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Marion Rivera


The supposed reservoir are distinguished by various colors .For version since that time get
a line Masoretic text # Some important editions .== Further reading == Moritz
Steinschneider , Cat .Bodl .passim ; DE Wette-Schrader , Lehrbuch der Hist.-Crit .Einleitung ,
p. 217 , Berlin , 1869 ; T. F. Dibdin , Introduction to Greek and Latin Classics , Together with
an Account of linguist Bibles , etc. , vol .i. , passim , London , 1827 ; Buhl , Kanon und Text
des A. T. p. 82 ; B vitamin .Pick , Hist .of Printed Editions of the O. T. in Hebraica , nine .47 et
seq .; == References == This clause incorporates text from a publication now in the public
domain : Crawford Howell plaything and Richard Gottheil ( 1901–1906 ) .`` Bible edition
'' .In Singer , Isidore ; et Al .( eds . ) .The Jewish Encyclopedia .New House of York : Funk &
Wagnalls .=== Bibliography ===

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