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Programming Past Exam Questions

1. (a) Write an algorithm of a program that accepts 50 numbers through the

keyboard and outputs the smallest, highest and average of all the numbers entered. [10]
(b) Convert the above algorithm in (a) into a program. Use a text editor or IDE environment
to produce the code. [11]
(C) Write a pseudocode of a program that will output the square root of any input number.
The program must stop when the number input is zero (0) [7]
2. A student writes a program using a relaxed form of structured English. The student uses
identifiers that contain illegal characters such as the arithmetic operators to name variables.
Assuming that the identifiers should have been made up of small alphabetic characters and
the maximum length of each identifier is 32 characters, write functions that will validate
variables on the following basis.
(a) (i) The length check [5]
(ii) Whether or not it contains the illegal characters. [10]

(b) Write code snippets that will accept an invalid identifier and perform the following tasks:
(i) If it is too long truncate it and discard the right most part. [5]
(ii) It then checks if there are any illegal characters and removes them. [12]
Hint: You may use the function defined in part (a) to perform checks by calling them.

3. Write a program code that will use a loop to create the array given below and accept its

B) Search for 8 using binary search and display result

C) Sort the array using Bubble Sort and output sorted array
D) Delete item 12 from the array and show the result array

4. (a) A gas board has about 500 customers, each with a gas meter identified by a
unique code of 8 digits which include a check digit. The meter readings are taken every 3
months. If a meter cannot be read, an estimated reading is calculated.
(i) Write specifications of the data structure for the customer including the following details;
field name, type size and validation. [4]

(ii) Write a program that accepts gas meter code, previous reading, current reading and
calculates the amount of gas used using a rate of $3 per kg., calculates the amount due for
payment and displays the information on the screen. [14]

(b) Write a program to grade marks for 12 courses for a college student. Use any selection
statement of your choice. The grades are as follows:
>= 75 Distinction
60 – 74 Merit
50 – 59 Pass
40 – 49 Supplementary
<=39 Fail [12]
(c) (i) Draw a flowchart of a program that reads a number of seconds from
the user and display the number of hours, minutes and seconds. For example, if 10 000 is
typed in, the program should display 2 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds. [6]
(ii) Write a program and print the source code for the scenario in (i). [9]

5. (a) Study the following algorithm:

2 repeat
4 Output X, A
6 Until x = 3
7 End
Using a trace table, dry run the algorithm. Code the above algorithm and your compare
(b) Factorial is a mathematical function which is defined as follows:
Factorial of n = n * factorial of n – 1
If n > 1
Otherwise factorial of 0 = 1
This function is defined for all positive integers, i.e. whole numbers greater or equal to zero.
Factorial (n) = n* factorial (n – 1) where x > 0
1 where x = 0
Code a recursive function which returns the factorial, given a positive integer argument. [9]
(c) A bank allows its customers to invest a minimum of $500 and accrue interest using the
interest rates below:
Amount invested interest rate
>= 50 and <= 1000 10%
> 1000 and <= 2000 15%
>2000 20%
(i) Design and print an interface for the above scenario. [3]
(ii) Code a program that
 Accepts the invested amount and number of years,
 Calculates interest, balance and interest rate
 Displays interest, rate, balance, invested amount and number of years
6 (a) Using a looping structure of your choice, write a program which outputs the following
result. [15]
(b) Modify the code you wrote in (a) so that it prints the shape upside down. [6]
(c) The following is a pseudo code of a program that was designed to add 10 positive
1. Counter = 1
2. For counter = 1to 10
3. Repeat
4. Print “Enter a positive whole number”
5. Input number
6. Until number <0
7. Total = Total + counter
8. Counter = counter +1
9. Output Total
10. Next
(i) The pseudo code contains several errors. Identify and write down all the errors. [7]
(ii) Write a program code for the above after you remove the errors
7. Design a Flow chart and code a program that do check digit calculation and check that an ISBN 13
digit code is correct. Hint use array to store the ISBN numbers.
a Find the check digit for the ISBN 978190612400.
b Are these ISBNs correct? i 9718780171500 ii 9781234567897
calculated using the following algorithm.
1 Add all the odd numbered digits together, excluding the check digit.
2 Add all the even numbered digits together and multiply the result by 3.
3 Add the results from 1 and 2 together and divide by 10.
4 Take the remainder, if it is zero use this value, otherwise subtract the remainder from 10 to find
the check digit.
To check that an ISBN 13 digit code is correct a similar process is followed.
1 Add all the odd numbered digits together, including the check digit.
2 Add all the even number of digits together and multiply the result by 3.
3 Add the results from 1 and 2 together and divide by 10.
4 The number is correct if the remainder is zero.

d) (i) Using a programming language of your choice, state any four

statements used with random access files. Give the purpose of each statement. [8]
(ii) Write any two statements which are common to both sequential and random files. [2]

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