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January Week 1: National Reading Program (NRP) Introduction

Knowledge: Students will understand the goals and components of the National Reading Program
Skills: Students will navigate and utilize NRP materials and resources.
Attitude: Students will develop a positive outlook towards the NRP and the value of reading.
Introduction to the National Reading Program
Goals and benefits of reading
Overview of NRP materials and resources
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: NRP handbook, reading materials (books, stories, articles), projector or smartboard for
visual aids
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a short prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Take attendance to ensure all students are present.
Energizer: Conduct a quick icebreaker activity, like a fun trivia question about reading or books to
engage students.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Present an overview of the NRP, its objectives, and its significance.
Introduce a short story or article aligned with the NRP goals. Discuss the title, author, and what
students might expect from the reading.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Encourage interactive reading by asking students to read sections aloud, followed by brief
discussions to ensure comprehension.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Facilitate a group discussion about the story's themes, characters, and setting.
Encourage students to share their thoughts and connect the story to real-life experiences.
Review Vocabulary: Identify new vocabulary from the story. Use these words in sentences
related to the story's context to reinforce understanding.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Allocate time for students to choose a book or article from the NRP reading list and read
independently. This encourages self-directed learning and reading for pleasure.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Pair students up to read a passage to each other. This activity promotes reading fluency and
comprehension. Conclude with a brief discussion between partners about what they read.
Oral Retelling: Assess students’ ability to retell the story in their own words. This can be done in pairs
or small groups to encourage peer feedback and discussion.
Ask students to select a book from the NRP reading list for independent reading. They should prepare
a short summary and their personal reflection on the book to be shared in the next class.
January Week 2: Reading Assessment and Goal Setting
Knowledge: Students will identify their personal reading levels and areas for improvement.
Skills: Students will conduct a self-assessment of their reading abilities.
Attitude: Students will cultivate a growth mindset towards improving their reading skills.
Personal reading assessment
Goal setting for reading improvement
Introduction to a variety of reading materials
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Reading assessment tools, NRP reading materials, goal-setting worksheets, projector or
smartboard for presentations
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a short prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: Quick interactive game related to reading, such as "word chain" to warm up.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Briefly introduce several reading materials (stories, articles) from the NRP
list, highlighting different genres and themes.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Conduct a reading assessment to gauge students' reading levels. This may involve silent
reading of selected passages followed by comprehension questions.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Facilitate a discussion on how students felt about the reading process, challenges
faced, and areas where they feel confident.
Review Vocabulary: Introduce vocabulary words that were likely challenging during the
assessment. Discuss and define these words in context.
Goal Setting: Guide students in setting SMART reading goals based on their assessment results.
Use goal-setting worksheets to document these goals.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Allow students time to read independently from a selection of books that match their reading
levels and interests, emphasizing the importance of personal choice in reading.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Have students pair up to read a short passage to each other. Focus on reading fluency and
expression. Encourage pairs to discuss the passage and any new vocabulary words encountered.
Oral Retelling: Assess students’ ability to summarize and retell the main ideas of the passages read
during the assessment. This can help in understanding their comprehension skills.
Based on their identified areas for improvement, ask students to select a book or article from the NRP
list. They should focus on this reading as a step towards achieving their set goals. Prepare to share
insights and progress in the next session.
January Week 3:Setting Reading Goals and Exploring Strategies
Knowledge: Students will learn how to set SMART reading goals based on their personal reading
Skills: Students will practice various reading strategies to improve comprehension and fluency.
Attitude: Students will feel motivated and confident in their ability to achieve their reading goals.
SMART goal setting for reading improvement
Introduction to reading strategies (e.g., predicting, questioning, summarizing)
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Goal-setting worksheets, reading strategy guides, NRP reading materials, chart paper,
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with a short prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Make sure all students are accounted for.
Energizer: A quick "find someone who" game related to reading habits to get students moving and
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Introduce a new story or article from the NRP selection, giving a brief
overview and highlighting aspects that might connect to the students' interests or previous
During Reading (60 minutes)
Implement reading strategies by guiding students through the text with questions, predictions,
and summaries to enhance comprehension and engagement.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Lead a discussion on how different reading strategies helped in understanding the
story. Encourage students to share which strategies they found most effective.
Review Vocabulary: Identify challenging words from the story. Use these words in context and
create sentences related to the story or students' own experiences.
Goal Setting: Refine reading goals based on experiences with different strategies. Students
write these on goal-setting worksheets and create a simple action plan on how to achieve them.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Students pick a book or article from the NRP list, focusing on applying the reading strategies
discussed. This time is for independent reading, allowing students to practice in a self-directed
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Students pair up to read selected passages to each other, applying reading strategies. This activity
emphasizes fluency and comprehension, as well as providing an opportunity for peer feedback.
Oral Retelling: Assess students' ability to retell the story, focusing on the effectiveness of the reading
strategies they applied. This can include summarizing the plot, describing characters, and explaining
the setting.
Students are to select a short story or article from the NRP reading list to read at home. They should
apply at least two reading strategies while reading and prepare to share their experience and which
strategy was most effective in improving their understanding.
January Week 4: Reading Strategies Deep Dive
Knowledge: Students will gain a deeper understanding of various reading strategies to improve
Skills: Students will apply specific reading strategies to different types of texts.
Attitude: Students will develop a positive and proactive approach to overcoming reading challenges.
Detailed exploration of reading strategies (e.g., visualization, making inferences, questioning)
Application of strategies to enhance comprehension and retention
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Copies of selected texts from the NRP, reading strategy guides, visual aids (charts,
diagrams), sticky notes, markers
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a moment of reflection or prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Confirm the presence of all students.
Energizer: A short, engaging activity related to reading, such as a quick word association game to
stimulate thinking.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Present a story or article from the NRP selection. Discuss the author, genre,
and give a brief overview to pique interest. Introduce specific reading strategies that will be
focused on during this session.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Guide students through the text, prompting them to apply the reading strategies discussed. For
example, pause for visualization exercises, or ask questions to encourage making inferences.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Lead a comprehensive discussion on how the use of different strategies affected
their understanding and engagement with the text. Encourage sharing of insights and personal
Review Vocabulary: Pick out challenging words from the text and discuss them. Use these
words in sentences that connect with the story or students' lives.
Encourage students to use sticky notes to mark passages where they applied a specific strategy
and share how it helped them understand the text better.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Provide time for independent reading, urging students to choose texts that challenge them to use
the strategies they've learned. This encourages autonomy and self-directed learning.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
In pairs, students read selected passages to each other, focusing on applying a particular strategy.
They then discuss how the strategy helped them comprehend the passage better.
Oral Retelling: Evaluate students on their ability to retell the story using the strategies they
applied. Focus on how well they can explain the plot, characters, and setting, using evidence from the
text to support their understanding.
Assign students to read a short article or story from the NRP reading list, applying at least one new
strategy in a focused manner. They should write a brief reflection on how the strategy impacted
their reading comprehension and prepare to discuss this in the next class.
February Week 1:Vocabulary Expansion through Reading
Knowledge: Students will expand their vocabulary through contextual learning from reading materials.
Skills: Students will use new vocabulary in sentences and engage in discussions to reinforce their
Attitude: Students will exhibit enthusiasm for discovering and using new words.
Techniques for learning vocabulary in context
Application of new vocabulary in written and oral
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Selected reading materials from the NRP, vocabulary journals, dictionaries (print or digital),
word maps, and flashcards
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a moment of reflection or a short prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: Engage students in a quick vocabulary game (e.g., word relay) to get them excited about
learning new words.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Introduce a narrative or expository text that includes rich, challenging
vocabulary. Preview and discuss a few of these words before reading.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Encourage students to identify and note unfamiliar words. Use context clues to infer meanings
and confirm with a dictionary if needed.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Discuss the new vocabulary in the context of the story or article. How do these
words enhance understanding or affect the story's impact?
Review Vocabulary: Students create word maps for new vocabulary, including definitions,
synonyms, antonyms, and use in a new sentence.
Conduct a creative writing or speaking activity where students use new vocabulary in context,
such as writing a short paragraph or storytelling.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Students engage in independent reading, with a focus on identifying and journaling new
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Pairs exchange their findings on new vocabulary, discuss the meanings, and quiz each other using
flashcards they've created.
Vocabulary Quiz: Assess students’ understanding of the new vocabulary through a quiz that includes
definition matching, using words in sentences, and identifying words in context.
Students are to find a short article or story from the NRP list, identify at least five new words, and
create a vocabulary journal entry for each, including the definition, a sentence using the word, and a
personal connection or mnemonic to remember it.
February Week 2: Comprehension Techniques
Knowledge: Students will understand techniques for improving reading comprehension.
Skills: Students will practice summarizing, questioning, and making connections with the text.
Attitude: Students will value the importance of deep comprehension in reading.
Strategies for enhancing comprehension: summarizing, questioning, making connections
Practice exercises with a variety of texts
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: A selection of reading materials from the NRP, graphic organizers, comprehension question
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with a prayer or a moment of silence.
Checking of Attendance: Make sure all students are accounted for.
Energizer: A quick comprehension challenge, like a riddle or a short passage with questions, to get
students thinking.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Present a text with rich content for comprehension practice. Discuss the
title, author, and what comprehension strategies might be useful.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Guide students through the text, pausing to ask comprehension questions, make predictions,
and connect to prior knowledge.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Lead a discussion on the comprehension strategies used. How did they help
understand the text better?
Review Comprehension: Use graphic organizers to summarize the text, identify main ideas and
details, and answer comprehension questions.
Practice making connections between the text and personal experiences, other texts, and the
world around them.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Encourage independent reading, with students applying the comprehension techniques learned.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Students work in pairs to read a passage and then use comprehension question cards to quiz each
Comprehension Assessment: Use a new passage to evaluate students’ ability to apply comprehension
strategies effectively, including summarizing, answering questions, and making connections.
Assign a reading with specific comprehension questions focusing on summarizing, questioning, and
making connections. Students prepare to share their responses in the next class.
February Week 3: Improving Reading Fluency
Knowledge: Students will recognize the components of reading fluency (accuracy, speed, and
Skills: Students will practice reading aloud to improve fluency.
Attitude: Students will feel confident in their reading abilities and enjoy reading aloud.
Reading fluency components and importance
Techniques for improving fluency
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Fluency practice passages from the NRP, timers, recording devices (optional for self-review)
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Confirm all students are present.
Energizer: A quick, fun fluency game, such as a tongue twister challenge.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Choose a passage suitable for fluency practice. Briefly discuss the content
and the focus on fluency aspects.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Conduct timed readings of the passage to practice speed without sacrificing accuracy. Provide
feedback on pacing and expression.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Reflect on the fluency practice experience. What improvements were noticed?
What areas still need work?
Practice with expression by having students read dialogue or emotionally charged passages,
focusing on conveying the mood and feelings of the text.
Review Fluency: Record and listen to readings, if possible, to self-assess and set goals for
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Allow students to select reading material and practice fluency independently, focusing on
expression and pacing.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Pairs of students practice reading passages to each other, offering constructive feedback on
fluency components.
Fluency Assessment: Students read a selected passage aloud, and are assessed on accuracy, speed,
and expression.
Students are to practice a short passage at home, focusing on improving their fluency. They should be
ready to read aloud in the next class, demonstrating improvement.
February Week 4: Enhancing Comprehension through Visualization
Knowledge: Students will learn the strategy of visualization to enhance comprehension.
Skills: Students will practice creating mental images based on text descriptions.
Attitude: Students will appreciate how visualization can increase engagement with and understanding
of a text.
The role of visualization in reading comprehension
Techniques for effective visualization
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Descriptive passages from NRP materials, art supplies (paper, colored pencils, markers)
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with a short prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: Engage students in a creative warm-up, such as describing a familiar object or scene
with vivid details.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Introduce a text with rich descriptive language. Discuss the importance of
visualization in understanding and enjoying reading.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Pause at descriptive sections to allow students time to form mental images. Share and discuss
these images to see the variety of interpretations.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Reflect on how visualization helped or changed their understanding of the text.
Visualization Activity: Students draw scenes or characters based on their mental images, then
share and discuss how their interpretations differ.
Review Comprehension: Connect visualization to comprehension by discussing how specific
images helped understand plot, setting, or character motivations.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Students independently read, focusing on creating vivid mental images of the text.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Students read descriptive passages to their partners and then describe the images they visualized,
fostering discussion about differing perceptions and interpretations.
Visualization Presentation: Students present their drawings and explain how their visualizations
helped them understand the text better.
Select a passage from an NRP text to read at home, focusing on creating detailed mental images.
Prepare to describe these images and their impact on comprehension in the next class.
March Week 1: Thematic Reading and Connections
Knowledge: Students will identify and explore themes within literature and connect them to real-
world experiences.
Skills: Students will analyze texts to understand deeper messages and relate personal experiences to
those in the readings.
Attitude: Students will develop empathy and understanding through connections between literature
and their own lives.
Identifying themes in literature
Making text-to-self and text-to-world connections
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Selected thematic stories from the NRP, connection journals, discussion guides
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with a group reflection or prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Confirm the presence of all students.
Energizer: A quick activity where students share a personal story or experience related to a
common theme (e.g., friendship, courage).
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Present a story with a clear theme. Discuss the theme and ask students to
predict how it might be explored in the story.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Guide the reading with pauses for discussions on how the story's events, characters, and
settings relate to the theme.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Facilitate a deep discussion on the theme, encouraging students to share personal
experiences that relate to the theme of the story.
Connection Journal: Students reflect in their journals about how the story's theme relates to
their own life or to larger world issues.
Review Vocabulary: Identify vocabulary that is key to understanding the theme and discuss its
significance in the context of the story.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Students independently read, focusing on identifying themes and making connections to their
lives or the world.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Pairs discuss their readings, focusing specifically on themes and connections they made.
Connection Presentation: Students present a brief summary of their connection journal entries,
explaining how the theme of the story relates to their own experiences or to the world.
Students find a news article or current event that relates to the theme of the story read in class.
They prepare to present how the theme is relevant in today’s world.
March Week 2: Critical Thinking and Text Analysis
Knowledge: Students will learn to critically analyze texts, going beyond surface-level understanding.
Skills: Students will practice supporting their opinions with evidence from the text.
Attitude: Students will develop a critical lens for reading, understanding that texts can have deeper
meanings and implications.
Elements of critical thinking in reading
Techniques for text analysis and supporting opinions with evidence
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Selected articles or stories for analysis, critical thinking question prompts, evidence chart
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a moment of reflection.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: A brain teaser related to logical thinking or comprehension to get students in the
analytical mindset.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Introduce a complex story or article. Preview critical thinking questions and
discuss what evidence might look like.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Facilitate reading with pauses for discussion, focusing on analyzing characters, plot, and
message. Encourage questioning and skepticism.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Lead a critical discussion about the text, focusing on interpretations and evidence
to support claims.
Evidence Chart: Students fill out evidence charts, noting where the text supports or contradicts
their opinions or interpretations.
Review Vocabulary: Discuss vocabulary that is crucial for understanding nuanced arguments or
descriptions in the text.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Encourage independent reading with a focus on applying critical thinking skills to understand the
text deeply.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Students engage in a structured debate or discussion about a passage, using evidence from the
text to support their arguments.
Critical Analysis Essay: Students write a short essay on the text, using evidence to support their
analysis and interpretations.
Read another article or story from the NRP list, applying critical thinking skills. Prepare to discuss the
text in a structured debate in the next class.
March Week 3:Creative Responses to Reading
Knowledge: Students will explore creative expression as a response to reading.
Skills: Students will create projects (e.g., stories, art) inspired by their readings.
Attitude: Students will appreciate the connection between reading and creativity, understanding
how literature can inspire personal expression.
Creative project ideas and examples
Techniques for translating reading into creative output
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Art supplies, digital storytelling tools, creative writing prompts, example projects
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with an inspirational reading or quote.
Checking of Attendance: Make sure all students are accounted for.
Energizer: A quick creative writing or drawing exercise based on a prompt related to themes
explored in class.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Story Introduction: Present a story or text that will serve as inspiration for creative projects.
Discuss its themes, characters, and settings as potential creative sparks.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Conduct the reading session with an emphasis on identifying elements that resonate or spark
creative ideas.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Brainstorm creative project ideas based on the reading. Discuss how different
elements of the story can inspire various forms of creative expression.
Creative Workshop: Begin working on creative projects, offering guidance and resources as
needed. Projects can range from art pieces and digital stories to poems and short stories.
Review Vocabulary: Incorporate new vocabulary into creative projects, enhancing both
language skills and creative expression.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Provide time for independent reading, encouraging students to seek inspiration for their creative
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Partners share their project ideas and give feedback, fostering a collaborative creative process.
Creative Project Presentation: Students present their creative projects, explaining how the reading
inspired their work and the meaning behind their creation.
Complete the creative project started in class. Be prepared to present and discuss the project in the
next class, focusing on the connection to the reading.
March Week 4: Integration of Technology in Reading
Knowledge: Students will learn about digital reading resources and their benefits.
Skills: Students will navigate and utilize online reading tools and resources.
Attitude: Students will embrace technology as a complement to traditional reading, appreciating its
value in accessing a wide range of texts.
Overview of digital reading resources (e-books, audiobooks, educational websites)
Best practices for integrating technology into reading habits
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Computers or tablets with internet access, list of recommended digital reading resources,
headphones for audiobooks
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: A short meditation or reflection on the importance of knowledge.
Checking of Attendance: Confirm attendance.
Energizer: A digital scavenger hunt related to finding information or answering questions using
online resources.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Introduction to Digital Resources: Show students how to access and use various digital reading
resources, such as e-libraries and audiobook platforms.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Students explore digital reading materials, choosing texts to read or listen to. Encourage
exploration of different genres and formats.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Share experiences using digital resources. Discuss the advantages and challenges
of digital vs. traditional reading.
Digital Literacy: Teach students how to critically evaluate digital sources and avoid
Tech Integration Activity: Students create a simple digital presentation or blog post about
their reading experience or a summary of the digital text they explored.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Continue independent exploration of digital reading resources, focusing on personal interests and
reading goals.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Partners share their digital reading findings, discussing the content and the experience of using
technology for reading.
Digital Reading Reflection: Students submit a reflection on their experience using digital reading
resources, including their thoughts on how technology can enhance reading.
Explore a digital library and select a book or article to read. Prepare to share an overview and your
thoughts on the digital reading experience in the next class.
April Week 1: Author Study
Knowledge: Students will learn about the life and works of a selected author, understanding their
contributions to literature.
Skills: Students will analyze and compare different texts by the same author.
Attitude: Students will show interest in authors and their writing processes, appreciating the diversity
of literary voices.
Biography of the selected author
Exploration of themes, style, and impact of the author’s works
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Biographical information about the author, a selection of the author's works, comparison
charts, project materials
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with a reflective moment or short prayer.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: A quick quiz or fun facts about the author to pique students' interest.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Author Introduction: Present an overview of the author's life, including their background,
influences, and major works. Highlight how their experiences shaped their writing.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Select passages from the author's works for students to read, focusing on identifying thematic
elements and stylistic features unique to the author.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Facilitate a discussion on the common themes and styles across the author’s works.
Encourage students to share their thoughts and insights.
Comparison Chart: Students fill out charts comparing themes, characters, and settings in
different works by the author.
Author’s Impact: Discuss the author's impact on literature and society, encouraging students to
consider why their works are significant.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Students read independently from the author's works, choosing texts that interest them.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
In pairs, students discuss their chosen texts, focusing on their personal responses and the author’s
writing style.
Author Study Project: Students create a presentation or poster about the author, including
biographical details, analysis of their works, and the author’s impact on literature.
Read a short story or chapter from one of the author's works not covered in class. Prepare to present
an analysis, focusing on thematic and stylistic elements.
April Week 2: Genre Exploration
Knowledge: Students will understand different literary genres and their characteristics.
Skills: Students will identify the genre of various texts and discuss genre-specific elements.
Attitude: Students will show openness to reading different genres, exploring the diversity of literature.
Characteristics of various literary genres
Reading and analyzing texts from multiple genres
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: A selection of texts representing different genres, genre characteristics guides, analysis
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a short prayer or moment of silence.
Checking of Attendance: Make sure all students are present.
Energizer: A genre matching game, where students match descriptions to the correct genre.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Genre Introduction: Introduce different literary genres, discussing key characteristics and
examples of each. Provide an overview of why genre is important in literature.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Students read selected texts from different genres, noting the defining features and how
they fit the genre’s characteristics.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Discussion: Discuss the experience of reading different genres. What did students like or dislike
about each genre?
Genre Analysis: Complete worksheets analyzing the genre-specific elements found in the
Genre Presentation: In small groups, students prepare a short presentation on one genre,
highlighting its importance and exemplar texts.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Students choose books or texts from a genre they are least familiar with, encouraging exploration.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Students share their DEAR time selections with a partner, discussing the genre and any new
insights gained.
Genre Quiz: A quiz covering the characteristics of different genres and their textual examples.
Choose a book or story from a genre you have not previously explored. Read a portion and write a
reflection on the experience, noting any genre-specific elements.
April Week 3: Peer-Led Discussions
Knowledge: Students will share insights and perspectives on readings.
Skills: Students will lead and participate in literary discussions, enhancing their understanding and
critical thinking.
Attitude: Students will value the opinions and interpretations of their peers, fostering a collaborative
learning environment.
Techniques for effective discussion leading and participation
Sharing and debating interpretations of texts
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Reading selection for discussion, discussion guide templates, peer feedback forms
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with a group reflection or prayer focused on mutual respect and open-mindedness.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: A quick activity where students share one interesting fact or question about the reading
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Pre-Reading Activities (30 minutes)
Discussion Preparation: Students prepare to lead discussions on selected texts, developing
questions and talking points.
During Reading (60 minutes)
Peer-led reading groups where students take turns leading the discussion, guided by their
prepared questions and talking points.
Post-Reading Activity (80 minutes)
Peer Feedback: Participants provide constructive feedback on discussion leading skills and
engagement techniques.
Group Reflection: Reflect as a class on the discussion process, sharing what was learned and
how different perspectives enhance understanding.
Vocabulary Review: Discuss any challenging vocabulary encountered during the discussions,
using context clues and research to define them.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read) (30 minutes)
Independent reading time, with students encouraged to note points for discussion in future peer-
led sessions.
D. Activity 3: Partner Reading (30 minutes)
Partners prepare together for future discussions, brainstorming questions and discussion points
based on their DEAR time reading.
Discussion Participation and Leadership: Assess students on their ability to lead a discussion
effectively and contribute constructively when participating.
Prepare to lead a discussion on a new text, developing a set of discussion questions and points that
will engage peers and provoke thoughtful conversation.
April Week 4: Review and Reflection
Knowledge: Students will reflect on their reading progress and achievements throughout the
Skills: Students will assess their growth in reading comprehension, fluency, and critical thinking.
Attitude: Students will feel proud of their accomplishments and motivated to set future reading
Reflective practices for reading
Setting future reading goals
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Reading journals or portfolios, goal-setting templates, reflection question prompts
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a moment of gratitude for the semester's learning opportunities.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: Share a highlight or favorite moment from the semester’s reading activities.
B. Activity 1: Reading Time (170 minutes)
Reflection Activity (90 minutes)
Students review their reading journals or portfolios, reflecting on their growth and
achievements. They share reflections in small groups or with the class.
Goal Setting (80 minutes)
Future Reading Goals: Facilitate a goal-setting session for future reading, encouraging students
to set personal and academic reading objectives.
Action Plan: Students create an action plan outlining steps to achieve their reading goals,
including selecting genres or authors they want to explore.
C. Activity 2: DEAR Time (30 minutes)
A final DEAR session, with students selecting texts that align with their future reading interests or
D. Activity 3: Partner Reflection (30 minutes)
Partners discuss their reflections and future goals, providing feedback and encouragement to each
Reflective Essay: Students write a reflective essay on their reading journey, highlighting their growth,
favorite readings, and future goals.
Over the break, begin working towards your reading goals. Choose at least one book that aligns with
your future reading interests or challenges you to grow in a new area.
May Week 1:Reading Fair
Knowledge: Students will showcase their reading projects and achievements.
Skills: Students will present reading projects and discuss their favorite books.
Attitude: Students will celebrate their achievements with peers and foster a community of readers.
Preparation and presentation of reading projects
Discussion of favorite books and authors
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Reading projects, presentation materials, decorations for reading fair
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Begin with a group reflection on the value of reading and community.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: A fun icebreaker where students share one word that describes their reading journey
this year.
B. Reading Fair (170 minutes)
Preparation (30 minutes): Students set up their reading project displays and prepare for
Fair Time (140 minutes): Rotate in small groups to visit each display. Students present their
projects to peers and answer questions. Include time for students to vote on categories like "Most
Creative Project," "Best Book Recommendation," etc.
C. Wrap-up and Awards (30 minutes)
Gather for a brief closing ceremony where students are recognized for their participation and
achievements. Announce winners of the voting categories and celebrate the effort and
creativity of all students.
Participation: Assess students on their engagement and presentation during the reading fair. Consider
their ability to communicate their reading experiences and insights effectively.
Reflect on the reading fair experience. Write a short reflection on what you learned from others’
projects and how you might apply this to your own reading journey.
May Week 2: Independent Reading Project
Knowledge: Students will apply reading and analytical skills to an independent project.
Skills: Students will conduct independent research and present findings.
Attitude: Students will demonstrate self-motivation and initiative in learning.
Independent reading selection
Research and presentation skills
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Books, internet for research (if applicable), presentation tools
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Start with a prayer for guidance and insight.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: Quick brainstorm session on what makes a compelling presentation.
B. Project Work Time (200 minutes)
Independent Work (160 minutes): Students work on their reading projects. This can include
reading, research, creating visuals, or preparing presentations.
Peer Review (40 minutes): In pairs or small groups, students share their project progress and
provide constructive feedback.
Project Presentation: Students present their independent reading projects. Assess based on content,
understanding, creativity, and presentation skills.
Finalize your project for presentation next week. Practice your presentation to ensure clarity and
May Week 3: Project Presentations
Knowledge: Students will share insights from their independent reading projects.
Skills: Students will practice public speaking and presentation skills.
Attitude: Students will appreciate the efforts and insights of their peers, celebrating diverse
Presentation of independent reading projects
Feedback and reflection on learning
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Presentation tools, project displays, feedback forms
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Open with a prayer for confidence and respect.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: A calming exercise to ease presentation nerves, like deep breathing or positive
B. Project Presentations (170 minutes)
Presentations (150 minutes): Students take turns presenting their independent reading projects to
the class. Allow time for questions and comments after each presentation.
Feedback Session (20 minutes): Provide a structured format for peers to offer positive feedback
and reflections on what they learned from each presentation.
Presentation Assessment: Evaluate each student's presentation based on content understanding,
communication skills, and engagement with the audience.
Write a letter to a future Grade 6 student with advice on how to approach the independent reading
project, including tips for success and personal reflections on the process.
May Week 4: Reading Celebration and Goal Reflection
Knowledge: Students will reflect on their growth as readers over the year.
Skills: Students will articulate their reading achievements and set future goals.
Attitude: Students will feel proud of their accomplishments and excited for future reading adventures.
Reflection on reading progress and achievements
Setting goals for summer reading and beyond
Subject Matter: National Reading Program (NRP)
References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
Materials: Reflection journals, goal-setting worksheets, certificates of achievement
A. Daily Routine (10 minutes)
Prayer: Reflect on the year's journey and give thanks for growth and community.
Checking of Attendance: Ensure all students are present.
Energizer: Share a favorite book or reading memory from the year.
B. Reflection and Goal Setting (170 minutes)
Year in Review (60 minutes): Students reflect on their reading over the year, discussing favorite
books, projects, and what they’ve learned.
Goal Setting (60 minutes): Facilitate a goal-setting activity for summer reading and the next school
year, encouraging students to consider new genres, authors, or challenges.
Celebration (50 minutes): Host a reading celebration with certificates, reading awards, and sharing
of summer reading plans. Encourage students to recommend books to each other.
Reflection and Goals: Review students’ reflections and future reading goals for completeness and
Start your summer reading list based on your goals. Choose at least one book to start reading over the
summer break.

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