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_!E~n~g~in~e~e.!:!riE_n~g~M~e::_!tr~o~l~og~y~ (2~2~3i42~)L __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _~

Pract ical No. 8: To Find Unkn own Angle of A Given Comp onent Usin
Sine Centr e.
I .-, - /_/) I ') i I ) I ) :~
Pra'c tical Signifi cance , :. ·: . · . ' l~ ~e~~u r~ng inst~Jit yent, it is Us I
, Ai sir,e Bar is a high precisi on an<;l :q1o st •~ccur,ate ang_ de J un ~f 1
high c.arbon h'~
. . . . .
m , ~onJunct1on with set of slip gaug~s . bar .
Is wa6 1 , If
' f , Jra'
t el
· y
/ . :r ) , ; ) .
. · ·- diamet er
chromi um Steel. ,It is kepC onr two
· , · . . d · II s o accu
harden e ro er _
fixed distanc e. They are availab le ii;i .100rwn,200mJV, 300mm . n • ' ,- 1 ,. ,
. ' '

II .
Releva nt Progra m Outcom es (POs) . · , . cience s ·a~-d b .
PO I - Basic knowle dge·- Apply .
know le' d ge o f basic mathem atics, s as1c
Engine ering to solve the · broad-b ased Mee h amca . 1 E gineeri ng proble ms.
n .
PO3 - Exper iments and practic e: Plan to periorm r. perime nts and practic es to use
· ·
the results to solve broad- •· · · proble ms
based Mecha nical Engme ermg ·

III Comp etency and Skills . .

This practic ai is expect ed to develo p the follow ing skills for the mduSt
ry identified
compe tency 'Use relevan t instrum ents to measu · re variou
· s P arame ters o~ mah'
. 'J c me
compo nents ':
I. Select the slip gauges of given dimens ions
2. Set the compo nent on sine Centre
3. Adjust the dial indicat or to Zero.-

IV · Releva nt Cours e Outco me(s)

• Select gauges , fits and tole rances for machin e compo nents

V Practi cal Outco me

Measu re unknow n angle of a given tapered compo nent u sing sine centre
Combi nation with slip gauges

VI Releva nt Affect ive Domai n related Outco mes

1) Follow safe practic es
2) Practic e good housek eeping
3) Practic e energy conser vation
4) Demon strate workin g as a leader/ a team membe r
5) Mainta in tools and equipm ent

VII Minim um Theor etical Backg round

Sine centers are used in situatio ns where it is difficu lt to mount c ompon
ent on sine bar.
It consis t of sine bar. Two blocks are mount ed on the top surfac e of the sine
bar ,which
carry two centers and can be clampe d at any positio n on Sine bar. These
Two centers
can be adjuste d depend ing upon the length of compo nent.

Mahara shtra state Board of Technic al Educati on

Engineer ing Metrolo gy (22342)

VIII Exp~ri mental setup

f----lOO /IOOwl l
s... bor
Slip gauge Box Sine Centre

Experimental set Up

IX Resou r·c es Requir ed

Name of Resou rce Suggested Broad Specification Quant ity
S. No. I

Grade 0 1
1 Slip gauges
'100mm or 200 mm size 1
2 Sine centre
Granite plate 200mm X 200mm 1
3 Surfac e plate
0-75mm :;ize 1
4 Dial Indicat or '
5 Dial Indicat or Stand I .,
, 1
6 Bevel Protrac tor '

X Precau tions to be Follow ed

a. Surfac e of slip gauge must be covered with natural petrole um ·jelly
b. Wring ing of gauges should be done withou t applyin g undue pressu re
c. Never drop slip gauges
d. Use minim um numbe r of slip gauges for buildin g up size combin atio~
e. Sine bars should not be used for the angles more than 45 degree

Maharashtra state Board of Technic al Education 37

~ ~1~ ~ (22342)
M ogy ~ ~- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- -----.

XI Procedure
1. Note the length of Sine Bar L= nun _ degree
0 -
2. Find the approximate angle using Bevel protractor
3. Calculate Height of slip gauge (h) , sin 0 == h/L ==
4. Select the Slip gauge pieces
5. Wring the slip gauge pieces for dimension of 'h'
6. Place the workpiece on Sine centre er workpiec .
7: Dial indicator is to clamped to the stand and place PIunger ov e With
slight pressure • ·
f k iece a dial md1cator along with
8. To check the parallelism of upper surface o wor P '
stand is moved from one end to another end
9. Note the deviation o0 = degree
10. Calculate oh, tan o0 = oh/L, oh= . . .

. gauges of height s:h d'al · ndicator dev1at10n
u as per 1 1 . .
11 . Add or Remove shp
12. Now move dial indicator over the workpiece, There is no deviation
13. Unknown angle Sin 0 1 = [(h+ oh)/L] =

XII Resources Used

s. Name of Broad Specifications Quantity Remarks
No. Resource Make Details (If any)
1. ~ \Ip (3C\Uc;)e
2. £ 1n e Ct n.h-e

\00 err '1-0 o'Y'Y) Yll bl 7 e_

3. <;; \..I '¥'1J§\C.e
cu--e., C:joC\ n. \ \-e ?1 o.J-e l
·.1. o u 71 rL'O o


XV Observations and Calculations

• Length of Sine Bar L mm
• Angle 0

• Sin0 =h/L
== '-1D/10 0 :: O· ¼
• Height of Slip gauges 'h' mm =- ~ i ti - Co, 4-) .
• Deviation angle 50

~M~ah;i;:aras~ilihtr.tra~s~ta~te~BBio~ar~dico;'ir::iT:;ec;i;hn~i~ca;i"tEEdldu~c;iatTc;io~n- - - - - - -- -- ----:___--JS
Engineering Metrology (22342)

• tan oe
c: oh/L

• Unkpown angle Sin 81 = [(h+ oh)/L]

XVI Results
..7 .o........(h.f .q~ p qrrl'A.Ll e.,t /rm
the t J f'\ P. Vl--
';i, .... ~.....
t ·...u,.....·...,......
..~\.!. .?f.tr0 .~.-:f. ........:0r, .... ·~o : ;.:_,....
-:_j. ;,· ;,7-;1' ...1~b ....ciJc_'~ cr;....
.."::'r:'l... ..... . ... ......... ......... ......... ..
ct d) n__~ ~ LL.- .......... ......... r.:i:-: .. .. ~ ~

········enci··· ···~ ····'··~~·~··~ ·~n. g ......l.~.... r.o.~.Y.~.Rf....... lr.f.9..r::?....c:?..~..f.......... ..

XVII Interpretation of Results
r~~.P..~. . .
·····f 1h.f.kl~..........:r:h.~.......... .~ .~ ~M .'~.Y.:>An.
··· ·· · '.!:!.e.t.···.b.OI r. ·· .......C.f?..:..
g .1.e. .....Q.\1. ..... Y.~.(.~.~...........,.......
....... f!.r. .....~.1.1.p. .......9.~.Yc.~:e. .....!..~... .
.......:.......... .................................................
····.~ .0. .r:: ...........~ t::\.:P,.0. .-r.:t0..~,::-: ..................

XVIII Conclusions
. . ...~e ..........$.Y..(C.~.~.~..~~~~~Y.,....... .b!.:.:~....... ~.~........f!.~~J.~........~.~...
.0..e. ........'- ~..t:\-.~ .......... ......... ............................. .........b. ~P..........91r..........~
········· ···
···································· ········· ····························· ···················· ········· ··················· ·········
XIX Practical Related Questions
ers must design more such
Note: Below given are f ew safffple questions for reference. Teach ·
questions so as to ensure th.e achie vemen t ofidenti fied CO.
I. Explain the use of sine bar
.~~ X.Y.~ .
~ .......~ .......~Jh.e.. ~.~......\.~ .... .~.~ ~<;,\ .....e.\ th.~ .............~
. . .0Lb... ..... .lh\.1) lf .. ..':.~~J....q ( .(,,4 7.0:- ~.½-J ....... P:r... ....
b-f;l. .... ..... .
....J.o.v~~-:~ ~..... ...qn.Y... .. ..~ .Q :~~ ..... :B?.......9 .... ..g).~r .1 .....0r19Je.
2. State the function of Sine centre
~.......~.I. n.e .....c .e.~ ..... .ls ....YJ.t! ?... ..trt?.::-......( .0. .f..~J.?.1.':.\-;~ .. ·~ · ........
~.~.~ .......
..·.....A-ng .l.e.... P1r ... ....c.o.m p.O.n{:': .~~ ·· ··· ··t0- p.~... lf.ts: ...................... .
c e t-r .
-e. .. . ... . . .. . . ...... .. .
l . 'J ..e.... ..
.. . .o ................................ ............ ........
XX References / Suggestions for Further Reading

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 39

I 111•111 11111' "'h lr11l11ll' t I t 11I )

Prnrt ku l N o.•) AnJ.! ulur l\lt•u,111 t•111,•u1 I 1-.1 11 1: II,·, l'I 1'11111 ,., 1,11 \ 11d
( 'llnon wh•r.

Proc1k11I Slgnlllruru·,·
An,;ulur lll'\cl 11101c l ·101 I', II " IIIIJI Il '1 1 111'> 111111 11 111 11 11d 1111 111111, I ll 1111' 11 11 ,11 q• J. I ,, I , , It
I he I wo f .,cc, 0 f II l·om f' ll lll.l ll II I 1111-. 1111-. 11111 ii.i i., pli1l1 ,111 .i, I,," '" 11 11 111,1111 1.... 1 11 11 1
un t1tlJu , 1nhk hl11tk 11 11 Ill·IIl.l I, \\ IIl l' II Il l 111111 11 11111111rl I ll II I Il l 111.11 1.l,111 111111.11111111 11 11
Vcrn1e 1 ,1:11 k C l1n, '
I Itl e I 1:1 l'i II '> Ill'' i.1 111\c cd 1111 "l 'I" " ,1 111111 1,I ,111111 Ii , I I 111
11 l\+ 11 o1d1.i1, 111 l. 11 , 1d
c lino me te r" m11 1nly w,cd In 111c11-.11rc 1111· 111111111, cl 11111d1 Ii, 11" ,
the work piece~ .

II. Rclc, 1on1 Progrn m Ouh:unu'~ (PO,)

1 ,1 1, 11,, ,1111 1 l,.1.i ,
PO I - Basic knowl edge: Ar,ply knuw kdgi• ol h111,11 111111111111u11,
111ltl1 111
E11g ,ncc ring lo so lve the bro11tl- Nk1'1111 111u d I 11 1,11111 11111• 11

•" 1,, 1 111 11 ,1 111 1

P03- Ex perlm enls nnd p rncllce : Pl11 11111pL·1J11r 111 1•x 11t 1111 11 " ' " ,11 11 1 I"
rc~ ul ts to -.olvc broad- Mcch11n1c11 l l•11g1111·cr111,. p111lil, 111•

1., :i11rl 111111 ~ 111i

P04- En~l necrlng lools: Apr,ly rc l1:v1tr11 mct'lrn ,m ,d 11~ l11111l11i•1

und erstand ing o r the limiw11o n'l

111 Comp etency and S kills

1111 1111l11•111 y ,,Ii 1111 111 d
This practi cal is expec red to develo p the lnllow 1111-1 •,l1il ll, lllf
wt,·1, 11/ 11111,·h/ 111·
compe tency 'Use releva nt /11str11111,•111, 111 ,m•a, 11r1· 1ar/o11, 1111ra11

compo11e11ts ·:
.il 11,,
I. Meas ure the a ng les o f o g iven job 111w1H Vc111H..'1 !leve l p, 011
2. Meas ure the ang les o r a g iven job us111g ('1i11o nH.!lcr1,

IV Rclcvo nC Cours e Oulco mc(s)

Use linea r and a ng ulur meas uring ins1nime nt 'l

V Prncli cnl Oulco me

Use Uni vcrs~il 13eve l r ro1ruc1oru nd C'l1110111c1i:1 1,11 111~·11-,1111 111• 11111•
1, ., cd " 1•1\ ,·11 ,,,Ii

VI Rclcv11 nl A ffccll vc Oomuln rclulcd 011lco111r~

I ) Foll ow sa fe pruc1ices
2) Prac ti c1.: good ho usekce r, ing
3) Prnct ice energy co nf.e rva l ion
4 ) Demo nstra te workin g a.., 11 leadc1/ 11 IL'11111 mc111lw 1
5) Mainta in too l-. und equir,m enl

- - -..:.:.:.:::_ll~Cll'Ology (22342)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

vn Minimum l'hcorctlcnl D11ck1,tround

• Angle is defined as the opening between tlie two lines meet at a point.
• If one line moved around u point in un arc, a complete circle can be fonne
• The bnsic unit of ongulnr measurement is the right angle, which is define/
angle between two lines which intersect so as to make the adjacent angle ~ \
• If n ongle is divided into 360 parts, each part is called as degree (0) '<iu,i
• Each degree is divided into 60 parts ·and each that part is called minute ('
• Each second hnve 60 parts and each that part is called second("). ),

VIII Experimental set up-


Universal Bevel Protractor

I' l1l' l1l'l 1l' I'I' I' I' I
J1 " ..,


Maharashtra state Board ofTechn·ica1Education

Engineering Metrology (22342)

IX Resources Required
' '

s. Name of Resource
Suggested Broad ·Specification Quantity
I. Universal Bevel 1
• Graduation:5min.(0°- 90°- 0°)
Accuracy Vernier:±5' .
' I I ' I ' I
Straightness [.000l 6"+(.00005xL/2~]" ,
Parallelism [.00016"+(.00005xL/2)]"
L = Length in it1ch '
Diameter: 2.56" / 70mm
2. C linometer
• Measuring range: 4 x 90° . 1
• Graduation: I 0 •
• Dimensions: 100 x 15 x 100 mm

X Precautions to be Followed
I. Avoid improper handling of instrument
2. Don' t apply excessive pressure on Micrometer Knobs

XI Procedure
A. Bevel Protractor-
]• The fixed blade of the bevel protractor is made to coincide with the reference
surface of work piece.
2. Move the movable blade of protractor to coincide with outer surface.
3. The angle between the blades is taken from protractor after noting main scale and
vern ier scale reading.
Ang le between the faces is given by
A= main scale reading + LC. x (Vernier scale reading)
Least Count of the Protractor= 5 minute

B. Clinometer
a. Place the base of Clinometer on a angular surface
b. Rotate the knob of clinometers until the bubble of spirit level reaches at the
c. Note down the reading

XII Resources Used

s. Name of Broad Specifications Quantity Remarks

No. Resource Make Details (If any)
>----- Cl l (lct l.\ a.:tt b l') , 15 ,-n l T) LO -'I o
I. u.n,~~f-' Acetl oC1C '-I V -=- -ts -c· ) .1
2. P-ro t-q c. H)'"/f
L :=. Len_q#>
'/1 ,
::. 2 ·'5 {; , q-c, rnrl)
3. N•R '="- ~X 9D
C I i (LO m e.J-e,r t>'1tn€t'\ \ 00 X 15 X ' 0-011')

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 43

Eng mecring
· Mctrology (22342)



XV Observations
A. Bevel Protractor Design
Yen1 ier Observed Best Error u
Scale Reading Esti111ate values
Main manufactu
Reading (degree (111ean) of the
Nature of Scale proces!
SI. including & (111111) angles
angle No. Reading
zero error 111inute)
measurement (degree)

'6· 24 " 4--1

Acute angle in 1
i..<s·~.'.} '2 4-0
a meta l plate
iZ 5
1 i~- ::rr
between 2 ZS C

largest &
small est side r-::----+---+----J---~
'2. t; I '2 4 · -1-1' J

Acute angle in 1
metal plate

intennediate '2.6 0 '
Obtuse angle
opposite to the
largest side

8· Clinometer
Average Remark
No Angular reading

<---=--=--=-----_ +~~ ~J___:==-

Maharashtra state Board of Teehmcal

. Education
Engineering \.tetrology (22342)

2 -


··· ······· ······· ···· ····· ··· ·· ········ ···· ····· ···· ··· ·· ······ ······ ·· ··· · ···· ······· ·· ······· ···· ·····

XVIIl Conclusions
·····~. ·~. ;····~ .~ .~ ~ gJ. ~~~;. ~.9.s .. ... 9.:-j.....V.s. tn g
... .V<::tr.rn~~ ... ... b e. ~.. f-1.Y.t?.h-0. ~ ~ .:....... .?. ..... P. ~ !:. ~ .v::: .~.~.••••·
.. . . . . . . .. · ······ ········ · ··········· ···· ··· ···· ··· · ··· ····· · · ··········· · ··········· · ·· ··· ···· · ·· ···· '"·

XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design more such
questions as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
I. Note down the reading of following case

- - ·~

, • Z-
.-;.,,.., .
, ..y; ~

2. State the funct ion of Clinom,eters d to h ~ ,
c LiT'to 'f'0.~~·······1s..... .~:1.rg ....... .... ......~... ~.~ ..... .. .. ...m~P•.fW"rt.
::: :A~.~::::::: ... ...91-.. ..... ~.l.~P..~:.... ....... ........... ... ...... .. ..':: .. ........
..... . . . .. ... ···· · ··········· · ······ · ·· · ····· · ······· ··· ·· · ······ · ··· · · ··· ··· ·· ····· · · · · · ·· ·· ··· ·· · · · · ·· ···

XX References / S uggestions for Further Reading

1.\= oJFUI_FHlio
2 .

t,_ T h ·cal Education 45

"1<1harashtra state Board of ec 01
y (22 34 2)
En gin eer ing Me tro log
po ne 'it t B y
I I: M ea su re Fl at ne ss O f T·h e G iv en Co m
Pr ac tic al N o.
on oc hr om at ic Li gh t So ur ce Ar id O pt ic al
Us in g
In te r·p re tin g Fr in ge s
. Fl at .

P~ ac tic al Si gn ifi ca nc e int erf ac e of

I ce is do ne by cJb ser vin g the fri ng e pa tte rn by
rk pie top fac e of top optical
Fl atn es s tes tin g of a wo ted fro m low er su rfa ce of
lig ht ray s ref lec tw o flats.
tw o mo no ch ro ma tic rfa ce thr ou gh ve ry fin e air ga p be tw ee n
low er fla t su
fla t an d up pe r su rfa ce of
tco me s (P Os )
II. Re lev an t Pr og ra m Ou ce s an d ba sic
: Ap ply kn ow led ge of ba sic ma the ma tic s, sc ien
PO I - Ba sic kn ow ied ge ec ha nic al En gin ee rin g pr ob
lem s.
the bro ad .:.b ase d M es to U!5e
En gin ee rin g to so lve Pla n to pe rfo rm ex pe rim en ts an d pr ac tic
d pr ac tic e:
PO 3 - Ex pe rim en ts an rin g pr ob lem s.
br oa d- ba se d M ec ha nic al En gin ee wi th an
the res ult s to so lve
rel ev an t me ch an ica l tec hn olo gie s an d too ls
ls: Ap ply
PO 4- En gin ee rin g too
ita tio ns
un de rst an din g of the lim

Co m pe ten cy an d Sk ill
s ind us try ide nti fie d
to de ve lop the fo llo wi ng sk ill s fo r the
Th is pr ac tic al is ex pe cte d ma ch in e
um en ts to me as ur e va rio us pa ra me ter s of
an t in str
co mp ete nc y 'U se re lev
co mp on en ts ':
1. Se t the op tic al fla t
pa tte rn
2. Ob se rv e the fri ng e
pa tte rn
3. In ter pr et the fri ng e

me (s)
IV Re lev an t Co ur se Ou tco
ce tes tin g me tho ds .
• Se lec t rel ev an t su rfa

V Pr ac tic al Ou tco me en jo b.
ur ing the fla tne ss of giv
Us e op tic al fla t fo r me as
me s
ma in Un re lat ed Ou tco
VI Re lev an t Af fec tiv e Do
1) Fo llo w sa fe pr ac tic
ek ee pin g
2) Practice go od ho us
ns erv ati on
3) Pr ac tic e en erg y co mb er
De mo ns tra te wo rk ing as a lea de r/a tea m me
eq uip me nt
5) M ain tai n too ls an d

-- -- - - s i
doofTT;ecclh;nJcic;;aJIEE~ ~
d~uca;ti~o~n- - -- - - -- - - - - -- -
; tr~a~s~ta;it;eIB3<o~a~rd

Engi neer·
~Metr ology (2234 2)

IX Reso urce s Req uire d

Qua ntity
S. T tion
Sugg ested Br-oad Spec• ,ca
No. Nam e of Reso urce l

l. Mon ochr oma tic Ligh t Sodi um vapo ur light

I set
Sour ce C 1· d I.· al Turf ty pe
2. Opti cal flat Set Con vex, Con cave , flat, Y tn JC '
opti cal flat

X Prec auti ons to be Foll owed

I. A void impr oper hand ling of o ptica l flat
2. Don 't appl y pres sure on optic al fl at

XI Proc edur e
1. Keep Opti cal flat on, mast er piec e
s houl d no t be any air gap
2 . App ly pres sure by two finge rs so that there
3. Obs erve the fring e patte rn
surfa ce and appl y pres sure gent ly so that
4. Keep optic al flat o nce again on same
som e air gap exis t
5. Obs~ rve the fring e patte rn
same fring e widt h for dark a nd brig ht band
6. Whe n fring es are perfe ctly s traig ht a nd
we conc lude that the s urfac e is perfe ctly flat
7. Keep optic al flat on conv ex surfa ce
ex ist
8. App ly pres sure gent ly so that some ai r gap
nd the poin t of cont act
9. For conv ex surfa ce the fring es c urve arou
10. Keep optic al flat o n conc ave s urface
exis t .
11. App ly pres sure gent ly so that som e air gap
12. For conc ave surfa ce the frin ges c urve
awa y from the po int of cont act

XIJ Reso urce s Used

Broa d Spec ifica tion s Qua ntit y Rem arks
s. Nam e of
(If any)
No. Reso urce Mak e Deta ils
I. Ll9i.-.J- Sou re Xoc liu YY"\ V'Gt.p -our r
2. ODH~UU .tlq N-- u, n v--e..x , to Y'l t a v-e. f-l°'-r.
3. Cy u Y\ ct f'>-1' (_pJ I ~~

XIIJ Actu al Proc edur e Foll owe d H

.. 91' '(.c e
.. ~ ... . ~ ~ P. ... ..~P.~ .~ ····· ·····~ ···· ~ ·· ~· ··~ .~
..1)?. .crzr~ ... r~ .~~.~~ ···~ .···~ .·.1-:f.~-E'.A- ...................... ..
....................... ....~ ~......... ~ .~....P..0.\ ~ ~.::.::::::::::::··· · · ·············· ..... ..... .. .... . ·····

- - - - -- - -- -
T:;eccihn;-;;ic;a;j"JEE:dd~uc;atllti~o;n- - - - - - - - - - - -
~Mia;ih;;a~ra~s;i;btrtr;a-;stata~te;-B~oa;;-;rdd~o~fT 54
Engineering Metrology (22342)

VJJ Minimum Theoretic al Backgrou nd

The essential equipmen t by a light wave interferenc e is a monochro matic light source
at1ci a set of optical flat. An optical flat is a circular piece of optical glass or fused
quartz having its two plane faces flat and parallel .The surfaces are finjshed to ~n
optical degree of flatness. lf the optical flat form an intimate contact and placed m
monochro matic light source then the bands are visible.
VJII Experime ntal set up-

Fringe Analysis

Optical Flat Fringe pattern

,., \ :\~
t \ ,)
. : : .
Flatness E rror of
one Fringe (1i2.J.)
Test Piece
P.erfecttv .Flat

Maharashtra s tate Board of T ec h 111·cal E ducation


- --- ____________ ____ ..

p,·ccnu tions Follow ed

.. ~ .. .t;-;\ ~ . · · · · · · · · ··
f\~ .\.0t i-.. .1.r:".\-f.~
·· · ·· A. P:~:::-.. .. ····· Y\C\ n ct. liY\.cJ o p.t-1.<;.
o .I."\_........
.... . R.9.1'.'>. :.... ... .~.-X?.I'! .~ .. .... p.~ ··•. ~..... .. .. ........
~. Y.~~ .... .. q .~ .... ~..P. .1:-f. ~'?x\~J.s:i-,-,.~· · ··.. ... ::::
Qunnt lty ..... ... . .. . ·· ···· ······· ···· ···· ·· ·· ···· ·· ···· ······ ·· ······· ·· ····· ·····
······· ·· · .. ..... ... ..
Obsc.- vntion
' )
·' ''
- ·-
r S11mp lc
Fringe Pnttc1·n Obsea·ve(l
I \
I ' Nntur c of surfltc c.
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• I I '
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! <.:ntl y :-o that

1J bright b and

- --

XVI Result s
·t I ' . I • I
..... .. . ..... . . ·· ······· ····· ···· ·· ··· ···· ····· ··· ········ ·· ···· ···· ······,··
· ···· ····· · ··· ·· ··· ... ......
........ .. ..... ··· ··· ····· ·· ·· ······· ····· ······· ··· ··· ····· ·········· ··· ;·· ······ ··l·;··
.. .. .. ... . . .. ..... .... .. ... ... ...... .... . ··· ·: .. .. . ... ...
ity R cmi11·k s ·· ··· ·· ······· ·· ·· ··· ······· ······· ·· ···· ······ ···· ..... .. .. .. .
( lfai~)i _ ~
XVII I ntc.-pr etatiou of Results ' j : I''" f ,,

..... ... . .. . . ... . .. ····· ······ ·· ······· · .... ...... .... .... .. .. ........ . ...I ...' ....... ....
.. .. .. .. .. .... .. ~

. .. ... . . . . .... .. . ··· ··· ·· ·· ···· · ····· ·· ·· ········ ·· ····· ·· ····

···· ······ ······ ·· ····· · . ·· ·· · ··· ........ .
······ . .. ....... . .... .. . ·· ·· ····· ··· ······· ·· ······· ·· ···· ·······
·· ····· ··
·· ··· ·· ····· · ··· ·· · ... ··· ·····

~ tra s tate Bo ard of Tec hnical Educutio n

r En gin eer ing Metrology (22

Teac he rs mus l d esi gn m ore sur:h

al Re lat ed Qu est ion s nc e.
XI X Pr ac tic . fi . ref ere
. n are few sa mp le qu est ,on s 01
No te·· B eIow g ive
if I·c1, nti·fie d CO. s
· s so as to ensu re the ac hie vem en t o e (c lig ht so urc e
que st ion tv ) e
use d mo no ch rom a A~ I
+o be ... .......... . .. ··• ...
I . N am e the co mm on ly ~,- i
... .. ·~ · ~ · ·
u )' e.« Co Y:~}.0. .t?'.~ .~ · · · · · · · .. ...
~.S......~ .9.N ~.. :i.9.~..... ...... ... .. ..... ........
··· ·b·~·~··· ···~ ·~h.; ·;u
· ~·~ ... . ... ... . .. ... ... . .... . ··· · ··· ··· ·····
··1·i·)·····~·~di~1·~ ··· ····~ ...·.· .·.·.· .·.·.·.·.·.· ... ..·······································• .
-r rl ~ w, 4? : ...

i·,: ~.<... .~~·~ ... ...·b~ ·~ ... .

... .. J . ... . . . .. ... .. . .
.A- g
i. .~ ····
. ... . ...

······· ···· ···

. . . . .. . . . . . . . .
··· w ·~ ····~ ·~ .· .· ·
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.'(:). ... .l.Tht.l'. ".S.....(-:i.. .. .. . ~ !!?Y!:'.':'0:!?.0.~ .... . ...... .....
. . . . . . .. . . .
. .. . . . .

. . .. ... . ... .. ... . . .

l ... l-
~.~. : ... .. .. . . ...
. . . . .~ '. ~ .'.':-1: .. ... ... :. ?.~ ~:: .-(
··· · ··· · ···
... ... ··· · ··· · ··· ·· ··· ··· ··· ··· · . . . --- ... ···· ··- --- - .. .
... ... ... .. ... ... ·· ·· ·· .. ··· ·· ··· ·· · ··· · ·· · . . .
··· · ··· ··· ·· ··· ··· · ·· ··· ··· · . ... .... .
... . ... .. . . .. . ... ... .. .. .. . . ... .. . . .. . ... .. .. ... .. ...
··· · ··· · ··· · ··· ·· · ··· ··· ·· .. ·· ···
... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... .. . ·· ·· ·· ··· · ·· ··· ·· ... ·· · ·· • ...... . .
·· ··· ·· ·· ··· ··· ·· ·· ··· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ···· . .. . ···· ··· ·· ··· ··· ··
··· · ···· ··· ·· ··· ··· ·· .. ··· ·· ·· · · · ···
... . ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. ··· ··· · · · · · · · · ... -. · ·· ·· ···
... ... ... ... ... . . ... ... ..

al fl ats
2. Sta te the use s of op tic
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. ... . .. ... . ... ... .. ... . ... .. ... ... .. .. ... . .. .. ... ... .. ...
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. ... .. ... ... . ... . .... ....
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of Te chn ica l Education

Maharashtra sta te Bo ard
- t

. g Metro)
ogy (22342)

U . Spi rit Lev el.

Pra t· : Me asu re Fla tne ss sin g .
c teal No . 12
I Pra ctic aIs·1gm. ficance ring the surf ace with an
The si by com pa
mp Iest fom1 of flatness testing is possible · · I el is O 01 mm .
accurate stm~ace. The least count of precision spm t ev ·

II. Rel eva nt Program Outcomes (PO s)

dge of basic mathematics, scie nce s and
PO I - Basic knowledge: Apply knowle
hanical Eng inee ring pro blem s. .
Engineering to solve the broad-based Mec to use
to perform exp erim ents and prac tice s
PO3 - Experiments and practice: Plan
ical Engineering pro blem s.
the results to solve broad-based Mechan an
t mechanical tech nolo gies and tool s with
PO4 - Engineering toois: Apply relevan
understanding of the limitations ·

Com pete ncy and Skills identified

111 the following skil ls for the indu stry
This practical is expected to develop hine
to mea sure var iou s par ame ters of mac
competency 'Use relevant inst ru~ ents
components ':
I . Set the spirit level
2. Observe the bubble of spirit level

IV Relevant Cou rse Outcome(s)

• Select relevant surface testing method

V Practical Out com e

of given job .
Use spirit level for measuring the flatness
Out com es
VI Relevant Affective Domain Unrelated
1) Follow safe practices
2) Practice good housekeeping
3) Practice energy conservation
working as a leader/a team memb er
4) Dem. ons. trate
5) M amtam tools and equipment

- -- - - - - -~ - -
~M~atlh~a;; ;;:i~c;jaJIIE~dfuu~ca;t~io;;;n~ - - - - - - - --
. -ri ng Metro logy (22342 )
• tflL C. - - ~
t D!- / '
~~- --=~--- -------~----- --- ---
. Theoretical
. 8 ac k grou d
Spiri t level 1s used in spec,ai . cas n .
clinometers ut ilizes bubbl . es and called C linom eters, p re c;1s1on micro-optic.:
bot h en s of the bubbl e unit. with a prismatic · coincidence reader wh ich pre bent·,
. . d e an adJacent · · · th e
co1nc1de nce of the 2 im images m a spirit fi e ld . Levelling h eJpt,; m
. ages, maki · · I
centered w ithout rc feren ng •t very easy to sec when the bubble t b exact Y
. . ce to any grad . . . .
opti c c lino mete rs arc ct· . . uations. The special features to p rec1swn m.Jcr<.>-
. trect reading .
coarse setting , slow mof over range 0-360°, optically reading sy1,;tem. maw
. ton screw to fi . . . . .
leve l 1s 0 .0 I mm . me setting. T he least co unt of pre c1s1on sp111t

Expe rimental set up-

1· ~- 3· 4· 5·

c --:J

Experimenta l set up

~1aha rashtra state Boa rd o f Technica l Education 50


y (2 2342)
n g M cr ro
/o g Q u a n ti ty
E ng in ee ri
ti o n
d S p e c if ic a OI
s R e q u ir e oa d
R e so u r c e d Br
lX S u g g e st e
s. R e so u r c e
Name of
No. el
Spirit Lev
o ll o w e d at
n s to be F andling o f optical fl
X P r e c a u ti o p ro p e r h at
im cal fl ra ry
I. A void O il o p ti n a rb it
d to b e a e d F .t
o n ' t a p p ly p ress ure ·n
2. D sumbee d et e rm
1 . or J '
a 11d D b e as a y h 1 · h
A, B
the. points II h e r P
o in ts m h le ig t o f
e d u r e th ro u g h n d t u s t e
Proc in g . ot to z e ro a
XI pialle p. a ss hts o f a
h the heigB D are corrected
I. L e t a to w h ic
tiv e
plane, relao f lines A B , A D
and O~O . As
d s ry p la n e ABD =
the en a rb it ra ti v e to
D a re z ero. ined relative to the c a n b e fi x e ~ re fa
B an d
p o in ts A ,h t o f p o in t I is dete
rm n AC d e with
ig o , a ll th e p o in ts o o n A C to c o m c 1
The h e Ca ls ti n g I o u n ts
2. m id -p o in t o f line A A = O a nd c o rr e c c o n e c te d b y a m
T is the ss u m in g AC a re th a t C
ra ry p la n e b y a w a y , a ll p o in ts on u ld b e ta k e n h e re
the arb it In this hillt c o le that
-p o in t J on B D . f it s m id -point. A r C w il l be doub
the JT]i d to fo
movemen c o rr e c ti o n
a te to the -p o in t, the
p ro p o rt io n A a s th e m id
D a re s e t
s far from ts B a n d
is twice a la n e a n d p o in
arbitrary p c o rd in g ly
oil . e d re la ti ve to the a n b e c o rr e c te d a c to fi t in Jines
n o w fix a nd D C c p o s s ib le
C is B C w
Po in t o in ts o n
k n o w n , so
it is n o th e mid -
, a ll in te rm e d ia te p a n d F a re e v a lu a ti o n s in c e
z e ro n d G, E io u s -p o in t I.
ons o f H a k o n p re v io n o f m id
T h e p o si ti o p ro v id es a c h e c w n p o s it
als kno
HG and
E F. T h is e w it h the fe re n c e is
fo u n d .
n es sh o u ld coincid e p la te re
e se Ji rf a c
p o in t o f th w .r.t to su
u m b e r o f readings
Thus a n ce
p e rf o rm a n
p lo t is d o n e on the
6. A Remarks
Q u a n ti ty
c if ic a ti o n
s (I f an )
e s U se d o a d S e
R e so u r c Br
XII D e ta il s 01
S. Nameof M a k e
R e so u r c e
/ \ i'Yi+--
2. __.,~ ,


- 60
-- - - --
n ---
o f Technic
al Educatio
a state

Obse natio n
,, ~ s
quare I reading Squa re
Squa re I readi n g readi n g
~ c:__ ~_ _ __ _ ll~~
'arne ___ ~ - -- -, 1~~;-'a~m
~ -...
;\;ame - -- - - - - -
.-\-t I B-1 C -1

B-4 I C -~

B-5 1 C-5

Calculate Ra \"alu e

X\1 Resul ts
.. . . ... . ... - -- . ... . - . . - - . . .. . . .
·· · ·· ....... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . .. .. . ....... .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ... ... ...
.... .. ....... .. -- ...... . . . ... . .. - ... . . . - . .. --
····· ..... . .. . . . . . . . . ...... . ..... . ... . . . . . . ... .. ...... .... -
.. .. .. . . . . . ...... . . . . ·-·. - .. . .. .... . .. .. .... --
....... ... - .. .. . . .... . .. . . ...... . .. ..... .. . .... . . . .. ... .. - .

Wit lnte r pretn {ion of Res ults

XVIII Conc lusio ns

···· ·· ··
..... ..~ .-c... ..Y.1.~ ... ... JP.l.:0 .t ..... A.f .~ .... .t-u ... \~ .C?.~ .. ..~~ ···
· ·· ····
···· ··· •B .~ ¼ .. .... 4 ...~ •~ ·· · ···~~.~ P .<?.~ ~ ~·· · ······· · ·· ·· ···· · ··· ···· ··
. .... .. . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . .. .... .. .. . .
....... .. .. . ....... . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. ... . . ' .. . . ... . ...

XIX Pract ical Relat ed Q uesti ons

ce. Teach e rs must d esign more
Note: Be!o ,i· g ii •e n a re .fc 1v .,a111µ/e £J11e.\ti o11sj ur refe ren
ified CO.
sue/, quest ions so as to ens ure th e achie vem ent of ide111
I. Defin e RMS value , d ~ e..d tY'\
M · ~ v-0vL
.. ...... . . . .'(2. . .... . . . . . . .. . .. ... .. y.~ ···'·1.....
ai- .... ~
.... ~ .... ....
"rt.-! ~ ...... l ..~ .. ... ......
... · .. ... ..
······ ····· ······· Pf-... .~ .e.0.~ .. .... ... .... .... q~~ ..... ... ..~.....
~ .~ .'0 .~ .~~ .~ ~
. .... . . . . . . ..
.... . . ~ . ····· ·· · · · ··· · ····· · ····· • ·· · · ······· ····· · · · ·· ···· · · · · ···· .
2 . State the unit of tlatne-3s. , ,
.1..~ ~
······· ·· .~r. .....~ •~€.fa4- rre- e c:::l..t.... . q.~ , .~ . .. .. .. . . . . ...
.. .....'Y·....--un · · ·· · ·~?<:':( .~ .~
.... ...tH
······· ·~ ~.•.~
··· ····h ··o· L~
··1---1 ~. a POV 'n(Ll ~c
······ ···f-l
. . . .ci.m . . . . . . .n~.-
. . . . . .-¼ "' 1' -~··· ····on
. . . 0?:" l"Yf)
... ~ .~ .. .
· --.J • \.. • · • · • • • • . ,
. ~. .. . .. . . . .

····· ··t-9.1 ~~.~ ~ .. ... ~ ... .l:'~ .... .C.... .... ..... .......
~ ~

Engineeri ng Metrolog y (22342)

Practi cal No. 13 : Measu re The Surfac e Rough ness Of A Given

Samp le Using Taylor Hobso n's Talysu rf / Surfa ce Rough ness '
Practic al Signific ance -Taylor Hobson Talysur f is a device used for measur ement
surface finish with a high accurac y. The device is initially calibrat ed with a st nd rd
a a
work piece.

II Releva nt Progra m Outcom es (POs)

PO 1 - Basic knowle dge: Apply knowle dge of basic mathem atics, science s and
Engi neering to solve the broad-b ased Mechan ical Engine ering problem s.
PO3 - Experi ments and practic e: Plan to perform experim ents and practic es to
the results to solve broad-b ased Mechan ical Enginee ring problem s.
P04- Engine ering tools: Apply relevan t mechan ical technol ogies and tools with
underst anding of the limitati ons

Ill Compe tency and Skills

This practica l is expecte d to develop the followi ng skills for the industr y identif
compet ency 'Use releva nt instru nients to 111.ea sure vario us
param eters of111.achine conip onent s ':
1. Operate Taylor Hobson Talysur f
2. Measur e surface roughne ss of given work piece
3 . Compa re the surface roughne ss of a given surface with standar d workpi ece.

IV Releva nt Course Outcom e(s)

• Select relevan t surface testing method s.

V Practic al Outcom e
Use Talysu rf for surface roughne ss of a given surface .

VI Releva nt Affecti ve Domai n related Outcom es

I ) Follow safe practice s
2) Practic e good housek eeping
3) Practic e energy conserv ation
4) Demon strate workin g as a leader/a team membe r
5) Mainta in tools and equipm ent

~1ah .
arashtra state Board of Technica l Educatio n 63
\'II 1\.1•
I,' tninium T hcoret1ca · · l l.h•ckgrou nd · 1110c
·king on cn rner · Iu lat·111g pnnctplc
· · l'L
. .. , . nic instrument wo1 .. . . •1c
The 7 alysurl is nn c lcct10 . .· ·t r a di amond sty lus of about 0.002111111 .
. I , 1·nstnunent consts o . .·. d d . . lip
mcnsurine. head o l tie · . ·f: by means o f motot 1se nv1ng unit
. ': . . , across the su1 ace . . . -It
rad ios skid is dim, n . . ?OX I OOX mag ntft cat1on and speed suitabJ

provides three 111oto t iz eel speeds g1v111g - ,. ' c
f'o r average reading.

V III Experimental set up-

. .;
,,-,q ·- ,_.. .----
::l q __ ......,
""..... --'Ct = ....
~"' '\;.
- ___
"'. ,r.,

' fil[i'.'.'! '

Layout ofTalysurf

~Vlnharash tru stale Boar<l of Technical Education

Engineering M etrolog y (22342 )

IX Res~ ~rces Requ ired

s. Nam e of Resou rce Quan tity

No. Sugge sted Broa d Speci ficati on
~ Taylo r Hobs on
• Spap length - 0 .8mm , 01
talysu rf
• Diam ond stylus ,
• Digita l Readi ng
• Samp le workp iece for all mach ining proce ss
- • Samp les show ing all surfac e rough ness value

X Preca ution s to be Follo wed

1. A void impro per handl ing of Talys uff
2. Don' t apply press ure on stylus of the instru ment

XI Proc edur e
l. Calib rate· the talysur.f using stand ard piece
2. C lean the surfac e under test -
3. Place the probe on the surfa~ e which is to be tasted
4. ON the talysu rf
5. Observe the displa y of 'Ra' value
6. Note the " Ra" value readin g displa yed
7. Rep,eat the proce dure for v.arious comp onent s

XU Resou rce,s Used

s. Nam e of ,Broa d Speci ficati ons Q uanti ty Rem arks
No. Reso urce Make Detai ls (If any)
1. 'Tlty l or H D-~ 0 ~ oci "' Re~ f-v\ o· f- I"" M. l

2. d-o\JA-y1 u ~ O~b-\ y'\1\.-()V\O <r ~ \..m
- -

XIV Preca ution s Follo wr4' YO 'P..e,,-

.... !) .. ~) 0.... ..... .... ...... .... . \I\.C\ Y\d..l i Y\..D) bi- ~ ~ ,< Utr
·s~·............. .... ·~·k~, · .. ..... ~
... .f:....... .. ........
...~) .. J>. Q(l.' ~-... A.:VJ?.':'-J.....~... .~'.:f..... ~......~.-i.~r ....... ..~:~....... ......
··············· )·~·~·~ '!::'. ~~...................... ..... ... ......... ... .... .... ......

~~ .
arashtra state Board of Techn ical Education
Eng in ·
_ ~g:....:M~eu-o~1~3--~
___ _eerm L __ __ __
·< ____ __ __ __ ____ ___

xv Ob s.en'ation
Ma nuf actu ring Pro cess ·Ra · Ya.l ue
Com pon ent No


XV I Results .. .
··· ····· · ·· ····· · ·· ..... ..... ..... ··,· ... ..... . .....
·· ····- · ·· ···· ···· ···· ··· ····· · ····· ·· ····· ·· ····· .... .. .
· ··· ·· ·· · ·· · ··· · ····· · ···· · ..... .... . ..... ... ...
·· · ··· ····· ····· · ··· ····· ····· ·· ··· ··· · ····· · ···· . . . ·: .... .. ..... . ..
. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

XV II Inte rpr etat ion of Res ults

··· ····· ··· ····· · ····· ·· . · ···· ··· .. ····· . ··· ·· ·····
..... ... . ..... .... ··· ····· ····· ·· ··· ····· ····· ·· ·····
· ····
···· ·· ···· ····· ····· · ... ..... .. . --- --.. .. ····· ···
····· · ····· · ····· ··· · ·· ····· ·· · · ··.··· ··· ·· · · ·· ····

.. P.-:?.~~~.~ ....~..... .... .

XV III Con clus ions
···· ~·~······ ··~? ~..... ~.~. ~ ... ... .. :1. 0.~.~ .... ~. f.~ ~ ........... .. .. .... ....
. . ... . ..Y:1 .l. ~... T0:Y. !.~~ ... ....~ .~.?..~ ~ ~.....
··· ···· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·. ·· ····· ·· ·· ..... . ... ... .. ··· ···
···· ·· ·· ····· ····· ····· · ····· ·· ·· ···· ····· · ·· ·····
XIX Pra ctic al Rel ated Que stio ns more
ns for refe renc e. Tea che rs mus t desi gn
Not e: Bel ow give n are few sam ple que stio
men t ofiden tifie d CO.
suc h que stio ns so as to ensu re the ach ieve
J . Def ine Ra valu e }
··'··~ g.... .q ½ A. ~. ~.':':f ...~.~~ J.~~..... ..
........P:4....~.~~·~····)..':Y. ~.v:'.~ .....C?.f.-..... ~. f.. .~· a ' Y ) ~ "'--t - . .. .
~... .. <l~.~.½-:f .. o Q.~ ,, ell (\ ~ v ~• • • ~ eciii ····
······~ ~··e·····~
·/Y .'i!:.·· · · ····· ··· ····· ····· · · ·· · · · ···
··· · ····· ····· ···· ····· ···· ·· ····· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··· · · ·· ····
,V Y) e (e;_ ~ e ~I~\ L- ,

.~- - -, 66
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nica l :-=-:--
Educ ation t)....
Maharashtra state Board of Tech
r ~
. Metrolog y (2 2342)

2 _ S tate the p rinci~Ie of Ta lysurf.

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.Referen ces I Suggest ions for Further Readin g
• https://w w w .youtub atch?v= 9zk7aK YbCYM

Assessm ent Scheme

Perform ance Indicat ors Weight

Process Related (10 Marks) (40%)
I Hand ling of the m easuring Instruments 20%
2 Calcula tio n of final reading s 20%
Produc t Related (15 Marks) (60%)
3 Inte rp re tation .o f result 20%
4 C o nc lus ions 20%
5 Prac tica l related question s 20%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of S11ule11t Team Membe rs

, I. ... . . . . t\h~t . ........
AA~ n
2. · ·· · · · ··· · · ·· ··· ··· ·· · ·· · ·· ·
3. . . . . . . . ~10.t......... ...

Marks Obtain ed Dated signatu re of

T~ her
Total- ,

Proces s Produc t
Related (15)
Related (I0) , (7~) )
) C"
\0 .rv /
/ )

~state Board of Technica l .

Educntto n 67

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