in life that you do to earn money.

Performance: It is the action, execution or process of carrying out or achieving an

action, task, or function.

Security Guards: a person employed to protect a person, maintain order and building

against intruders or damage.

Stress: It refers to a physical tension that make you feel frustrated that affect your

body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior.

Workplace: It is a people who can work in a safe place.

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