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Experiment No: 1

Aim: Implementation of All gates Using Vivado/Xilinx tool.

Software Used: Vivado
Logic Gates are fundamental building blocks in Digital Circuit Design, performing logical
operations on binary signals. These gates process binary inputs and produce a binary
output based on specific logic rules. There are several types of Logic gates, each with its
unique behaviour. Following are some common logic gates.
1.) AND Gate: The output of an AND gate is HIGH(1) when both the inputs are HIGH;
otherwise the ouput is LOW(0).
Boolean Expression: Y=A.B

Truth Table:

2.) OR Gate: The output of an OR Gate is HIGH(1) when atleast one input is HIGH;
the output is LOW(0) only when both the inputs are low.
Boolean Expression: Y=A+B
Truth Table:

3.) NOT Gate: The Output of NOT Gate is opposite of the input. If the input is HIGH,
the output is LOW and vice versa.
Boolean Expression: Y=A’
Truth Table:

4.) NAND Gate: The output of NAND Gate is the opposite of AND Gate. It is low only
when both inputs are HIGH, otherwise the output is HIGH(1).
Boolean Expression: (A.B)’
Truth table:

5.) NOR Gate: The output of a NOR Gate is opposite of an OR gate. It is HIGH(1) only
when both inputs are LOW, otherwise output is LOW(0).
Boolean Expression: Y= (A+B)’
Truth Table:

6.) XOR Gate: The output of XOR Gate is HIGH(1) when the number of HIGH inputs
is odd, otherwise it is LOW(0).
Boolean Expression: Y=
Truth Table:
7.) XNOR Gate: The output of an XNOR gate is HIGH(1) when the umber of HIGH
inputs is even, otherwise the output is LOW(0).
Boolean Expression: Y=
Truth Table:



Hence, Implementation of All gates Using Vivado is done.

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