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EDU220 EL Content-Area Lesson Plan #2

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School (if teaching lesson in a classroom): N/A

Grade/Subject/Class: 8th Grade History

English Proficiency Levels: Basic

SEI Allocation – list 1 or more (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar/Language): Listening,
Speaking, and Reading
Time needed for this lesson: Multi-day unit

ELP Objectives: 6th - 8th Grades S3. B-1: deliver short oral presentation
that include some details to develop a topic

ELP Objectives: 6th - 8th Grades S6. B-1: participate in discussions

about familiar topics and texts

Content Area Objective/s: Students will understand the causes of World War I, including the role of
alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and militarism.

Key Vocabulary: Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism

Supplementary Materials: Maps showing European alliances, primary source documents related to
different countries during WWI, individual student laptops

Instructional Strategies: SEI Strategies: 50/50 Talk Engagement Strategies: Small Group

Type any instructional strategies chosen that are not on the item choices above: Use of visual aids and

Learning Strategies (graphic organizer, predicting, summarizing, evaluating, etc.): Summarizing

LESSON DELIVERY (Elaborate with Details)
Time Needed: 10 Opening/Warm-Up (activating prior knowledge, building background knowledge,
min focusing on key vocabulary, engaging interest): Students will engage in a think pair
share activity where they will brainstorm what they already know about World War I
and share their thoughts with a partner. Hopefully this will spark their already known
knowledge of WWI.

Time Needed: 10 Presentation of Content (TEACHING new knowledge or skills): I’ll provide a brief
min overview of the causes of World War I, emphasizing the roles of alliances,
imperialism, nationalism, and militarism. I’ll use visual aids like maps and images to
illustrate key concepts.

EDU220 Content-Area Lesson Plan Template Spring 2024

EDU220 EL Content-Area Lesson Plan
Time Needed: 40 Practice/Application (interaction with new knowledge or skills): Students will work
min in small groups to analyze each country during World War I with their roles,
alliances, etc. They will identify examples of their vocabulary words from the given
country and discuss their significance. This activity will allow students to use their
own understanding of the causes of WWI.

Time Needed: 60 Review/Assessment (What will they do to show you what they learned? DON’T
min (NEXT DAY) forget to assess BOTH ELP & content-area objectives): To assess students
understanding, I’ll have each group create a small presentation on google slides to
summarize their discussions from the day before. They will present their findings to
the class, explaining the countries impact in World War I. Each student will be
required to have at least 1 slide with their name on it, they will also have to define in
their own words the vocabulary in the comment section of google slides. That’s how
I’ll evaluate them.

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