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Year 10 Report

Term 2 2023-24

Mohammad Ibrahim (Ibrahim) Soni 10i

Effort Profile Summary
Collaboration Growth Mindset Independent Learning Oracy

Always makes valuable Actively seeks feedback on Frequently makes valuable

Manages their time and work
contributions to group how to improve the quality of contributions in both class
very efficiently and is highly
activities, working their work, showing great and group discussions, as well
4 constructively with other resilience and perseverance
disciplined, regularly using
as listening and responding
their initiative to go above
students to ensure that the with all challenges, even when constructively to others’
and beyond expectations.
whole group benefits. they are very difficult. contributions.

Ibrahim responds well to

Ibrahim often makes valuable Ibrahim usually makes
feedback and targets and Ibrahim manages his time and
contributions to group valuable contributions in both
completes work to the work efficiently and is
activities, working class and group discussions,
3 constructively with other
expected standard. He shows disciplined, occasionally using
usually listening and
resilience and is generally his initiative to go beyond
students to ensure that the responding constructively to
willing to persevere when expectations.
whole group benefits. others’ contributions.
things are difficult.

Does not try hard enough to

Sometimes contributes to Occasionally makes valuable
either seek feedback or Does not manage their time
group activities, working contributions in class and/or
improve their work after and work either efficiently or
constructively with other group discussions, listening
2 students to ensure that the
feedback. Can show some in a disciplined way. Does the
and responding constructively
resilience but may struggle to minimum that is asked of
whole group benefits, but this to others’ contributions, but
persevere when things are them and not much more.
is inconsistent. this is too inconsistent.

Rarely makes useful Fails to act on feedback Spends an inadequate Seldom makes valuable
contributions to group provided and as a result may amount of time on tasks and contributions in class and/or
activities, adversely affecting not make much progress. Is takes little pride in their work, group discussions. Does not
1 the work of both other not interested in being taking little or no listen or respond
students and the group as a challenged and will too often responsibility for either their constructively to others’
whole. give up without really trying. own learning or behaviour. contributions.
Computer Science Attainment C
Growth Independent
Effort Collaboration Mindset Learning Oracy Attainment
Term 2 C

Sam Laornual

Economics Attainment 8
Growth Independent
Effort Collaboration Mindset Learning Oracy Attainment
Term 2 8

Lewis Hankin

English Attainment B
Growth Independent
Effort Collaboration Mindset Learning Oracy Attainment
Term 2 B

Grace Rungsee

Geography Attainment B
Growth Independent
Effort Collaboration Mindset Learning Oracy Attainment
Term 2 B

Trevor Newman

History Attainment 5
Growth Independent
Effort Collaboration Mindset Learning Oracy Attainment
Term 2 5

Gary Davidson
Mathematics Attainment 8
Growth Independent
Effort Collaboration Mindset Learning Oracy Attainment
Term 2 8

William McNamee

Physics Attainment C
Growth Independent
Effort Collaboration Mindset Learning Oracy Attainment
Term 2 C

Daniel Glowinski

Ibrahim's Reflections
This term I have covered the topics on physical boundaries, shaming, consent, mutually respectful
relationships, and sharing of explicit images. We completed multiple tests on each topic by watching
videos such as, people affected by their images getting spread around without their consent, people
being in situations where they felt they were being sexually harassed or felt their boundaries were
being invaded but didn’t know how to respond to it so they either froze, tried to fight or ran away, or
how sexually explicit images were being shared between students and also being leaked to the entire
school without consent and how all these things extremely impacted the person’s mental health. After
watching these videos, we would discuss how we felt, our opinions, what we felt were the long and
short term impacts of what happened and how the situation could’ve been dealt with differently and
what the solution was or what the lesson we took from that video and how we should incorporate it
into our daily lives with our classmates and teacher. When we discussed the topic of explicit images
and pornography and sex, it surprised me and made me feel a little bit uncomfortable as some topics
related to boys and there are girls in our class which made it awkward. The things that were most
successful were everyone’s contributions, opinions and thoughts on each topic because everyone’s
mutual understanding of each topic and the ability to talk about it made it less awkward. It’s likely that
everyone was able to contribute in topics such as shaming, and mutually respectful relationships as a
result of them being in those situations and being able to relate to it which makes them want to speak
out about it and make sure it doesn’t happen to them and others in the future. Some things that I
maybe could have done to make sure that more ideas were brought into the discussion was to
contribute more and cooperate better with classmates rather than staying silent. Therefore, next term,
I plan to speak up more and talk more to ensure cooperation between classmates and teachers to
ensure that my own issues and thoughts are taken into consideration by others and won’t happen

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