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“Inclusive Schools: Making a difference for Roma children”


NAME OF THE SCHOOL: Mitocu Dragomirnei School
1. The school environment

Please describe briefly:

The municipality of Mitocu Dragomirnei has a vivid lifestyle. It has two ethnic
communities: Roma and Russian Lipovins which co-exist peacefully for a very
long time.
The social-economic situation is not fairly balanced, many Roma families having
social benefits.
The relationship between Roma and non-Roma community is a good one,
without major conflicts that is why they do not have an impact on the school.
The active measures taken to support inclusion were achieved through a series
of programmes and non-formal activities.
The local authority shows a relative interest in keeping the things work with the
Our school has a good relation with other schools and there are no signs of
As far as it concerns the non-formal activities our school developed much
interest in maintaining o good atmosphere among its children. Thus, we have
conducted a lot of non-formal activities.
In the last ten years our school gained popularity among the Roma community.
That is why number of Roma students increased a lot. The staff has also
increased and now all our teachers are fully trained.
Our school implemented a number of five EU projects which marked the
development of human resource and the material base.
In our school there is a good atmosphere among our teachers and students
because our teachers consider them as fellows but at the same time they lay the
“Inclusive Schools: Making a difference for Roma children”

appropriate tasks on their shoulders in order to have a correct personal

The mission of our school is to facilitate the access to good education to all our
students without any signs of discrimination. There is no admission policy in
primary and secondary levels.
The school staff is a well-trained one, all our teachers have professional degrees
and 90% of our teachers are permanent.

2. The school
Please describe briefly:

In the last ten years our school gained popularity among the Roma community.
That is why number of Roma students increased a lot. The staff has also
increased and now all our teachers are fully trained.
Our school implemented a number of five EU projects which marked the
development of human resource and the material base.
In our school there is a good atmosphere among our teachers and students
because our teachers consider them as fellows but at the same time they lay the
appropriate tasks on their shoulders in order to have a correct personal
The mission of our school is to facilitate the access to good education to all our
students without any signs of discrimination. There is no admission policy in
primary and secondary levels.
The school staff is a well-trained one, all our teachers have professional degrees
and 90% of our teachers are permanent.
The material base of our school has some shortcomings and we want to
participate into projects which allow us to improve our resources and equipment.
The school population come from poor families, many Roma families having
social benefits.
“Inclusive Schools: Making a difference for Roma children”

The teaching staff try to maintain a good relation with Roma parents and
sometimes the level of involvement of the parents is minimal.
Very few of the Roma pupils continue their studies in upper levels of education.
They prefer to go to Vocational Schools. We also had some students coming
from mixed families who graduated the university.
Our school is eager to start new projects meant to help our students achieve
their goals.

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