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Key Stage 2 Science


This worksheet will include questions on the

following subjects:

Light and Electricity


Vibrations and

Newcastle Story
Look throughout the exhibition for toys from different periods and try to fill in the
table below with some information about them.

Toy Material Material made from Description

(shiny, hard, etc)

Norman Section Victorian section

The school desk and chair are made
Look at the helmet.
from wood. Why wouldn't they be
What is it made of?
made from glass?
……………………………. Tick the correct box.

Why is the helmet made from this

material? It might shatter

It wouldn't be absorbent
It would be transparent

A Soldier’s Life

Have a look at the drum at the entrance.

The harder you hit a drum …
Circle the correct answer.

The louder the sound The higher the pitch The lower the pitch
of the sound of the sound

If the drum was hit now you would here the sound but it would be quieter because
the glass muffles the sound. The glass is acting as a medium. Sound needs a
medium to travel through. Other mediums include solids (like glass or wood), gas
(like air) or liquids (like water).

In space there is no air. Would you hear a drum being hit in space?
Circle the correct answer.

Yes No

Story of the Tyne
Look at the waterfall at the entrance.


What is happening to the water in this picture above and why?



Sand bags
How do you get the sand bags into the air?


Draw arrows pointing to which way you are moving the rope and which way the bag
is moving.

What would happen if the bag was lighter?



Science Maze
Yellow floor

Rearrange these to make some science words.

csienec ………………………………..
cityelectri ………………………………..
vityrag ………………………………...
ghtli ………………………………...

In a simple series circuit, why does the bulb light when you close the switch?
Tick the correct box.

Because the switch produces electricity

Because closing the switch completes the circuit

Because closing the switch breaks the circuit

Power Stations generate electricity, but what else can we use?


Look at these two circuits. Which bulb will glow brighter; A or B? …………………...


+ +



Orange floor

Weight is a force and is measured in …

Circle the correct answer.

Newtons Kilograms Metres

Where would you feel heaviest?

Circle the correct answer.

The Earth The Moon You would feel equally

heavy on both


Purple Floor
Name three types of light. What is there a series of which allow us
to see through the telescope ?
L __ n __e __ s



What types of surfaces Look at the prisms.

reflect light well? Try reflecting light through a prism.
Draw the shape the light makes.
Tick the correct box

Light coloured
and smooth

Dull and dark

Dark coloured
and smooth

Green floor

What is the frequency of sound measured in?


Can you draw a high frequency

sound wave?

Which of the resonance tubes makes the highest pitched noise?

………………………………………………………………….. …………………………….

Why do you think this is?


Shadow wall

When is a shadow formed? Circle the correct answer.

When the light is turned off When an object falls to the floor

When the path of light is blocked by an object

Draw where
the shadow
of the tree
would be
in this picture

Now you can make some of your own shadows!

Teacher’s answers

Newcastle Story

Norman Section
What is the helmet made of?

Why is the helmet made from this

It is hard to protect your head

Victorian section What would happen if the bag was

The school desk and chair are made lighter?
It would be easier to pull up the bag
from wood. Why wouldn't they be made
from glass? ……………………………………………….
It might shatter
Science Maze
Yellow Floor
A Soldier’s Life Science
The harder you hit a drum… Gravity
The louder the sound light

Would you hear a drum being hit in In a simple series circuit, why does the
space? bulb light when you close the switch?
No, because there is no air so sound Because closing the switch completes
has no way of travelling. the circuit.

……………………………………………… Power Stations generate electricity, but

what else can we use?
Story of the Tyne 1) Sun
2) Wind
What is happening to the water in this 3) Water
picture and why? 4) Waves in the sea
The water is freezing because cooling
slows the molecules in water down.
When water gets cool enough, Look at these two circuits. Which bulb
molecular movement is slowed will glow brighter; A or B?
enough that the molecules stick to A
each other and form ice.
In circuit B the battery has to be
How do you get the sand bags into the shared between two bulbs instead of
air? one so they get less energy and are
You pull the rope therefore duller than in circuit A as the
bulb does not need to share the
battery energy.
Orange Floor
Weight is a force and is measured in… Which of the resonance tubes makes the
Newtons highest pitched noise?
The smallest tube
Where would you feel heaviest?
The Earth Why do you think this is?
There is less room for the sound
waves to vibrate so they are closer
together and create a higher pitched
Purple Floor noise.

Name three types of light.

1) Polarised
2) Bending Shadow Wall
3) Bouncing
When is a shadow formed?
What is there a series of which allow us When the path of light is blocked by
to see through the telescope ? an object.

What types of surfaces reflect light well? Draw where the shadow of the tree
Light coloured and smooth would be in this picture

Green Floor

What is the frequency of sound

measured in?

Can you draw a high frequency

sound wave?

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