BMC Canvas

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ADWIYAH. Analysis of Business Plan Using

, Vol. Business
37, No. Model
1st (June, 2021) Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market
pp 232-245

Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas

(BMC) on Modern Fish Market

1Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Islam Bandung,

Jalan Tamansari No. 24 Bandung, 2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No. 24 Bandung, 3Department of Communication,
Faculty of Communication Sciences Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No. 24 Bandung,
Course Manager, Jalan Boulevard Raya Gading Serpong ARA Center Tower D, 9th
3, 4


have implemented the Integrated Marine and Fisheries Center Development Program
to strengthen the economy, sovereignty and independence of regions, remote areas

market. This study aims to determine the internal and external factors affecting

position because it is above the value of 2.50. The main strength of Sabilulungan


Introduction Tahun 2017 Tentang Badan Usaha Milik

The Ministry of Fisheries together
Enterprises, the objectives of establishing
with related ministries/agencies, local

sector agencies jointly aim to enforce

national’s nine priorities through various
types of activities. Some of the activities
of the community in accordance with the
referred to are the Integrated Marine and
conditions, characteristics, and potential
Fisheries Center Development Programs to
of the region concerned based on good
strengthen regional sovereignty, economy
and independence. According to Government

Received: June 02, 2021, Revision: June 14, 2021, Accepted: June 30, 2021
Print ISSN: 0215-8175; Online ISSN: 2303-2499. DOI:
Accredited Sinta 2 based on the decree No.10/E/KPT/2019 until 2024. Indexed by DOAJ, Sinta, Garuda, Crossreff, Dimensions

232 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 37, No. 1st (June, 2021), pp. 232-245

In line with the mandate of this In addition, in line with the regional
development targets that have been set in
and maritime affairs through program of the 2016-2021 in Bandung Regency due to
strengthening the competitiveness aims at National Medium-Term Development Plan

and non-waste industrial system using a targets related to the main tasks and
market-driven approach so that it will be functions of the Food and Fisheries Service,
more demanded and accepted by consumers. namely achieving food security conditions
The products produced must be safe, high
value content, competitive, traceable, and commodities.
This potential performance is still not
Bantuan Pemerintah Pembangunan Pasar
optimally developed in an effort to increase
characteristics are expected to increase the
Regency is still relatively low at around
nutritious food intake and high protein. The
ultimate goal of that is the welfare of society.
Bandung Regency has excellent
potential and resources to increase the
Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia,

contribute to increasing the GRDP of the

awareness of animal health and welfare livelihoods that can improve the economy
affects purchasing behavior directly and should be a concern for regions to develop
a more integrated and coordinated approach

the following data: the total population is

3,534,111 people with a ratio of 1,792,864
men and 1,741,247 women of the total food insecurity and childhood micronutrient
increase in adult obesity, diabetes and heart
Table 1
disease. Methods: A systematic literature
Fish Production Facility in Bandung review was undertaken to assess whether
Fish Production improves a. Related to this, with the support
No Explanation
Facility of the community through the Regional
1 Hatchery 277,77 - House of Representatives and the spirit
2 Pool of Static Water 1.230,37 - of determination and measurement, the
Bandung Regency Government initiates a
3 Rice-Fish Farming 4.480,59 -
regional development program with a priority
Pool of Flowing 1.025,00 -
National Medium-Term Development Plan
5 Public Waters 376,00 -
6 Citarum Watershed 268.130
The central government through the
Citarik Sub- 17.295,00
Source: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the
Sanitation Directorate General of Strengthening the
Cirasea Sub- 37.219,00 Note of
watershed Bandung
Competitiveness of Marine and Fisheries
8 Product, and Directorate of Marketing
2013. captures all this potential to provide
Source: Business Plan Preparation and assistance for the development of a modern
Investment Needs Documents of Modern Fish
Market in Soreang Regency, 2019 by the Bandung Regency Government,
located in the District of Soreang which is

Accredited by Sinta Rank 2 based on Ristekdikti No.10/E/KPT/20 233

ADWIYAH. Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market

Table 2
The Fifth Mission of National Medium-Term Development Plan 2016 – 2021 in
Bandung Regecy Fisheries Sector Development

Regional Development Responsible Regional

Policy Direction
Program Apparatus
Achieving food Food stability and Regional apparatus in
security conditions independence development program charge of marine and

Increased Increased marketing Management Regional apparatus in

competitiveness of superior and marketing charge of marine and
of agricultural agricultural products

Source : Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bandung No 7 Tahun 2016, 2016

the capital of Bandung Regency. Around this

area, there are 8 sub-districts which are less
than 10 km, namely Banjaran, Cangkuang, in accordance with applicable regulations.
Pameungpeuk, Katapang, Kutawaringin,
A business plan, according to Hisrich &
Margaasih, and Margahayu Districts. The
total population of 8 sub-districts is 890,487
document prepared by a business actor to
describe the external and internal elements

new business. It can be said that a business

both now and in the future by arranging

activities to get the expected results in the
form of a planning document. By making a
cold storage, drainage, sanitation facilities, business plan, the expectations of a business
electricity, and clean water as well as the plan that have been made are in line with
the reality when the business is running or

multipurpose rooms, and food courts, those a business plan can be used as a guide in
which all are integrating as educational and creating a new business. A business plan is a
recreational facilities. It is a model that plan that is useful for companies to focus on
provides the facility to create and capture key points, allocate resources, and prepare
themselves for opportunities and problems

is envisioned by the Bandung Regency this, it can be concluded that businesses

of the people of Bandung Regency, but also growth in accordance with the company’s
for the surrounding area, larger Bandung strategy.
There is no standard business plan
format since it always adapts to the needs
the effectiveness of development planning for and goals of the company. But at least
this major program, the Bandung Regency a business plan consists of a summary,
Government as the recipient of market mission, key success, market analysis, and
development assistance, through the Food
conditio sin qua very important for business people or policy
non and needs to compile a business plan decision makers in a company. A business
plan can be used as a complement in seeking

this background, the purpose of this study

of a business plan.
for the management of Modern Fish Market

234 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 37, No. 1st (June, 2021), pp. 232-245

Figure 3. Business Model Canvas

Research Methodology
In doing research on Business Plan
Analysis using BMC, Modern Fish Market
in Bandung Regency basically took several
Figure 1. The basics of a business plan stages of activities both carried out

valid data. In each stage of the research,

several methods of analysis were carried
opportunity, and threat. This analysis is out as part of the process of completing the
carried out to identify the feasibility of a research expected according to the research
business by observing more deeply the objectives. Broadly speaking, the framework
internal and external factors that are of Business Plan Analysis using BMC for
Modern Fish Market in Bandung Regency can
Abdurahman, 2007; David, 2004; Rangkuti, be presented in the chart contained in the
2006, 2011; Siagian, 2005; Tjiptono &
frame of mind:
analysis, internal factors include strength
and weakness, while external factors include

Figure 4. Research Framework

Methods of data collection carried

out by the team were using survey and

The data to be collected were primary and

secondary data. The primary survey was the
FIGURE 2. SWOT Analysis
method aimed to obtain factual data found
The Business Model Canvas is a way
observation, rechecking, and validating the
results of previous studies. The primary
survey included the following activities:
nine basic building blocks covering four main
business areas, namely supply, customers,
used to get an overview of the conditions for

Accredited by Sinta Rank 2 based on Ristekdikti No.10/E/KPT/20 235

ADWIYAH. Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market

the implementation of Modern Fish Market needed, improve company performance and
brand that would have an effect on pricing.
The values contained in value propositions
were performance, newness, getting the
aspects of marketing, human resources,
reduction, accessibility, design and risk
framework of identifying a business plan, and reduction. In addition, the value proposition
should be able to provide what solutions
the business scheme would be offered to consumers, what were
the attractivenesses of these solutions, what
Meanwhile, the secondary survey
and use the value of the company.
completing the primary survey method.
Channels were how company
This stage was carried out after
communicates with consumers or business
completing the preparation stage. The survey
partners. Chanel focused on methods and
was carried out with the aim of collecting
processes in reaching customers by looking
at distribution channels. The company must
collected were in the form of interviews,
be able to map a way, so that the solution
statistics, location photos, maps of market
from the problem reached the customer.
locations, and others that were directly
related to the material. The collection of data Customer Relationship was a pattern
and information included at least: of relationships that were built between
companies and customers; the ability of
company to make good relationships with
literature study related to Business Plan
customers might vary. Company should be
Analysis using BMC of Modern Fish Market
able to maintain customer loyalty.
Key Activities were the main activities
in the process of making value propositions.
Analysis could focus on the company’s
scheme and investment needs activities as well as the effectiveness of the
activities. Key activities could be used as
The time needed in carrying out data
a competitive strategy for the company to
and information collection activities was six
create its value proposition.
This research consisted of data analysis
funds that the company would receive if
methods: types of products and services
the components in the previous points run
smoothly. The components of revenue
that would be developed in the management
streams were a source of revenue based on
of the Modern Fish Market; and analysis of
the type and form of revenue, how payments
the types of products and services that could
were made by customers, and the comparison
2013; Freund, 2009; Kim & Maulborgne,
for customers. Therefore, a company should
2016; Pambudi, 2015; Priandita & Toha,
make money from a given value.
canvas model business:
Key Resources were resources owned
Customer Segments aimed to identify
the main customers as company targets and
the market segments the company wanted
for business development. Therefore, in
were forms of resources. The resource that
this case, the company should be able to
must be owned was competitiveness to
create values.
the capability to formulate problems,
characteristics, and consumer mindsets. Key Partnerships were partners
supporting the company to be competitive in
Value propositions were the values
creating values. Company business partners
that the company provided to customers, so
had a role while providing company resources
that they were right on target. Therefore, the
and creating company values.
company needed to identify what customers

236 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 37, No. 1st (June, 2021), pp. 232-245

Cost Structures were the factors The use of business model must be more
making up the costs that must be incurred.
The cost structures were the structure for
is an approach that can be used, which
proposition offered to customers. The

makes it possible to change and describe a

business model more simply and easily with
The data analysis used was the analysis
the aim of creating a strategy in the form
of the BMC model template by changing and
of a new business model. Business model
coding each block or element according to
helps to understand, predict, and explain the
the needs and the results of analysis and
activities that should be done to get company
prediction of development in each leading
sector in the future.
product, and does the operational system.
The following is a Business Model Canvas of
Results and Discussion
Modern Fish Market in Sabilulungan Soreang,
Bandung Regency:
company that can be sustainable must
The rating scale that researchers used
change its business model, both radical
Weaknesses, 2. Minor Weaknesses, 3. Major
foundation that can be used through good
instruments and concepts. Elements that
External Factors: 1. Very low, less response,
play an important role and can be improved,
2. Low, average response, 3. High, above-
namely the value proposition, channels,
revenue streams, key activities, and cost
SWOT Analysis of the Business
Model Canvas of Modern Fish Market
in Sabilulungan Soreang, Bandung

Figure 5. Business Model Canvas


Figure 6. SWOT Analysis Framework Source: Research team, 2018

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ADWIYAH. Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market

average response, and 4. is very high, The calculation in table 5 shows that
superior response. The opportunity factor the total score was 2.70946. This shows that
was the rating given to show which company
had the ability to respond to opportunities. in Bandung Regency was relatively strong
Meanwhile, the threat factor indicated that
the threats faced. The main opportunity for
or even avoid threats that occurred and
faced. All weight values were multiplied by in Bandung Regency was to collaborate with
the existing ranks to obtain the mean value
of all determining factors. All these mean
values were added vertically to produce the price in the market with a score of 0.48146.
total value of the weighted average. The Meanwhile, the threat faced by Sabilulungan
weighting result showed that the ranking was
Regency was the number of similar business
in the matrix. Both the EFE and IFE matrices actors with a score of 0.34164.
can be seen in table 4 below:*Weight and
Based on the results of the Swot
Rating were determined by company
Table 4 shows the results of the
calculation that the total score was 1.1245.
From the total score, it can be concluded III stated that Sabilulungan Soreang

market in Bandung Regency had a strong

internal position because it was above
the 2.50 threshold value. This shows that

its strengths and overcome the weaknesses.

The main strength of Sabilulungan Soreang

of regular customers with a score of

0.3912. Meanwhile, the main weakness of

Bandung Regency was that it had not been

able to attract more customers from outside
the town with a score of 0.0754. Figure 7. SWOT Quandrant Analysis

Table 4
Analysis of Internal Factor Matrix of Modern Fish Market in Sabilulungan Soreang,
Bandung Regency

Internal Key Factor Weight (a) Rating (b) Average Weight (c)
C= a x b

1. 0,089 3,8 0,3382
2. 0,097 4 0,3912
3. Had more affordable selling price than supermarket/ 0,056 4 0,2256
1. Lack of notice to customer service, either visitors of 0,098 1,4 0,1372

2. Hadn’t been able to attract the customers who lived 0,0754 1 0,0754
out of town
3. 0,0687 1,9 0,13053
4. Fish product hadn’t been able to be sold at franchise 0,865 1,3 1,3245
outlet like KFC and MCD

Total 1,9686 17,4 2,62263

*Weight and Rating were determined by company
Source: Research team, 2018

238 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 37, No. 1st (June, 2021), pp. 232-245

Table 5
Analysis of External Factor Matrix of Modern Fish Market in Sabilulungan Soreang,
Bandung Regency

Internal Key Factor Weight Rating Average Weight (c)

(a) (b) C = axb
Opportunities :
1. The increasing of hotel and restaurants in 0,0567 4 0,2268
Bandung Regency
2. 0,0967 3,9 0,37713
3. More affordable price than supermarket 0,0945 4 0,378
4. 0,1267 3,8 0,48146

Threats :
1. 0,157 3,5 0,5495

2. 0,0876 3,9 0,34164

0,0689 3,7 0,25493

Total 0,6881 26,8 2,70946

*Weight and Rating were determined by the company
Source: Research team, 2018

should change strategy, meaning that the increase. This is related to the potential of
development technology and resources that
Indonesia had. In 2018, Indonesia produced

opportunities that existed while improving

obtained by the community throughout the

year, but only certain seasons provided more

Regency, were all consumed by the people

in the country. As public awareness of
in traditional and modern markets due to the
of Sabilulungan Soreang, Bandung Regency
continued to increase. Data of 2017 from the
processed products, such as shredded and
Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of
Jawa Barat Province stated that the level of
coastal area of Jawa Barat were always the
prima donna; this was due to the taste of the
consumption per year in Indonesia was 31
nutritional value.
kg/capita/year. This is clearly still far from
the target for that aspect of the demand for Fish sellers who were going to sell their
merchandise at the Sabilulungan Soreang
Soreang, Bandung Regency, but it still had
considerable potential and opportunity. were very enthusiastic and many of them
had registered to occupy the available
Data from the Indonesia Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2018 stated
market that became a competitor was the
its contribution to the national and regional
Bandung City, and even then it was far from
Bandung Regency. This shows that the level

Accredited by Sinta Rank 2 based on Ristekdikti No.10/E/KPT/20 239

ADWIYAH. Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market

of competition was still low.

was slowly becoming known in Indonesia.

of Bandung Regency still needed to be

considered, especially in adapting technology, Figure 8. Fish Marketing Line at
more professional product marketing, and SabilulunganSoreang Modern Fish Market,
product nutritional value testing. For this Bandung Regency
reason, it was necessary to make strategic
markets or supermarkets. This can be seen
superior products of Sabilulungan Soreang

Some of the efforts to introduce the

one trader was able to supply the product to
In general, problems encountered in
the marketing media at Sabilulungan modern

presentation form and packing in order to main problem faced by sellers in marketing

promotion by attending various exhibitions

or product processing demos. Based on the meet consumer standards. However, some

and P-IRT; consumer demand was more on

practical and visually attractive packaging.
The trend of prices for seawater and
products that were once cooked, so that
their freshness was guaranteed. Fish sellers/
good results every year. This was due to an
indication of improving national economic
conditions. In addition, product price was
was because during the dry season, the Table 6
Marketing Constraints of Fish Product
thus affecting product prices. in Modern Fish Market at Sabilulungan
Soreang, Bandung Regency
Based on the observation of the existing

No Marketing Constraint Percent-

1 Packing 40
closer area from the processing unit, as much 2 Transportation Route 20
3 Networking 20
4 20
understand about
Source: Research team, 2018
products at Sabilulungan Soreang modern

described as follows: Apart from this, the problem with

distributed their products through

middlemen/collectors and this shows that
was expected to fully answer the marketing
the market. Fish traders admitted that it
and activities of the Sabilulungan Soreang

240 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 37, No. 1st (June, 2021), pp. 232-245

were more focused on sustainable marketing Analysis of Competition on Modern Fish
process agenda, providing hygienic outlets/ Market
Competi- Strength Weakness
The target market that we were aiming tor
was the Bandung Regency, Jawa Barat. A
market segment consisted of 2 factors: Caringin 1. Famous 1. Relative-
and traditional ly high
Geographical factor: Bandung Regency, Jawa - price ac-
Barat ket for the cording
Fish commu- to the
Demographic Factors Market nities in consum-
Age: 1 year and over Bandung ers hav-
Regency ing res-
Gender: Male and female
2. Had Fixed taurant
Religion: all religions in Bandung Regency Consum- 2. Non-
Income: 0 – 10.500.000 IDR/month ers hygienic
3. Had place
The market shoots around Bandung and
Regency had been planned carefully.
According to existing market analysis,

to open new businesses, especially in Gede 1. Claimed to 1. Still in

Bage Fish supply vari- traditional
ous type mode
community, students, workers, housewives, Market
and non-
civil servants, and lecturers, both teenagers the most hygienic
and adults, usually preferred to eat various complete unlike
market in modern
Bandung -
freshness which was maintained with natural 2. Higher ket.
ingredients as the coolant. The Sabilulungan price than
promising one because the enthusiasts were
but more
almost evenly distributed in every society to affordable
than super-
every day. The market segments chosen in market
this business were middle to lower, middle 3. There were
and upper middle societies. The selected about 10

market. Therefore, the product price could contained

be affordable among the middle to lower, various
types of
middle and upper middle segments. There
4. There were
especially in big districts and cities, so that also 5 tubs
there were far more competitors. with the
The positioning of this product in
x 1 m2

clean and hygienic modern marketplace that

had high selling value, friendly environment,
a view inducing peace of mind, and globally Source: Research team, 2018
competitive, so that it became a differentiator

general. In addition, this slogan “My Market Determination of the marketing mix
should be in line with the determination of
Brand, Positioning and Differentiation. The
marketing mix consisted of 4 elements,
namely Product, Price, Distribution and
Promotion. Products and Prices were a form

Accredited by Sinta Rank 2 based on Ristekdikti No.10/E/KPT/20 241

ADWIYAH. Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market

Table 8
Type of Products and Services Sold at Modern Fish Market in Bandung Regency

Shape Number Characteristics
Service Type

281 - Clean, comfortable & neat

- Seawater Fish
- Labeled nutritional
Fresh Fish - Freshwater Fish -
- Affordable price
- Seawater Fish
- Innovative, Diversed
Processed Fish - Freshwater Fish
- Affordable Price
Source: Research team, 2018

of value package offered to customers, while The consideration underlying the

Distribution and Promotion served as contact implementation of distribution was the policy
points with customers. that all business processes for product/
service transactions were carried out in the
Bandung Regency are as shown in the
market building area. This followed the 2C
following table.
control criteria, namely control channel and
The determination of a pricing strategy cost.
was formulated based on the price/tariff
policy for products and services enforced
Regency should communicate with the target
by management that took into account

products, both households and businesses.

Promotion was a form of Soreang

The goal of increasing the connectivity of the communication to prospective customers.

From various channels, the communication
products channels used included print advertisement,
Distribution here meant that the

in Bandung Regency to facilitate the service

delivery. This had to do with the essence of
how consumers and products interacted.
following table.
In this case, the distribution of services
implemented a channel strategy level 0.

FIGURE 9. Distribution Channel of Modern Fish Market Service in Bandung Regency

242 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 37, No. 1st (June, 2021), pp. 232-245

Marketing Communication Program of Modern Fish Market in Bandung

Marketing Communica-
Goals Market Objective
tion Instrument
- Building awareness
- - Fish market traders
Print Advertisement
- - Customers
- Creating community
- Improving awareness of the modern

number of visitor - Fish market traders

- Comunicating and describing promotion - Customers

market’s visitors as the place attending

Customer’s Event - Customers

program was able to be the place to

In-store Promotion - Customers
- Pushing the selling in the stalls if visitors
came in to the stall
- On-line support beside playing role as
information provider, it was also be able
- Customers
to be the media to improve member’s
Source: Research team, 2018

In carrying out the communication risk, and convenience risk.

Regency, it was necessary to consider the

in relation to the objectives of each program.

The table above is a form of determining the
priority scale of the communication marketing
production without using chemicals to

support local comodity to have competitive


on internet buying behaviour with trust

as moderator. For this purpose, data were Conclusion
gathered from students that are studying
Based on the results of research on

were used for analysis by using the partial

in Bandung Regency had a position in

enhances online shopping behaviour. Trust Bandung Regency should change its strategy,

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ADWIYAH. Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market

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