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IFYPH002 Physics


IFYPH002 Physics

End of Semester 1 Test


Mark Scheme

Notice to markers.

This mark scheme should be used in conjunction with the NCUK Marking
Guidelines, available from the secure area (Web File Manager) of the NCUK
website ( Contact your Principal/ Academic Manager if you
do not have login details.

NB – Credit should be awarded for any pertinent answers not included in the
mark scheme, not exceeding the total mark allowed for the question.

If a student has answered more than the required number of questions, credit should only
be given for the first n answers, in the order that they are written in the student’s answer
booklet (n being the number of questions required for the examination). Markers should
not select answers based on the combination that will give the student the highest mark.
If a student has crossed out an answer, it should be disregarded.

Error Carried Forward:

Whenever a question asks the student to calculate-or otherwise produce-a piece of

information that is to be used later in the question, the marker should consider the
possibility of error carried forward (ECF). When a student has made an error in deriving a
value or other information, provided that the student correctly applies the method in
subsequent parts of the question, the student should be awarded the Method marks for
the part question. The student should never be awarded the Accuracy marks.

When this happens, write ECF next to the ticks.

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IFYPH002 Physics

Units – deduct one mark for missing or wrong unit ONCE in the paper.
Abbreviations: bc=because; wtte=words to that effect ;
ecf = error carried forward, award marks based on candidate’s values.

Section A
Question Guidance Mark Comments
1.i Tcos40, correct substitution.  2
= 69N  (68.94)
1.ii Force x distance  2
in the direction of the force 
1.iii Correct substitution into F x s.  2 ecf
= 13.8 kJ  (13.789)
2.i v2 = u2 + 2as, correct substitution.  2
s = v2/2g = 62.4m  (62.436)
2.ii v = u + at (or other correct method using ‘suvat’), 2
correct substitution. 
t = 7.14s  (7.136)
2.iii 75/100 x 62.4 = 46.8m  3 ecf
v2 = u2 + 2as (or other correct method), with
correct substitution (v2=352 + 2 x ‐9.81 x 46.8) 
v = (+/‐) 17.5 ms‐1 
3.i force which would cause 1kg to accelerate at one 1
metre per second per second. (or other correct
3.ii W=mg = 390N  (392.4) 1
3.iii mass constant, so Wearth/gearth = Wmoon/gmoon  2
Wmoon = 1/6 x Wearth = 65.4 N 
4.i either S1 or S2 by principle of moments, eg 4
(3x105 x 15) + (2x106 x 40) = S2 x 80 
S2 = 1.06x106 N  (1.0562)
S1 + S2 = 2x106 + 3x105 (or a further moments calc) 
S1 = 1.24x106 N  (1.2438)
4.ii Incorrect  3 credit any
Total support force must remain the same for good points
equilibrium  based on
each support force may change if moved  correct physics
S1 gets greater as it approaches the lorry’s
position 
advantage – stress on the bridge ‘span’ is lessdue
to reduced moment arm to c.o.g 
5.i ½ mv2, correct substitution  2
296kJ seen  (not just 300)
5.ii P = W/t, correct substitution  2
19.7 kW  (19.733)
5.iii efficiency = 19.7/25 x 100 = 79%  (78.932) 1
5.iv losses to eg heat/sound due to 1 any sensible
friction/vibrations etc.  suggestion
6.i Total momentum of a system of objects remains 2
constant… (or wtte) 

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unless acted on by an external force (or wtte) 

6.ii Mu = Mv1 + mv2 , correct substitution 2
50 = 42.5 + 0.5 x v2
v2 = 15ms‐1 
in the direction of the bowling ball 
6.iii No  2 ecf
calculation (250J before, 237J after) 
7.i continuous  2
random 
7.ii air particles (molecules) must be continuously 1
moving  randomly 
motion of smoke particles is caused by collisions
with air particles (molecules) 
air molecules are too small to see 
(small movements of smoke particles,) so must
be very large numbers of air particles 
8.i extension/original length  1
8.ii from Hooke’s Law  (or formula) 3
extension is doubled 
assumed obeying hooke’s law (or behaving
elastically, or not passed proportional limit) 
9.i 65oC  1
9.ii Q=mcT, correct substitution  2
= 4 x 4.19 x 15 = 250 kJ  (251.4)
9.iii equate (ii) with mcT for metal, & correct 2
substitution 
c = Q/mT = 1930 Jkg‐1K‐1  (1933.8)
10.i for constant temperature  2
pressure is inversely proportional to volume 
(or wtte, eg ‘one over volume’)
10.ii P1V1 = P2V2 , correct substitution  2
400kPa 
10.iii P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 (or other correct equation) , 2
with correct substitution. 
P2 = 407 kPa  (406.8)
11.i Rparallel section = 6 3
I = V/R, correct substitution 
I = 0.67A  (0.667)
11.ii V across R = 10 – 4 = 6V  2
R = V/I = 9 
11.iii Less.  (total R greater, current less) 1

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IFYPH002 Physics

Section B
Question Guidance Mark Comments
B1.a.i F for one spring = 100 x 9.81 x ¼ = 245.25N  2 must see more
F=ke, so k = F/e = 16350 Nm‐1  detail than
B1.a.ii k = F/e = 100 x 9.81/0.015  2
= 65400 Nm‐1.  (or add spring constants x 4)
B1.a.iii T = 2π sqrt(m/k) , correct substitution  2 ecf for ‘k’
f = 1/T = 1.23Hz  (1.227)
B1.b.i acceleration proportional to displacement from 2
equilibrium 
acceleration always towards equilibrium position
 (or full credit for equation if terms properly
B1.b.ii sinusoidal shape  3
starting at negative full displacement (‐cosine) &
correct phase throughout 
no change in amplitude 
B1.b.iii sinusoidal  2
starting at full positive displacement and correct
phase, OR antiphase to candidate’s own
displacement graph. 
B1.c reduces/removes energy from oscillations  max
reduces amplitude of oscillations  2
slightly reduces natural frequency
B1.d.i When a system is driven at its natural frequency  2
Amplitude increases greatly (or wtte) 
B1.d.ii Relatively flat below and above f0  3
smoothly drawn obvious peak at f0 
relatively larger amplitude at frequencies below f0,
compared to smaller amplitudes above f0. 
B2.a.i Charge (passing a point) if one ampere of current 1
flows for one second.
B2.a.ii Q = CV , correct substitution  2
= 120F 
B2.a.iii E = ½ QV or ½ CV2 etc, correct substitution  2 ecf
= 7.2 x10‐4 J 
B2.a.iv Work done = Q x V (from definition of the volt)  2 ecf
120x10‐6 x 12 = 1.44 x10‐3 J 
B2.a.v Only half the energy from the battery is stored  2
the other half is dissipated/lost to the environment
as heat in the resistive components of the circuit 
B2.b 2.89 ; 1.80 ; 3.00  for method &  for answer 6
for each arrangement.
B2.c.i High power needed, so high current  2
batteries have internal resistance so cannot
provide more than a certain current, capacitors do
not have internal resistance.  (or wtte)
B2.c.ii V=V0e^‐t/RC , correct values of R & C substituted  3
V/V0 = 0.05 
rearrange & t = 1.41ms  (1.408)

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B3.a.i Centripetal  1
B3.a.ii At 90o to the velocity (or ‘motion’)  1
B3.b.i mv2/r , correct substitution  2
= 12.8kN 
B3.b.ii As speed increases, drag increases  3
at some speed, drag will become equal to the
greatest driving force of the car 
at this point, the car will be in equilibrium and can
no longer accelerate  (or reference to Newton’s
1st/2nd law)
B3.b.iii D = kv3 , so D1/v13 = D2/v23 3
D2 = 400 x (40/20)^3 
= 3200N 
B3.c Resolve vertically (equilibrium) to get Ncosθ = W  max credit for
Resolve horizontally to get Nsinθ  5 other
this is = centripetal force (12.8kN)  acceptable
divide (1) by (2), to get tanθ = 12.8kN/mg  techniques up
to 5 max
tanθ = 1.09 
θ = 47o 
B3.d.i  = (75 x 2π) / 60  2
7.85 rads‐1 
B3.d.ii For same , increasing radius requires greater 2 credit for any
good physics
centripetal force. 
friction on dust at the outer edge was not explaining this
sufficient to keep it travelling in a circle with the observation
disk 
dust on the inside near the centre did not require
as much force to maintain circular motion and
didn’t slide off the disk  (or wtte)

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