Health 9th Week

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Quarter: First Grade Level: 9

Week: 9 Learning Area: MAPEH/ HEALTH

MELC/s *Explains how a healthy environmentpositively impact the health of people and communities (less disease, less health care cost, etc.)( H9CE-Ib-d-10)
* Discusses the nature of environmental issues( H9CE-Ib-d-10)
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1 *Explains how a healthy Classroom Routine:  The students will continue
October 18,2022 environmentpositively impact the a. Prayer to finish there work at
health of people and communities Effects of Environmental b. Greetings home.
(less disease, less health care cost, c. Reminder of the  Read and understand
etc.)( H9CE-Ib-d-10) Issues classroom health and What’s in In SLM pp. 1
* Discusses the nature of safety protocols  On your notebook answer
environmental issues d. Checking of attendance What’s New pp. 4
( H9CE-Ib-d-10) e. Quick Kamustahan

A.Recall (Elicit)
To recall the previous lesson about
the community and environmental

B. Motivation (Engage)
Playing the videoclip and ask
students on what the video is all

C. Discussion of Concepts
( Explore)
Discuss about the different major
issues of the environment in our
country. And Do GEOPARDYL
ACTIVITY in SLM pp. 3 on
your shortbondpaper.
2 Classroom Routine:  The students will continue
October 19,2022 *Explains how a healthy  Prayer to finish there work at
environmentpositively impact the Effects of Environmental  Greetings home.
health of people and communities  Reminder of the  On your notebook answer
(less disease, less health care cost, Issues classroom health and Activity #3 pp. 7
etc.)( H9CE-Ib-d-10) safety protocols
* Discusses the nature of  Checking of attendance
environmental issues  Quick Kamustahan
( H9CE-Ib-d-10) D. Developing mastery
Do the Acitivity 1 and Activity 2
E. elaborate
Answer What’s new SLM pp. 8
3 Classroom Routine:  The students will continue
October 20,2022 *Explains how a healthy a. Prayer their unfinished work at
Effects of Environmental b. Greetings home.
environmentpositively impact the
health of people and communities Issues c. Reminder of the  Answer What’s more pp.
(less disease, less health care cost, classroom health and 8
etc.)( H9CE-Ib-d-10) safety protocols  Answer Activity# 7 pp. 13
* Discusses the nature of d. Checking of attendance
environmental issues e. Quick Kamustahan
( H9CE-Ib-d-10)  Quick review of the lesson
F. Evaluation
G. Extend
Read and Do in Activity 3 SLM
pp. 11
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher Teacher – In - Charge

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