051 Eng t4 Writing (Journalisticwriting)

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Journalistic Writing

Preparatory Term 3 -Prepared by: Mrs. Perez

Surname, Name: ………………………………………………………

Class: ……………………………………………………

 Objectives _________________________________________________________page 2
 Intro to Journalism __________________________________________________page 3
 Journalistic Newspaper Writing ________________________________________page 4
 Journalistic Interview Writing ________________________________________page 12
 Broadcast Journalism _______________________________________________page 19
 Radio Programming ________________________________________________page 23

For Students: In this booklet you will learn

 What Journalistic writing is
 Characteristics of Journalistic writing- The parts of an article
 Functions of Journalism
 The difference between fact and opinion- 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, why)
 How to make an interview

For teachers: Objectives for Journalistic Writing

 Use the styles and conventions of Journalism to write reports on events

 Write facts, personal opinions and ideas on a given topic by use of a weekly journal
 Write chronological reports linked to work in other subjects
 Developing skills of writing an interview with various questions and appropriate answers
 Adapt the conventions of the text type for a particular purpose (writing an interview)

2 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
What do you think Journalism is? Explain with your own words.


What do you read? What do your parents read?




3 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
Brainstorming and discussing time.

Let’s try to answer the questions below.

 What is the difference between reading a book and a newspaper?


 What do we call the people who write journals?


 What do journalists basically do?


 What are the important steps to become a successful journalist?


 Is it difficult or easy to be a journalist? Explain your answer with reasons.


4 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
What does a news report include?

Watch the video and write/take notes in the given circles below.


5 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
What are the features/elements of a newspaper article?

Headline Subheading

Jumpline Byline Masthead

Fact Opinion Caption Column

______________: is what the article is all about, should be short and attention grabbing
______________: is used to say what each paragraph is about
______________: The line after an article telling us where an article continues on.
______________: is a list at the top of a page that includes the names of editors, writers
and owners, as well as the title of the newspaper.
______________: is the writer of the article
______________: the words or phrases describing the photographs
______________: is a true piece of information; Fact articles ask and answer
the 5 W’s questions which are “what,where,when,who and why”
______________: Opinion articles represent writer’s thoughts, beliefs and feelings
______________: are the main paragraphs of the article

Match the pictures with the correct word.






6 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
1. Look at the news article below and label the key features.

Three in hospital after car crashes into people outside London pub
Four teenagers arrested after incident in Islington, which is not being treated as
terror attack

Police outside the Old Queen’s Head pub on Essex Road after the incident. Photograph: Twitter

Three people are in hospital and four teenagers are in custody after a car crashed into pedestrians
outside a busy north London pub. The Peugeot Partner collided with at least two men and a woman
outside the Old Queen’s Head on Essex Road in Islington shortly before 10.55pm on Saturday. Police said
people inside the car fled the scene.

Four teenagers, aged between 17 and 19, were later arrested on suspicion of offences including grievous
bodily harm (GBH).

Pictures show paramedics treating people at the scene. Police said the injuries of the trio in hospital
were not life-threatening.

Detectives said the incident was not being treated as a terror attack.

Continued on page 9

Peter J Walker
Sunday 26 March 2018 12.03

7 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
2. There are two articles below.
What kind of articles are they: formal or informal? Fact or opinion? Explain with your reasons.



Trump to make China visit after hosting Xi for talks

US President Donald Trump has accepted his counterpart Xi Jinping's
invitation to make a visit to China, said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.



8 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
3. Now It is your turn to label the elements of newspaper writing. Find a
newspaper article and stick it below. You need to show and write as many
features as you can.

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Extra Activities
1. Researching the news

Work in pairs. One of you is called A and the other one is called B.

A, find a photo on a news website or a newspaper that you like the look of and show it to B,
but don't let them read the story.

B, try to answer these questions, drawing on information in the picture and any other
knowledge you have of the story:
What happened?
Who is involved?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?

B, you have been using your research skills. Looking closely and asking the right questions
are some of the research skills needed by journalists. But journalists should never assume
anything! Checking your facts is another vital research skill.

B, check your answers with A, who has more information about the story.
But BBC journalists never take just one person's word for it, and try to find at least two
sources for the same news story before they report it.

A and B, find another source for your story (a different news website or a different
newspaper) and check your answers.

4. Creative Work Time. Your task is to create a “Classroom Newspaper”. Write an article
about one fact of your classroom or school by labelling the key elements of a newspaper
article. BE as creative as you can with pictures, logos, newspaper name etc… 

10 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)



1- Brainstorming and discussing time.

Let’s try to answer the questions below now.
1- What do you know about Journalistic interview writing?


2- What do these words mean?

Interviewer: ______________________________________________




3- What are the two key elements in interviewing?


11 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
A Journalistic interview is a conversation where questions are asked and
answers are given.
1- Watch the video of how to lead an interview and take notes.


2. Activity: Open and closed questions

Work in pairs. Ask you partner the following questions:

1. Do you like school?

2. Do you meet your friends during break?
3. Is homework given every day?
4. Do you eat school lunch?
5. What do you like about school?
6. What do you do during break-time?
7. How much homework do you receive?
8. What do you think of school dinners?

12 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
Now, as a pair, answer this question:
Which questions were given better answers?

Elements of an interview

 The language used in the interview should be in the question and answer format.

 Use simple questions that are to the point.

 Always be polite to your interviewee and make them comfortable.

 Use open ended questions to draw out the interviewee's views and opinions.

 Questions should be well organized.

 To clarify the interviewee's answers repeat what the interviewee said.

3. Here is an example of a newspaper interview. Read the interview and discuss the
elements of interview writing and answer the questions accordingly.

Spotlight on People's Health

An Interview About Healthy Eating From a Professional Chef
June 08, 2015
Want to look and feel your best? Eating healthy can and can also reduce
your risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
For professional Chef LaLa, taking care of herself by eating well means
she'll be around to take care of the people she loves. Here are her tips
for making time in the kitchen more enjoyable and meals healthier.

Q: You're an accomplished chef. Will you tell us a little bit about how you got into cooking?
A: I come from a family of restaurateurs. My dad's a chef, so I was inspired by my family's
cooking. I went to school so I could pursue a career in the medical field, but I got too
emotionally invested in my patients' well-being. So I went back to what I initially loved:

Q: You're also a certified nutritionist. What inspired you to learn more about health and nutrition?
A: As a chef, I was invited to teach at a local church. A lot of the questions people were
asking were about diabetes, and I couldn't answer them. I thought, “If I'm going to teach
people about wellness and health, I need to be a good teacher with the right information.”

13 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
Q: Have you always had a healthy relationship with food?
A: No. I wouldn't say it's an unhealthy relationship, but I've always struggled and have had to
work hard at maintaining a healthy weight. When I started to better understand the
association between food and disease, I made it a priority to feed myself in a healthy,
delicious way.
Q: What are some of the benefits of cooking at home?
A: You have so much more control over the end product because you decide what goes into
the meal. The process of cooking at home with your family or friends is great. For example,
we go out to the garden and see what herbs are sprouting. My son smells them and
chooses what smells good. That's how we decide what we'll cook for dinner. That's how my
dad did it, so that's what I do with my son. Plus, I'm teaching him how to eat for health.
My mom always taught me how to eat for health. She encouraged me to eat chicken for
protein, carrots for eye health, and so on. That's how I grew up, and I try to share that with
my son.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share?

A: From someone who has struggled with weight my whole life, who comes from a family
with diabetes and heart disease, the best decision I've ever made was to stop and take time
for myself. I enjoy meditating, spinning, and reading. I wake up a half-hour earlier than I
need to so I can drink a cup of coffee alone before I have to drive my son to school.

1- What is the interview about?


2- Who is the interviewee? What did we learn about her?


3- What are the tips that the interviewee give us about eating healthy?


4- Did the interviewer use all the elements of interview writing? Give examples.


5- What else would you ask to the interviewee if you were the interviewer?

14 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)

4. It is interview time now. You need to interview a person/band/group of people whom

you think are successful in their jobs.
The aim of this interview is to learn how the interviewee has achieved his/her success.
At the end write your own comments about the interview.

The important points that you need to keep in mind are:

 Maintain eye contact at all times.

 Treat the interviewee with respect.
 There are only six basic questions. Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Prepare
your questions BEFORE your interview.
 Be ready with your pen and notebook. If possible sound recorder.
 You should add at least one photo that was taken during the interview.
 At the end of the interview, always say thank you.

Interviewer: _____________________________________

Interviewee: _____________________________________

Date of the interview: _____________________________

Question 1:

Answer 1:

Question 2:

Answer 2:
15 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
Question 3:

Answer 3:

Question 4:

Answer 4:

Question 5:

Answer 5:

16 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
Time to write a news report!

We are going to Bursa this term. Write a chronological report (what you did first, next etc.)
about your trip to Bursa. Imagine the person who will read it has never been to Bursa.

Day 1:


Day 2:


Day 3:




17 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
What do you think ‘ Broadcast Journalism’ is by looking at the pictures above?


Common Broadcast Journalism Terms

Match the terms with their definitions.

18 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
A- Plans and supervises newscast

B- A name for a photographer or

Anchor ____
C- Person responsible for presenting stories

Lead ____
D- measuring units used to tell broadcasters

how many households and/or viewers

Live ____
have their stations/programs on at a

particular time
Videographer _____
E- The key information of the story, usually

Producer/Editor _____ presented at the beginning of the


Ratings _____ F- Put on the air in real time, not pre-

recorded or pre-produced
B-Roll _______ G- video that is shot for a TV news story and
used to visualize the script the

reporter/anchor has written.

Broadcast journalism is the field of news and journals which are "broadcast", that is, published
by electrical methods instead of the older methods, such as printed newspapers and posters.
Broadcast methods include radio (via air, cable, and Internet), television (via air, cable, and
Internet) and the World Wide Web.

SECTION 2: Broadcast Journalists

1. Watch the video of Broadcast Journalist Sarah Teale from BBC. Take notes in the
bubble below about the following questions: 1. Where does she work? 2. What

19 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
does she do? 3. How did she start? 4. What was her first job? 5. Which tips does
she give to be a reporter?


2. Answer the questions about yourself.

 Do you want to be a reporter one day? Why/why not?
 Are you interested in watching news on TV? Explain with your reasons.
 Do you know any well known anchor? If yes who is he/she?

3. Read the article below about an important anchor: Christiane Amanpour.

Christiane Amanpour

Christiane Amanpour is considered one of todays leading news

20 First gaining noticeprep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
for her 1985 report on Iran, winning
the DuPont Award, Amanpour has received multiple Emmys and
countless other honors for her work. She is CNN's chief international
correspondent and has worked for 60 Minutes and ABC News.
Christiane Amanpour was born on January 12, 1958, in London, England. The daughter of an
English mother and Iranian father and the oldest of four sisters. She spent time in Tehran, Iran
while growing up. As a college student, Amanpour studied journalism. Amanpour went to work
as an assistant at the international assignment desk for CNN, the cable news channel, in 1983. It
was her historical coverage of the Bosnian crisis in the late 1980s and early 1990s that helped
make her the internationally recognized correspondent she is today. Christiane Amanpour has
interviewed many of the world's top leaders, including Britain's prime minister Tony Blair and
France's prime minister Jacques Chirac after the attacks of September 11.

Research time!

Find a well known anchor from Turkey and write some information you find about


Now compare: Which things are different and which are the same between Christiane
Amanpour and _________________?

Christiane Amanpour __________________

(write the name of your journalist)



21 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
Let’s brainstorm on radio programming!
Radios are used everyday. Radio is one of the easiest types of media to use, providing listeners
with music and real-time news. It plays also an essential role in communication today.

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘radio’?


What do you want to hear first on the radio when you turn it on?


Why do you think radio plays an important role in our lives?


Make a brief research about the history of radio. Try to find the information from different sites.
Take some notes about your findings in the cloud bubble below. Write your references below!

References: ___________________________________________________________________________

22 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
1. Have you ever wondered how radio DJs think of what to say when they’re on the air at a
radio station?

Writing for radio is different than writing for print. You’re writing for the ear, not the eye.
Listeners have to get it the first time around- they can’t go back and hear it again (unlike re-
reading a sentence in a magazine). So you need to grab their attention and hold onto it for as
long as possible. Be visual, be energetic, be thoughtful and be creative.

2. Let’s see some dj radio script samples; circle all the words that grab your attention.
 “ You are listening to Rick’s Classic Rock on ABCD, the voice of Beantown Radio. Next up
is a song sure to make you forget all about winter for a while – Born to Be Wild.”
 “ Environmental protesters are blockading a big Shell petrol station in Birmingham. They
say they're angry that the impact of the oil giant's work on the environment - and also
the way they believe it treats people in third world countries.”
 “ A former Russian secret agent's critically ill after claims he was poisoned.
An ex-Russian spy's under police guard in hospital after claims his government's tried to
kill him in a London restaurant. It's thought Alexander Litvinenko's was poisoned with a
chemical called thalium.”

3. Watch the video about a BBC radio reporter Tulip Mazumdar and take some notes about
what you have learned about her and radio programming.


23 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)

You know NUN RADIO is ON THE AIR now.

Prepare any kind of radio program script and write it down. You can choose any type of
programs like sport, music, news or anything else you are interested in about our school. For
example you can talk about NUN Schools’ success in sports or you may inform us about school
news. Maybe your news can be put on air as well…..

My script - My theme: ______________________ By: ________________



24 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
Answer key p. 6:

Headline : is what the article is all about, should be short and attention grabbing
Subheading: is used to say what each paragraph is about
Jumpline : The line after an article telling us where an article continues on.
Masthead : is a list at the top of a page that includes the names of editors,
writers and owners, as well as the title of the newspaper.
By-line : is the writer of the article
Caption : the words or phrases describing the photographs
Fact : is something that is known or proved to be true. Fact articles asks and answers
the 5 W’s questions which are “what,where,when,who and why”
Opinion : Opinion articles represents writer’s thoughts, belief and feeling

Extra resources:

Watch the video of how to gather news.


Which words are very important when gathering news?




Interested in more news? Check our the following website or

QR code:

25 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)
on time
What stuck with you? Write 3 – 5 things that you have learnt from this booklet:


Which part of the booklet did you find…..

… the most interesting:


… the easiest:


… the most difficult?


How did you find this booklet? Circle:

26 prep-eng-wb-t3(journalisticwriting)

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