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STD: 2

Portion: Lesson 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

L 6: God who sees Jacob running away

1. Who were the two sons of Isaac?

The two sons of Isaac were Esau and Jacob
2. Why did Esau decide to kill Jacob?
Esau decided to kill Jacob because he was angry that his brother had snatched away all the
blessings from his father.
3. What was the name of the place where Jacob slept?
4. What was Jacob’s dream?
A ladder; it reached up to heaven; angels are ascending and descending along it. At the extreme
end of the ladder God himself is there.
5. What was the new name that Jacob gave to Luz?

L 7: Joseph the dreamer

1. Who were Joseph’s parents?

Joseph’s parents were Jacob and Rachel
2. How many brothers did Joseph have?
Joseph has 11 brothers
3. What was Joseph’s first dream?
Joseph was in the field with his brothers making sheaves. The Joseph’s sheaf stood upright and
the sheaves of his brothers bowed down before his sheaf.
4. What was Joseph’s second dream?
The dream was that the sun and the moon and eleven stars bowed in front of Joseph. The sun
denoted his father, the moon his mother and the eleven stars his brothers.
5. What did Joseph finally become?
Joseph finally became a minister in Egypt.

L 8: God calls Moses

1. Who was called the children of Israel?

Jacob’s sons and their progeny are called the children of Israel (the people of God)
2. Why did Jacob and his children go to Egypt?
Once there was a great famine in the land where Jacob and his sons lived. No grains were
available. People were almost starving to death. So Jacob and his sons went to Egypt to buy food
3. What was the name of the King of Egypt?
4. Where did God call Moses?
On a mountain called Horeb where he saw a fire in a bush but the bush did not burn up.
5. What was the wonder Moses saw at Horeb?
At Horeb he saw a fire in a bush but the bush did not burn up.
6. What was the first sign that God showed Moses?
God asked Moses to throw his staff on the ground and it became a snake. And then he was
asked to hold his tail and it became the staff again.

L 9: God leads the way of the children of Israel

1. How many years did the Israelites live in Egypt?

Israelites lived 430 years in Egypt
2. What were the two things the Pharaoh did to destroy the Israelites?
a. Killing the boys born in the Israelite family by throwing them into the river Nile.
b. Subjected the Israelites to hard labour. They were forced to make bricks for the
construction of big cities.
3. What was the tenth plague?
The tenth plague was the death of the first born in Egyptian families.
4. How did the Israelites escaped from the death of the first born?
God had asked that the blood of a lamb should be smeared on the top of the door frames of the
house of Israelites.

L 10: Bitter water is made sweet

1. Which sea did God divide into two to enable the children of Israel to reach the other side?
Red Sea
2. To which desert did the children of Israel come after the crossing of the Red sea?
Desert Sur
3. Where did they get bitter water?
In a palace called Marah
4. What did Moses do to make the bitter water sweet?
Moses cut a branch and put it in water

Memory verses:

Psalms 139:7
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?

Genesis 39:2
The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered.

2 Peter 1:10
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election.

Psalms 107:7
He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle.

Psalms 63:1
My soul thirsts for you; my body longs for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water?

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