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Chapter one : BACK TO SCHOOL

She looks into the mirror to adjust her collar and hair and any other thing a
sixteen year old giddy boarding house student will do on their way back to school,
Blue can’t help but grin, she’s so impressed with the way she looks but that’s not
why she’s happy, she plops on the chair in her room, waiting for her mom who’s
probably in the kitchen packing some food she’ll take along to school, her mind
drifts back to why she’s happy, she thinks of all the times when going back to
school makes her heart beat and butterflies fly aggressively in the core of her
stomach and not in a good way, Blue was the nerdy weirdo kid who was always on her
own, no friends, she had blue eyes and a light skin which made her classmates tease
her by calling her “escape albino”, while some called her low budget snow-white.
she was so straight, no curves like the other girls, and some mischievous boys in
her class didn’t make this easy by calling her “ruler “. She was the butt of so
many jokes. There was really nothing special about her, just fair skin and brains,
but things changed when Mr Owen the literature teacher urged her to join the inter
school writing competition that was to be held during summer in London, she did,
she won and that achievement came with friends and a boyfriend!☺️☺️a cute popular
one at that. Blue was startled from her thought by the vibration under her butt
“brrrrrnnn brnnnn” she stood up abruptly, but it was just her phone,
Beatrice was the caller, she picked, “hey girly what’s up?hope you’re ready? We
need to get to school on time before people come and take up all the good corners,
good bunk and big lockers, me I won’t stay in Kasali again like the last time oh,
Blue laughed, don’t worry Bea, I’m all dressed up, I’m waiting for my mom to call
me and we’ll be on our way, alright no Wahala, (kasali is the school slang for a
bad corner space) if you get to school before me, keep a space for I and Gift, if I
get there before you guys I’ll do same, I’ve already told gift, I hear my dad
calling me, let me go and answer him and update my WhatsApp for the last time 😩😩
You and WhatsApp status ehn blue teased, lol alright no problem, bye

Blue’s mom drove into the school an hour later and everywhere was so crowded
with students, guardians and teachers on duty to check in students, students were
clutching to their brooms, mops and cutlass, the schools requirement for resumption
days, If you treated yours carelessly, it was sure to be stolen or mixed up with
the already submitted ones, the careless victim had to get a new one from the
school store which was two times the price of how it was sold outside or you won’t
be let into the hostel, We are here now said her mom, Bye baby and remember, if
you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach your dad and I on the phone through your
form mistress Madam Agnes, bye now, I’ve got to meet up with Charity and Bisike
before they make a mess of things for me at the office, come here and give mommy a
hug, Blue hugged her mom with a smile and a peck but she was really giddy and
excited to be finally back in school, She came down from the car and scanned the
crowd for her friends, everywhere students were gisting loudly, trying to fill
their friends in on everything that’s happened during the holiday, the cacophony
was like a market place, only that they were on uniforms, just then someone tapped
Blue at the back and it was Anthony, her boyfriend, hi B how’re you? You.. look..
beautiful.., he looked at her longingly, like he would reach out for a hug, ..thank
you, she smiled , a little too widely, she was so happy to see Anthony, not to talk
of the way she always melts like butter whenever he called her B, he was the only
one that did, they couldn’t communicate during the remaining three weeks of their
holiday after they left London, Anthony lost his phone, Blue was so excited and all
she actually wanted to do was fling herself on Anthony and hug him silly but that
will bring unwanted attention from teachers, parents and students alike. Uhm...
Anthony interrupted her silly school girl thoughts, I’ll see you later B, I need to
see my house master now. She blinked out of her thoughts and replied” Okay, yeah,
totallly.. We’ll catch up later, then they walked opposite directions only to see
her house mistress beckoning on her, she totally loved Mrs Igho but she wasn’t
excited to meet her, Mrs igho was one for too long talks and If you were not lucky
and you met her in a happy mood then you were in for a tight bear hug, not the
warm kind, the type that made you feel like overripe avacado under the foot, if
that explains it. Luckily for Blue, today wasn’t one of those days, today was a
hectic day for Mrs igho, what with the students resuming, checking in and all.
Blue my dear, how are you? Mrs Igho the house mistress asked, “I’m fine ma, thank
you, how was your holiday and where’s your mum? Oh she left immediately she dropped
me, she had an emergency call from the office Blue replied, oh, oh okay, bring your
bag for searching, show me your two bed spreads.. good, they’re clean as usual,
show me your three sets of sanitary pad, ......

CHAPTER TWO: She’s not so beautiful afterall

Phewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Came the whistle, Blue woke up disoriented, it took ten seconds
before she could comprehend that she was in the hostel and not her room at home.
Akan the sports master, ooohhhhhh... not again, complained Gift, this man can’t
sleep in his house?? How can he be waking someone by 4:30am to go and jog, nawa oh!
Lazy girl, Beatrice chirped, me I’m looking forward to this jogging, I got a new
pair of leggings and I’ll be wearing it instead of our sports shorts, it’s really
hot and the boys won’t stop staring 😩😩, ha! Beatrice.. see your plans, just be
careful, if Mr Akan sees you he might punish you, Blue warned as she laced her
sneakers, honey don’t worry about me, I have my ways, the three of them stood up
and left the hostel, joining the others going to the field.

Ramsey jogs off to the end of the field, all sweaty and thirsty, he takes in
the view of the field, damn he missed school, the familiar smell from the well
trimmed grasses, especially when the morning dews had settled on them, the vast
expanse of the field that made him feel so small, yet so important being that he
has to take care of it as the sports prefect, his thoughts are shifted as he sights
his friends Alex Jamila (AJ for short), Maxx Wealth and Jesse Umukoro, thanks
goodness Wealth is with a bottle of water, he had forgotten his in the hostel, they
see him as he sees them and they wave him over, he waves back.. and he jogs over to
them, guys what’s up, he says, in half breaths, exhausted from all the running, we
just dey, how’re you? I’m good man, please give me your bottle, I left mine in the
hostel, Wealth stretches the bottle to him, so what where you guys gisting about, I
noticed you guys when I was returning the nets and balls back to the storeroom.
“Oh.. that” starts AJ, Omo it’s this girl oh, what’s her name, I think Beatrice, in
arts class.. she was looking damn hot in those leggings, hot lyka heater, sizzling
like a burger” All the boys laugh and slaps him on the back and Jesse makes jokes
about her looking like a snack but not Ramsey, instead he looks more serious and
eager, really where did you see her? Was she with her friends? Was Blue there? Max
shakes his head, bewildered, looking at him “Chill out mannn, ah ah! You really
like this Blue girl oh, I thought you were just infatuated and maybe it would die
during the break, but now I see this is getting serious.. ah, old gist AJ me I
already knew he really liked her, you needed to see the way he was sulking when he
didn’t get to sit next to her on the flight to the competition! Omo.... I just dey
float, wait you mean all this has been happening? And no one told me? Wait you like
her! What about Ella? And I heard she’s with Anthony, right? And that ruler, why do
you like ruler?? Jesse asked all at a time, ehn... number one she’s not ruler,
please don’t say that again, she’s perfect, she’s got this beautiful fair skin,
she’s just the right amount of tall, she’s intelligent, funny, blue-eyed and..
Wait!! Let me cut you there lover boy Jesse chips in again, she’s not really blue
eyed, I heard she’s wearing contact and I heard she’s wearing it cos she’s probably
blind or something. Eh.. whatever Ramsey interjects. I just like her, plus it’s
just me admiring her, I’ve not told her, besides you’re right, she has someone
already and I have.. Ella, end of story, AJ being the peace-maker didn’t like the
tension this was bringing so he quickly changed the topic. “who wants to go to the
common room and play some PS5? Last to get there buys soda for everyone” laughing
and running and screaming rowdily like a group of teenage boys would do, they all
went to the common room, forgetting the argument about Blue.



It was almost time for dinning, Blue and her friends had gotten half way there,
but checked her wristwatch and it was just 7 minutes to dining, she didn’t want to
go late to dinning because she might get punished for coming late, however, she
couldn’t afford leaving her diary for prying eyes, she was sure she forgot it on
her desk and anyone could pick it, if she can walk very fast and jog in between,
she should be able to meet up, she turned to her friends, “babes what’s up, I need
to go back to class, I forgot shumway there (Shumway is the name of her diary, a
beautiful eye catching book that says “I am not here to be Average, I’m here to be
Awesome”. ) I need to go back for her before it gets to the wrong hands. “Okay.. no
problem, be fast though, you know how these dinning supervisors can get, so you
don’t end up in detention for coming late Beatrice replies, alright bye, erm..
Gift please just help me take my school bag to the dining, so the weight doesn’t
drag me behind, alright no p, Gift agrees and she takes off in a light of speed.

GRRRRRRNGGGG Went the bell for the day, Ramsey let out a very big sigh of relief
that drew the attention of everyone including the bespectacled Teacher Owen, the
literature teacher, this literature class was so boring! Ramsey wasn’t having any
of these things this teacher was saying, it was all so boring to him, he signed up
for this class because he thought Blue would, but he didn’t see her in class today
and he didn’t see her name when he peered into the teacher’s register, how did he
not think right!? He could bet his bottom dollar that Blue would be in this class,
this was his only opportunity to stay in a class with her because she’s an art
student and he is a science student, but there was one space for a borrowed course,
one opportunity! One chance to get it right and he messes up, now he’s caught in
the webs of “thou art” and “thou mayest” and every medieval words he didn’t care
about, this was worse than detention for him, well he sure learnt a thing or two
today, and he was going to put it to use, with a smirk on his face,a spark in his
eyes, he plopped down back on the chair and tore a sheet of papers, thanks goodness
none of his guys were here breathing down on his neck and prying he thought, it’s
been a while I wrote “mi lady” a piece he says in a mock Shakespeare voice,
chuckles to himself at his jokes and starts writing
“ I’m in love with my blue-eyed daisy
If I don’t get her I might go crazy..
I’m so into my blue-eyed lady
A day without her is cloudy and hazy
he wanted to write a third stanza but he erased it, according to Sir Owen, poems
for beginners are better short and simple, so I think this will do.., he sealed it
and walked down to the arts building, looking side to side, front and back to make
sure no one sees him, he has been up with this since back at home, sending
anonymous messages on Facebook with a fake account, now he would continue in
school, he got into Blue’s class after looking carefully, well not so careful
because he was pretty sure everyone was in the dining by now, no one stayed back
except the prefects who ate after every other person was done, hence the reason he
could steal the time to do this, it wasn’t hard to locate her desk, he knew where
she sat, all the time he came to the class to see Ella, he didn’t actually come to
see her, it was Blue, admitting this in him mind made him sad and guilty because
Ella was a great girl, many guys liked her, she was a bit obnoxious and arrogant
but not to him, that didn’t make it okay but to be honest she really liked him.
Well, back to the mission at hand, he raised the locker up and slid the note into
it, but while opening it, he saw this eye-catchy book, really girly, purple and
pink in color with little cute butterflies on the front cover and an inscription
that says “I am not here to be average, I am here to be awesome”, hmm.. he opened
it and .. It was her diary! “Oh my gosh it’s her diary!” He did a little break
dance and punched the air, sitting down to read, “I know this is bad but I have to
know what goes on in her head” he didn’t have much time, but enough to read more
than five entries, he read the first one— “Dear Shumway, I don’t know what’s going
on in my head, this minute I’m thinking about Anthony but I can’t help but be
excited at the prospect of someone else, “PrinceGoldfish”, how silly the name is
though, but his words and his consistency,.. oh! Anthony isn’t that deep and boy do
I love a deep soul, I wish I could just get to know who he is, Gift and Beatrice
thinks I’m being catfished or played a prank but somehow I don’t believe them.. bye
for now Shumway, the girl I write to everyday. Wow! Wow! Wow! Was all Ramsey could
say, so she’s thinking about me!😁😁 he was so happy, he almost leaped for joy, well
she’s not thinking about me in the real sense but PrinceGoldfish, now that she
mentioned it, it’s really a silly name and if I was her friends, I’d think she was
being catfished too, but I’m so glad she doesn’t agree with their theory. And oh
she loves my depth! Ramsey was thinking all of this at once he didn’t hear the
footsteps nor notice the angry eyes staring deadly lazers at him until he heard a
slam on the desk that made him leap up in shock! He looked up and it was like he
was seeing a ghost, there was Blue, very angry, blue eyes turning to a darker
shades of Blue, this was obviously not fake eyes then but this wasn’t a time to
think of that, “What are you doing! On my locker, with my book! Here! Give me that”
the mortified Blue blurted out, did you open my desk? What are you doing here, Blue
was bewildered. “ I am very sorry, Ramsey said, I just came here to drop something
off at Ella’s desk, then I saw this book on top of your desk he lied, I shouldn’t
have opened it, but if this makes you feel better, I just read half the first entry
before you came in and I don’t even understand it”, Ramsey lied, well with some
sprinkle of truths here and there he said to himself “what did you just say?” “He
remembered himself and held his hands to his lips, nothing, he got lost again,
looking at her, hands akimbo, firerce eyes, red cheeks, he had never seen her like
this before, but he loved every version of her, even this “Godzilla” part of her.
She checked the time, she has two mins more to sprint back to the dining, so she
just grabbed her diary and ran, his “I’m sorry drowning behind her” she was mad but
in his defense, she kept it carelessly on top of her locker and if she was the one
that stumbled on a book as catchy as hers, she was sure to open it and maybe read a
line or two? Or maybe a few pages.. — She got into the dining hall just the right
time and scanned the hall for her friends, then she sat down breathing heavily, “
girls you wouldn’t believe who I saw with my diary, that Ramsey guy” whattt????
They both chorused at once. “Why was he with it? Beatrice asked” “why was he even
in your class at the time? Gift also asked almost immediately “, well.. he said he
came to drop off something at his girlfriend’s locker when he saw the book on top
of my locker and got curious “so not only is he a player, but he’s a rude, prying
one Gift said, “awnnn he’s so cute, I wouldn’t mind him prying on my very thoughts
if it was me Beatrice chimed” they both turned and looked at her with feigned
disgust, “whattt???” I’m just saying.. she added”. “Well, in his defense, I was
careless with my book, and thank God I saw him right on time, so it’s fine” let’s
stop talking before we’re caught, I don’t want to sweep the dining abeg”, yep me
too Beatrice concurred, feeling is mutual added Gift, and they ate in silence until
the bell for dinning over was rung, they stood up, chatting and walking back to
their hostels.

Later that day, at the hostel, Blue and her friends were chatting at Gift’s corner,
Blue was really into this gist as they were talking about her favorite movie
series, “Omo I really love that series, I can’t wait to see what happens next In
Ginny and Georgia, I heard the season 3 is coming out soon—as Blue was talking the
bell for night prep rang and the girls started for their various corners to get
ready. “Ohhhhh.. I’m tired already, I wish the holidays will just start cried
Beatrice, haba! Gift and Blue said simultaneously, the holiday just ended lazy
girl, classes haven’t even began to be serious and you’re already complaining,
Atleast we’ll be able to gist well tonight since the prep supervisors won’t be so
strict for now, I don’t even think they’ll come Gift said, oya shoo, leave my bed
and go and dress up, she shooed Beatrice who was still sprawled on her bed making
crying faces, she stood up grudgingly and went to wear her clothes.
Ten minutes later they got to class and the class was rowdy— scratch that, the
class was extremely rowdy, like Gift predicted the prep supervisors were not around
hence the rowdiness, Omo see the everybody is just making noise because Mr Ade and
Mr Akpan are not around Blue commented as she opened her locker to keep her books
for the night, then the paper slipped and fell, she picked it up, curious, maybe it
was a letter from Anthony, she was really excited cos he doesn’t do stuff like
this, maybe he wants to be better and be romantic. She blushed as she read until
she read again and butterflies began to swim all over, Goldfish!! She half
screamed, her scream drew the attention of her friends and they rushed to see why
she was shouting, they read out loud
“I am in love with my blue-eyed daisy if I don’t get her I might go crazy
I’m in love with my blue- eyed lady
A day without her is cloudy and hazy”
Boy.... this niggur got lines though Beatrice chimed, “so this means he’s in our
school! Gift added, exactly my point said Blue, oh my, now I’ll be so conscious, I
know it’s not Anthony, but who is it?! “Ehn.. maybe it’s Ramsey, after-all he was
the one that came to your locker today, who else? Gift reasoned “, He’ll naw! It
can be, no, I don’t think so, he has a beautiful rich girlfriend, I’m not even as
half as fine or as rich as that girl, plus we don’t talk, he doesn’t look my way,
it cant be him. It was just a coincidence that he was there, Beatrice nodded in
support. So how do we find this mystery guy? Could it be Kunle? “Eww no”😂😂
Beatrice said, laughing. Ahn ahn now, why did you say Eww, Kunle likes you though,
it could be him Gift said laughing at Beatrice who was still feign-puking at the
mention of Kunle’s name. Well, Kunle is only in love with his books, especially
mathematics, he can’t be this sweet to a lady, not possible, okay okay, enough,
soon enough I’ll find out who wrote this, Blue finalized, so they sat down, trying
to read in the noise, Blue was just staring at the book but she wasn’t really
reading, her mind was on PrinceGoldfish, who ever he was, he was good with words,
her kind of person,.. she just wished he would show himself than hide under this
pen name, then again, she hoped this wasn’t a cruel joke, but those days were over
right? She hoped so, she felt someone looking at her, but when she looked at the
window, no one was there. Immediately he saw her head turning to the window he
ducked, Phew! That was a close one Ramsey thought, he enjoyed seeing her read his
letter and blush and fuss about it with her friends, he knew it was risky for her
to see him, heck he wanted her to know, but there was a lot at stake, he was kinda
friends with Anthony her boyfriend and Ella, they’ve been together for a while now
and their parents knew about it, his mom was more excited about the whole thing,
she couldn’t wait for grandkids, eww! They were just high schoolers for Petes-sake.
He remembered her smile while she read the poem and he couldn’t help smile at the
thought of that, he smiled all the way back to his class.

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