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When looking over my 2nd lesson plan, I believe that there was a strong connection

between the objectives. The main focus is for students to understand the causes of World War I
in a simpler way, specifically focusing on the term MANIA meaning militarism, alliances,
nationalism, imperialism, and assassination. The objectives will be learned through the in-class
presentation and group work presentation activity which will keep the students engaged in active
learning and critical thinking. From the think-pair-share activity to the final presentation task,
each part of the lesson plan was created to help students understand WWI and to encourage
interaction with the lesson plan.
When I first created the lesson plan, the purpose of the lesson plan was for students to
gain either already known knowledge or enhanced knowledge about the causes of WWI. The
results started to become more detailed and realistic the more I learned from my peers' feedback
to further create a well-executed lesson, they helped my own personal ability to express and
discuss these causes more effectively. Comparing the purpose of the lesson plan with the results,
I see some progress from when I created the instructional lesson to trying to implement the
assessment. The lesson plan helps ease this transition by providing opportunities for students to
ask questions during the lesson, engage in group discussions, analyze online articles, and being
able to present their findings to their peers. By incorporating both the content-area and English
language proficiency objectives, the lesson plan aims to not only help teach new knowledge but
also helps grow communication and critical thinking skills.
Factors like student backgrounds and English proficiency levels, play a significant role in
shaping the lesson plan for teaching new content. Teachers must recognize that students have
varying levels of language proficiency, that's why I tried to incorporate different strategies that
would make the content accessible to all ELLs. Like the visual aids of the presentation, small
group activities, and opportunities for students to speak and practice their oral presentations, this
will also help with active student participation. However, looking over my lesson plan, I do
realize that there were areas where I could’ve addressed things in more detail like my slideshow
presentation when reviewing MANIA and WWI. I could’ve gone over more content in my slides
as the WWI is a multiple day unit that students need extra help in learning. Clearer instructions
and providing additional help during group activities could have improved the need to support
these students with diverse learning needs.
When looking over what went well and what didn't during the lesson, I acknowledge that
there are areas for improvement. The think-pair-share activity is good to help engage students in
prior knowledge and helps generate their interest in the topic. The presentation of the vocabulary
and causes of WWI could be better, I rushed through the presentation and didn’t provide the
students with enough information, this could leave them confused and needing extra help for the
in-class presentation group work. When finished though, the presentations will help me assess
both content and language proficiency. Moving forward, I see opportunities for refinement in the
lesson plan. Providing clearer instructions and additional strategies to help with different needs
could help the students comprehend the lesson. Overall, I believe my lesson plan addresses the
objectives and engages students in group activities.

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