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National Standard of the People’s Republic of China

Specifications of governors and pressure oil supply units for hydraulic turbines
(Replace GB9652-88)

1. Scope

This national standard is applicable to governors for hydraulic turbines with work capacity
of 350N•m and over, including mechanical-hydraulic governors (hereinafter referred to as
MG) and electric-hydraulic governors (hereinafter referred to as EG) as well as pressure oil
supply units.

This national standard is not applicable to governors for reversible hydraulic turbines and
bi-directional hydro-generators.

2. Normative Reference

The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated below.

GB150-89 Steel Pressurized Vessel

GB3797-88 Part II Electric Control Equipment: Electric Control Equipment Equipped

with Electronic Components

GB4588-89 Technical Requirement of Single/Double Sided Printing Circuit Board

GB10886-89 Type and Basic Parameters of Pump with Three Threaded Rods

GB11120-89 L-TSA Stream Turbine Oil

JB/T8091-1995 Test Procedure of Threaded Rod Pump

3. Working Conditions

All indexes of the static and dynamic characteristics of every governing system are defined
based on the following conditions stipulated by this standard:

3.1. The governor and pressure oil supply unit adopted by the hydraulic turbine shall be reasonable.

3.1.1. The maximum stroke of the servomotor shall be suitable to the full opening of the wicket
gate. As for the medium, small and extra small-sized governors, the actual maximum
opening of the wicket gate shall correspond at least to more than 80% of the maximum
stroke of the servomotor.

3.1.2. The work capacity of governors and pressure oil supply units is suitable.

3.2. Normal operation of hydro-generator

3.2.1. The operation of the hydraulic turbine under condition stipulated by the manufacturer.


3.2.2. Speed sensing signal source, gate mechanism of hydraulic turbine, blade mechanism,
needle & baffler mechanism, governing shaft and feedback transmission mechanism as
well, which have no any defects from their manufacture and installation, and shall be in
accordance with the technical requirements.

3.2.3. The hydro-generator shall be able to operate stably under various manual-operating
conditions. When the hydro-generator operating under manual no-load operating
condition(the excitation of the generator working under automatic mode), The relative
value of the speed swing shall not exceed 士 0.2% for large-sized governor; and not
exceed 士 0.3 % for medium, small and extra small-sized governors respectively.
3.3. The flow inertia time constant of the gate mechanism of hydraulic turbine, T w shall not be more
than 4s for the proportional-integral-differential(PID)type governor; Tw, not be more than
2.5s for the proportional-integral(PI)type governor , and the specific value that T w of the
flow inertia time constant to Ta of the hydro-generator inertia time constant shall not be
more than 0.4, the overpressure turbine’s Ta not be less than 4s, and the Pelton turbine’s
Ta not be less than 2s respectively..

3.4. The altitude height shall not exceed 2 500m.

3.5. The ambient temperature around the governor

a. The maximum air temperatures at different altitudes are attached in Table1.

Table 1
Altitude, m ≤1000 1000~1500 1500~2000 2000~2500
Maximum air temperature°C 40 37.5 35 32.5

b. The minimum air temperature is about 5 ℃.

3.6. Relative humidity: The monthly average maximum relative humidity in the wettest month is
about 90% and the monthly average lowest temperature in this month is about 25 ℃

3.7. The quality of oil used in the governing system shall in accordance with the regulation on No.46
stream turbine oil stipulated in GB11120 or same type of oil with similar viscosity. the range
of oil used is between10 ℃ ~50 ℃.

3.8. The oil variation of the governing system during the course of regulation shall not exceed 10%
of nominal working oil pressure. For throttle governing system, it shall not exceed 士 15%.

3.9. Before test, the possible defects existed in the governing system shall be eliminated such as
dead band of mechanical transmitting system, blocking and air in the hydraulic system,

3.10. In case of some of the above-mentioned work conditions would not meet the requirement,
the relevant index could be negotiated by the supplier and the user.

4. Technical Requirement

4.1. The product shall be in accordance with the requirement of quality and shall be manufactured
accordingly following to the approved drawings and documents


4.2. The servomotor capacity of the governing system shall ensure to reach the designed value.

4.3. The static characteristics of the governing system shall meet the following requirements.

4.3.1. The curve of the static characteristics shall be close to a straight line.

4.3.2. The speed dead band measured at the main servomotor shall not exceed the values
indicated in the Table 2.

Table 2

Type of governor Large size Medium size Small size

Extra small
Speed dead band ix
0.04 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.10 0.18 0.20

4.3.3. The governing system of Kaplan turbine, The inaccuracy that the blades follow the
governing system to move shall not be more than 1.5%. The deviation between the actual
measured joint linking curve and the theoretic joint linking curve shall not be more than the
designed value.

4.3.4. The static quality of the governing system for Pelton turbine shall reach as follows: The speed dead band to the needle servomotor measured shall be in accordance with the
figures indicated in Table 2. Under the stabile operating condition, the position deviation between two symmetric
needles on Pelton turbine with multi-nozzles shall not be more than 2% within whole

4.4. The dynamic characteristics of the governing system shall meet the following requirements.

4.4.1. The governor shall guarantee the stability of unit operated under various operating
conditions and modes. When automatic operation with no-load, the first order skipping
speed command signal shall be applied and to observe the transient process in order that
to select the operation parameters of the governor. The relative value of the speed swing
recorded after stable operation, which not exceed 士 0.15% for large-sized EG, and not
exceed 士 0.25% for large sized MG and medium-small sized governors, not exceed 士
0.3% for extra small-sized governors respectively. In case the relative value of the speed
swing with manual no-load more than the specified value, in view of this, the relative value
of the speed swing with automatic no-load not more than the relative value of the speed
swing with manual no-load.

4.4.2. The dynamic quality shall meet the following requirements after rejection of load of the unit. After rejection of 100% of rated load, during the course of speed changing, the wave crest
appeared which exceed 3% over the rated speed at stable state, shall not be more than
twice After rejection of 100% of rated load, the time lasted from the movement of the servomotor
along the open direction at the first time to the swing value of the hydro-generator speed


which not exceed 士 0.5%, shall not be more than 40s. The speed or command signal follows the specified mode to change. The no-action of the
servomotor as follows: not more than 0.2s for EG and not greater than 0.3s for MG

4.5. The variation range of the normal working oil pressure of the oil pressurized unit shall be within
士 5% of the nominal working pressure. When the oil pressure higher than 2% of the upper
limit of the working oil pressure, the safety valve shall be started to drain oil; Before the oil
pressure higher than 16% of the upper limit of the working oil pressure, the safety shall be
opened fully and force the oil pressure in the oil tank not to increase any more. Before the
oil pressure lower than the low limit of the working oil pressure, the safety valve shall be
closed fully and the oil leakage of the safety valve shall not be greater than 1% of oil
transmitting volume of the pump at this time. When the oil pressure lower than 6%-8% of
the low limit of the working oil pressure, the oil pressurized unit equipped with standby oil
pump shall start its standby oil pump, and when the oil pressure decrease to lower at the
fault pressure continuously, the pressure signal indicator apply for the emergency
shutdown shall act quickly.

The action deviation of the setting value of all signal indicators on the oil pressurized unit
shall not exceed 士 2% of the setting value.

4.6. Requirement of various mechanism of governor

4.6.1. The transient speed drop factor can be set within the design range, the maximum value
shall not be less than 80% and the minimum value nor greater than 5% respectively. The
damping time constant can be set within the design range, the maximum value of governor
at small scale or over shall not be less than 20s, the extra not less than12s and the
minimum value not greater than 2s.

4.6.2. The permanent speed drop factor can be set within the range from zero to the maximum,
and the maximum shall not be less than 8%. The value measured actually at the nil scale
shall not be negative and the value shall not be greater than 0.1%.

4.6.3. For the adjustment range of speed with zero stroke, in which its upper limit shall be more
than the maximum value of the permanent speed drop factor, and the low limit shall be
about -10% generally. In case tele-control device is established, its action time shall be in
accordance with the designed requirement.

4.6.4. As for PID type governor with series control mode, the acceleration time constant can be
set within the designed range, the maximum value not be less than 2s and the minimum
value is zero.

4.6.5. The opening limiter shall be adjusted with the range from nil opening to the maximum
opening. For large-sized EG and medium-sized EG used by the important hydropower
plant, their mechanical and electric opening limiters shall be equipped with tele-control
facility and their action times shall be in accordance with the specification.

4.6.6. The stop and start times of the servomotor can be set within the designed range.


4.6.7. The governor shall be able to start and stop automatically and manually respectively.
When the malfunction of the automatic part of the governor, the manual function can be
available. In case the servomotor no any manual operating mechanism, the oil pressurized
device shall equipped with a standby oil pump; For throttle-type governor, it shall be
equipped with a manual operating mechanism for the servomotor.

4.6.8. The governor with oil-pressurized tank shall set up an emergency shutdown facility and act

4.6.9. Following to the water head to adjust the coordinated mechanism automatically and the
water head can be set manually. In case tele-control device is established, its action time
shall be in accordance with the designed specification.

4.6.10. In addition, various mechanism of EG have following requirement: When the switching-over between the work power supply and standby power supply of the
electric device or when the switching-over between the working computer and standby
computer of the multi-microcomputer controlled EG, the opening variation of the main
servomotor shall not exceed 士 1% of its full stroke。 The large-sized EG shall set up a manual malfunction area, and its maximum shall not be
less than 1% of rated speed and can be adjusted within the designed range. For large-sized EG and medium-sized EG used by the important hydropower plants, when
the disappearance of the speed sensing device signal or water head signal, the load which
the hydro-generator taking can be retained and the normal shutdown and default shutdown
of the unit shall not be affected. For large-sized microcomputer-controlled EG and medium-sized microcomputer-controlled

EG which both take the industry-class microcomputers as the core. Besides the
fundamental functions, the governors shall have functions including default diagnosis and
fault-tolerance control function, etc. In case the user has request, the governors shall be
equipped with the terminal to communicate with the upper chip. As for the PID type governor with parallel control mode, the adjustment parameters can be
set within the designed range: the minimum value of proportional gain not be greater than
0.5 and the maximum not less than 20;the minimum value of integral gain not more than
0.05l/s and the maximum not be less than 10l/s;The minimum value of differential gain is
zero and the maximum value shall not be less than 5s.

4.6.11. The relative value converted from the overall drifting volume of electric-hydraulic governor
at large scale and medium-small size shall not exceed 0.3% and 0.6% respectively.

4.7. Requirement of various devices of governors and pressure oil supply units

4.7.1. Speed sensing The static characteristics shall be close to a straight line within range of 士 10% of rated
speed, and its speed dead band shall be within the designed values; Within range of 2% of
rated speed, the deviation of actual-measured value of its amplification factor shall not
exceed 士 5% of the designed values..

GB/T9652.1-1997 The mechanical speed sensing device(flyweight) shall not have any abnormal
phenomenon such as deformation and crack appeared on it after over-speed test. The minimum working signal voltage of the electric speed-sensing device shall not be
more than the designed value.

4.7.2. The output characteristics of the damping device shall be smooth and precise and close to
a exponent damping curve, compared to the theoretical curve, the deviation to the time
constant as follows: not exceed 士 10% for EG, And not exceed 士 20% for large, medium
and small-sized MG and 士 30% for extra small-sized MG respectively. The symmetry of
the characteristics curve as follows: the deviation of the output along two directions at the
same time coordinates not exceed 士 10%of the average value for large, medium and
small-sized governors and 士 15%of the average value for extra small-sized governors
respectively. The relative value of the speed, converted from stroke deviation of the
damping device which the pistol restore to the middle position from movement of it, shall
not exceed 1/3 of the specified values of the speed dead band of the governing system for
large, medium and small-sized governors and 1/2 for extra small-sized governors

4.7.3. Electric device of EG The insulating resistances between the circuits in the electric cubicle and the earth as well
as between the circuits in the hydraulic cubicle and the earth, which shall not be less than
1MΩ measured under temperature of15℃~35 ℃ and relative humidity of 45%~75%. The dielectric strength among various independent circuits in the electric cubicle and in the
hydraulic cubicle, and the dielectric strength from the circuits to metal enclosure (or the
earth), under temperature of 15℃~35 ℃ and relative humidity of 45%~75%, which shall
be tested for one minute applied by the following testing voltages indicated in Table 3
without any breakdown or flashing-over, according to its work voltage.

Table 3
Rated voltage Ui
Test voltage (effective value)
(AC effective value or DC)
≤60 1000
60<Ui≤300 2000
300<Ui≤660 2500 The technical requirement associated with the printing circuit board in the electric devices
and installation, welding and wiring shall be referred to the national standard of GB3797
and GB4588, etc. The electric device shall be able to withstand the interference from the power supply and
radiated electric magnetic field around it, and the interference from its own electric
magnetic field shall be reduced to the minimum level.

The testing voltage interfered by quick change shall not be less than the voltage specified
in the standard of the product.

The function and action of the electric device shall be correct and the servomotor shall not


have any abnormal action when the interference applied. As to the large and medium size electro-hydraulic governors, the relative value of speed
converted from the temperature drifting value of the electric device shall not exceed
0.01%and 0.02%respectively.

4.7.4. Electric-hydraulic converter The converter shall work correctly and reliably under stipulated service condition. The deviations measured actually associated with dead band of the electric-hydraulic
converter, oil pressure drifting, amplification factor and oil consumption shall not exceed
the designed values. The work range shall not be less than the designed value.

4.7.5. The operation of oil pumps shall be smooth, the national standard of GB10886 is suitable
for the basic parameters of three threaded rods for reference. And the national stand of
GB9064 is suitable for the performance allowance between oil volume and shaft output
under the stipulated pressure.

4.7.6. The safety valve shall be acted correctly and reliably with any strong shock and noise.

4.7.7. The self air-admission system and oil level indicator shall be able to act correctly and

4.7.8. The design, fabrication, welding and inspection of oil tank shall be in accordance with
“Safety Monitoring Rules of Pressurized Vessel “ and the national standard of GB150.

4.7.9. The quality of pressurized casting parts shall be in accordance with relative technical

4.7.10. The oil leakage shall not exceed the designed value under specified oil temperature and
rated oil pressure after assembly of hydraulic components.

4.8. The accuracy of all indicating devices and instrument shall not be less than Class of 2.5.

The deviation between the values measured actually and designed values of following
parameters shall not be less than the design value

a. Speed command signal

b. Opening command signal

c. Power command signal

d. Permanent speed drop factor

e. Transient speed drop factor, damping time constant and acceleration time constant

f. Proportional gain, integral gain and differential gain

4.9. Exterior requirement

4.9.1. The outer dimension and installation dimension shall be in accordance with the
requirement marked in the drawings.


4.9.2. The fastness of the parts, welding and assembly of elements, and serial numbering of the
terminal block shall be in accordance with the requirement of drawings.

4.9.3. The components and its enclose shall not be allowed to have rust, crack and clear scratch.
The coating shall not be dropped off.

4.9.4. The metal enclose of the device or its stand shall be equipped with the earthing terminal or
earthing bolt with apparent earthing symbol.

5. Marking, Packing, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Marking

5.1.1. Each product shall have its nameplate fixed at the suitable and distinct position, which

a. Name of manufacturer;

b. Type and name of product;

c. Manufacturing number of product;

d. Manufacturing date of product

5.1.2. The rotation direction of the motor, steering wheel and handler on each product shall be
marked by arrow.

5.1.3. The packing case shall be made in light of its drawing and the following attention shall be
given to its external wall:

a. Name and address of consignee

b. Name and address of consigner

c. Type, name and number of product

d. Net weight, gross weight, gravity line, hooking position of product and outer dimension of

e. Symbols and markings such as “slight handling”, “keep dry” and “no upside down” shall be

Symbols and markings shall be in accordance with relative rules stipulated in the national

5.2. Packing

The packing of the product shall take into account the measures to prevent from dust, rust
and shock. In case there is any specific requirement, it shall be mentioned in the technical
requirement of the product.

The following preparation shall done before packing of the product:

a. The outer machining surface of the product shall take into account the necessary measure
to prevent from the rust.


b. The fragile components and the shockproof parts and instruments shall be dismantled
from the product and packed properly.

c. The movable components inside of the product shall be fixed firmly with main body of the
product together;

d. A certain amount of stream turbine oil that qualified shall be reserved inside of hydraulically
moved components.

e. The technical documents and fragile parts provided with the product together shall be fixed
at a certain position after binding up.

5.3. Transportation

The product is applicable to transport by water, land and air. The transportation and
handling shall be processed in light of marking indicated on the packing case and relative

5.4. Storage

5.4.1. Stock condition

5.4.2. When the ambient temperature is between -5 ℃~+40℃, the relative humidity shall not be
more than 90%, there are not any acid, alkali, salt, gas with corrodibility & explosively in
the room and no any infringe from dust, rain and snow.

5.4.3. Guaranty period

a. The manufacturer shall guarantee that no rust and decline of accuracy occur due to bad
packing within one year under normal stock condition since the date of dispatch

b. When the damage or abnormal operation occur due to bad manufacturing of product With
three years since the date of dispatch or within two years since operation of unit(the first
expiration of the above-mentioned terms shall be prevailing), the manufacturer shall
replace or repair it free of charge;

c. The interval period for overhaul shall not be less than 4 years.

6. Completeness of Supply

The followings shall be provided to the user with the product together:

a. Schematic manual, installation manual, adjustment and operation manual, three sets/unit

b. Schematic diagram, installation drawing, and general assembly drawing, three sets/unit

c. Certificate of quality and packing list

d. Fragile parts

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