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CASTELLON, Alexandra Nicole M1L1: Rizal Law | While task 1


The three things that I significantly learned from the videos and the readings are:

1. The Rizal Law: I learned that the Rizal Law is a Philippine law that requires all public and private
schools to teach the life, works, and writings of the national hero, Jose Rizal. The law was enacted
in 1956 to promote nationalism and patriotism among Filipinos.

2. The Catholic Hierarchy: I learned that the Catholic Church played a significant role in Philippine
history, particularly during the Spanish colonial period. The Catholic hierarchy comprised religious
leaders who wielded political and social power and often clashed with secular authorities over
issues such as education and civil rights.

3. The importance of critical thinking: I learned that studying history requires vital thinking skills,
such as analyzing multiple perspectives, questioning assumptions, and evaluating evidence. By
examining historical events and issues, we can better understand our past and present society.

Three things that are unclear to me are:

1. The controversy surrounding the Rizal Law: I am unclear about why some groups opposed
the Rizal Law and how it affected Philippine education and politics.

2. The role of the Catholic Church in contemporary Philippine society: I am curious about how
the Catholic Church continues to influence Philippine politics, culture, and social issues today.

3. The impact of historical events on contemporary Philippine identity: I am unclear about

how the legacy of Philippine history, including colonialism, revolution, and nation-building,
affects the way Filipinos perceive themselves and their role in the world.

I used to think that:

I used to think that history was a static and objective record of past events. However, through the
videos and readings, I realized that history is a complex and dynamic field that involves multiple
perspectives, interpretations, and biases.
The three questions that I want to ask about the movies and the readings are:

1. How did the Rizal Law shape Philippine education and nationalism in the decades following its

2. How has the Catholic Church responded to contemporary social issues in the Philippines, such
as poverty, corruption, and human rights?

3. In what ways do contemporary Philippine artists, writers, and activists engage with the
country's history and identity in their work?


Constantino, R. (1991). The Rizal Law and the Catholic Hierarchy. In The
making of a Filipino: a story of Philippine colonial politics (pp. 244–246).

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