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Deliberation on SB NO.

The committee on appropriation call to order. We now continue the deliberation on the savings,
I believe councilor Ariel and ABC pres. Jonas had some request data from different department.

Meto : before we start the deliberation. May I request that SBM and resource speaker be given
5minutes as maximum time to ask question. Max of two question per topic. .. yes it is a motion.
This is not to delay the proceeding. .

IIKONG/ ANING: Second the motion.

JJ/ BANONG: I would like to request the august body to strictly observe our internal rrules and
the parliamentary procedure during the conduct of our deliberation. The member nor the guest
can't speak if not recognize by the chairman. That the chairman of the committee should only
preside and direct to deliberation, should refrain from making additional comment nor his view
after or before a speaker. Unless it in the voting. ( is that a motion,,,? ) yes

ANDONG/ Banong : I second the motion.

CHAIRMAN: Appearance please, I noticed that only local finance is present,

Budget officer: May I have the floor... I have a written authority to represent all the department
in today committee hearing.

CHAIRMAN: We now continue the deliberation on our supplemental budget no.1 particularly
the SAVINGS.Last hearing their are a lot of request data from sbm Ariel and ABC jonas

Budget officer: madam chair: as the authority vested on me by the local chief executive.. I will
be answering all the requests information and clarification to different departments.
I have with me the obligations on the operation of our municipality last january- June 30,2022.
Giving a copy to all sbm and vice mayor.
The computation of savings is for the whole year operation.. the good sbm Ariel and ABC
jonas asking some some programs / activities which was not been utilized in the 2022 operation
by the municipal government. The proper administration to answer that is the previous
administration..why? Hence the ist semester of 2022 operation is under the previous
administration and it was them who prepared the 2022 budget , they are the one who put all the
METO/ IKONG/JJ: are you saying that the previous administration is responsible to all the
untouch item in the budget?

Other councilor should raise their hand to have a chance to speak..either to give support, same
manifestation, ask question to budget officer, or give your 5mins privilege to the budget officer.

Budget officer: previous administration should be the first to answer why it was not been touch
hence the previous who made the budget,

Jj/ikong/meto/ aning/ banong/ andong: I would like to hear the comment by the budget officer
so therefore I give my 5mins privilege to speak.

( in some part of the meeting.. the secretary is been ask of her opinion or legal opinion....
IKONG/JJ:, May I know if the secretary based on our internal rules , is a member , if could
participate in the deliberation, nor speak her opinion.. noticed richie approaching some member of the body...
IKONG/ANING/ BANONG. Madam chair, I noticed assistant sb sec approaching some
mempber, having secret conversation or giving a piece of paper... is the assistant secretary
allowed to do that.. if it is yes, it should be known by each member what is the contained of the
note or information... she is not allowed to couch the sbm.

METO/IKONG/JJ: was their any savings on the the first semester of 2022 operation by the LGU.


With regards to the request documents.. May I answer all of it, as per the authority vested in






What is savings.

AboUT the 5mins

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