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English Literatur’s Task

Lecturer : Mrs. Rina Mutiarawati, S.Pd., M.Pd

Class : Political Science 2023 (A)

Our Group 5 : Azka Ibadil Hakim (1238040115)

Fakta Lovandez Abel (1238040113)

Iin Indriyani (1238040006)

Junaedi (1238040007)

Muhammad Andi Imosya Palippoei (1238040022)

Muhammad Zacky Gernamauludi (1238040042)

Nayla Isyna Karima (1238040116)

Siti Isnaini Ramadani (1238040025)

Siti Maweddetul Husna (1238040001)

Menentukan kalimat Simple Sentence, Complex Sentence, Compound Sentence dan Compound

Speech on Democracy Vs. Dictatorship Best Speech on Democracy Vs. Dictatorship for
Students and Children in English

A. Simple Sentences
1. "Democracy allows the people to make choices as they are elected by the common
2. "People always choose or prefer leaders who guide them correctly and give them
their basic rights."
3. "A dictator has the power to make any decision whether the people like it or not."
4. "Democracy is based on the choices made by the common people."
5. "The democratic leader is expected to rule based on the constitution of the nation."
6. "Every citizen of a democratic nation is allowed to vote once they turn eighteen."
7. "There is no differentiation made between religion, caste, class while voting."
8. "Every citizen is given equal rights."
9. "The people also have a choice to elect a different leader in democracy after five
years of the democratic leader’s rule."
10. "A lot of corruption is also seen in a democracy."
11. "That power should not be misused."

B. Complex Sentences
1. "In the case of democracy, people respect the democratic leader, but the dictators are
feared instead of being respected."
2. "Dictatorship has already scarred human minds with the most devastating and long-
lasting impact of World War II because of the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler."
3. "A dictator’s decision is given so much importance that in the case of Hilter, all the
Jewish people were being wiped off from Germany because the dictator had a strong
dislike towards them."
4. "The legacy of dictatorship continues only from the dictator’s family, just like a
5. "If a particular leader succeeds in leading correctly over a state while paying
attention to every citizen and giving importance to all the important decisions for the
welfare of the people, that particular leader may be elected again."
6. "This leadership is offered to people who are responsible enough to make decisions
for the citizen’s well-being."
7. "If the people are given a choice between dictatorship and democracy, the people
would undoubtedly choose democracy because, in democracy, choices are given to
people but in a dictatorship, no choice is given."
8. "In exceptional cases if a dictator turns out to be good and takes all good decisions for
the common people, and if he is loved and respected by the people, then that
dictatorship can be of good help to the country flourish."

C. Compound Sentences
1. "Democracy and dictatorship are two different system of leadership upon the
common people of the state or nation."
2. "But in a dictatorship, the dictator forces patriotism upon the common masses,
leading to fascism."
3. "In a democracy, the legacy is open to the people who have the qualities of being a
good leader and has the decision-making capacities."

D. Compound-Complex Sentences
1. "Democracy allows the people to make choices as they are elected by the common
people and dictatorship does not allow the people to make any choice as the dictator
himself has chosen to be the sole leader of the state or nation and take all the decisions
for the people instead of giving them any liberty."
2. "As there is a large body of people involved in democracy, some people misuse the
power which is given to the leaders for the welfare of the people."

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