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Bajaj Institute of Management &

Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Plot
No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida
PGDM BATCH-2022-24



Roll No.- PGDM22207

Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida (U.P.) –201306


Subject Name: Human Values & Environment Sustainability Submission Date: 10/4/2024
Sub. Code: PGN 01 Max Marks:20

Issue of environment Sustainability

You are the Managing Director of Metro Rail Corporation (MRC) of a metropolitan city and you
have received orders and funding for construction of the metro track and a parking space in a
densely forested area of the city with houses of few underprivileged families as well in it.

For the construction, the forest has to be cleared and the families have to be moved to some other
place. The locals have started a protest after knowing about the order. They are highly raged about
cutting down thousands of trees and the affected families have also joined them because the forest
holds emotional value for them.

On the other hand, the minister who directly controls the MRC is pressuring you to start the felling
process as soon as possible. You know that going against his orders will have serious

Questions for Discussion

Question1: What are the ethical issues involved and the options available to you in such a
Ans.- Ethical Issues:
 Environmental Impact: Clearing a dense forest will have significant negative consequences.
This includes loss of biodiversity, increased soil erosion, reduced air quality, and potential
disruption of water flow.
 Displacement of Families: Evicting underprivileged families from their homes disrupts their
lives and could lead to economic hardship.
 Community Well-being: The forest likely holds emotional value for the local community.
Destroying it can damage social cohesion and quality of life.
 Following Orders vs. Moral Compass: You face pressure to follow the minister's orders even
if you believe they are unethical.
Options Available:
 Follow Orders: This is the easiest option but comes at a significant ethical cost.
 Open Communication: Engage with the minister, highlighting the environmental and social
impacts. Propose alternative routes or mitigation measures like building an elevated metro track
or a smaller parking space.
 Public Engagement: Organize open meetings with the local community and the affected
families. Explain the situation and explore possibilities for relocation with their needs in mind.
Consider planting new trees elsewhere as compensation.
 Seek Expert Advice: Involve environmental and social impact assessment teams. Their reports
can strengthen your case for a more sustainable approach.
 Escalate the Issue: If the situation is dire, consider escalating your concerns to a higher
authority or an independent body.

Question 2: Also, suggest a course of action you would like to follow.

Ans.- Here's the recommended course of action:

 Temporary Halt: Politely but firmly inform the minister that you need time to finalize a plan
that minimizes environmental and social impact.
 Public Engagement: Organize open meetings with the community and affected families.
Explain the project's necessity but express concern for their well-being and the environment.
 Explore Alternatives: Work with engineers and urban planners to explore alternative routes or
designs that minimize deforestation. Consider an elevated metro track or a smaller parking
 Environmental Mitigation: Partner with environmental organizations to develop a plan for
minimizing ecological damage. This could include tree relocation, planting new trees
elsewhere, and ensuring proper construction waste management.
 Relocation with Dignity: If relocation of families is unavoidable, ensure it's done with dignity.
Offer fair compensation, assistance with finding new housing, and support for rebuilding their
 Transparency: Throughout the process, maintain transparent communication with all
stakeholders – the minister, the community, and the affected families.
This approach balances the project's necessity with ethical considerations. It demonstrates a
commitment to finding a solution that benefits all parties involved.

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