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POLO Form ML-032022-02


Principal (Employer)

Authorized Representative ID No.

Capacity/Position Employer

Legal Address

Philippine Recruitment
Agency (PRA)
Authorized Representative


Registered Address

We, the Principal and the Philippine Recruitment Agency, whose details appear above, undertake to the following:

1. Pursuant to the Recruitment Agreement signed between the Parties, the advertising, recruitment and pre- selection of
Filipino workers must be solely undertaken by the PRA and its agents licensed by Philippine authorities, without the
intervention of any third-party recruiters or individuals;
2. All expenses related to the employment of the Filipino nationals, including but not limited to: airfare, visa issuance and
work permits are to be shouldered by the employer. No deduction will be made from the employees' salary to cover the
above stated expenses, and neither shall the employees be required to refund the employer for the expenses upon
termination of the contract for whatever reason;
3. Should there be any claims against amounts charged by any of the Parties, their agents, or any third party engaged by the
Parties, for the purpose of the employment of the worker/candidate with the Principal in excess of the prescribed fees,
the presentation of the proof of payment by the worker/candidate shall suffice for the parties undersigned to reimburse or
return to the worker/candidate the amounts paid without prejudice to any remedy or cause of action the worker/candidate
has by virtue of the acts committed;
4. Any significant incident affecting the workers during their employ shall be reported immediately to the Philippine
Overseas Labor Office (POLO);
5. The workers shall be allowed to freely communicate with their family and with the Philippine Embassy;
6. Upon request, we shall render a report to the Philippine embassy on the whereabouts and the condition of the worker;
7. The workers shall have a custody of their passport at all times;
8. The Philippine Embassy shall be allowed visitation of the jobsite upon request;
9. We shall act on problems of and extend necessary assistance to the workers during their employment with the Principal;
10. When required, we shall present to the Philippine Embassy the worker who is employed by us;
11. We shall monitor and promote the well-being of the workers deployed by/to us and notify the POLO/Philippine Embassy
of any development about their condition and employment, including their repatriation, when applicable;
12. Failure to perform the abovementioned shall be grounds for the suspension and/or cancellation of the accreditation with
POEA without prejudice to legal remedies the workers may avail in the host country/Philippines; and

We are executing this undertaking as an additional requirement for the issuance of the POEA/DMW Accreditation.

Signature of the Principal Signature of the PRA

Date/Place Signed: Date/Place Signed:

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