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February 2023


What is QI-Digital?
QI-Digital stands for a digitalised quality infras- • the Federal Institute for Materials Research
tructure (QI) with digital tools, processes and data and Testing (BAM),
spaces. It will make it possible to improve quality • the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS),
management processes in companies and faci- • the German Institute for Standardisation
litate the integrated, smooth provision of quality (DIN),
information across the entire value chain – for • the German Commission for Electrical,
customers, companies, authorities and other QI Electronic & Information Technologies (DKE)
stakeholders. Digital QI solutions offer sustainable • and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesan-
potential for increased efficiency and additional stalt (PTB).
value creation.
The research and development projects of the
In digitalised QI, requirements will in future be QI-Digital initiative combine practical use cases
Metrology, standardisation, conformity assess- This was also recently confirmed by the United automatically checked as machine-understanda- with scientific groundwork. In this way, they create
ment, accreditation and market surveillance are Nations Industrial Development Organisation ble standards (SMART standards), results reports the basis for the joint development of tools and
the five pillars of quality and quality assurance for (UNIDO) in an overview of the sustainability of will be provided digitally and transferred along procedures for digital QI as concrete solutions for
which Germany enjoys a high level of recognition national quality infrastructures in 137 countries.1 value chains and product lifecycles without market & society.
worldwide thanks to its established top instituti- The German QI takes first place worldwide. Main- media disruption. Digital data formats and infras-
ons and leading research facilities. Together, these taining and expanding QI contributes to many of tructures enable the optimisation of data flow The QI system as a whole is being rethought and
five pillars form the Quality Infrastructure (QI). the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals and data access. the digitisation processes are being driven for-
(SDGs), such as combating poverty and hunger, but ward jointly and across institutions. The central
Production and trade are taking place in increa- also promoting health, industry, innovation, in- The tools and processes of QI are complex and concern is the transfer of the developed solutions
singly complex value creation networks. At the frastructure and the sustainability of consumption interlinked - their transformation to digital re- into application in order to ensure the sustainabil-
same time, digital and green transformation and production. quires a collaborative, coordinated approach by QI ity of the project results. To this end, a QI-Digital
are making exponential progress. The associated organisations and institutions. Five key players in innovation ecosystem will be established in which
technological innovations are highly dependent In light of the challenges and opportunities German QI have therefore joined forces in the QI- a sustainable QI will be created together with a
on ensuring and efficiently verifying the quality, presented by digital technologies and the digital Digital initiative, supported by the Federal Minis- network from industry, society, research and
safety and sustainability of goods, services and transformation, it is of central importance that QI try of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK), to xpolitics.
processes. A modern and efficient QI system is is also continuously further developed. This is the jointly develop these solutions for digital QI:
essential for this. only way it can meet the new requirements and
continue to fulfil its essential functions. Digital QI
enables innovation, provides trust and ensures
security - also in the digital future.

UNIDO, QI4SD – Quality Infrastructure for Sustainable Development Index
Development%20Index_REPORT_online.pdf, accessed on 6 October 2023.

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The structural foundation of digital QI („toolbox“)
The structural foundation of digital QI („toolbox“) ereign and secure digital solutions. These enable
A digital quality infrastructure requires digital reliable digital verification chains that can be used
tools and processes. To this end, the QI-Digital by all stakeholders.
initiative is jointly developing concrete, data-sov-

The digital accreditation symbol will be usable as an eAttestation

together with digital result reports such as d-CoC and DCC.
accreditation symbol

An inclusive digital ecosystem with harmonised interfaces

Federated data room
to provide trustworthy data and processes.

Figure 1: The QI digital ecosystem

The d-CoC enables the secure and
Digital Certificate of
machine-understandable transfer of conformity
Conformity (d-CoC)
The QI digital working groups deal with the digi- quantifiable quality criteria. The solutions devel-
The DCC makes the calibration certificate
talisation of central QI tools („toolbox“). Interop- oped will enable digital QI to be used globally. QI Digital
Calibration Certificate (DCC)
machine-readable, a decisive advantage for
production and quality monitoring processes.
erable digital QI elements are being developed for
selected process chains as part of an integration The tools from the „toolbox“ are being used and Virtual
test environment for the QI
A test system for trialling the interaction of digital QI

architecture and their potential demonstrated. optimised in three pilot projects to develop digi-
In addition to harmonised terminologies, stan- tal solutions: „AI in medicine“, „Reliable hydrogen SMART Standards /
digital standards
Digital norms and standards make knowledge from
standardisation digitally applicable.
dardised data formats and standardised inter- filling station“ and „Additive manufacturing“.
faces, the focus is on the further development of
Figure 2: Examples of tools from the QI Digital „toolbox“.


In a digital world, standards for machines must be linked to QI-Digital by, for example, developing
applicable, readable and transferable, i.e. SMART. SMART standards in pilot projects of the initiative
These SMART standards are the key to being able which are implemented and trialled, depending on
to apply the knowledge from the standard dig- their level of maturity.
itally. The advantages of „smart standards“ are
that they save time during implementation, create In the future, these standards can be used in a
trust between the players in the digital exchange media-interruption-free digital value chain, inter-
and enable simple identification of all require- preted independently by machines in a next step
ments for products and services. and finally carry out self-learning and self-op-
timising analyses with AI support. This will turn
The Digital Standards Initiative (IDiS), which was standards into a digital actor in their own right.
founded by DIN and DKE, provides support in the The first standards converted into SMART stan-
design and realisation of digital norms & standards dards will be published in 2024.
(SMART standards). The work carried out there is

4 5

The true potential of digital instruments can only work. This is a decisive prerequisite for the imple-
be realised if they are seamlessly integrated into mentation of a digital QI ecosystem in the Inter-
a coherent digital QI ecosystem. Harmonised and national Dataspaces (IDS) and related German
interoperable national QI systems are a prereq- and European projects. Quality-X is orientated
uisite for promoting international cooperation, towards existing lighthouse projects that are also
DIGITAL CERTIFICATES creating mutual trust and facilitating national based on the GAIA-X integration architecture and
and international trade. A data ecosystem based provides infrastructure elements and data spaces
Machine-readable data and reports are an im- A digital certificate of conformity (d-CoC M) is ini- on established digital standards (SMART stan- for secure data exchange.
portant element of digitalised systems. In recent tially being developed for conformity assessment dards) for companies, public administrations and
years, PTB has therefore worked closely with in the area of legal metrology in accordance with QI stakeholders promotes digital transformation The prototypical implementation of basic process-
industry and international partners to develop a European directives and national regulations. The and innovation in these sometimes highly regu- es along the Quality-X concept is made possible
scheme for Digital Calibration Certificates (DCC) specifications for the general part of the d-CoC, lated areas. by the integration of IDS-compliant Eclipse Data
that is suitable for worldwide use. Coordination which have been harmonised at European level, Space Components (EDC connectors) and the node
processes that are of great importance for the were recently published by the Coordination Group The „Quality-X“ project addresses concepts and infrastructure set up in the European Metrology
harmonisation and establishment of DCCs are cur- of European Notified Bodies in Legal Metrology. In solutions for the previously lacking integration of Cloud project.
rently underway within the framework of national addition to the development of a data structure, QI elements in data spaces and initiates concrete
and international committees and initiatives. tools for creating, editing and viewing the certifi-
cate information are at the centre of the develop-

To evaluate and demonstrate components of a data interoperation will be made ready for use as
digital QI, an open platform is being developed on part of the Digital Intercomparison Project.
THE DIGITAL ACCREDITATION SYMBOL which existing software elements can be linked. Building on this, a GAIA-X-capable data room
This platform will be used as a virtual testing adapter is being developed and the integration
The German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) is respon- confirmations (eAttestation = digital conformi- ground for digital process chains. of the international reference database for the SI
sible for the accreditation of conformity assess- ty confirmation + digital accreditation symbol). units of measurement is being implemented. The
ment bodies in Germany. It is the only national This infrastructure is used to establish a universal By 2024, a DCC document service for the exchange first components of the test environment have al-
institution authorised to issue an accreditation system of secure digital identities of accredited of calibration data with digital product passports ready been made publicly available as open source
symbol to accredited bodies, which is linked to bodies, which can be uniquely verified worldwide and within interlaboratory comparisons as well on GitHub.
or represents a national emblem. The DAkkS has in real time. as an initial AI utilisation concept for autonomous
developed a digital accreditation symbol for a
digitalised QI. This application has now been finalised and will
be made available to all accredited bodies upon
For this, the accreditation body must guarantee its request from Q2/2024. In close cooperation with
integrity and authenticity. This could be guaran- other QI-Digital partners, the integration of the
teed by cryptographic procedures to protect the digital accreditation symbol into Digital Cali-
accreditation symbol under the responsibility of a bration Certificates (DCC) was successfully im-
qualified trust service. plemented as part of the “Reliable Hydrogen
Fuelling Station” pilot project by BAM and PTB. An
Using a public key infrastructure (PKI), the DAkkS important step towards greater trust in the digital
enables accredited conformity assessment bodies space.
to issue digital and machine-readable conformity

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The QI-Digital initiative is developing solu- The quality assurance pilot project for additive By introducing digital QI tools and procedures, modern structural health monitoring (SHM)
tions in three specific pilot projects using the manufacturing is an example of modern machine quality assurance processes for technical systems methods and AI with the aim of flexible test-
above-mentioned tools (“toolbox”) to address the production (Industry 4.0). The Reliable Hydro- can be optimised. This increases reliability, safe- ing and calibration periods depending on the
core areas of digitalisation relating to the quality gen Filling Station pilot project is a prototype for ty, resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness in actual load and condition
infrastructure. The AI in Medicine pilot project is digitally supported quality assurance of complex operation. Using the example of a hydrogen refu-
developing quantifiable quality statements on the technical systems, which are of fundamental im- elling station, solutions for modern quality assur- In cooperation with South Korean partners, a
topic of artificial intelligence. Other topics include portance for further progress on the path to green ance are being developed, tested and demonstrat- safety management system for hydrogen safety is
the evaluation and certification of AI training transformation and decarbonisation. These three ed in BAM’s real laboratory. Innovative approaches also being tested. In addition, the project is driv-
data of real origin as well as the generation of application-orientated projects are significantly for new monitoring and testing methods, state- ing forward the digital documentation of quali-
synthetic AI training data. accelerating research, development and innova- of-the-art sensor technologies and advanced ty-relevant information using the example of a
tion work on digital QI. digital models are used. The aim is to implement digital life cycle file for pressure vessels that cov-
modern QI tools - including machine-readable ers the entire life cycle. In addition to the techni-
standards, digital calibration certificates, test cal aspects, the pilot project is also addressing the
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE reports and certificates as well as a digital data need to adapt standardisation and regulation.
infrastructure (Quality-X) - in a practical way and
The use of AI in medicine promotes, among oth- Explainability, robustness and uncertainty. This is test them under real conditions. Further work concerns the prototypes of the Dig-
er things, more efficient diagnostics and therapy of particular importance in the healthcare sector ital Certificate of Conformity (d-CoC) for certain
planning tailored to individual patient needs as with its special requirements. Another focus is on The work focusses on three levels: components. Hydrogen refuelling stations are a
part of personalised medicine. Due to the special quantifying the quality of AI test and training data particularly suitable pilot application for this, as
protection needs of patients, such AI systems re- using new methods and tools. • The digital mapping of the overall system they fall under several legal regulations. Interfaces
quire careful monitoring by the quality infrastruc- using a prototype process control and sensor to Quality-X will make the digital QI information
ture over the entire life cycle of the system. In addition, procedures for generating synthetic system from the pilot project accessible at various user
reference data are being created and reference • Modern sensors and sensor networks for levels.
At the centre of the Artificial Intelligence in Med- data sets for use cases in intensive care medicine digital QI
icine pilot project is work on the basic principles and dosimetry are being developed. These research • Solutions for the continuous monitoring of the
for the objective evaluation of artificial intelli- results are transferred to metrological services. component integrity of pressure vessels using
gence (AI) based on three quantifiable criteria:



Additive manufacturing is representative of mod- To test and further develop new, digital quality
ern production processes in Industry 4.0, for which assurance procedures and the prototypical imple-
solutions for modern, digital QI need to be devel- mentation of SMART standards, digital test reports
oped. The “Additive Manufacturing” pilot project and other elements of digital QI, BAM has set up
forms the framework for developing methods for a real laboratory that corresponds to industrial
the reliable, digitally supported quality assurance conditions. In this real laboratory, users can work
of additively manufactured components using ex- together with BAM scientists on components, pro-
emplary production process chains. The focus is on cess conditions and new quality assurance proce-
the digital mapping of the physical material flow in dures.
the production process as the basis for the use of
digital QI tools.

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The real laboratory is audited according to AM implementation of comparative measurements STANDARDISATION ACTIVITIES
quality assurance standards (e.g. ISO/ASTM 52920), of sample components using various methods
whereby promising digitalisation potentials in such as computed tomography (CT) in order to Standards and standardisation are an important dard, which will be submitted at ISO level following
quality assurance and certification are specifical- determine criteria for quality control, as well as technology transfer channel. The members of the further discussion.
ly identified and implemented. As part of quality the optimisation of sample components and test QI-Digital initiative are therefore actively involved
assurance, PTB is involved in the development and specimens. in relevant standardisation activities. This also DIN and DKE founded a joint DPP committee in
includes involvement in the creation of German summer 2023, in which the QI-Digital initiative is
standardisation roadmaps, e.g. for AI (completed) also represented. It is thus actively involved at the
ACCOMPANYING ACTIVITIES AND TRANSFER and hydrogen (ongoing), as well as their imple- interface between the manufacturer’s application
mentation in national and international com- and the necessary mapping of evidence for placing
The central concern of the initiative is the transfer This requires the involvement of broad interest mittees. The expert group on data-based quality on the market, in particular with regard to confor-
of the developed solutions into application and groups in the activities and solution development assurance in additive manufacturing played a mity certificates from third parties.
thus the sustainability of the project results. as well as a continuous stakeholder dialogue on leading role in the development of a draft stan-
requirements, applications and ideas.

Knowing the requirements and practices of users spective of testing and calibration laboratories, we
The core of the new Ecodesign for Sustainable The digital solutions developed as part of the and stakeholders from industry and administra- are establishing “practical workshops for labora-
Products Regulation (ESPR) proposed by the EU QI-Digital initiative will help to enable simple in- tion is the basis for developing market-orientat- tories”. Co-creative workshops enable targeted
Commission in March 2022 is the introduction of tegrations and establish seamless digital verifica- ed solutions. The QI-Digital initiative therefore exchange and dialogue in order to further develop
the Digital Product Passport (DPP), which contains tion chains. The initiative maintains close contact relies on a strong and active network of interested the work and offerings of the QI-Digital initiative
essential information about the product across its with central DPP projects, for example at national stakeholders. The annual QI-Digital Forum is in a practical way.
life cycle and thus makes an important contribu- level with the Battery Pass project. The initiative the central platform that enables stakeholders
tion to the circular economy. The first concrete is also involved in the European CIRPASS project, from the field of QI and the interfaces to politics, The global acceptance of the solutions developed
use case is the battery passport. The efficient de- which brings together leading organisations to business and society to inform themselves about as part of QI-Digital is important for their success.
sign and implementation of digital product pass- develop the European vision of a Digital Prod- the state of digitalisation, exchange ideas and For international networking, QI-Digital is there-
ports is significantly promoted by digital QI tools. uct Passport (DPP) across multiple value chains. network. We are also involved in exchanges with fore in close dialogue with the BMWK and BMZ
CIRPASS is intended to prepare the ground for the specialist organisations and associations. Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) ini-
gradual testing and introduction of DPPs, with tiative, for example. A working group of the advi-
an initial focus on the electronics, batteries and Conformity assessment is a key pillar of our QI. In sory board also deals specifically with the topic of
textiles sectors. order to gain an even better understanding of the internationalisation and develops corresponding
expectations, needs and experiences with regard priorities and strategies.
to digital QI tools and procedures from the per-

QI-Digital is organising the projects in such a way realising automated production processes on the
that the interfaces between industry and QI are basis of “digital twins”, i.e. the data representation
developed in parallel and interoperably. For exam- of physical and virtual “things” or processes. The
ple, solutions for the Industrial Internet of Things tools developed as part of QI-Digital are designed
(IIoT) are currently being developed as part of the in such a way that they can be integrated into the
Industry 4.0 platform. With the asset admin- existing AAS architecture in order to actively sim-
istration shell (AAS), the industry is increasingly plify processes and save costs for the economy.

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The joint work in the QI-Digital initiative is man- ed activities provided by the initiative’s advisory
aged by cross-institutional bodies: A steering board with members from business, research, pol-
committee consisting of the heads of the partic- itics, society and authorities supports these objec-
ipating institutions, a coordination team as the tives. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Cli-
operational body of the initiative, and an office for mate Action (BMWK) and the Federal Ministry of
administrative and organisational support. Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) are represented
ACCOMPANYING RESEARCH on the advisory board as permanent guests. The
These structures ensure the connection with advisory board focuses in particular on the topics
The QI-Digital initiative sees itself not only as a developer of technical solutions for a digital quality politics, business, science and society as well as of strategy and internationalisation, use cases and
infrastructure. Rather, essential framework conditions must also be created for a successful transfor- the networking with other important projects, tools, as well as the regulatory framework.
mation. In addition, the initiative is an ambassador for a better perception of QI and its services as well platforms and standardisation activities. The
as their design. To this end, various studies are being conducted as accompanying research as part of technical and strategic advice on market integra-
QI-Digital. tion, global orientation and application-orientat-

• Suitability of the legal framework for digi- • QI 2035 trend study: Development of future
talised QI: hurdles and solutions (including use scenarios for QI against the backdrop of digi-
of real-world laboratories for regulation and talisation and other influencing factors
innovation) • Status of digitalisation in conformity as-
• Economic importance of QI: Quantitative sessment: Empirical study in Germany and 15
assessment of the contribution of QI to the other countries
German economy and society

Important foundations have been laid. However, the successful further development of the digital qual-
ity infrastructure is inconceivable without the participation and commitment of politics, business and
society, i.e. all relevant QI stakeholders.

Be part of it!

Share your questions, requirements and ideas with us. Try our solutions and let’s further develop the
digital QI together.

Contact: info(at)

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QI-Digital office
c/o Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Bundesallee 100
D–38116 Braunschweig
Federal Republic of Germany
The QI-Digital initiative is supported by
BAM, DakkS, DIN, DKE and PTB.

Supported by:

Status: 02 / 2024

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