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Uncovering Financial Struggles: A Phenomenological Study of Grade 11 TVL

Students' Experiences with Bread and Pastry Subjects at Bahay Pare National High


A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Bahay Pare National High School
Candaba, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements Practical Research 1


Student 1
Student 2
Student 1
Student 2
Student 1
Student 2

May 2023

The Problem and Its Background


In today's society, money holds significant sway over our lives, influencing

various aspects including academic pursuits. The financial status of students directly

impacts their academic endeavors within educational institutions, where success is often

measured by academic performance (Pelletier, 2019). Academic performance serves as a

yardstick for assessing a student's proficiency in meeting institutional standards. While

conventional wisdom may equate intelligence solely with grades, it's important to

acknowledge the myriad factors influencing academic achievement, among which

financial support plays a crucial role (Ferguson, et al.).

Within academic settings, students' basic needs, including tuition fees and

necessary supplies, are contingent upon financial stability. Financial instability poses a

substantial obstacle for students, with some facing the stark reality of being unable to

attend school due to poverty, while others struggle to meet academic requirements due to

insufficient financial backing (Boiser, 2019). This financial strain emerges as a primary

contributor to low grades and, at times, even dropout rates among students. Particularly in

technical-vocational livelihood and home economics strands, such as TVL H.E., students

encounter additional challenges, often having to procure their own materials for practical

classes like cookery.

According to Moneva and Tuñacao's study, the money we get each day helps us

buy what we need. They say this daily money is like pocket money. Also, students might
get their money every day, week, or month. This works well to cover a certain amount of

time depending on how they handle their money. But as students get older, they might

need more money because their expenses go up. They might want to try new things or

buy stuff they think they need.

In Senior High School, learning baking is like running a bakery. According to Hill

(2019), a bakery needs someone who can manage its money well, like an owner or

financial manager. However, when students bake, they don't have to worry about earning

money. Still, money is a concern, as mentioned earlier. The expenses for student baking

and a bakery are connected because of budgeting and how it affects the allowances of

both students and bakery owners.

The researchers are investigating how baking expenses affect the financial

situation of students. Among the various strands, Home Economics stands out as a skill-

oriented option. It demands manpower, various materials, knowledge, practice, and,

importantly, expenses. Unlike other academic-focused strands, Home Economics

students must supply their own materials to make pastries and improve their skills.

Therefore, this study aims to understand how students handle financial stress, budget

their allowances, and manage expenses, especially in relation to baking.

In light with this, grade 11 students of Bahay Pare National High School come

from diverse social backgrounds. The majority of students belong to lower or middle-

class families, with very few falling into the upper class. Understanding the typical

circumstances and resources available to their families, we aim to explore how these

students manage to cover their school expenses. This research is particularly relevant

because it focuses on the Home Economics strand, where not all students have a stable
financial situation. By delving into this topic, we can gain valuable insights into how

students from varying financial backgrounds navigate the challenges of funding their

education, especially within a specialized strand particularly in the subject of Bread and


Previous studies have explored various aspects of financial challenges faced by

students pursuing technical vocational education. However, there is a noticeable research

gap concerning the financial burdens specifically related to Bread and Pastry major

subjects among Grade 11 TVL students at Bahay Pare National High School. While some

studies have touched upon the broader challenges faced by TVL students, there is a lack

of focused research on the affordability issues linked to specific subjects within this


Understanding the financial obstacles encountered by Grade 11 TVL students

specializing in Bread and Pastry major subjects is essential for devising targeted

interventions and support mechanisms. By identifying and addressing these challenges,

educational institutions can better assist students in overcoming financial barriers that

may otherwise impede their academic progress and career aspirations.

Future research could delve into factors such as tuition fees, costs of materials and

equipment, transportation expenses, and other financial burdens that directly impact

Grade 11 TVL students enrolled in Bread and Pastry major subjects. Additionally,

exploring the socio-economic backgrounds of these students and their coping

mechanisms when facing financial constraints would provide valuable insights into

designing effective support programs.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to explore the financial struggles encountered by Grade 11

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) students, particularly in accessing bread and

pastry major subjects, at Bahay Pare National High School during the academic year


Specifically, the research seeks to address the following questions:

 What are the financial challenges faced by Grade 11 TVL students in pursuing

bread and pastry major subjects?

 How do these financial struggles impact students' ability to enroll and participate

in bread and pastry major subjects?

 What are the implications of financial barriers on the educational outcomes and

career aspirations of Grade 11 TVL students specializing in bread and pastry


Significance of the Study

This study will provide an understanding of the financial difficulties encountered

by students pursuing vocational education in culinary arts, shedding light on their

implications for academic performance and future career prospects.

Sectors benefiting from the study are as follows:

Students: This research offers students insights into how the expenses associated

with home baking can impact their daily finances. It empowers them to improve their
financial management skills and make informed decisions about allocating funds towards

their passion for baking.

Teachers: The findings of this study can aid teachers in comprehending the

financial challenges their students encounter. They can adjust their teaching strategies to

ensure affordability for all students. Furthermore, integrating lessons on budgeting into

home economics classes can equip students with practical skills for managing money


Parents: The results of this research provide parents with an understanding of the

financial resources needed to support their child's involvement in baking activities at

school. It facilitates discussions between parents and children about responsible money


Future Researchers: This study serves as a valuable resource for future

researchers, offering a foundation for further exploration. It could inspire future

investigations into the correlation between baking expenses and academic performance or

the impact of home economics classes on students' financial literacy. Ultimately, this

research paves the way for a deeper understanding of how home economics education

influences students' financial well-being.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This qualitative research delves into the financial struggles faced by Grade 11

students enrolled in the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) program at Bahay Pare

National High School in Bahay Pare, Candaba, Pampanga during the second semester of

the academic year 2023-2024. The investigation centers on the affordability challenges

specifically related to the Bread and Pastry major subjects within the TVL curriculum.

The study is geographically limited to Bahay Pare National High School situated

in Bahay Pare, Candaba, Pampanga, Philippines. Furthermore, it solely focuses on Grade

11 students within the TVL program, disregarding other grade levels. They will be

selected using snow ball method.

Additionally, the research is narrowed down to the affordability issues concerning

Bread and Pastry major subjects, omitting other subjects within the TVL curriculum.

Findings from this study are expected to provide insights applicable only within the

specified academic year and semester.

In this qualitative research, the researcher will serve as the main instrument of the

study (Pezalla, Pettigrew and Miller-Day, 2012). Another tool will be the interview

guide. This unstructured interview guide is a researcher-made instrument based from the

objectives of the study. It is composed of five (5) questions. Objectively, interview

questions are formulated to gather necessary information. It is validated by group of

experts using validation matrix to identify its appropriateness of the questions and

suitability to the research participants. In gathering data, individualized or focus group

discussion are employed depending on the preference of the participants. This will be

carried through in-person interview.

Definition of Terms

1. Academic Success: The achievement of educational goals and outcomes related to

the bread and pastry major subject within the TVL curriculum, including grades,

skill proficiency, and overall learning experience.

2. Afford: The ability of students to financially manage and access resources

required for their bread and pastry major subject within the TVL curriculum,

encompassing expenses such as tuition fees, materials, equipment, and related


3. Bread and Pastry Major Subject: Refers to the specialized area of study within the

TVL curriculum, focusing on the theoretical and practical aspects of bread and

pastry production, including techniques, recipes, and industry standards.

4. Career Prospects: Refers to the opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship,

and career advancement available to students upon completing their studies in the

bread and pastry major subject within the TVL curriculum, considering factors

such as market demand, industry trends, and skill relevance.

5. Financial Accessibility: The extent to which students can afford the expenses

associated with their bread and pastry major subject, influenced by factors such as

personal finances, family support, scholarships, loans, and other financial aid

6. Students: Individuals enrolled in educational programs, specifically focusing on

those pursuing studies in the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) curriculum,

with a particular emphasis on the bread and pastry major subject.

7. Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL): A specific educational track or program

that offers practical skills and knowledge in various vocational fields, designed to

prepare students for employment or entrepreneurship in specific industries.


Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents the relevant theory, related literature and studies, the conceptual

framework, and the definition of variables to be used in the study.

Relevant Theory

(your text)

Related Literature

1. Financial Barriers to Education:

 Overview of the financial obstacles hindering students' access to
The soaring tuition fees at colleges and universities stand as a primary financial
hurdle confronting students today. As per findings from the College Board
(2019), the average annual tuition and fees at public four-year institutions have
surged by over twofold in the last thirty years, rendering higher education
increasingly inaccessible, particularly for students hailing from low-income

Beyond tuition fees, students grapple with a myriad of challenges associated with
living expenses and other ancillary costs linked to college attendance. Expenses
such as housing, food, transportation, textbooks, and various essentials
accumulate swiftly, amplifying the financial strain on students. Research
conducted by the Institute for College Access & Success underscores the
substantial proportion of non-tuition expenses within the total cost of attendance
for college students (Institute for College Access & Success, 2018).

College Board. (2019). Trends in College Pricing 2019. Retrieved

Institute for College Access & Success. (2018). Beyond Tuition: Understanding
Non-Tuition College Costs. Retrieved

 Discussion on the impact of economic status on academic pursuits.

 Examination of specific financial challenges faced by students in
technical-vocational education.
2. Bread and Pastry Major Subjects in TVL Education:
 Introduction to the Bread and Pastry major subjects within the TVL
 Discussion on the practical aspects of learning baking skills within
the TVL framework.
 Analysis of the significance of Bread and Pastry subjects for
students' skill development and future career prospects.
3. Coping Mechanisms and Support Systems:
 Exploration of strategies adopted by students to cope with financial
 Discussion on existing support systems and interventions
implemented to assist students.
 Analysis of the effectiveness of these support mechanisms in
alleviating financial burdens and facilitating academic success.
Related Studies

Conceptual Framework

(Your Text)

Definition of Variables

(Your Text)

Research Methodology

This chapter focuses on the methods and techniques to be used in the study. This will

discuss how the researchers will conduct and gain information from different phenomena

for this research. It also includes the population of the study, the research instrument,

collection, and data gathering procedure, the data processing and statistical treatment to

answer the set-forth questions of this study.


Research Design

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Research Locale

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Sampling and Participants

(Your text)

Research Instrument

(Your text)

Data Gathering Procedure

(Your text)
Ethical Consideration

(Your text)

Data Analysis

(Your text)

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