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IEEE Standard for Qualifying

Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for

Nuclear Power Generating Stations

IEEE Power Engineering Society

Sponsored by the
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee

IEEE Std 334™-2006
3 Park Avenue
(Revision of
New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
IEEE Std 334-1994)
31 January 2007

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. Downloaded on March 28,2018 at 06:19:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 334™-2006(R2012)
(Revision of
IEEE Std 334-1994)

IEEE Standard for Qualifying

Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved 15 September 2006

Reaffirmed 29 March 2012
IEEE-SA Standards Board

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Abstract: It is required that Class 1E motors, with their interfaces, meet or exceed the specified
performance requirements throughout their service life. This is accomplished through a program
that includes, but is not limited to, design, qualification, production quality control, shipping,
storage, installation, operation, maintenance, periodic testing, and surveillance. This standard
addresses the qualification portion of the program. It discusses the requirement for maintenance,
repair, and surveillance of motors to maintain qualification of motors throughout their installed life
but does not provide detailed guidance about how these programmatic items must be
implemented and maintained. The qualification requirements of this standard, when met,
demonstrate and document the ability of the motor and/or insulation system to perform its safety
function(s) under specified service conditions.
Keywords: age conditioning, age sensitive, aging, condition monitoring, design basis event,
formette, harsh environment, insulation, insulation system, interfaces, margin, mild environment,
motor, motor qualification, motorette, qualification, qualified life, radiation, safety-related function,
significant aging mechanism, test plan, test sequence, type testing


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2007 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 31 January 2007. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

Print: ISBN 0-7381-5217-X SH95569

PDF: ISBN 0-7381-5218-8 SS95569

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 334-2006, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors
for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

This revision of IEEE Std 334 is a daughter standard of IEEE Std 323™-2003 and, for seismic qualification,
of IEEE Std 344™-2004. This revision is a result of a review of the changes to IEEE Std 323-2003 as they
affect motor qualification. As a daughter standard to IEEE Std 323-2003 and IEEE Std 344-2004, this
standard is intended to be used in conjunction with, and not in lieu of, those standards. This revision of
IEEE Std 334 also includes specific guidance for insulation system qualification; more guidance
concerning the use of, and reason for, load during type testing; and guidance for use of insulation system
models (motorettes and/or formettes) for use in type testing.

Specific items that were added or changed in this revision include the following:
⎯ Removal of two peaks during the simulated design basis event as a substitute for margin.
⎯ General guidance for the performance of condition-based qualification.
⎯ Inclusion of insulation system models for use in type testing.
⎯ Inclusion of thermal requirements for the application of load.
⎯ Inclusion of loading requirements for insulation system models.
⎯ Replacement of the design-basis-event example from the previous revision with worst-case conditions
in which the motor must operate.
⎯ Clarification of the documentation requirements.

Condition-based qualification is a qualification method that was introduced in IEEE Std 323-2003, and,
because this standard is a daughter standard, the method has been included in this standard. It must be
noted, however, that at the time of this revision, for motors and motor insulation systems, no condition
indicators have been established that will reliably trend the current state of insulation system degradation
and provide sufficient notice to ensure that corrective action can be taken prior to equipment failure.
Therefore, only general, and not specific, guidance concerning the methods of establishing a qualified
condition using condition monitoring has been included in this standard.

Notice to users

Errata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http:// Users are encouraged to check this URL for
errata periodically.

Current interpretations can be accessed at the following URL:

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Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter
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At the time this standard was completed, the Working Group on Qualification of Motors (SC2.2) had the
following membership:

William G. Newell, Chair

James Dean, Vice-chair

Satish Aggarwal Tom Brewington James Parello

Anup K. Behera Philip DiBenedetto Robert Minadeo
James F. Gleason

The Subcommittee on Qualification (SC2) of Nuclear Power Engineering Committee that recommended
approval of this standard had the following membership:

Satish K. Aggarwal, Chair

Patrick Gove, Secretary

Bohumil Bartonicek Robert Francis William G. Newell

Paul D. Baughman James F. Gleason James Parello
Anup K. Behera William L. Hadovski Janez Pavsek
Steven D. Benson Hideo Harada Jan S. Pirrong
Brij Bharteey Peter Helander Daniel J. Pomerening
Thomas Brewington Thomas R. Hencey III Robert Queenan
Nissen M. Burstein Jerrell C. Henley Edward L. Quinn
Steve Casadevall Dirk C. Hopp John M. Richards
Suresh Channarasappa David A. Horvath Fred Roy
Garry V. Chapman Yao-Tung Hsu Steve Sandberg
Javier A. Chicote In-Koo Hwang Glen E Schinzel
Sun Yeong Choi Craig S. Irish Roderick Simms
Choon-Hoon Chung Serena A. Jagtiani Kjell Spang
James M. Dean Frank W. Kloer Richard G. Starck
Liviu Nicolae Delcea Sushant Kapur Hirotsugu Suzuki
Dennis E. Dellinger Mohsin Khan Marek Tengler
Philip DiBenedetto Henry Leung Marco Van Uffelen
Michael Dougherty Bruce M. Lory Laszlo Varga
Quang H. Duong P. G. McQuillan Carl Weber
Frank Drumm Daniel R. Mikow John Wheless
Yasutaka Eguchi Todd Mitton John White
Walter Emerson Asif Mohiuddin Toni Wittamore
Artur J. Faya Edward Mohtashemi Richard T. Wood
Wells D. Fargo Carole Monchy-Leroy Toshio Yamamoto

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At the time this standard was approved, the Nuclear Power Engineering Committee (NPEC) had the
following membership:

John Disosway, Chairman

John MacDonald, Secretary

Satish K. Aggarwal Robert J. Fletcher Gerald L. Nicely

Ijaz Ahmad Robert Fuld Roger D. Parker
George Attarian James Gleason James Parello
George Ballassi Dale T. Goodney Glen E. Schinzel
Farouk D. Baxter Britton P. Grim Neil P. Smith
Brij M. Bharteey William L. Hadovski James E. Stoner
Wesley W. Bowers David A. Horvath James E. Thomas
Daniel F. Brosnan Paul R. Johnson John Waclo
Nissen M. Burstein Harvey C. Leake John White
Robert C. Carruth J. Scott Malcolm Paul L. Yanosy
John P. Carter Alexander Marion David J. Zaprazny
Stephen Fleger Michael H. Miller

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Ballotters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

Satish K. Aggarwal Wells D. Fargo John E. Merando, Jr.

Munnu Bajpai Robert L. Francis Gary L. Michel
Paul D. Barnhart James F. Gleason Kimberly Y. Mosley
William G. Bloethe L. Gradin Michael S. Newman
Wesley W. Bowers Randall C. Groves James Parello
Thomas N. Brewington Ajit K. Gwal Ted Riccio
Nissen M. Burstein Hamidreza Heidarisafa Michael A. Roberts
Robert C. Carruth Gary A. Heuston Fredrick L. Roy
Suresh Channarasappa David A. Horvath Bartien Sayogo
Weijen Chen Paul R. Johnson, Jr. David R. Smith
Mark S. Clark James H. Jones John H. Taylor
Tommy P. Cooper J. L. Koepfinger S. Thamilarasan
Dennis E. Dellinger G. L. Luri James E. Thomas
John Disosway John D. Macdonald James W. Wilson, Jr.
Gary R. Engmann David J. Zaprazny

When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 15 September 2006, it had the following

Steve M. Mills, Chair

Richard H. Hulett, Vice Chair
Don Wright, Past Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary

Mark D. Bowman William B. Hopf T. W. Olsen

Dennis B. Brophy Lowell G. Johnson Glenn Parsons
Joseph Bruder Herman Koch Ronald C. Petersen
Richard Cox Joseph L. Koepfinger* Gary S. Robinson
Bob Davis David J. Law Frank Stone
Julian Forster* Daleep C. Mohla Malcolm V. Thaden
Joanna N. Guenin Paul Nikolich Richard L. Townsend
Mark S. Halpin Joe D. Watson
Raymond Hapeman Howard L. Wolfman

*Member Emeritus

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Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative

Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
Alan H. Cookson, NIST Representative

Don Messina
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development

Angela Ortiz
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development

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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1

2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1

3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 2

4. Qualification methods ................................................................................................................................ 4

4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 4

4.2 Initial qualification .............................................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Extension of qualified life ................................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Condition monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 5

5. Qualification procedures ............................................................................................................................ 6

5.1 Specification requirements .................................................................................................................. 6

5.2 Qualification requirements in mild environments ............................................................................... 7
5.3 Qualification requirements in harsh environments .............................................................................. 8
5.4 Maintenance of qualification ............................................................................................................. 12
5.5 Margin ............................................................................................................................................... 12
5.6 Winding insulation endurance ........................................................................................................... 13
5.7 Radiation endurance .......................................................................................................................... 13
5.8 Motor lead cable ................................................................................................................................ 13
5.9 Bearings............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.10 Lubricants ........................................................................................................................................ 14
5.11 Seals and gaskets ............................................................................................................................. 14
5.12 Accessories ...................................................................................................................................... 15
5.13 Seismic ............................................................................................................................................ 15

6. Simulated test profiles .............................................................................................................................. 16

7. Documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 16

7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 16

7.2 Mild environment documentation...................................................................................................... 16
7.3 Harsh environment documentation.................................................................................................... 17

Annex A (informative) Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 19

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying
Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations

1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This standard establishes criteria for qualification of continuous duty Class 1E motors, located in mild and
harsh environments in nuclear power generating stations in order to demonstrate their ability to perform
their intended safety functions under all required conditions. This standard does not apply to motors used in
valve actuators (see IEEE Std 382™-1996 [B2] 1 ).

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to provide direction for the implementation of the requirements of IEEE
Std 323™-2003 2 as they apply to the specific features of continuous duty safety-related electric motor
qualification. This standard also provides guidance for qualification of refurbished motors and insulation
systems for motor rewinds.

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

ANSI/ABMA Std 9-1990 (Reaff 2000), Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. 3

ANSI/ABMA Std 11-1990 (Reaff 1999), Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings.

Numbers in brackets correspond to the numbers in the bibliography in Annex A.
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department. American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor,
New York, NY 10036, USA (

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IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

IEEE Std 43™-2000 (Reaff 2006), IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of
Rotating Machinery. 4,5

IEEE Std 95™-2002, IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery
(2300 V and Above) With High Direct Voltage.

IEEE Std 101™-1987 (Reaff 2004) (Withdrawn), IEEE Guide for the Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life
Test Data. 6

IEEE Std 112™-2004, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators.

IEEE Std 117™-1974, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Evaluation of Systems of Insulating Materials for
Random-Wound AC Electrical Machinery.

IEEE Std 275™-1992, IEEE Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Systems for
Alternating-Current Electric Machinery Employing Form-Wound Preinsulated Stator Coils for Machines
Rated 6900 V and Below.

IEEE Std 323™-2003, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating

IEEE Std 344™-2004, IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualifications of Class 1E Equipment
for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

IEEE Std 383™-2003, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Electric Cables and Field Splices for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

IEEE Std 429™-1994 (Withdrawn), IEEE Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Sealed
Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form Wound Stator Coils for Machines Rated
6900 V and Below. 7

NEMA MG-1-2003 (2004) revision, Motors and Generators. 8

3. Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative Dictionary
of IEEE Standards Terms [B1] should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
3.1 age conditioning: Exposure of sample equipment to environmental, operational, and system conditions
to simulate these conditions for a period of time; design basis events are not included.

The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers Incorporated.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway NJ 08854,
IEEE Std 101-1987 has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from the IEEE Standards Department. 445 Hoes Lane,
Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.
IEEE Std 429-1994 has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from the IEEE Standards Department. 445 Hoes Lane,
Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.
NEMA publications are available from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. 2101 L Street NW Washington, DC
20037, USA

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IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

3.2 Class 1E: The safety classification of the electric equipment and systems that are essential to
emergency reactor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, and containment and reactor heat
removal or that are otherwise essential in preventing significant release of radioactive material to the
NOTE—The terms Class 1E equipment and safety-related equipment are synonymous. 9
3.3 components: Items from which the equipment is assembled. (For motors, typical components include
stator coils, rotor bars, bearings, bolts, thermal overload relays, connectors, instrument sensors, seals, sight
glasses, springs, etc.)

3.4 continuous duty: Operation at a substantially constant load for an indefinitely long time. (For motors,
it is the ability to operate for an indefinitely long time at nameplate horsepower in an ambient temperature
environment within the criteria established on the nameplate without exceeding the design temperature rise
of the windings.)

3.5 design basis event: Postulated event used in the design to establish the acceptable performance
requirements of structures, systems, and components.

3.6 design life: The time period during which satisfactory performance can be expected for a specific set of
service conditions.

3.7 equipment: An assembly of components designed and manufactured to perform specific functions.

3.8 formette: An insulation system model made to embody all of the elements of a form wound insulation
system. Generally used to represent insulation systems rated 6900 V and below.

3.9 harsh environment: An environment resulting from a design basis event, i.e., loss of coolant accident
(LOCA), high energy line break (HELB), and main steam line break (MSLB).

3.10 interfaces: Physical attachments, mounting, auxiliary components, and connectors (electrical and
mechanical) to the equipment at the equipment boundary.

3.11 margin: The difference between service conditions and the conditions used for equipment

3.12 mild environment: An environment that would at no time be significantly more severe than the
environment that would occur during normal plant operation, including anticipated operational occurrences.

3.13 motorette: An insulation system model made to embody all of the elements of a random wound
insulation system. Generally used to represent insulation systems rated 600 V and below.

3.14 qualified life: The period of time, prior to the start of a design basis event, for which the equipment
was demonstrated to meet the design requirements for the specified service conditions.

3.15 service conditions: Environmental, loading, power, and signal conditions expected as a result of
normal operating requirements, expected extremes (abnormal) in operating requirements, and postulated
conditions appropriate for the design basis events of the station.

3.16 service life: The time period from initial operation to removal from service.

3.17 significant aging mechanism: An aging mechanism that, under normal and/or abnormal service
conditions, causes degradation of equipment that progressively and appreciably renders the equipment
vulnerable to failure to perform its safety function(s) during design-basis-event conditions.

Notes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement this standard.

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IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

4. Qualification methods

4.1 General

The primary role of qualification is to provide reasonable assurance that Class 1E motors can perform their
specified safety functions and that no failure mechanisms exist that can lead to a common-cause failure
under the postulated service conditions.

Motors exhibit aging mechanisms in their insulation systems. For this reason, the following shall apply:

a) For motors located in a mild environment and having no significant aging mechanism, a
qualified life is not required. Where seismic qualification is required for motors located in a
mild plant environment, age conditioning is required only when significant aging mechanisms
exist. A maintenance/surveillance program based on the vendor’s recommendations,
supplemented with operating experience, should provide adequate assurance that the motor will
perform its intended safety function.

b) Degradation over time, followed by exposure to environmental extremes of temperature,

vibration, and, if applicable, chemical spray and submergence resulting from a design-basis-
event condition, can precipitate common-cause failures of Class 1E motors. For this reason, for
motors subject to harsh environment with significant aging mechanisms, an insulation system
qualified life shall be established in accordance with this standard. The qualified life
determination must consider degradation of the insulation system’s capability prior to and
during service. In establishing a qualified life, a qualified condition must also be established.
This qualified condition is the state of degradation for which successful performance during a
subsequent design basis event was demonstrated.

Seals, gaskets, and other nonmetallic components used in the manufacture of motors may have significant
aging mechanisms and shall be evaluated.

Wear and aging mechanisms also exist for bearings and lubrication. This standard sets forth requirements
to define replacement and maintenance intervals that consider the manufacturer’s recommendations and are
based on actual service and operating conditions.

For all qualification programs, the result shall provide documentation demonstrating the motor’s adequacy
to perform its safety function(s). The documentation shall be in a form that allows verification by
competent personnel.

The principles of this standard also should be applied to modified or refurbished motors.

The methods for qualifying motors are described in 4.2.1 through 4.2.4.

4.2 Initial qualification

4.2.1 Type testing

A type test subjects a representative sample of the motor and/or insulation system to a series of tests
simulating the cumulative effects of significant aging mechanisms during normal operation. The age

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IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

conditioned sample is subsequently subjected to design-basis-event testing that simulates and thereby
establishes the tested configuration for installed equipment service.

Type testing of motors satisfies qualification if it accounts for significant aging mechanisms, subjects the
motor to specified service conditions plus margin, and demonstrates that such equipment subsequently can
perform its intended safety function(s) for the required operating time.

4.2.2 Operating experience

Performance data from motors and/or insulation systems of similar generic design using the same materials
that have successfully operated under known service conditions may be used as the basis for qualifying
other motors to equal or less severe service conditions. The validity of this qualification method depends on
the adequacy of documentation describing such operating experience (e.g., the past service conditions,
performance, and maintenance) and establishing the similarity of the motors to be qualified. The operating
experience may provide information on extrapolation of aging characteristics, failure modes, and failure
rates. When design-basis-event qualification is required, a demonstration of required operability during the
event shall be included in equipment qualification programs based on operating experience.

4.2.3 Analysis

Qualification by analysis requires a logical assessment or a valid mathematical model of the motor to be
qualified. The bases for analysis typically include physical laws of nature, results of test data, operating
experience, and condition indicators. Analysis of data and tests for material properties, equipment rating,
and environmental tolerance can be used to demonstrate qualification. However, analysis alone cannot be
used to demonstrate qualification to a harsh environment.

The analysis, including logical basis and data supporting it, shall be presented in a step-by-step manner so
that a person reasonably skilled in this type of analysis can follow the reasoning and computations.

4.2.4 Combined methods

Motors may be qualified by any combination(s) of type test, operating experience, and analysis. Where
type testing of a complete assembly is not possible, component testing, supplemented by analysis, may be

4.3 Extension of qualified life

Initial environmental qualification may yield a qualified life that is less than the anticipated service life of
the motor. The qualified life may be limited due to the use of moderate accelerated aging factors to achieve
more realistic simulation of degradation during available testing time. Aging factors may also use
postulated normal service conditions that are more severe than the actual service conditions in which the
motor will be installed, resulting in the motor/motor’s insulation system being far from its end-of-life
condition at the end of its qualified life. The methods for extension of the qualified life are defined in 5.2 of
IEEE Std 323-2003.

4.4 Condition monitoring

In accordance with IEEE Std 323-2003, condition monitoring in lieu of a static qualified life may be
accomplished. Condition monitoring may be used in place of a qualified life to determine whether qualified
equipment is suitable for further service. Condition monitoring for equipment qualification purposes
monitors one or more condition indicators to determine whether equipment remains in a qualified

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IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

The trend of the condition indicator is determined during the performance of age conditioning of the test
sample during qualification testing. The condition indicator must be measurable, be linked to the functional
degradation of the qualified equipment, and have a consistent trend from un-aged through the limit of the
qualified pre-accident condition. For motors, due to their electromechanical nature, there must be condition
indicators established for each of the major components within the motor that provide a safety function. For
example, for bearings and other mechanical components, the condition indicator may be vibration trending,
shaft displacement, thermography, or some other means that has been proven to be a reliable, trendable
indicator of the condition of the bearings during the qualification testing. Other condition indicators must
be determined for the lubrication and the insulation system or insulation system components. For example,
the leads may have a different indicator than the windings. Condition monitoring may be used
independently or in conjunction with the concept of qualified life. As the qualified equipment approaches
the end of its theoretical qualified life, periodic condition monitoring may be implemented to determine
whether actual aging is occurring at a slower rate and whether further qualified service is possible based on
the condition monitoring results.

5. Qualification procedures
The method of qualification for motors in either a mild or harsh environment is based on a complete motor
specification from which a qualification program can be formulated and implemented.

5.1 Specification requirements

A motor specification shall clearly define the safety function(s) of the motor and the service conditions
during which the functions are required. As a minimum, the items in 5.1.1 through 5.1.3 shall be included.

NOTE—Motor components may be excluded from the qualification process if it can be demonstrated and documented
that assumed failures, including spurious operation, have no adverse effect on the safety function(s) of the motor or
interfaced equipment, would not mislead an operator, and shall not cause other safety-related equipment to fail.

5.1.1 Qualified life objective

For motors required to perform a safety function, located in a harsh environment, a qualified life objective
shall be stated.

5.1.2 Service conditions

Service conditions shall include normal and design-basis-event conditions. Nominal values and their
expected durations, as well as the extremes (including design-basis-event conditions and their expected
durations), are required to establish the qualification program. In addition to the typical service conditions
detailed in IEEE 323-2003, service conditions specific to motors include, but are not limited to, the

a) Starting and operating requirements

b) Operating and nonoperating times, including duty cycle description

c) Supply voltage and frequency values, including transient and steady-state extremes

d) Driven equipment load requirements over the life of the motor

For motor and/or insulation system qualification programs that are intended to envelope multiple
applications, operating/nonoperating times and duty cycles must be selected that meet or exceed the worst-
case scenario for the motor.

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

5.1.3 Motor performance

The motor qualification program shall demonstrate that the motor is able to start, accelerate to operating
speed, and operate under all specified combinations of driven equipment load and speed variations and
environmental conditions.

This program shall consider all specified combinations of the motor’s station power system supply or the
motor’s variable speed control supply voltage and frequency variation.

The qualification program shall assure adequate motor torque at the extremes for specified conditions. This
may be determined by a combination of motor performance testing and calculations.

5.2 Qualification requirements in mild environments

A qualified life is not required for motors that are located in a mild environment and have no significant
aging mechanisms. A design life shall be defined as an alternative to determining qualified life for motors
and/or insulation systems in a mild environment where seismic is the only design basis event under

Motors have a long-standing history of reliable operation in nonnuclear electrical utilities when
conservatively applied in mild environments. This history includes reliable operation during earthquakes
(see NUREG-1030 [B3]). The critical design features for ensuring seismic ruggedness include ensuring the

⎯ The driven equipment and motor alignment are maintained.

⎯ The driven equipment and motor alignment are rigidly connected through their base to prevent relative
⎯ Intermediate flexible bases do not exist.
⎯ Adequate thrust load capacity exists.
⎯ Adequate coupling flexibility between driven equipment and the motor, when needed to account for
load induce vibration, is provided (see NUREG-1030 [B3]).
Inherent in a motor’s design are features to account for induced electrical magnetic stress, starting torque
stress, and load variation stress. These features result in motors that, when properly applied and installed,
are inherently rugged to seismic events. A motor’s internal forces during normal operation are typically
greater than the seismic forces. Thus, each time a motor is started and loaded, it experiences internal forces
greater than those typically experienced during a seismic event. Nevertheless, the durability of the motor
against seismic events must be proven in accordance with the end users’ requirements.

This standard recognizes these capabilities and design features and does not require that an age
conditioning subprogram be performed as part of a qualification program for motors in a mild environment.
However, the program shall include the following:

⎯ The motor shall have been designed, manufactured, and tested to applicable industry standards. See 5.6
and IEEE Std 117-1974, IEEE Std 275-1992, IEEE Std 429-1994, IEEE Std 112-2004,
ANSI/ABMA 9-1990, ANSI/ABMA 11-1990, and NEMA MG-1-2003.
⎯ Seismic qualification (see 5.13)
⎯ The motor shall conservatively be designed, applied, operated, and maintained to meet all service
conditions (e.g., variations in power supply, load inertia, horsepower, motor bearing loads).

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

5.3 Qualification requirements in harsh environments

For motors in harsh environments, qualification shall be based on tests, or a combination of tests, and
analysis supported by tests. Testing may include both standard industry tests and tests specific to the
purpose of motor qualification.

Type test conditions shall meet or exceed specified service conditions. Appropriate margin shall be added
to design-basis-event parameters (see 5.5) if not otherwise included in the specified service conditions.

5.3.1 Type test plan

A type test plan shall be developed. Refer to in IEEE Std 323-2003.

5.3.2 Type test model

This standard requires that the type test model be a full-size motor or a scale model of a full-size motor that
incorporates the essential components used in production equipment. (Such components include insulation
system, winding type, processes, bearings, seals, lead seals, lubricant, and other essential accessory devices
and equipment.) Any subsequent test designed to supplement the basic qualification tests shall simulate, as
closely as practicable, all design basis events that can affect the operation of any of these essential
components. The test motor and accessory equipment shall be a representative model; in other words, the
design features and materials shall be identical to, and the operating stresses and loads shall be no less
severe than, those for motors of the same type. If a test model differs from the motor to be installed,
qualification reports shall identify all materials, processes, and features not specifically representative of
the installed motor and justify any differences.

If the purpose of the qualification program is to qualify an insulation system that is generically intended for
use as a replacement insulation system for a currently existing qualified motor or as an insulation system to
be used in new motors for unspecified applications, utilization of motorettes and/or formettes as an
insulation system type test model is acceptable. If a full-size motor frame is being used to house the
insulation system test model, the motor frame and noninsulation system components may be considered a
part of the test fixture.

The type test model shall be subjected to load during the simulated design basis event. The purpose of the
load is to simulate the thermal effects of full load current on the insulation system. The recommended
method for simulating the dynamic loads placed on the motor is to perform the qualification test with the
motor connected to driven equipment capable of bringing the motor to, and maintaining the motor at, full
load. For situations in which it is not practical to use driven equipment as a load, alternative methods of
simulating load may be found in IEEE Std 112-2004. Regardless of the method used, the load must be such
that the resulting winding temperature rise is equivalent to the design temperature rise of the motor(s)
within which the qualified windings will be installed. For example, if the objective of the qualification
program is to qualify an insulation system or motor for use in small or medium motor applications that
have up to and including a Design B temperature rise 10 with a service factor rating of up to and including
1.15 and the insulation system will be installed in a normal maximum ambient temperature of 40 °C, the
motor or insulation system model shall be loaded so that the winding temperature rise is equal to or greater
than 90 °C. 11 Insulation systems and motors vary in design, rating, temperature class, temperature rise, and
allowable ambient temperature; therefore, the maximum winding temperature and/or winding temperature
rise must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure that an appropriate value is used. If a full-size
motor is used as a test fixture for an insulation system qualification, the motor may have to be overloaded
in order to meet the winding temperature rise requirements.

The letter following “Design” is an industry designation defining the thermal capability of an insulation system or component. For
further explanations of the various designations and how they relate to total winding temperature and winding temperature rise and
how they are modified for service factor and ambient temperature, see NEMA MG-1-2003.
See Section 12.43 in NEMA MG-1-2003.

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IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

5.3.3 Type test sequence

The steps in type testing shall be completed in a sequence that places the sample in the worst state of
degradation that can occur in service during the qualified life, prior to application of design basis events.
All steps in the sequence shall be performed on the same test sample. The test sample shall be
representative of the design, materials, and manufacturing process of the installed motor/insulation system.
For motors and/or insulation systems, the following steps and sequence are acceptable for placing the test
sample in the worst state of degradation. Other steps and/or sequences may be acceptable when justified.

a) Inspection of the test sample to verify its correctness and condition.

b) Functional test of the sample to establish base line performance. Sufficient data shall be taken to
verify operability under load at the extremes of the motor’s operational characteristics,
excluding design-basis-event and post-event conditions, as appropriate. Refer to IEEE Std 112-
2004 for functional test methods. An operational test is required after steps c) through h). The
operational test does not require a full functional test under load but must be extensive enough
to verify that the test sample is still viable. If the sample is an insulation system model,
sufficient electrical tests shall be performed to identify whether the post-event insulation system
has degraded so that it would no longer be able to perform its safety function within a full-size
motor. Suggested tests include, but are not limited to, the following:
1) Insulation resistance testing in accordance with IEEE Std 43-2000
2) Step dc high-potential testing in accordance with IEEE Std 95-2002
3) Surge comparison testing
4) Winding resistance testing in accordance with IEEE Std 112-2004
5) Temperature rise under full rated current
c) Normal irradiation of the test sample.
d) Thermal age conditioning of the test sample insulation in accordance with
e) Mechanical age conditioning of the test sample by vibrating the sample at 60 Hz for 1 h at
1.5 times the acceleration of gravity, as described in IEEE Std 117-1974 and IEEE Std 275-
f) Design-basis-event irradiation of the test sample, as appropriate.
NOTE—If the qualification program is establishing a qualified life only, design-basis-event radiation may
be combined with normal irradiation of the test sample during age conditioning.
g) Voltage stress of the insulation system by applying an ac high-potential test of two-thirds of the
sum of twice rated voltage plus 1000 V ac for 1 min.
h) Simulated operating basis earthquake (OBE) and safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) vibration of
the test sample in accordance with IEEE Std 344-2004.
NOTE—A seismic event is not assumed to occur in conjunction with a loss-of-coolant accident. Rather,
the sequence described previously has been developed as the basis of a conservative qualification, not one
indicative of a sequence of plant events.
i) Design-basis-event testing, as appropriate (see 5.3.6).
j) Post-design-basis-event testing.
k) Re-perform the functional test and compare the resulting data to that of the baseline data
captured in step b). Deviations between the baseline functional data and the post-event
functional test shall be identified and explained.
l) Review of test results, acceptance criteria, and post-test inspections of the test sample shall be
performed and recorded to determine whether qualification objectives have been met (see

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

If condition monitoring is contemplated, condition indicators must be established, monitored, and trended
during age conditioning, and an accurate end condition is needed prior to the design-basis-event simulation.
Also, the cumulative, simultaneous effects of aging on the condition indicators, both electrical and
mechanical, must be evaluated. For condition monitoring, in order to develop a trend that is linked to the
functional degradation of the monitored component, a means of simultaneous age conditioning must be

5.3.4 Normal service conditioning

Normal service is the portion of the motor operation accounting for the aging effects of the motor from the
time of initial installation until the motor is required under design-basis-event conditions to perform its
safety function(s). Normal service represents the day-to-day operation of the motor (if it performs a
function during the routine operation of the plant) during this time period. When the motor exists in a
standby mode, with periodic operation for maintenance purposes, normal service is intended to represent
the aging effects of this level of service. All, or portions of, the accelerated age conditioning of the
insulation system in and other motor components in (where significant aging exists) may be
replaced by a naturally aged motor with a well-documented service history (including operation,
maintenance, and environmental condition) that meets or exceeds the motor’s operational requirements (see
Clause 4).

When components of the motor have no known significant aging mechanisms, further aging consideration
for those components is not required. These procedures thermally age the motor’s insulation system to the
end of qualified life condition and represent normal service operation prior to design-basis-event and post-
event simulation exposures. Insulation thermal conditioning

The stator and/or rotor (for rotors with windings) insulation systems and other age-sensitive components
shall be thermally aged to account for degradation, which occurs during the service life of a motor. Prior to
the type test, components that are thermally age sensitive by the normal environment shall be aged to the
equivalent of the service life. For qualification programs that are using an insulation system model, such as
a motorette or formette rather than a motor, the model must, as accurately as possible, represent the
characteristics of a full-size motor, including, but not limited to, size, construction (including tying,
bracing, and blocking), geometry (curved or circular rather than flat), and interfaces (coil and lead
connections). The following procedure for thermal aging of the insulation system for normal service is

a) Identify an implied average-life characteristic for the insulation system of the motor through use
of the motorette or formette test procedure in combination with IEEE Std 117-1974, IEEE
Std 275-1992, or IEEE Std 429-1994. This should be a straight line on a graph, with an ordinate
of log-scale time and an abscissa of reciprocal absolute temperature scale (see IEEE Std 101-

b) Identify the expected maximum insulation temperature of the motor as follows: A representative
motor shall be operated at the specified steady-state load (not necessarily the rated or nameplate
load) until thermal equilibrium is reached. The maximum temperature measured shall be
corrected and extrapolated to reflect specified operating conditions and load profiles. These
corrections account for differences (such as between test and operating ambient temperatures as
well as conversion of rise measurement by resistance to hot spot temperature) and variations in
motor loading.

c) Plot the motor’s maximum insulation temperature and the desired lifetime as a point on the
graph from step a).

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

d) Draw a line through the temperature/lifetime point, parallel to the implied average life
characteristic. Identify this line as the implied average aging characteristic. The intersection of
this line and the desired accelerated aging time is the aging temperature.

e) Age the stator or insulation system test sample at this temperature for the required number of

NOTE—Based on the present state of technology, this procedure is recommended as an accepted practice. However, it
is recognized that this procedure implies extrapolation possibly exceeding that permitted in IEEE Std 117-1974, IEEE
Std 275-1992, and IEEE Std 429-1994 and that it does not determine absolute insulation life. Lubricants, bearings, and seal components

Lubricant, bearings, and metallic seal components cannot be brought to a near end of life condition by
accelerated age conditioning as a part of the insulation system test sample (refer to 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11).
However, every effort should be made to simulate realistic conditions prior to a type test – including the
use of irradiated lubricants for motors that will be exposed to radiation prior to, or during, a design basis

Nonmetallic seals with safety functions shall be thermally aged and irradiated as part of the age
conditioning program.

5.3.5 Seismic conditions

Seismic qualification, if required, shall be conducted as detailed in 5.13.

5.3.6 Design-basis-event conditions

The postulated design-basis-event conditions, including, but not limited to, specified high-energy line
break, loss-of-coolant accident, main steam line break, and/or safe shutdown seismic events during or after
which the motor is required to perform its safety function(s), shall be specified.

If equipment is to be qualified for more than one environment, test conditions must be chosen to envelope
the specified environmental conditions of each environment. Likewise, the aged test motor or insulation
system must be exposed, by a series of separate exposures, to each design-basis-event environment for
which qualification is desired.

The design-basis-event simulation shall also include testing the motor or insulation system model for a
period of time equivalent to the duration following the design basis event for which the motor’s safety
function(s) are required. During this time, the motor or insulation system model shall be operated to
simulate its specified requirements during the post-event period, including stopping, starting, or continuous
operation. The duration of this test shall equal the post-event service period, including margin.

For qualification programs intended to qualify motors or insulation systems for more than one environment
or application, the design-basis-event simulation shall envelope all postulated design-basis-event
conditions, including, but not limited to, temperature, pressure, and exposure to chemical spray. The motor
and/or insulation system shall be tested so that the tests account for all postulated worst-case operational
conditions. For motors and/or insulation systems, these conditions include the following:

a) The effects of condensation. The motor and/or insulation system shall demonstrate the ability to
be started across the line at full voltage and load conditions at, or shortly after, peak pressure
and temperature conditions with the motor cold prior to the start of the simulated design basis

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

b) The effects of extreme temperature. The motor and/or insulation system shall be fully loaded
and at its full design temperature rise prior to initiation of the simulated design basis event. The
motor and/or insulation system shall remain at full load for the duration of the simulated design
basis event with the exception of demonstrating c) below.

c) Hot across-the-line start. At a minimum of three hours after the start of the design basis event,
with the motor and/or insulation system at full load, the sample shall be deenergized and
allowed to come to a stop (if applicable). The sample shall then be restarted under full voltage
and load conditions.

NOTE—Meeting the above requirements may require exposure to multiple design-basis-event transients.
Multiple transients are not a substitute for margin. For additional accident profile considerations and
application of margin, see IEEE Std 323-2003.

5.3.7 Acceptance criteria

A motor or motor component shall be considered to be qualified if it performs its specified safety function
throughout the test program in accordance with the predetermined acceptance criteria. Any failure to meet
the acceptance criteria shall be analyzed to determine the modification needed to the motor or one of its
components or the limitations that shall be imposed on its use.

5.4 Maintenance of qualification

The requirements for maintaining qualification during shipment, storage, installation, operation,
maintenance, and surveillance of the motor shall be documented in accordance with Clause 7. The
requirements shall address any maintenance performed, or configurations used, during qualification testing
including, but not limited to, resin treatment, lead replacement, lubrication replenishment, and/or bearing
replacement. All parts and materials used in maintaining the qualification of the motor and/or insulation
system must be consistent with the qualified configuration of the originally qualified sample. All
maintenance activities performed must be evaluated to ensure that they support continued qualification.
Any substitution of parts or materials must be thoroughly investigated to ensure that they do not negatively
impact the motor’s ability to perform its intended safety function or do not create new failure modes that
were not identified during the original qualification (also see 6.4 of IEEE Std 323-2003).

5.5 Margin

The following margins apply to design-basis-event service conditions and do not apply to age conditioning.
Alternate margin values may be accepted if properly justified.

a) Peak temperature: +8 °C
b) Peak pressure: +10% of gage
c) Radiation: +10% (accident dose)
d) Power supply voltage: ± 10% but not to exceed insulation system design limits
NOTE—For motors under load, the low limit will be more severe. For insulation system models,
the high limit will be more severe.
e) Operational time: +10% of the period of time the equipment is required to operate following the
start of the design basis event
f) Seismic vibration: +10% added to the acceleration requirements at the mounting point of the

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IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

g) Line frequency: Induction motors are designed to operate, under rated load and voltage
conditions with variations in line frequency of up to ± 5%. 12 For postulated, long-term
frequency variations of up to ± 5%, margin need not be applied.

5.6 Winding insulation endurance

The thermal winding endurance qualification of the insulation system shall be obtained by following the
procedures in IEEE Std 101-1987, IEEE Std 117-1974, or IEEE Std 275-1992 or, for harsh environmental
qualification, in IEEE Std 429-1994.

Extrapolation of the obtained regression life-temperature curve shall be extended to the installed life. To
allow for operation through ambient temperatures and postulated exposures, the temperature intercept shall
be equal to, or greater than, the maximum temperature of the motor, as determined in 6.3.4 in IEEE
Std 323-2003.

5.7 Radiation endurance 13

Some materials degrade rapidly in radiation while others maintain their properties after high integrated
dosage levels.

5.7.1 Negligible radiation levels

Considering the nature of materials currently used in the manufacture of motors and motor insulation
systems, any level of integrated radiation dosage up to, and including, 102 Gray (104 rads) has historically
been considered negligible. For those instances, no radiation qualification data need be provided.

5.7.2 Significant radiation levels

For radiation levels in excess of 102 Gray (104 rads), radiation qualification shall be required. If nuclear
radiation exposure tests and analysis of the various materials used in the motor show that the design basis
levels, direct damage to any materials, or the evolution of radiation-produced substances is negligible, then
actual radiation exposure to the test motor is not necessary as part of the qualification. Otherwise, a
radiation exposure shall be conducted as part of the qualification. Known combined effects that may be
produced by the nuclear radiation exposure acting in concert with other environmental exposures shall be
considered, including dose rate effects.

5.8 Motor lead cable

A motor lead cable connects the motor windings to their external connection point. The motor lead cable,
when not qualified in conjunction with the motor and/or insulation system, shall be qualified, as required
by the application, using the techniques in IEEE Std 323-2003 and IEEE Std 383-2003.

See Section 12.45 in NEMA MG-1-2003 for small and medium motors and Section 20.14 for large motors.
See also in IEEE Std 323-2003.

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

5.9 Bearings

5.9.1 Anti-friction bearings

Anti-friction bearings shall be sized for long life in accordance with the following standards (or other
comparable international standards):

a) Ball bearings – ANSI/ABMA 9-1990

b) Roller bearings – ANSI/ABMA 11-1990

The time-related failure characteristics of an anti-friction bearing are such that when the number of failures
versus the hours of operation is plotted, the result is a normal distribution curve. Due to the statistical
nature of this relationship, anti-friction bearing failure does not represent a common-cause failure. To meet
the qualified life objective of the motor, maintenance and replacement of bearings should be based on the
motor’s operational schedule, service conditions, and surveillance.

5.9.2 Sleeve and sliding bearings

The life of sleeve bearings or other sliding bearings is dependent on the lubricants, temperature, and
contaminants. To meet the qualified life objective of the motor sleeve bearing, replacement shall be based
on observation of wear patterns during maintenance or the manufacturer’s recommendations.

5.10 Lubricants

Lubricants shall be chosen based on the thermal, radiation, and other environmental requirements of each
application. To maintain motor qualification, lubricants shall be replenished or changed in accordance with
the recommended replenishment schedule and instructions. Replenishment schedules and instructions shall
be justified and documented.

When a lubricant to be used in the motor is different, by manufacturer or specification, from the lubricant
used in the qualification program, the new lubricant shall be qualified. When two lubricants are mixed, the
combined characteristics may not be similar to those of either component, and the mixture shall be

Lubricants must be evaluated for age sensitivity. When age sensitive, lubricant degradation must be
accounted for in age conditioning.

5.11 Seals and gaskets

5.11.1 Rotating seals

Seals are designed to inhibit the entrance of foreign matter between fixed and rotating members of the
motor. They may be either the contact or noncontact type. Where the seal is required to assure the motor
can perform its safety function, a qualification program addressing the safety function shall be developed
for the seal.

Nonmetallic materials used in seals performing safety functions shall be evaluated for age sensitivity.

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

5.11.2 Gaskets

Gaskets that perform safety functions or have failure modes that affect the safety function of the motor
shall be evaluated for age sensitivity.

5.12 Accessories

Most motor accessories, such as space heaters, temperature detectors, and vibration detectors, are used to
monitor or maintain proper motor condition. If credit is taken by the function of an accessory, then it needs
to be included in qualification. However, the failure of such an accessory generally has no direct impact on
the ability of the motor to perform its required safety function. Each accessory device, as a minimum, shall
be analyzed to demonstrate that its failure modes shall not affect the functionality for the postulated period
of operability in which the motor must perform a safety function. Accessories that are required to perform
or support a safety function shall be included in the qualification program. For example, when a motor is
provided with an enclosure drain feature to prevent accumulation of condensation, this feature shall be
identified, and the qualified configuration(s) shall be clearly specified.

5.13 Seismic

Seismic qualification shall be performed for Class 1E motors and any accessory equipment whose failure
could affect the motor’s ability to perform its intended safety function(s) during or after a seismic event.
The requirements of IEEE Std 344-2004 shall be met for the seismic qualifications of Class 1E motors and
their accessory equipment as defined in the motor’s specification (see 5.1). The guidelines presented in this
standard are intended to supplement and amplify the practices of IEEE Std 344-2004 as they apply to
motors. Refer to IEEE Std 344-2004 for definitions and general seismic qualification practices. Seismic
qualification may be applied to individual motors, or to a class of motors with similar design, providing the
basis for qualification by similarity is justified.

NOTE—In certain specific applications, the motor may not have a post-seismic-event safety function or may not have a
detrimental post-seismic-event failure mode. For these conditions, a seismic event is not considered as a credible design
basis event; therefore, no seismic qualification will be required.

5.13.1 The seismic design basis event

The postulated seismic events, as defined in the motor’s specification, shall be used to define the seismic
environment for the motor(s) location(s). Generic requirements may be postulated to envelope the range of
environments expected in multiple locations within a single location or a defined group of locations.

5.13.2 Safety functions

Each motor’s application shall be analyzed to determine the required safety functions. The motor
constituent parts, including its accessories, shall be analyzed to determine the elements contributing to the
motor’s ability to perform the required safety functions. Qualification shall be addressed only for safety

5.13.3 Equipment boundary and interfaces

A motor interfaces with driven equipment. A motor’s accessory equipment may connect to power or fluid
supplies. The motor’s boundary shall be defined in the qualification specifications. The seismic
qualification shall account for the effects of operating the motor and the seismic forces crossing the motor’s
boundary. The ability of the motor’s interfaces to retain structural and functional integrity, as required by
the determination of the safety function in 5.1, shall be demonstrated.

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IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

6. Simulated test profiles

The qualification specification shall furnish sufficient environmental data to allow the simulation of the
postulated environmental qualification profile for the motor or insulation system being qualified. The test
profile may be a single event or a profile that envelopes multiple design basis events. See IEEE Std 323-
2003 for an example of a simplified test profile.

7. Documentation

7.1 General

The purpose of documentation is to provide evidence that Class 1E motors are qualified for their specific
applications and meet their specified criteria. The qualification report shall describe the qualification
program and the various design codes and standards used in the qualification program. The content of the
report is dependent on both the qualification method used and the motor’s required operating environment
(mild or harsh).

The documentation shall be retained throughout the qualified life of the equipment or throughout its
installed life.

7.2 Mild environment documentation

The qualification report for motors in a mild environment shall contain the following information:

a) Identification of the motor, including manufacturer, nameplate data, model, and serial number
or some other unique identification that provides traceability to the motor.

b) Design/purchase specifications. The design/purchase specifications shall contain a description

of the functional requirements for specific application during normal environmental conditions
and anticipated operational occurrences.

c) Demonstration that the motor has been designed, manufactured, and tested to industry IEEE and
NEMA standards, as applicable.

d) Seismic qualification reports, if required, as specified in 5.13.

e) Objective evidence demonstrating that the motor meets all of the safety function performance
objectives of the design/purchase specification.

f) Identification of the accessory equipment and its safety function(s) for each motor.

g) Identification of any shipping requirements, scheduled preventative maintenance, installation

requirements, interface requirements, periodic testing, inspection, surveillance, and parts
replacement required to maintain the motor.

h) A certificate of conformance attesting that the motor meets all of the requirements defined in the
design/purchase specification.

Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. Downloaded on March 28,2018 at 06:19:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

7.3 Harsh environment documentation

7.3.1 General requirements

The qualification documentation shall provide evidence that the Class 1E motor is qualified for its
application, meets its specification requirements, and has its qualified life and periodic surveillance,
maintenance, and/or condition monitoring interval established. The qualification documentation shall
include data pertinent to the qualified design and shall be arranged in a clear, logical, and auditable form.
The qualification report shall identify all aging mechanisms considered during the qualification of the
motor assembly. Evidence shall be presented to show that all qualification requirements are satisfied, the
methods chosen to qualify the motors are fully justified, and the motor’s qualified life is established.

Any failures or anomalies occurring during testing shall be documented both in terms of their cause and the
overall effects on the motor’s qualification. The documentation shall indicate whether analysis showed the
failure to be random or common cause. If the failure was random, a retest shall be performed to support the
analysis. If the failure was common cause, the documentation shall indicate the corrective action that was
taken, including material change or replacement schedule, and a retest shall be performed to verify that the
common cause has been eliminated and/or to verify that the replacement schedule is adequate.

In addition to the items defined in 7.2 of IEEE Std 323-2003, the harsh environment documentation shall
specifically identify the following:

a) The motor, including manufacturer, nameplate data, model, and serial number or some other
unique identification that provides traceability to the qualification sample.

b) Installation considerations and requirements for mounting, orientation, interfaces, etc. If the
qualification was of an insulation system, this documentation shall include the winding methods
and procedures.

c) Justification of how the test sample equipment is representative of the qualified equipment. For
insulation systems, this documentation shall include winding procedures, methods of tying,
bracing, and blocking connecting.

d) Any scheduled surveillance, maintenance, periodic testing, or component replacement,

including, but not limited to, lubrication requirements, bearing replacement intervals, insulation
system resin re-treatment, and lead replacement.

7.3.2 Test plan

A test plan shall be developed. Refer to in IEEE Std 323-2003.

7.3.3 Age conditioning Normal service qualification

Data shall be recorded as follows:

a) Data stating the insulation temperatures of the motor. These data shall reflect all the estimated
operating times and temperatures during the motor’s normal service life.

b) Insulation life curves taken in accordance with procedures of item a) in

Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. Downloaded on March 28,2018 at 06:19:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

c) Radiation data for all materials in the motor sensitive to significant radiation levels, when
applicable (refer to 5.7.2).

d) Motor lead-cable aging data.

e) Data on bearing and lubricant maintenance and replacement schedules required to maintain the
motor qualification. For applications with significant radiation levels, data shall be recorded
regarding lubricant suitability in radiation.

f) Data on maintenance or replacement schedules of gaskets and seals required to maintain motor
qualification. For applications with significant radiation levels, data shall be provided regarding
seal and gasket suitability in radiation.

g) Results of failure mode analysis for motor accessories not directly affecting the motor’s

h) Qualification data for any motor accessories affecting the motor’s safety function.

i) Seismic report. Normal service conditioning procedure

Refer to 5.3.4.

7.3.4 Report of test results

Data shall include the following as a minimum:

a) Objective of test

b) Detailed description of test sample

c) Description of test setup, instrumentation data, and calibration data

d) Test procedure

e) Maintenance requirements to preserve the motor qualification

f) Summary of test data and accuracy

7.3.5 Summary and conclusions

Data shall include limitations, resolution of anomalies, and qualified life determination.

7.3.6 Approval signature

The person or persons responsible for the motor qualification shall sign and date the report.

7.3.7 Report format

The sequence for the body of the overall qualification report should be in the sequence of 7.3.1 through

Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. Downloaded on March 28,2018 at 06:19:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 334-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Annex A



[B1] IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition. 14

[B2] IEEE Std 382-1996, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Actuators for Power Operated Valve
Assemblies with Safety-Related Functions for Nuclear Power Plants.

[B3] NUREG-1030, Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Nuclear Power Plants. 15

IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway NJ 08854,
NUREG publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082,
Washington, DC 20013-7082, USA (

Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. Downloaded on March 28,2018 at 06:19:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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