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One of the on-going projects of the

newly formed Restoration Division of the
National Museum is the restoration and
conservation of Intramuros or Old Walled
City of Manila, a project that is receiving
special attention by the First Lady Mrs.
Imelda Marcos. In an effort to protect
and conserve a part of the Filipino cultural
heritage two important laws were passed
within the past six years declaring old
buildings, shrines, landmarks, historical
sites and other works of arts as cultural
properties and earmarked for protection
and conservation.
Towards this end a work programme
was formulated with ihe following objec-
tives :
1. To undertake researches, compile
and collate information on immov-
able cultural properties in the
2. To complete a graphic and photo-
graphic record of immovable cul-
tural properties.
3. To present evaluation reports on
important immovable cultural pro-
perties to serve as a basis for the restoration of immovable cultural LEGEND : MAP OF INTRAMUROS
declaration of those outstanding properties. SHOWING SITES OF RESTORATION
properties as "National Cultural 7. To organize or participate in con- EFFORTS
Treasures" or "Important Cultural ferences, seminars and symposia 1. Puerto Isabel
Properties." on the preservation, protection and 2. Bastion de San Gabriel
4. To exercise supervision and control restoration of immovable cultural 3. Ravelin del Parian
over all demolitions, renovations, properties. 4. Bastion de San Andres
alterations, preservation and res- 8. To study the latest techniques in 5. Bastion de San Diego
toration work or declared im- the field of preservation, protection 6. Ravelin de San Pedro
movable cultural properties in the and restoration of cultural pro- 7. Bastion de Sta. Lucia.
country. perties. 7A. Puerto de Santa Lucia
5. To prepare restoration and/or Following on these objectives the 8. Ravelin de San Francisco
preservation project studies and National Museum has already under- 9. Fort Santiago
development plans of sites, struc- taken the following projects : 10. Plaza de Roma
tures and landmarks designated a. Restoration of Fort Pilar in Zam- 11. Plaza Sampalukan
as "National Cultural Treasures" or boanga City. 12. Plaza deSto. Tomas
"Important Cultural Properties." b. Vigan Town Complex Restoration
6. To extend technical assistance and Project in Ilocos Sur.
coordinate with other institutions c. Spanish Churches in the Philip-
and agencies in aspects dealing with pines.
the preservation, protection and d. Cultural Land marks in Ilocos Region


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