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I have to go for a job interview, the following are some of the ques�ons that I will be asked.

1. Tell me more about yourself.

2. Why do you have an interest in this Diploma and industry?

3. What do you like about the course and why?

4. What are some of the special skills or talents which you possess and how do you think they will help you
in your journey in the course?

5. Share with us your career aspira�ons and how the course can help you fulfill them.

6. Share with us what you know of any latest developments in the industry. How do

you think our course can help you prepare for a career in the industry?

7. What do you do for hobbies, sports, volunteering, CCAs?

8. How will you manage polytechnic life?

9. Why choose this par�cular school?

10. Do you have any ques�ons for me?

Can you please provide appropriate and detailed responses to the ques�ons above.


Certainly! Here are appropriate and detailed responses to the ques�ons you provided:

1. **Tell me more about yourself.**

- Response: "I am a mo�vated and enthusias�c individual with a keen interest in [men�on relevant field or
industry]. Throughout my academic journey and extracurricular ac�vi�es, I have developed a passion for
[men�on specific interests or experiences related to the industry]. I am excited about the opportunity to
pursue a Diploma in [name of the diploma] and contribute to the industry in the future."

2. **Why do you have an interest in this Diploma and industry?**

- Response: "I have always been fascinated by the [men�on specific aspects of the industry, such as
technology advancements, crea�ve opportuni�es, or societal impact]. The Diploma in [name of the
diploma] aligns perfectly with my interests and career aspira�ons. I am eager to gain in-depth knowledge
and prac�cal skills that will prepare me for a successful career in this dynamic industry."

3. **What do you like about the course and why?**

- Response: "I appreciate the comprehensive curriculum of the course, which covers a wide range of
relevant subjects and prac�cal experiences. The emphasis on [men�on specific aspects, such as hands-on
projects, industry internships, or cu�ng-edge technologies] is par�cularly appealing to me. I believe that
this holis�c approach will provide me with a well-rounded educa�on and prepare me for the challenges of
the industry."
4. **What are some of the special skills or talents which you possess and how do you think they will help
you in your journey in the course?**

- Response: "I possess strong analy�cal and problem-solving skills, which I have honed through [men�on
relevant experiences, such as academic projects or extracurricular ac�vi�es]. Addi�onally, my crea�vity and
ability to adapt to new technologies will be valuable assets in the course. I believe these skills will enable
me to excel in the prac�cal components of the course and contribute meaningfully to group projects and
industry-related challenges."

5. **Share with us your career aspira�ons and how the course can help you fulfill them.**

- Response: "My ul�mate career aspira�on is to [men�on specific career goal, such as becoming a skilled
professional in the industry, contribu�ng to technological advancements, or making a posi�ve impact on
society]. I believe that the Diploma in [name of the diploma] will equip me with the necessary knowledge,
skills, and industry exposure to achieve these aspira�ons. The prac�cal experiences and mentorship
opportuni�es provided by the course will be instrumental in shaping my career path."

6. **Share with us what you know of any latest developments in the industry. How do you think our course
can help you prepare for a career in the industry?**

- Response: "I am aware of recent developments in the industry, such as [men�on specific advancements,
trends, or challenges]. I believe that the course's focus on [men�on relevant subjects or prac�cal
experiences, such as industry-relevant projects, internships, or exposure to emerging technologies] will
prepare me to adapt to these developments. The hands-on approach and industry connec�ons offered by
the course will provide me with a realis�c understanding of the industry's demands and opportuni�es."

7. **What do you do for hobbies, sports, volunteering, CCAs?**

- Response: "In my free �me, I enjoy [men�on specific hobbies or ac�vi�es, such as reading, coding, or
par�cipa�ng in community projects]. I am also ac�vely involved in [men�on specific sports, volunteering
ini�a�ves, or CCAs]. These ac�vi�es have not only enriched my personal life but have also taught me
valuable lessons in teamwork, �me management, and leadership, which I believe will be beneficial in my
polytechnic journey."

8. **How will you manage polytechnic life?**

- Response: "I am commited to maintaining a healthy balance between academic responsibili�es and
personal well-being. I plan to priori�ze my studies by adop�ng effec�ve �me management strategies,
seeking academic support when needed, and ac�vely par�cipa�ng in group discussions and projects.
Addi�onally, I will make �me for self-care, relaxa�on, and extracurricular ac�vi�es to ensure a well-rounded
polytechnic experience."

9. **Why choose this par�cular school?**

- Response: "I chose this school because of its outstanding reputa�on in [men�on specific aspects, such as
academic excellence, industry partnerships, or state-of-the-art facili�es]. The school's commitment to
providing a holis�c educa�on, including opportuni�es for prac�cal learning and industry exposure, aligns
with my educa�onal and career goals. I am confident that the resources and support offered by this school
will enable me to thrive academically and professionally."
10. **Do you have any ques�ons for me?**

- Response: "Yes, I am curious about [ask a though�ul ques�on about the course structure, industry
collabora�ons, or opportuni�es for professional development]. I want to ensure that this course aligns with
my career aspira�ons and that I can make the most of my polytechnic experience."

Feel free to personalize these responses based on your own experiences and aspira�ons. Good luck with
your interview!

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