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Mini-Case-2-Risks-at-Global-Green-Books (AutoRecovered) .docx

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Ateneo de Manila University * BSBA 3201 Management May 11, 2023 5
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Mini-Case Study: The Back to School Crunch at Global Green Books Publishing

Global Green Books Publishing is a successful printing and publishing company. Just two years old, it has
taken on a great new customer, a local college that needs customized eBooks.

To deal with this new customer, they have hired several new part time employees to help them with
their publishing business, some of them students at the college with flexible hours.
As the new school year drew closer, the orders started coming in. They had been told how many
different printing jobs the college would need, but they weren't all arriving at once, and orders were
quite unpredictable in arriving from the professors at the college. Some professors needed rush orders
for their classes. When Global Green Books finally got the orders, some of these jobs were much larger
than they had thought they would be.

Printing these orders turned out to be very challenging. Not all of the new student hires were trained
for all of the printing and binding equipment used to print and assemble to books. Some of them often
made mistakes, some workers called off from work due to other demands, and there were often not
enough people available to get all the work done before deadlines.

Quality was a serious issue, as they had to provide quality texts—if there were quality problems with
the printed product, they would have to spend time and money to fixing defects in their products.
Deliveries started slipping past their requested dates and times. Global Green Books was unable to
deliver eBooks to their customers on schedule.
The local university was unhappy as their eBook products reached campus late for use by
professors and student. In some cases, the books were a week or two late.

Samantha had been hired as a project management assistant. In her new role as a project manager, one
of the processes she was trying to institute was risk management. She started looking at what was
happening in the business, talking about it with the owners and employees, and heard about the
college's unhappiness. As she did this, she started identifying risks and potential risks. As she went
along, she started doing more proactive risk analysis and risk response planning, and as she did
surprises and issues were reduced. By talking with stakeholders and addressing their concerns,
communication with stakeholders was also enhanced.

Comment on the following aspects of the case study:

a) What risks can you identify? Why are they a risk to Global Green Books Publishing?

Risks identified for Global Green Books Publishing:

Employing unqualified people (undergraduates who have no experience and free time) to complete
the work. The customer orders were not being delivered on time (the delivery starts t to exceed
the date and time requested by the customer). High quality work was not being provided. It
picked a large project as a tiny business. The worldwide green paper publishing sector is heavily
reliant on part-time workers, which poses a significant danger. The employee union causes
uncertainty in working hours since it causes delays owing to other chores and causes work to be
delayed. Inexperienced part-time employees can also contribute to a decrease in product quality,
requiring more time and money to repair product problems . Therefore, these will expose the
company to resource Page 1 of 5
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risks, product quality risks and financial risks (Newton, 2015).

b) What kind of impacts does each of your identified risks have? Can you categorize these as
low impact, medium impact, or high impact?

Risk High - Medium - Low Impact

Inability to provide high-quality High Each student must have a

texts particular level of knowledge to
graduate. Providing texts that
do not meet the quality
standard jeopardizes the
school's productivity.
Institutions will fear becoming
their customers, and this will
have a high impact on the

Labor comprises characteristics

Hiring unqualified people to High like imaginative thinking and
complete the task innovation, which can boost
productivity. If one hires
employees who are incapable of
being productive, the business
will fail, and this has a high
impact to the business. Hiring
unqualified employees might
lead to problems. The business
can result in higher turnover
costs, lower production levels,
and lower organizational
morale. The easiest approach to
prevent these negative effects is
to invest more time and effort in
finding the right person for the

When a company accepts a

Choosing a large project for a Medium client for whom it cannot meet
tiny startup business the demand, its reputation
degrades. The customer will not
refer to anybody else and may
disseminate the information to
public. these
in the
in goals
to accomplish the resources Home Log in Join
will frighten potential
needed. So, the company may
customers. However, it is
recover from this overtime by
challenging for a small business
enhancing its offerings, making
to achieve the established goals
it a medium-impact risk.
in a large project. Small
enterprises are typically at a
When a timetable
competitive is placeddue
disadvantage on
Inability to deliver e-books on High books, it signifies that those
the said schedule books must be available to
learners at a specific time for
the school calendar to operate
properly. Failure to provide the
eBooks on time indicates that
the company is interfering with
learning, which is precious time
for customers. In the education
sector, time is money, and
wasting time has a huge impact
on them. Missed deliveries may
have a negative impact on a
retailer's brand reputation as
well as financial implications. A
poor brand impression has a
substantial influence on a
company's ability to retain
customers and attract new
customers. Customers who have
a negative delivery experience
are considerably more inclined

to go elsewhere.

c) How probable are each of your identified risks? You can think about something simple like
categorizing these as not very likely, likely, and highly likely to occur.

d) What would you advise Global Green Books are their three most critical risks.?

This is the few advice based on the three most critical risk.

 Global green publishing hired inexperienced employees for this particular matter, which posed a
risk to the quality of their work. The main concerns associated with this decision were a lack of
communication, financial loss, and scope risk.

 One major issue at the global green is a lack of communication, which has led to difficulties in
employees understanding their roles and responsibilities. Keep all stakeholders informed of
project progress and any changes to scope or budget. Be transparent about any risks or issues that
arise and work with stakeholders to develop solutions. In the publishing industry, it is crucial to
have aThis
clear leading
sure to
communicationall stakeholders
policy increep,
place,which is when
especially andthe
to the
dealing expands
e-books, andits
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that employees receive proper training to minimize errors.
By following these tips, it can help to manage the risks that Global Green Books have and ensure the
success of your publishing projects.
 The company incurred financial losses due to increased expenses related to fixing mistakes and
dealing with downtime. Look for areas where you can reduce expenses without negatively
impacting your business operations. This could include renegotiating contracts with vendors,
reducing unnecessary overhead costs, or downsizing your workforce. Consider consulting with
financial experts, such as an accountant or financial advisor, who can provide you with guidance
on how to improve your financial situation. It's important to remain optimistic and focused on
your long-term goals. While financial losses can be discouraging, it's important to keep working
hard and stay committed to your business.

 Moreover, in the scope risk it is must to have a regularly review project progress against the scope
and budget, and adjust plans as needed. Use project management tools to track progress and
identify potential issues before they become major problems. Notes the requirements or
deadlines, which could create significant problems for the publishing house and Clearly define the
scope of your projects, be specific about the goals, deliverables, timelines, and budget for each

e) What would you suggest that they do about these three risks? Are there specific actions to
deal with these risks? Have you identified a contingency plan to carry out if the risk occurs?

The strategy should outline the reporting formats for the project as well as the method
for communicating risk to stakeholders. Employees, according to the study's findings, were the
most crucial risk that the organization faced. Because of the unskilled staff, the publishing
company should not compromise on the quality of its products/services, as this might affect
them in the future. Based on the most important risks identified above, Global Green Books
Publishing should ensure that the employees they hire are adequately educated. In the event of
an overburdened workload, they should design a strategy to rotate workers in their shifts and
task assignments to motivate employees if the employees are having difficulty understanding
their roles and duties. They should keep all stakeholders up to date on the project's progress
and any changes to the scope or budget. They should also create a clear communication board
and collect feedback from employees and consumers to enhance their service. For example,
they should have at least a few fully trained personnel who can train new employees and
temporary recruits. In addition, to specify project timeframes and delivery dates, they should
create a timeline chart or a Kanban board.
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