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The Grumpycorn

It was a story about a unicorn that was keen on writing a fabulous story. The
unicorn had himself ready on his special writing house, but he didn't know where
to begin his story. Even his special fluffy pen and his special blueberry tea couldn't
help him to come up with any ideas.

At that moment, his underwater's friend Narwhal was coming knocking his door.
The unicorn told Narwhal that he was writing a very fabulous story. Narwhal asked
him to be in his story, but unicorn refused to do it. The unicorn got really grumpy,
he didn't want to write about his other underwater's friends (Mermaid and
Jellyfish) as well when they asked him to be in his story.

The unicorn got stuck to get any idea, he couldn’t write anymore and threw all of
his things to the ocean. His friends found the notebook and found out that
unicorn hadn't written a single word. They had an idea to fill up the notebook with
the story about a grumpy unicorn. They were writing on the notebook when
unicorn came to them with a box of pizza as apologize, then they finished the
story together.

Unicorn finally wrote his incredible story with some helps of his friends. We know
that something can get easier to do when we are working together.

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